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                                           ### BLOOD_TXT V2.0 © XRAY/MSQ ###

                      | · DuAL CReW ShiNiNg GeRMaN Hq · |
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                      |       uR mASTERs: eXe&pH!       |
                      |      DooM · dOUBLe dENSiTy      |
                      |     nAViGATOr · rAMSEs^pASO     |
                      | iNViTe oNLy ÷ aMiGa/cONSOLe 0h! |
							Date 08-28-93

                        THE PARTY III - YEAR 1893 ..

 This textfile was written after I read the text-invitation to The Party III,
held by Silents, Lemon, and Spaceballs at the 27-29 Dec.  1993.

 The  only  thing I really think SUXX is the prizes, $3000 for the old boring
A500  demoes,  and  only  $500 for the AGA demo competition ???  Hey wake up,
we're  living  in 1993 and NOT in 1893.  I don't think the organisers of this
party  knows how many freaks at the Amigascene has got an A1200 or A4000, but
who wants to release anything with that low prizes at the competitions ??
 I  really  thought  that  The  Party III should be the party which broke the
limits  and  took the step into the FUTURE, by giving high prizes for the AGA
demoes,  but I got REALLY dissapointed when I read the invitation..  I really
know  a  lot of groups which had plans for releasing their first BIG AGA demo
at  this party, and so did we (Balance), but I HIGHLY doubt that any of these
demoes will be releaed, ofcause they will be released but NOT at this party..
 There has been some rumours going on since quite a time ago, that there woul
be good prizes at The Party III for AGA demoes, and people really believed in
these rumours, since the 'The Party' serie has been the greatest parties ever
held, and why should the third in the serie not be just as great!!
 I  must say that you (the organisers) really let quite a lot of people down,
by  these  lousy prizes..  My oppinion would be to take $1000 from the normal
demo  competition  and  use  for  the AGA competition, so that there would be
$2000 for the normal demoes, and $1500 for the AGA competition..
 Otherwise  I'm afraid that there only will be released very small and boring
demoes in the AGA competition ..

 Another  BAD thing is the GFX competition, NO AGA pictures, WHAT ???  Do you
know  how  many graphicians who has bought an A1200 or A4000 because of their
new  limits  with the AGA chipset ??  If I was a graphician I would be really
down  by  not  be  able to compete with my AGA pictures, and since the coders
don't wants to release their demos either, they will not be able to get their
graphics used for anything at this party ..

 I'd  really  like  to  get  some response from this text, to hear what other
people thinks of this ...

 This text was written by Wreko / Balance ..

 Write  a  message  to  me at one of these boards, or write directly to me at
this address ..

                               Wreko / Balance
                          Amagerbrogade 263a ST.TV
                              2300 Copenhagen S

                            Phone:	+45 31-519525

              .                                  .               
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                ·°· DuAL CReW ShiNiNg GeRMaN HeADqUaRTeRS ·°·
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        iNViTe oNLy  . ||   /  \|  |/    \\_____ \/   / \____  \
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          0 hOUr!                \/        |__|[Mb^eXe]\/

        · eXe&pH! · DooM · dOUBLe dENSiTy · nAViGATOr · rAMSEs^pASO ·

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                                           ### BLOOD_TXT V2.0 © XRAY/MSQ ###