.                   .                             .
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      /                    /                                             H7/dS!
 ----. ---------------------   ----. .-----..  ----. -.  -----------------------
    .   ASSEMBLY WINTER      .-----' |     | .-----'  |
          ONLINE 2021        |     . |     | |     .  |
 --------------------------  `-----' `-----' `-----'  ^  -----------------------
Assembly Winter 2021                                            Mar 8 - 28, 2021

------------------------------[ Streaming Music ]-------------------------------

  1.   118 pts   Digital Future by Jarsk1e                                      
  2.   115 pts   Sons of Mars by Aikapallo                                      
  3.   114 pts   Nuances by Roz / Fit ^ Byterapers                              
  4.   113 pts   wOOt by Spacey                                                 
  5.   110 pts   LASERTREE by ihanalammas                                       
  6.   105 pts   My Wooden Lover by jeenio                                      
  7.    99 pts   Back to the 00s by eimink / Wide Load ^ Vanha Mediakunta       
  8.    97 pts   Determination by Pyrdelic                                      
  9.    96 pts   Escape from Reality by mAZE / dSr                              
 10.    92 pts   Stranger to this world by FRANK KUKAT / PELTO                  
 11.    89 pts   Ikuinen jahti by Mergente                                      
        89 pts   moon is made of cheese by Jon Tardis                           
 13.    85 pts   EkTune by Soundcat                                             
 14.    83 pts   initialization by mad droid                                    
 15.    80 pts   Approaching Regis III (party ver.) by Kamson / ind.            
 16.    76 pts   Baretta Island Exotica II
                   by koltiainen / | the lost underground |

-------------------------------[ Tracked Music ]--------------------------------

  1.    95 pts   Everyhero by Roz / Fit ^ Byterapers                            
  2.    94 pts   Aftertime by AceMan & Mygg                                     
  3.    92 pts   Shrine of the Carboxylated Cetaceans by rawArgon               
  4.    89 pts   Ce la vie by Defilus                                           
  5.    88 pts   In My Tiny Starship by Kamson / ind.                           
  6.    87 pts   i dream about the wires by e!ghtbm                             
  7.    81 pts   Dub Man II by Jarsk1e                                          
  8.    78 pts   snow down by mpxvm & adkd                                      
  9.    60 pts   Resistant to hatred by TZX                                     

---------------------------------[ Short Film ]---------------------------------

  1.    84 pts   The Heist II - Electric Boogaloo by Meemih?mot                 
  2.    83 pts   A Psychedelic Peace by | the lost underground |                

---------------------------------[ One Scene ]----------------------------------

  1.   135 pts   Sceneradio invitation by Wide Load                             
  2.   116 pts   Finding Atlantis by rimina                                     
  3.   113 pts   Valotaulu by Fit                                               
  4.   112 pts   Roeoeri by eimink                                              
  5.    92 pts   uwu overload by Janskuvaan                                     
  6.    84 pts   alarm by hajame                                                

-----------------------------------[ Photo ]------------------------------------

  1.   118 pts   Honey, don't play with matches... HONEY!!! by Wode / Doomsday  
  2.   110 pts   Wait, what? by malomaz                                         
  3.   106 pts   Not the Room We Booked
                   by imjustpickle / | the lost underground |                   
  4.    78 pts   What can you do within 4 walls? by Janskuvaan                  

----------------------------------[ Graphics ]----------------------------------

  1.   121 pts   You seem so delicious by Callisto / Syn[Rj]                    
  2.    80 pts   Tundra Wanderers by Midi                                       

-----------------------------------[ Intro ]------------------------------------

  1.   101 pts   Project R-26 B by eimink                                       
  2.    87 pts   libbie by chlumpie                                             
  3.    70 pts   Merihaka tanssii ja soi by Fiture Crew Lamer Section           
  4.    69 pts   This is not Merihaka by The Fiture Crew                        
  5.    53 pts   A Merihakan Dream by Fiture Crew Lamer Section                 

------------------------------------[ Demo ]------------------------------------

  1.    96 pts   Argon by Wide Load                                             
  2.    83 pts   Shadow-Party 2021 by Mandarine                                 


                1370 votes were cast by 154 registered visitors                 

                 Results generated by Partyman - Primitive 2021