The results of the competition(s) at The Party 93,

             organized by The Silents, Lemon., and Spaceballs,

                     held from 27th-29th December '93

                            in Herning/Denmark.

The Party 1993 Amiga Demo

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1    2340    Origin 1 [867K]
                Origin 2 [822K]               Complex
   2    1860    Full Moon [867K]              Virtual Dreams/Fairlight
   3    1592    Arte                          Sanity
   4    1512    9 Fingers 1 [819K]
                9 Fingers 2 [825K]            Spaceballs
   5     488    Harmadegon [688K]             Infect/Linus Larsson
   6     380    Emptyhead [553K]              Rednex
   7     332    Fatal Morgana [830K]          Tragedy
   8     212    5 to 12 [633K]                Marauder/Syndicate
   9     188    Letmælk [193K]                The Tracker (DK)
  10     152    Fradication [279K]            Metal/Insane
  11     144    End of the Misery 1 [379K]
                End of the Misery 2 [376K]    Sagazity
  12     120    -                             Mad/Insane
  13     116    Bizing [480K]                 Ivory
  14     104    Raging Fire [474K]            Dreamdealers
  15     100    Hospital Since Friday [317K]  Sanity
  16      76    Virtual Journey [261K]        Defiance
  17      72    Futuristic Mind [352K]        Impact (DK)
  18      48    X-Mass Wisles [578K]          Silicon ltd.
  19      48    F.U.B.A.R.                    Pacman Productions
  20      28    Jul Det' Cool                 jaggerboy
  21      24    X-Mass Demo [706K]            Damage & DTS
  22      20    Mind Expanding [279K]         Melon Dezign
  23      16    Graisse Antique [820K]        Nolem
  24      12    So What                       Syndrome
  25      12    Eyemind [182K]                Focus Design
  26       8    Space Cake [844K]             Narmala Pocket
  27       0    Hard Vajero [290K]            Tomten/Lamon
  28       0    first_demo                    Skywalker/Modec

The Party 1993 Amiga Dealer Demo

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1    2384    A1200 Dealer Demo             Dreamline Designs
   2    1156    AGA Dealer                    LP Prod

The Party 1993 Amiga Graphics

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1     624     Dragon Sun [63K]             Cougar/Sanity
   2     620     Estelle.pic [51K]            Suny/Movement
   3     536     Not A Copy [123K]            Devilstar/Silents
   4     532     ARGLM [39K]                  RA/Sanity
   5     392     Claudia [33K]                D-Sign/Essence
   6     388     Sex [34K]                    Cat Iessence
   7     328     Winter Queen [90K]           Danny/Lemon
   8     328     The Red Dragon [94K]         Decker/Andromeda
   9     324     Winter Courier [84K]         Fairfax/Andromeda
  10     308     Who is Facet ? [15K]         Mack/Melon Design
  11     272     Ischarah,Iff [111K]          T'Vaan/Movement
  12     260     Reward! Who is Facet ?[147K] Reward/Complex
  13     232     Wolfdrag [90K]               SD Design
  14     220     Pikpatnos [50K]              Jade/Lemon
  15     220     Lego! [64K]                  Rodney/Lego
  16     216     Droidrage [60K]              Electric/Extend
  17     196     Twin Girls [96K]             D-design/Virtual
  18     152     Picture [85K]                Ben Haze/Motion
  19     152     Legion [58K]                 Photos/Eremation
  20     124     Celis [50K]                  Archmage/Andromeda
  21     120     Enchanted [63K]              Shocker/Compact
  22     116     StormBringer.Iff [75K]       Jugi/Complex
  23     116     Naked! [22K]                 Eloy/Complex
  24     108     Land Of Confusion [157K]     Peachy/Masque
  25      96     Deamon 64 [53K]              Trajan/DRD
  26      92     Sadness [53K]                Harry of Ivory
  27      88     RavenLoft [80K]              Warlock
  28      80     Taurus [36K]                 Fiver/Trsi
  29      80     Mount [188K]                 Parasite
  30      68     Saurios Magnum [38K]         Connor
  31      64     Hanna [64K]                  Louie/Insane
  32      64     Dining [238K]                Lucas
  33      60     Funky Divas.AGA [93K]        Facet/Lemon
  34      52     Fringe Of The Forest [29K]   Electron/Citron.
  35      48     Yattering(Iff) [33K]         Jaco/Virtual dreams
  36      48     Primal [38K]                 Duce/Extend
  37      44     Egyptian Magic [29K]         Xray/Accesion
  38      40     Squid [9K]                   JFT/Exceed
  39      40     Fuck [18K]                   Ca$h/Mentasm
  40      40     Closed eyes.iff [24K]        Solid/Cryptoburners
  41      40     Ambush [30K]                 Artcore/Essence
  42      32     Navy AGA!.Iff [23K]          Navy/TRSI, Exe.
  43      32     Foreign side [55K]           Bridgeclaw/Iris
  44      28     Mitra [29K]                  Kyle/Mentasm
  45      16     Nicole.AGA [84K]             Wirdstyle/Progress
  46      08     Delorean [10K]               Dgl/Disaster
  47      04     Desiregraff.Iff [11K]        Bip - Desire
  48      00     The Oppression Of Religion [41K] Flow/Impactor DK
  49      00     Mirror [20K]                 Disaster
  50      00     Dwarf [24K]                  Zalo/Nemol
   -       -     SkeletonUseThis [13K]        -
   -       -     Sea_of_Bood.pic [38K]        -
   -       -     MiLK-RooLZ-ByCoRaCToR [30K]  -
   -       -     Dragonfire.IFF [172K]        -
   -       -     AcidShave [6K]               -
   -       -     BABY-dragon.IFF [8K]         -
   -       -     Dracula.iff [194K]           -
   -       -     AgonyTonight.IFF [185K]      -
   -       -     TheFinalDameDragon [87K]     -
   -       -     Aladdin.IFF [78K]            -
   -       -     EROS-URGH! [14K]             -
   -       -     axel [19K]                   -
   -       -     legalize [7K]                -
   -       -     MyHead! [26K]                -
   -       -     Sex_c.a.t_essence [34K]      -
   -       -     OutlawzGraff.iff [20K]       -
   -       -     D!-mural.iff [11K]           -
   -       -     Paula's_Mutation [18K]       -
   -       -     THE Finale [34K]             -
   -       -     LYDIE-SCHMOOVY\MELON.IFF [80K] -
   -       -     Ford Victoria [23K]          -
   -       -     Silicon [132K]               -
   -       -     skoeldpaddan??? [3K]         -
   -       -     ToraToraTora [59K]           -
   -       -     Buckly of Infect [25K]       -
   -       -     GRANDMA' [32K]               -
   -       -     EARTH_1992 [22K]             -
   -       -     SoldierOne.IFF [26K]         -
   -       -     LizardMan(Serpent-DI) [40K]  -
   -       -     SHINY [21K]                  -
   -       -     Graph_qu'on_pete... [14K]    -
   -       -     RainbowsRealm [84K]          -
   -       -     KGB-Alien [18K]              -
   -       -     toys in babeland [19K]       -
   -       -     The StarWars Picture [37K]   -
   -       -     Zimba_Roula [12K]            -
   -       -     FREEX-U [25K]                -
   -       -     LASP-m12 [34K]               -
   -       -     Compo.Elliott.Reality [70K]  -
   -       -     MuraenosauruS (AgA) [75K]    -
   -       -     X-Men [66K]                  -
   -       -     Rockery [46K]                -

The Party 1993 Amiga Music

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1    1284    Elektrik Funk [224K]          Moby, Sanity
   2     632    Hideaway Blues [347K]         Chorus & Sid, Razor 1911
   3     392    Blow-up [244K]                Arios & Feyd, Delight
   4     384    Kenmare River [99K]           DOH, Cryptoburners
   5     352    Sequestral [184K]             Mr.Man, Andromeda
   6     328    Defined as mess [310K]        Jason, Lemon.
   7     316    Morning in sarajevo [300K]    Unison, Inpact
   8     312    Jammin' in the wind [352K]    Braintumour and Heywood, Stone Arts
   9     280    No Corners [125K]             The Master, Silents DK
  10     272    World of spirits [197K]       Sowel & Prime, Razor 1911
  11     264    Fuck the norm [292K]          Chromag, DCS
  12     260    A shade in wating [476K]      Fash, Indy
  13     256    Glew of the night [296K]      Sire, Lego
  14     232    Transonic Theme [202K]        B-Toven, Transonic
  15     212    Nypon Soppa [454K]            Daeron and Artie, DCS
  16     196    Sylvis's Theme [128K]         Mel o'dee, DCS
  17     172    God Watchers [281K]           X-Cess, Indy
  18     172    Defloration [408K]            Emax, TRSI
  19     140    Piggie's Hut [836K]           Romeo Knight, MSQ
  20     112    Hot Bits 2 [99K]              Slide, Parasite
  21     088    Doeati [158K]                 Alex, Brainstorm Prods.
  22     084    Dont need your love [318K]    Conrad, Indy
  23     064    Rubber Computer [223K]        Hille, Insanity
  24     060    Banana split [304K]           Pizzy, CNCD
  25     052    Animationizationize [145K]    Navt, Magnetic
  26     028    Nappyzap [136K]               lava, scubacid
  27     028    Groove-Snus [211K]            Omen, Indy
  28     024    One single step into darkness [342K] Randall, Majic 12
  29     020    Heatbeat [361K]               Heatbeat, CNCD
  30     016    Safe Sex [161K]               Winger, Fever Design
   -       -    A_Piece_of_spacefunk [142K]   Henning Brau/Associate of Arts
   -       -    Kingdom_of_dwarfs [160K]      Herman/Masquerade
   -       -    Pingi_the_penguin [243K]      Rokdazone/Infect
   -       -    Valentines_day_gift [219K]    Goofy/Masquerade
   -       -    Last_Hope [102K]              -
   -       -    2much4ufrex [285K]            Nagash
   -       -    i drink whisky [474K]         Petroff/Absolute
   -       -    A call today [231K]           Clawz/Complex
   -       -    A sh|n|ng ra|nbow! [133K]     James/Decnite
   -       -    Ambient zing [327K]           Liquid/Paarsite
   -       -    An acetip dream [311K]        Mindfuck/Mentasm
   -       -    Arcane [95K]                  -
   -       -    Beauty and the horn [190K]    Epos/Taurus
   -       -    Bicyklopedia [451K]           Carillon & Cyberiad
   -       -    Binary orgasm [254K]          Electroholic/Access
   -       -    Blind_justice [284K]          Eremation
   -       -    Blue3 [143K]                  -
   -       -    Bounzie boom [370K]           Beathawk/Wizzcat
   -       -    Brain_for_sale [356K]         -
   -       -    Cabalistic [191K]             Memorys/Ivory
   -       -    City of light [193K]          Gandbox/Ivory
   -       -    Cry_out_for_love [207K]       -
   -       -    Cyber rain [202K]             -
   -       -    Dance-booster.imp. [268K]     Vincent Voois/Digital Arts
   -       -    Data_pheed_2 [68K]            -
   -       -    Defloration [408K]            Emax/TRSI
   -       -    Drakfelch [164K]              Amadeus/Meka Design
   -       -    Echoing [46K]                 World of Wonders
   -       -    Electrocution [374K]          Cain/Artifizial
   -       -    Equal justice [485K]          Blue Fox/Balance
   -       -    Existence! [420K]             Spacebrain/Kingdom
   -       -    Experimental [209K]           Cueder/Ozone
   -       -    Faked reality [240K]          Andy/Nuance
   -       -    Fanki [172K]                  Betsay/Insane
   -       -    Fanta [173K]                  Major Tom/CNCD
   -       -    Figo_americano [234K]         -
   -       -    Ghetto_Rap [803K]             Tommy/Complex
   -       -    Gratitude [305K]              Dime/Decnite
   -       -    Groove yard [297K]            Elf/Hardcore Design
   -       -    Happy bees [162K]             Sun/Dreamdealers
   -       -    Highway to hell [397K]        W.O.T.W/Essence
   -       -    Holidays'93 [293K]            Snoopy/Energy
   -       -    I l l u s i o n s [179K]      Mindrax/Flashpoint
   -       -    In orbit [344K]               C-Quence/Impact
   -       -    Inhumanization [291K]         -
   -       -    Innocence [397K]              Strobo/Stellar
   -       -    Is_it_me_or_reality [234K]    -
   -       -    Just_a_bargain [134K]         Beathawk
   -       -    Keep_it_up(release) [83K]     The Spirit/Headroom
   -       -    Latexx3 [221K]                -
   -       -    Lethargic [166K]              Ache & Nrg/Pointless
   -       -    Lookin_for_weekend [235K]     Randall
   -       -    Maidenhair [177K]             Hellrazor/TRSI
   -       -    Me and the Madman [328K]      Solo/Hangover
   -       -    Minusmod [257K]               Cytron/Ko Prod.
   -       -    Modern classics [347K]        Gin/Dual Crew-Shining
   -       -    Morning air_ [129K]           $vokraq/Gollum
   -       -    Motraction [175K]             Ascender/Logic
   -       -    Move_your_body [318K]         -
   -       -    My dick in her mouth [314K]   Alc'o Hole/Smash
   -       -    Mylife hc-rewound!! [236K]    Animal/Defect
   -       -    Mysterave [298K]              Laz/Deflect
   -       -    Nemesis [148K]                Radix/Meka Design
   -       -    Neurocycle [469K]             Teque/Aggression
   -       -    New-year-1994-hc [221K]       Rash/Partek
   -       -    Next way to future [131K]     Raistlin/Cpm
   -       -    Nim [221K]                    Psimon/Compact
   -       -    Not_Ever_Since... [114K]      Deckard/Avoid
   -       -    Nowhere_whenever [196K]       Meatloaf/CNCD
   -       -    Oro incenso [339K]            Jogeir Liljedahl
   -       -    Out of control [235K]         Slaze/Defiance
   -       -    Overflow [188K]               Chronic
   -       -    Pianopub1.1 [159K]            -
   -       -    Piano_symfoni [130K]          Jesper Wilhelmsson
   -       -    Pink wave [243K]              Voy$e/Delight
   -       -    Playing rough2!-lzd [202K]    Lizard/Lemon
   -       -    Pok [386K]                    Uncle Sam/CNCD
   -       -    Polygonewindow-ext [411K]     Motion/Balance
   -       -    Popin' up [302K]              Gorfy/Hardcore Design
   -       -    Pragmatique [286K]            Radar/Contrast
   -       -    Pro forma [215K]              Deelite/Razor
   -       -    Rubbergoat [111K]             -
   -       -    Scream from space 2 [158K]    Xtd/Mystic & Union
   -       -    Shores of valinor [276K]      Interphace/Andromeda
   -       -    Snerotten_knud [173K]         -
   -       -    Source of ins. [267K]         Jake/Redland Prod.
   -       -    Sport [402K]                  Fraction/CNCD
   -       -    Steviiiieeee.hith [188K]      -
   -       -    Stupid theme [46K]            Smullquedeur
   -       -    S_theme [211K]                Laurent Guyon
   -       -    Taffel_chips [232K]           D-Zire/TSL & TDS
   -       -    Technicalboot [312K]          Siracon & Mellon/Defiance
   -       -    Technojazz [745K]             The Pornos/Noiseless
   -       -    Technopop [98K]               Zing/Pacific
   -       -    The flashback [189K]          Wishbone/Intense
   -       -    The quickening [221K]         Budweiser/Hardcore Design
   -       -    Those where days... [191K]    Vincent Voois/Digital Art
   -       -    Touch this [110K]             Drac
   -       -    Trance-universe [154K]        Nightmare/Elicma
   -       -    Trinity paradox.ep [335K]     Epithal/Limited Edition
   -       -    Tu2.!and.remember! [474K]     Cosmic/Logic
   -       -    Tullacroke [493K]             Probe
   -       -    Underground [190K]            Mellow-D
   -       -    Unity_in_dub [292K]           Randall
   -       -    Virtual_reality [389K]        Virus/Skidrow
   -       -    Vodka dreams [129K]           Flower Child
   -       -    Weak, but unique [207K]       Mystra/Stone Arts
   -       -    West history [339K]           -
   -       -    Western-party-edition [90K]   Horst/Interpol
   -       -    Will of the wind [627K]       Olav-Rasmus Vorren
   -       -    World of fantasy [260K]       Lizardking/Razor 1911
   -       -    Yellobeard(party) [122K]      Eksec/Infect
   -       -    Exuding_sararr_vgr [314K]     Venger & Marvin/Dragnet

The Party 1993 Amiga Intro

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1    2832    Chaosland [38K]               Virtual Dreams
   2     712    D [40K]                       Essence
   3     692    Toyzareus [40K]               Dreamdealers
   4     652    The Real 40KB [35K]           Lego
   5     372    Poison [40K]                  Inv
   6     284    Shadeways to heaven [38K]     Alchemy
   7     268    Whiplash [39K]                Compact
   8     264    Cutting Edge [40K]            Balance
   9     248    Calimero [34K]                Paradox
  10     188    40KB Kraftro [31K]            Tiic/Retire
  11     180    Dotro [38K]                   Lemon
  12     136    H.A.S.H. [36K]                Wreko/Balance
  13     128    Frowzy Frog [37K]             Sardonyx
  14     108    Trashcan Compatible [39K]     Eremation
  15      88    Drunken Coder Intro [41K]     Sixaeon
  16      80    Hallucination [25K]           Stellar
  17      68    Contactro [39K]               Tori/Retire
  18      48    At The Party III [39K]        Aquarium/Sygma
  19      28    CompoIntro 1 [30K]
                CompoIntro 2 [30K]            Serenity
  20      28    Aragorn [39K]                 Avalon

The Party 1993 Amiga Fast Intr

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1    1160    True stress II                DCS
   2     772    (???)                         TRSI + Complex
   3     584    The happy ones                Racoon
   4     384    Fascism Sucks                 DCS + Animators

The Party 1993 Fast Clip

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1     296    Compo.Tukan                   Tukan
   2     268    Bullshit                      Kofein
   3     112    TBM-LimitedEdition            Smile!
   4      88    BB5                           Hawk
   5      76    Pixie -stav                   Pixie

The Party 1993 Fast Mix

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1     344    Fastmix                       Cain/Artifizial
   2     340    Arcadian                      DJ 4753/S.P.P & Sonic/Platin
   3     124    Echoing Remix                 GinDCS

The Party 1993 PC Demo

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1    2492    UNTITLED                      Dust
   2    2464    The good, the bad, the ugly   S!P
   3    1584    Infiny                        Cardiac
   4     648    Legend                        Impact
   5     624    2nd Phobia                    Noise Productions
   6     520    Purity                        Distortion
   7     324    Assembler Instinct            Gollum
   8     316    No Rippings                   Zwillight Zone
   9     216    Lost in space                 Hemorroids
  10     176    Trance                        CCS
  11      76    X Mas 93                      Yodel
  12      72    Shortcut to Istanbul          TNT
  13      72    The Portal                    Flash Productions
  14      64    Megademo 2                    Bizzar
  15      60    Bogas Party Video             Bogas
  16      44    Reversed Evolution            Virtual Visions
  17      28    Pizza                         Post Mortem
  18      28    Nothing Compares 2 B-Ware     B-Ware
  19      28    Logical Thoughts              TDS Inc.
  20      28    Tsocka Bryan                  Fraggabaharje
  21       8    A year of agony               Hypnosis
  22       4    Fiction                       Force II
  23       0    The Newcomer                  Pyten

The Party 1993 PC Intro

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1    1280    CyboMan                       Gazebo
   2    1008    8192                          Svilit Two
   3     644    Blackzone                     Masque
   4     332    TimeOut                       Epical
   5     152    Copperfaked                   Aardvark
   6     144    X Mas 93                      Dante
   7     136    Typhoid                       Sympton
   8     124    X Mas 93                      Ilusion
   9     124    Instant                       Xtacy
  10      72    Eradicator                    Groundzero
  11      56    Wiered                        Spacestation
  12      36    Dentro                        Phoenix
  13       0    Squash                        Mental Design

The Party 1993 PC Graphics

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1     396    Alex                          Alex/Movement
   2     368    Max-Comp                      Zebig/Razor 1911
   3     360    Windows                       Gore/Future Crew
   4     344    Alita                         Sigfrid/Impact Studios
   5     340    Skyr_pxl                      Pixel/Future Crew
   6     140    Air                           Marvel/Future Crew
   7     132    Sul_comp                      Barti!/Infiny
   8     120    Inteli                        Jeskola! Production
   9     112    Yell!                         Lithium
  10      96    Sti_ephr                      Sti/Euphoria
  11      84    Watery                        Arachnatron/Enertia
  12      76    Mulkero                       Phantom/epical
  13      72    Horror                        Lord/Virtual Visions
  14      64    Arnial                        Joachim/Triton
  15      60    Aghev02                       Havoe/Absolute!
  16      32    Vis16                         Zeb/Infiny
  17       0    Womanru1                      Trau/Gazebo
  18       0    Sonic_ca                      Consel/Ravel
  19       0    Apple                         Neuronik/Adn

The Party 1993 PC Music

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1     728    Cloudscape                    Zodiak
   2     672    Hard Folk                     Trap Bonzai
   3     656    Magic Mights                  Lizardking
   4     444    Blubpattern                   -
   5     432    Approaching Antares           Svolkraq
   6     300    Remote Controle               Prism
   7     296    Skyrider                      Purple Motion
   8     268    Snowland                      Azure
   9     208    Wait a Minute                 Cybelius
  10     160    Classical Feelings            Silent Mode
  11     104    Goone                         -
  12      80    Glacial                       Sulphur
  13      76    Without Buttocks              Blizard
  14      56    Motivation                    Mytical
  15      44    Legalize it                   Dev

The Party 1993 C64 Demo

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1    1640    Tower Power                   Camelot
   2    1328    Spasmolytic                   Censor Design
   3    1044    Visual Delight                Focus
   4     704    Legoland 3                    Failight
   5     400    Comalight 11                  Oxyron
   6     224    Arla                          Dual Crew
   7     168    Point Zero                    Silicon
   8      96    Beyond Imagination 2          Antic
   9      96    Tales of Mystery              Spirit
  10      48    Wow story III                 W.O.W.

The Party 1993 C64 Music

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1    1000    Tune                          Red Devil, Fairlight
   2     488    Without                       Blues, (Light)
   3     384    The Party 93                  Zyron, Antic
   4     320    Compotune                     Odysseus, Eastgang
   5     308    -                             Amadeus, Meka Design
   6     176    Maxitime                      Doh, Cryptoburners
   7     160    Analogic Dream                Erik af Ekhage, Indy
   8     152    Yum yum                       Liket, Noice
   9     148    Compotune                     Echo, Comic Pirates
  10     140    -                             Magnar Harestad/Lizard, Moz(ic)art/Lemon
  11     124    Full Flavor                   Emax, TRSI
  12     100    Land of Confusion             Yoko, Fiction
  13      92    Rectum                        Shark, Regina
  14      80    Jarre Freak                   Tango, Triad
  15      56    Into Oblivion                 Trident & Dane, Triad
  16      56    Ragga                         Danko, Censor Design
  17      20    Close to Music                The Syndrom, TIA/Crest
  18      16    Morbid'n'RRR                  Morbid & RRR,Shazam & WOM
  19      12    Raw Like Sushi                B.I.O., Creatures
  20      12    Heidi                         Thor, Extend
  21       0    Muti Rock                     P.R.I., Oxyron
  22       0    Fuck PC!                      Herr Tie, MTV
  23       0    Let's Party                   The Alien, Black Code Design

The Party 1993 C64 Graphics

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1     740    -                             Oxidy, Fairlight
   2     604    -                             Dane, Triad
   3     364    -                             Deekay, Crest
   4     288    -                             Mad, Padua
   5     224    -                             Splash, Creeper
   6     220    -                             Stasi, Noice
   7     204    -                             Joe, Antic
   8     204    -                             Iran, Smash Des.
   9     196    -                             Scat, Red Sector
  10     188    -                             Floris, Chromance
  11     160    -                             Felidae, Reflex
  12     140    -                             Mirage, Focus
  13      76    -                             Electric, Extend
  14      72    -                             Syndrom, Crest
  15      64    -                             CTHULHU, Mystic
  16      56    -                             Winpic
  17      52    -                             Shadowolf, Paralyze
  18      52    -                             Hein Holt, Focus
  19      48    -                             Hi-Lite, Success
  20      40    -                             Sander, Focus
  21      40    -                             Rob, Camelot
  22      32    -                             SDI, Alpha Fit.
  23      24    -                             P.S., Eastgang
  24      24    -                             Drunken Man
  25      20    -                             Sun Dancer, Regina
  26      20    -                             Avalanche, Atlant
  27      12    -                             AEG, Smash
  28      12    -                             Fly Sorceror, AWA
  29      12    -                             Pollux, Equinoxe
  30      12    -                             The Leader, BSAB
  31       8    -                             Mike
  32       4    -                             Alcohol, Bronx
  33       4    -                             Panic, Equake-CS
  34       0    -                             Yoga, WOW

The Party 1993 Banner

  Rank  Score   Title                         Coder/Group

   1     284    -                             Digital Arts
   2     280    -                             Infect
   3     248    -                             Paradox
   4     184    -                             Vixen
   5     148    -                             Access
   6     116    -                             Nexus
   7     108    -                             Damones
   8      40    -                             Dreamline Design
   9      28    -                             Meka Design
  10       0    -                             Classic