PHAT1 is mainly organized by Phantasy members and few other helpful individuals.

Raver/PHT/DCS (mainorg) [email protected]
Lynx/ROMOV.NET (org + consoles) [email protected]
Kuce (org) [email protected]
Relict/PHT/K3L (speccy compos) [email protected]
Escape (org) [email protected]
187/PHT (www design + partyplace installations) [email protected]
D-Tech/PHT (hardware maniac + electrician) [email protected]
D9 (technical support) [email protected]
Panks/UI PUTRA! (security)
Kanibaals/UI PUTRA! (security)

hotphones during partytime: (+371) 6778851, (+371) 6546352, (+371) 9114788, (+371) 9503914, (+371) 9467198

see there who is gonna be there and add yourself!

also we suggest you to subscribe to phatletter.

special thanks to Virne and doods for hosting.