____ __ _ _ __ ____ __) /\ (__ \ _ _____. _/\ _/ \_ __/\__ _ / ___\/ _____/\\ _ |/ \_/ \\ oO (_ _ _____ _____/\ \/___ _ _) _( _ \\/ | / _ \_ \// _ /_( _ \ (_ _ \\\ / (_____//\ | / \ _ / _/ \// (_____/ /// _\ \ _/ ___/___/_ \ | /_ \/ / / / ___/_____ / /_ \//\\ \ \ / : \ /\ \ __/ / _ \ / //\\/ / \ _ \__ \ / . \ / _ \ \ _/__ / \ __/ / \ _ / /\ \\__ /____ \ / \ / \ _ // ____\ __ / /\_\ _ \/ / \ \ / \____\_ _/\__ __X____\ \X___/ \ / / \ \/ / \ \/ \____/ \ / \_______\ \/ / \ / / \ /\ /\ \/ /\ /\ / \ \ / / \/ \/\\__ _ __ __ _ __//\/ \/ \ \ \ \ /\ /\// /__ _ E V O K E 2 0 1 2 _ __\ \\/\ /\ / / \\ \ / \/ \/ x x \/ \/ \ / // \ / /\ _ xXx. __ __________________ __ .xXx. _ /\ \ / /\ \ / / \\ `X' _ __) (__ _ `X' // \ \ / /\ (__\ \/ /aBHO\ _ ______ __ IT ALL COMES TOGETHER! __ ______ _ / T! \ \/ /__) \ / \/ )_ __________________ _( \/ \ / \/ \/ ... ... ..... : :: : ..... . .. ... : : :::: : : ... .. . : .:. :... .::::::. ...: .:. : :....: :::: :....: : :: : :.. ..: __ ___________________ __ _ __) (__ _ _ __ PC DEMO __ _ )_ ___________________ _( 01 587 70s by Alcatraz 02 471 Väre by Brainstorm 03 373 Exordium by Rupture 04 297 Sad Truck Is Sad by RBBS 05 290 Outline & Main invitation by Numtek/Guideline __ ___________________ __ _ __) (__ _ _ __ PC 64K INTRO __ _ )_ ___________________ _( 01 396 Undercut by Inque 02 369 modularity 2.0.9 by TGGC/Blu-Flame 03 325 fr-minus-016: Oh, there was no executable music compo by BeRo/Farbrausch __ ___________________ __ _ __) (__ _ _ __ ANIMATION __ _ )_ ___________________ _( 01 367 Subject B by Nerdarzt + Mercury 02 331 Letters by gaspode 03 265 Total eclipse of okkies mustache by RbR^3LN/DSS 04 205 Scheisse HD by PNSHRE 05 107 wtf by asdf __ ___________________ __ _ __) (__ _ _ __ ALTERNATIVE PLATFORMS __ _ )_ ___________________ _( 01 503 metamerism by Bauknecht [Commodore Plus/4] 02 436 Finally by Titan [Wonderswan Color] 03 412 The Noiseplug by dojoe/shack [ATmel ATTinyS] 04 288 SVatG Loves You by SVatG [Nintendo DS] 05 248 JPB by 3LN with Chimera [Browser] 06 246 Avocado by Gasman & ihatemornings [Raspberry Pi] 07 243 tunnelscheisse by streettuff / dss [C64] 08 218 Endlich Normale Leute by METALVOTZE and DarkLite [C64] 09 181 Prost by Tjoppen/DSS [Atari 2600 VCS] 10 180 updater2012 by moods plateau [Amiga OCS] 10 180 YouCube by Dingfabrik, mainly Nodepond and Alex [Cardboard/Mapping] 12 128 HƤllarna HQ - A Midsummer Madness by Fairlight & Panda Design [C64] __ ___________________ __ _ __) (__ _ _ __ PC 4K INTRO __ _ )_ ___________________ _( 01 404 ZUCKZ! by virgill+hardy 02 378 Enlighten by Blu-Flame 03 278 Cold Awakening by NTEAM & Frequency 04 253 NaN by ye olde laptops posse 05 213 Compochiller by G-Incorporated & Disaster Area __ ___________________ __ _ __) (__ _ _ __ PIXEL GRAPHICS __ _ )_ ___________________ _( 01 221 Pinx by Lycan/Retroguru 02 200 cheeseburger? by tomic/bypass 03 162 The Last Stand by unreal and teo 04 138 Pins by bitch/ATW 05 135 helivoke by mouldyCat/MERCURY 06 132 Lets go chopping by Elko/TRSi 07 103 trip to evoke by fuith 08 95 Iguana ovolo by laeila/titan 09 88 Synthesize by Keish/Traction __ ___________________ __ _ __) (__ _ _ __ TINY TRACKING MUSIC __ _ )_ ___________________ _( 01 214 Heaven by Saga Musix/Nuance 02 204 Dreamtaastic by cTrix/Disaster Area 03 196 Chip. House. Doskpop. Love. by Brandon Walsh/Genesis Project 04 187 Titan Tourettes .... FUCK by Alk Zalza Michu / Titan 05 171 Tarp Stompin' by NebulaH/Titan 06 163 incendie by xyceĖ†titan 07 156 neonblack heart by eha/smash designs, salva mea 08 134 haloo by keen/t-rex 09 129 Der Zweig wuchs by Zatzen 10 118 dreamfarter by mr fart/SBD 11 85 weird swing by Igorrr sein Bruder/digitactlos __ ___________________ __ _ __) (__ _ _ __ FREESTYLE GRAPHICS __ _ )_ ___________________ _( 01 176 Spikeplanet by gnodab2 aka streetcreatures/Keksplage 02 171 theOtherSide by prince/ obsessed maniacs / dienstagstreff / neoplasia 03 149 Pluie by Lycan/Retroguru 04 136 Geschwurbel by elend/nix 05 132 May the Joystick be with you by Pixel-Hexe/Nerdy_Family 06 128 GRADIUS STREET STYLE FASHION FREE by zANEr/dIVINE sTYLERS & UP ROUGH 07 119 KALTGETRÄNKEKABEL by mouldyCat/MERCURY 08 115 just. one. more. step. by mog`trbl 08 115 the beauty and the beast by fuith/ 10 102 Chickenguy riding though good and evil by kaomau 11 99 Creature by ClySuva 12 91 Irgent 'ne Frau mit C64 by Nero/nerdy_family 12 91 attack of the flying spacepenis by ted/pöo-crüe 14 79 Foto von der Halle by KALTGETRĆ„NKEKABEL 15 41 Scener Vacation by Preacher/Brainstorm ^ Traction __ ___________________ __ _ __) (__ _ _ __ MP3 / OGG __ _ )_ ___________________ _( 01 252 Revoke by Xrs / Phx 02 230 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz by wayfinder/farbrausch 03 226 control by dipswitch/up!^bm^asl 04 211 Campylobacter's Groove by Ultrasyd/Nectarine^BRS 05 203 The Monkey by glxblt/Brainstorm 06 178 We are the good guys by red/mercury^titan^3ln 07 172 track 02 by zippy/black maiden 08 171 They be stealin my Ganja and I am sorry about your Subwoofer by Jakob Bienenhalm 09 167 we ain't no friends, mate by keith303/brainstorm 10 159 Helios by Cyrex/Inque 11 157 schandalig by cosmiq/inque 12 153 Solar Powered Dragonflies by SunSpire/Titan / SSR / SceneSat 13 151 Colony by Aech 14 130 Desert Hike (evoke cut) by jam-s/digitac __ ___________________ __ _ __) (__ _ _ __ ANSI / ASCII __ _ )_ ___________________ _( 01 227 Is Your Life (Turing) Complete? by Absinthe Methison Turing 02 209 DIP my switch up! by T$/SCX ^ ATZ 03 176 STAYING FREE SINCE EVERSINCE - PYRAMIDE... by zANEr/dIVINE sTYLERS & UP ROUGH 04 161 Evoke 2012 Girl by Sylvao / Fire Dream 04 161 AZKY by KeyJ/Kakiarts^trbl 06 117 Blood Thirsty for Evoke by zefyros/GIN^CRO 07 101 retro'84 by kami68k/thelo0p 08 100 Wo_Ist_Dalezy by elend/nix 09 91 Where it all comes to shhzzl nsszzzll by aBHO/-T!*'flOdAMONEs 10 83 Evoke Fire & Ice by DiamonDie 11 80 Evoke by Danzig / Arclite 12 71 IST GEIL! by dMG/Up Rough & Divine Stylers 13 63 One Toke For Evoke by Grip / Pixelmagic ... ... ..... : :: : ..... . .. ... : : :::: : : ... .. . : .:. :... .::::::. ...: .:. : :....: :::: :....: : :: : :.. ..: infofile by: aBHO/tWiStED @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ __ _ aBHO _._ _____ -T! _ __ _\ ____ ___):(__/\___/ /____ ____ /_ _/ __/_\_ | _ . \_ / __// __/__ \ _/ X | / | / \ \ _/ / _ /_______\\ /_______\___\___\______\ _ \/ _ ______ \_/ ____________________ _ \/ ... ... : : . ..: OFFiCiAL EVOKE 2012 RESULTS :.. . :... .. . ... ...: _ ____ ____ _ \/\ / [ http://www.evoke.eu ] \ /\/ \/ \/ @END_FILE_ID.DIZ