Competition                   Place Title                                                   Name                             Group/nick                 Score
Workshop                  3D Sculpting Workshop           1                                                           Mia Skåre
                          3D Sculpting Workshop           2                                                           Frank Daniel Moen Vedvik
                          ZBrush 4R7                      1                                                           Aileen Stavnes
                          Awesome AI Assistance           1                                                                                            Zomgtronics

Graphics                  Handdrawn Graphics              1   Damn Kids and their Interdimentional Rifts              Stian Røbergeng                  Equiliari                     474
                          Handdrawn Graphics              2   Isolation                                               Kristoffer Sørensen              Zoylster                      455
                          Handdrawn Graphics              3   Valkyria                                                June Daugaard Jenssen            Joovie                        442
                          Handdrawn Graphics              4   The Discovery                                           Eira Taksdal                     EiraSenam                     410
                          Handdrawn Graphics              5   Little Intruder                                         Deila Tomei                      Delia_Tee                     409
                          Handdrawn Graphics              6   Splash                                                  Isabell Martinsen                urealistisk                   400
                          Handdrawn Graphics              7   Sweet Dreams                                            Camilla Slettene Berg            Camillasau                    386
                          Handdrawn Graphics              8   Gleaming Light                                          Mariel Simone Edlund             MilllisRose                   385
                          Handdrawn Graphics              9   Seasoned Mermaid                                        Kim Aleksander Strandli          Strandli                      382
                          Handdrawn Graphics              10  Little Warrior                                          Ole Gunnar Stensrud              F4celess                      376
                          Handdrawn Graphics              11  Average Looking Space Marines                           Ozan Drøsdal                     ozandros                      364
                          Handdrawn Graphics              12  Forest Guardian                                         Madeleine Pettersen              forceyfuntime                 351
                          Handdrawn Graphics              13  Who is the fox now?                                     Tine Hauglund                    Tinish                        331
                          Handdrawn Graphics              14  Where to next?                                          Marte Svalastoga                 marilla                       271
                          Handdrawn Graphics              15  Viking                                                  Abigail Long                     Abbie                         268
                          Handdrawn Graphics              16  Lurker                                                  Simen Kuttner Larsen             ZeMi                          261
                          Handdrawn Graphics              17  Pervy Magic                                             Helen Kaldheim                   helibanan                     257
                          Handdrawn Graphics              18  Underwater tea party                                    Klara Ajer                       Klarita                       225
                          Handdrawn Graphics              19  Facing the Future you                                   Trine Mikkelsen                  bte94wolf                     221
                          Handdrawn Graphics              20  Impossible Horizon                                      Carl August Klevjer              KL3VJ3R                       172
                          Handdrawn Graphics              21  Dandeleion Fantasy                                      Kari Helene Bekkelund            Kariih                        163
                          Handdrawn Graphics              22  Finally my moment to shine                              Carine Lynghaug Johansen         Rine                          163
                          Handdrawn Graphics              23  Hamster                                                 Victoria Santos Sørås            nasrasor                      149
                          Handdrawn Graphics              24  All you need is #d2d2d2                                 Eirik Moldskred Hildre           SuperTeD                      115

                          Rendered Graphics               1   THE HEIST                                               Wirat Johannessen                                              549
                          Rendered Graphics               2   Miniture Trophy                                         Tobias Eek                       ClayPX                        444
                          Rendered Graphics               3   Beneath                                                 Bjørnar Frøyse                   Volant                        441
                          Rendered Graphics               4   Ocean Princess                                          Aileen Stavnes                   Aileen                        353
                          Rendered Graphics               5   Vegvesenet                                              Daniel Hagene                    DanielHagene                  316
                          Rendered Graphics               6   Vaultage                                                Ole Martin Volle                 OlemVolle                     316
                          Rendered Graphics               7   Maschinengewehr 42                                      Håvard Dalen                     heinzelnisse                  309
                          Rendered Graphics               8   1337 Kitchen                                            Christian Isnes                  Isnes                         287
                          Rendered Graphics               9   Silent Assassin                                         Jim Kjexrud                      Jimmarn                       286
                          Rendered Graphics               10  Viking Statue                                           Abigail Long                     Abbie                         261
                          Rendered Graphics               11  The Future                                              Camilla Thorsen                  Nara                          258
                          Rendered Graphics               12  Minimalism                                              Keith Mellingen                                                247
                          Rendered Graphics               13  Shredding in space!                                     Kim Borgen                       Mr Creative                   184
                          Rendered Graphics               14  Earthling                                               Tine Hauglund                    Tinish                        141
                          Rendered Graphics               15  Revolverr                                               Linus Olsson                     TurboLinus                    134
                          Rendered Graphics               16  Smith and wesson ar 15                                  Alexander Long                   AlexLong                      120
                          Rendered Graphics               17  The Hitman                                              Marius Hatlelid                  Allknighter                   118

                          MS Paint                        1   Marion                                                  Tine Hauglund                    Tinish                       1188
                          MS Paint                        2   Carrot                                                  Simen Kuttner Larsen             ZeMi                         1081
                          MS Paint                        3   Invasion                                                Kristoffer Sørensen              Zoylster                      999
                          MS Paint                        4   Massacre                                                Sigrid Marketta Aasgaard         Sigmaa                        960
                          MS Paint                        5   Heksene                                                 Freya Viridian                   Freya                         908
                          MS Paint                        6   Just talk to her already! (or Accidental cosplay soulmatDelia Tomei                      Delia_Tee                     889
                          MS Paint                        7   DreamCatcher                                            Arja Ottesen                     Rainsoda                      840
                          MS Paint                        8   Vestern er Bestern                                      Ozan Drøsdal                     ozandros                      815
                          MS Paint                        9   God Natt                                                Helen Kaldheim                   helibanan                     783
                          MS Paint                        10  Pixel Perfect Aim                                       Stian Røbergeng                  Equiliari                     761
                          MS Paint                        11  Rock 'n' more rock                                      Liam S. Crouch                   petterroea                    500
                          MS Paint                        12  Crazt for music                                         Klara Ajer                       Klarita                       469
                          MS Paint                        13  Only One Captain                                        Martin Grønvold                  Martin808 aka Skosole         454
                          MS Paint                        14  What NASA really discovered                             Eirik Moldskred Hildre           SuperTeD                      409
                          MS Paint                        15  Fatal Chair Accident                                    Anne Martine Engebakken Grymyr   [4th Age]Tirza                293
                          MS Paint                        16  Camping                                                 Helge Nesje                      Solor                         266
                          MS Paint                        17  Husk å drikke vann og spise ordentlig på TG!            John Freddy Jakobsen             Nirex                         249
                          MS Paint                        18  sdklgn                                                  Audun Dammerud                   EglikarBacon                  247
                          MS Paint                        19  U matoken wat                                           Simen Tengesdal                  SlimyNoob                     237
                          MS Paint                        20  Gray face surrounded by color                           Tor Kristian Dahle               maksprayer                    186
                          MS Paint                        21  Underwater                                              Mikael Klages                    ITR                           167
                          MS Paint                        22  Moma I loooove you HOLD IT DOWN                                                          POP Pimp Squad                160

                          Themed Photo Manipulation       1   Presto                                                  Stian Røbergeng                  Equiliari                     384
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       2   Unibunny                                                Miriam Hatlenes                  MiaSpamNades                  366
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       3   Borealis                                                June Daugaard Jenssen            Joovie                        270
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       4   Darkness                                                Christopher Daniel Gruben        cdgruben                      249
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       5   The Portal                                              Mariel Simone Edlund             MillisRose                    221
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       6   The Time Traveler                                       Anne Martin Engebakken Grymyr    [4th Age]Tirza                202
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       7   Wild Metamorphosis in 2200 A.D                          Øyvind Skattum Vesteng           Blzer                         198
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       8   Cosmic rainbow mothers temple                           Peter Sundvor                    Pjolter                       176
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       9   Superhero                                               Freya Viridian                   Freya                         147
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       10  Verpesjuke                                              Camilla Thorsen                  Mariuspersen                  144
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       11  Carnage Witch                                           Marius Alexandersen              Nara                          144
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       12  The Bunny Overlord                                      Fredrik Strupe                   Stupebredd                    140
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       13  Kvinne, gress og kaniner                                Kristoffer Sørensen              Zoylster                      134
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       14  Nordlysnatt                                             Bjarte Nordhaug                  xzorp                         130
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       15  Paranormal Easter                                       Sindre Stien                     Stien                         129
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       16  Follow the red eyed rabbit                              Marius Nettum                    MrProdigy                     128
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       17  A Quiet Mind                                            Mikael Klages                    ITR                           123
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       18  Hot Rabbit                                              Øystein Berge                    OKB                           118
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       19  Drugs...?                                               John Freddy Jakobsen             Nirex                         116
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       20  Fashion Dream                                           Klara Ajer                       Klarita                       98
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       21  Midnight in Realm of the Rabbit                         Silje Dahl                       essi                          88
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       22  Be one with the nature                                  Pål Oppegård-Herje               Jakiro                        80
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       23  Rubdays                                                 Simen Kuttner Larsen             ZeMi                          77
                          Themed Photo Manipulation       24  #isiteasteryet                                          Eirik Moldskred Hildre           SuperTeD                      75

                          Fast Graphics                   1   Holo Archer                                             Stian Røbergeng                  Equiliari                     695
                          Fast Graphics                   2   Future Games at TG                                      Delia Tomei                      Delia_Tee                     579
                          Fast Graphics                   3   Hero and companion                                      Isabell Martinsen                urealistisk                   555
                          Fast Graphics                   4   Floop                                                   June Daugaard Jenssen            Joovie                        488
                          Fast Graphics                   5   On Approach                                             Bjørnar Frøyse                   Volant                        460
                          Fast Graphics                   6   Heroes also need a day off sometimes                    Aileen Stavnes                   Aileen                        427
                          Fast Graphics                   7   Arctic Rescue                                           Ole Gunnar Stensrud              F4celess                      420
                          Fast Graphics                   8   Rebel at the Museum                                     Mariel Simone Edlund             MillisRose                    403
                          Fast Graphics                   9   Long island blue sea                                    Kristoffer Sørensen              Zoylster                      385
                          Fast Graphics                   10  Big Dreams                                              Camilla Slettene Berg            Camillasau                    378
                          Fast Graphics                   11  Inuit three thousand                                    Frank Daniel Moen Vedvik         Kampfisken                    370
                          Fast Graphics                   12  Hovering                                                Simen Kuttner Larsen             ZeMi                          361
                          Fast Graphics                   13  ElectriFly                                              Mia Skåre                        M.I.A                         323
                          Fast Graphics                   14  Hoverboard, hologram heroes.                            Tine Hauglund                    Tinish                        307
                          Fast Graphics                   15  Leaving the Scene - Back to base                        Jim Kjexrud                      Jimmarn                       293
                          Fast Graphics                   16  Hero On Break                                           Freya Viridian                   Freya                         223
                          Fast Graphics                   17  Hero h report                                           Klara Ajer                       Klarita                       216
                          Fast Graphics                   18  Wavesome                                                Camilla Wang Kvalheim            Camzilla                      181
                          Fast Graphics                   19  I wasted all my time on Fast Music                      Eirik Moldskred Hildre           SuperTeD                      167

                          Photo                           1   Dogs on the prairie                                     Keith Mellingen                                                532
                          Photo                           2   Earth Porn                                              Torgeir Hagland                  Skyrim                        484
                          Photo                           3   Omnomnom!                                               Miriam Hatlenes                  MiaSpamNades                  419
                          Photo                           4   Eye of the kitty                                        Magnus Myklatun                  Kortho                        371
                          Photo                           5   After the storm                                         Kenneth Apeland                  kennidenni                    366
                          Photo                           6   Korpshælvete                                            Anne Martine Engebakken Grymyr   [4th Age]Tirza                355
                          Photo                           7   Misty Road                                              Mariel Simone Edlund             MillisRose                    298
                          Photo                           8   Twister                                                 Henrik Nordvik                   Zerd                          284
                          Photo                           9   Gaming from dusk till dawn.                             Simon Kosmo                      Leinarian                     268
                          Photo                           10  Preikestolen                                            Abigail Long                     Abbie                         247
                          Photo                           11  Into The Light                                          Camilla Thorsen                  Nara                          226
                          Photo                           12  Spring is the season                                    Helge Nesje                      Solor                         225
                          Photo                           13  Dark Light House                                        Eirik Moldskred Hildre           SuperTeD                      195
                          Photo                           14  Airbourne Padlocks                                      Kashif Khan                      Rootkit                       193
                          Photo                           15  Boat trip in Lamu                                       Klara Ajer                       klarita                       156
                          Photo                           16  ROG Numpad                                              Knut-Morgan Anbjørnsen           DaMoggen                      155
                          Photo                           17  Playing With Fire                                       Tor Inge Røttum                  _tor                          99
                          Photo                           18  Back to the future                                      Gustav Widmark                   Znurre                        97

Film Competitions         Short Film                      1   I'm Here to Have a Good Time                            Mattis Delerud                   JinTox                        122
                          Short Film                      2   Googley Eyes                                            Tobias Eek                       ClayPX                        117
                          Short Film                      3   THE LIFE OF TOM AND BOB                                 Carl August Klevjer              KL3VJ3R                       103
                          Short Film                      4   Cheats In Real Life                                     Christian Isnes                  Isnes                         86
                          Short Film                      5   The Hallway                                             Tor Inge Røttum                  _tor                          77
                          Short Film                      6   Do Not fall -- Excerpt from Italy                       Ole Martin Volle                 OlemVolle                     72
                          Short Film                      7   Nihon                                                   Klara Ajer                       Klarita                       42

                          Ten Second Movie                1   The future is delayed!                                  Kim Borgen                       Mr Creative                   203
                          Ten Second Movie                2   Here's Johnny                                           Knut-Morgan Anbjørnsen           DaMoggen                      181
                          Ten Second Movie                3   CSI: The Gathering                                      Odd Gunnar Bjørgen               svid1                         147
                          Ten Second Movie                4   Trueman Show                                            Klara Ajer                       Klarita                       74
                          Ten Second Movie                5   2015 A DLD Oddesy                                       Eirik Moldskred Hildre           SuperTeD                      62
                          Ten Second Movie                6   I'm Johnny Knoxwille and this is...                                                      Indigo                        53

                          Music Video                     1   No Filter                                                                                Nordix Films                  191
                          Music Video                     2   Sindres #nofilter                                       Sindre Stien                     Stien                         153
                          Music Video                     3   Music Video by Klarita                                  Klara Ajer                       Klarita                       122
                          Music Video                     4   Linni Meister - #NoFilter Toms Versjon                  Tom-Robin Fjellestad             Essysia                       92

                          Visual Effects                  1   Terraforming Legos                                                                       Kristian Berg & Daniel Hage   232
                          Visual Effects                  2   Rainbowcats Reloaded                                    Ola Thorsen                      GrandMasterSwagOverlord       157
                          Visual Effects                  3   Controlled Descent                                      Ole Martin Volle                 OlemVolle                     100
                          Visual Effects                  4   Doomsday                                                Kashif Khan                      Rootkit                       74
                          Visual Effects                  5   Nyan                                                    Nichlas Paulsen Bratteng         Nicidase                      71

Music Competitions        Freestyle Music                 1   Endless Summer                                          Thom Christer Erlandsen          DJ eXeCute                    287
                          Freestyle Music                 2   Poro                                                    Espen Sandvik Havstein           fjomje                        230
                          Freestyle Music                 3   Crown                                                   Andreas Ougland                  Microkid                      212
                          Freestyle Music                 4   Walking on Air                                          Lars Christian Fredlund          Ask Lars                      187
                          Freestyle Music                 5   Miku Crush                                              Joakim Hovde Fossum              Joakim Skurk                  162
                          Freestyle Music                 6   Dance With Me                                           Kashif Khan                      Rootkit                       150
                          Freestyle Music                 7   Ready                                                   Marius Landberget                Marlind97                     145
                          Freestyle Music                 8   Danger                                                  Sigve Jensen                     Imbold                        123
                          Freestyle Music                 9   Hangover                                                Nicolai Engebretsen              nico_e                        106
                          Freestyle Music                 10  DrumnStep                                               Nicklas Berglund Høstan          Glexes                        102
                          Freestyle Music                 11  Cook It                                                 Lars Emil Bergum                 Deserter                      92
                          Freestyle Music                 12  Overworld Overture                                      Simon Østrem                     Lufteluke                     87
                          Freestyle Music                 13  Noumena                                                 Sturla Hansson                   Cerros                        50
                          Freestyle Music                 14  Full Speed Extragavanza                                 Kim André Nesse                  KiMMeY                        49
                          Freestyle Music                 15  Torch                                                   Elias Rødlund                    Kime                          45

                          Remix                           1   Hold You Back (Henrik K Remix)                          Henrik Berg                      Henrik K                      279
                          Remix                           2   Hold You Back (Man VS Time Remix)                       Mathias Lerdal                   Man VS Time                   230
                          Remix                           3   Hold You Back (emVee Remix)                             Herman Jensen                    emVee                         198
                          Remix                           4   Hold You Back (Rootkit Remix)                           Kashif Khan                      Rootkit                       124
                          Remix                           5   Hold You Back (Phobic Remix)                            Espend Sandvik Havstein          Phobic                        117
                          Remix                           6   Hold You Back (Haakon Nylokken Remix)                   Håkon Nyløkken                                                 107
                          Remix                           7   Hold You Back (Ask Lars Remix)                          Lars Christian Fredlund          Ask Lars                      106
                          Remix                           8   Hold You Back (Roxcent Remix)                           Raymond Kirkedelen               Roxcent                       99
                          Remix                           9   Hold You Back (Nicodemus Remix)                         Nicolai Engebretsen              Nicodemus                     66
                          Remix                           10  Hold You Back (Kris Winther Remix)                      Kristoffer Hjelt                 Kris Winther                  62
                          Remix                           11  Hold You Back (Deserter Remix)                          Lars Emil Bergum                 Deserter                      52
                          Remix                           12  Hold You Back (Glexes Remix)                            Nicklas Berglund Høstan          Glexes                        50
                          Remix                           13  Hold You Back Blues                                     Aleks Hell                       Skelayo                       48
                          Remix                           14  Hold You Back (Hédone Remix)                            Eirik Selvejordet                Hédone                        48
                          Remix                           15  Hold You Back (Cerros Remix)                            Sturla Hansson                   Cerros                        37

                          Fast Music                      1   Downhill                                                Henrik Berg                      Henrik K                      281
                          Fast Music                      2   Bits'n Tricks                                           Kristoffer Lund                  djdifee                       233
                          Fast Music                      3   Voyage                                                  Lars Christian Fredlund          Ask Lars                      204
                          Fast Music                      4   Cali                                                    Kashif Khan                      Rootkit                       172
                          Fast Music                      5   Solitude in India                                       Sigve Jensen                     Coleman                       157
                          Fast Music                      6   Blop                                                    Joakim Hovde Fossum              Joakim Skurk                  146
                          Fast Music                      7   Follow                                                  Nicklas Berglund Høstan          Glexes                        130
                          Fast Music                      8   Hører Ingenting                                         Aleks Hell                       Skelayo                       112
                          Fast Music                      9   Knuddel's Mini-Rave                                     Nicolai Engebretsen              nico_e                        103
                          Fast Music                      10  Endless                                                 Elias Rødlund                    Kime                          94
                          Fast Music                      11  Ane                                                     Kristoffer Hjelt                 Sapply                        81
                          Fast Music                      12  Soml                                                    Fredrik Lokander                 FreLok                        73
                          Fast Music                      13  Gir Opp                                                 Kim André Nesse                  KiMMey                        68
                          Fast Music                      14  Number #1                                               Thomas Aamodt                    Aamodt87                      61
                          Fast Music                      15  Plurals Peoples Coolbeans                               Ole Martin Volle                 OlemVolle                     42

Programmming Competitions AI Programming                  1                                                                                            WiggleBot                     10
                          AI Programming                  2                                                                                            zomGbot                        9
                          AI Programming                  3                                                                                            bob-kaare                      6
                          AI Programming                  4                                                                                            SoccerMom                      6
                          AI Programming                  5                                                                                            bsbot                          4
                          AI Programming                  6                                                                                            yoloman                        3
                          AI Programming                  7                                                                                            Fuseren                        1
                          AI Programming                  8                                                                                            HybridKar                      0
                          AI Programming                                                                                                               Laksen
                          AI Programming                                                                                                               1
                          AI Programming                                                                                                               Regius
                          AI Programming                                                                                                               NullPizzaException
                          AI Programming                                                                                                               pbsds
                          AI Programming                                                                                                               Shad_at
                          AI Programming                                                                                                               tombayo

                          Hack                            1                                                                                            Mrtn                         5350
                          Hack                            2                                                                                            Luxuslaget                   5200
                          Hack                            3                                                                                            Vassenden Bits & Bytes       4750
                          Hack                            4                                                                                            DØTTSFELLA 2015              4350
                          Hack                            5                                                                                            Kakehackerene                3750
                          Hack                            6                                                                                            zomgtronics                  3350
                          Hack                            7                                                                                            cos                          3000
                          Hack                            8                                                                                            an1m3b1tch3z                 2150
                          Hack                            9                                                                                            kekbur                       2050
                          Hack                            10                                                                                           Ludomasters                  2050
                          Hack                            11                                                                                           _tor                         1550
                          Hack                            12                                                                                           RoyOlav                      1450
                          Hack                            13                                                                                           team w0bni                   1450
                          Hack                            14                                                                                           NullPizzaException           1300
                          Hack                            15                                                                                           moog                         1250
                          Hack                            16                                                                                           Team Rome                    1200
                          Hack                            17                                                                                           M4R7iNp                      1100
                          Hack                            18                                                                                           abc                           950
                          Hack                            19                                                                                           Gnien                         850
                          Hack                            20                                                                                           Knut                          850
                          Hack                            21                                                                                           LuaCrafters                   800
                          Hack                            22                                                                                           Haxers                        800
                          Hack                            23                                                                                           Knarf                         750
                          Hack                            24                                                                                           _RakNoel                      750
                          Hack                            25                                                                                           Allahu Akbar                  750
                          Hack                            26                                                                                           GGR                           650
                          Hack                            27                                                                                           deadbeef                      650
                          Hack                            28                                                                                           Meow                          550
                          Hack                            29                                                                                           Apekattene                    500
                          Hack                            30                                                                                           Mitt team                     450
                          Hack                            31                                                                                           RageQuit                      450
                          Hack                            32                                                                                           Pace                          450
                          Hack                            33                                                                                           Fagskolen                     400
                          Hack                            34                                                                                           (͡°͜ʖ͡°)                         400
                          Hack                            35                                                                                           Team Georg                    350
                          Hack                            36                                                                                           TeamGlue                      350
                          Hack                            37                                                                                           loner                         300
                          Hack                            38                                                                                           Zz                            300
                          Hack                            39                                                                                           kølle                         300
                          Hack                            40                                                                                           Second Chance                 200
                          Hack                            41                                                                                           Paddus                        200
                          Hack                            42                                                                                           iTried                        150
                          Hack                            43                                                                                           Qwop                          100
                          Hack                            44                                                                                           OMGLOL                        100
                          Hack                            45                                                                                           Appnes                        100
                          Hack                            46                                                                                           74                            100
                          Hack                            47                                                                                           Nugattibrett                  100
                          Hack                            48                                                                                           zenoy                         100
                          Hack                            49                                                                                           Rob & Kjell                   100
                          Hack                            50                                                                                           iTried                        100
                          Hack                            51                                                                                           Gaim                          100
                          Hack                            52                                                                                           Sigdølingane                  100
                          Hack                            53                                                                                           Team Råkul                    100

                          Small HTML                      1                                                                                            zomgtronics                260 bytes
                          Small HTML                      2                                                                                            cos                        549 bytes
                          Small HTML                      3                                                                                            Eizal                      1731 bytes

                          TGPC                            1                                                                                            evegard
                          TGPC                            2                                                                                            shadeniter
                          TGPC                            3                                                                                            Meat
                          TGPC                            4                                                                                            NullPizzaException
                          TGPC                            5                                                                                            cos
                          TGPC                            6                                                                                            zomgtronics
                          TGPC                            7                                                                                            Geeks By Nature
                          TGPC                            8                                                                                            Gnien
                          TGPC                            9                                                                                            Vassenden Bits & Bytes
                          TGPC                            10                                                                                           Thinktank
                          TGPC                            11                                                                                           DØTTSFELLA 2015
                          TGPC                            12                                                                                           LuaCrafters
                          TGPC                            13                                                                                           ITR
                          TGPC                            14                                                                                           team w0bni
                          TGPC                            15                                                                                           theknarf
                          TGPC                            16                                                                                           j0nas
                          TGPC                            17                                                                                           MemoryLeek
                          TGPC                            18                                                                                           Team Random
                          TGPC                            19                                                                                           10100111001
                          TGPC                            20                                                                                           Mrtn
                          TGPC                            21                                                                                           BeardTrap
                          TGPC                            22                                                                                           Team1
                          TGPC                            23                                                                                           Team Rkul
                          TGPC                            24                                                                                           StackBox

                          Useful Utility                  1                                                           Marius Skadberg
                          Useless Utility                 1                                                           Arne-Christian Blystad

                          Fast Demo                       1   Monkeys Are So Last Year                                                                 zomgtronics                   144
                          Fast Demo                       2   Thought So                                                                               Thinktank                     109
                          Fast Demo                       3   fuggel                                                  Carl Øst Wilkens                                               56

                          Demo                            1   Underworld                                                                               Rootkids & Krillbite          208
                          Demo                            2   Genesis                                                                                  zomgtronics                   171
                          Demo                            3   smoJnetu                                                                                 Indigo                        153
                          Demo                            4   Varia Part II                                                                            Youth Uprising                106
                          Demo                            5   Seven Deadly Sins                                       Johan Gustafsson                 such                          69
                          Demo                            6   Smudge                                                                                   Lightcore                     62