
PC Demo
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury  	 	Final 
1. 	"359dot60" by -/Anaconda 		 7 	7.964286 	8.153846 	8.096978
2. 	"Chanka of Time" by -/Chanka Team 	 8 	7.28125 	7.8461537 	7.6766825
3. 	"In my mind" by -/Fuzzion 		 6 	7.4666667 	6.7083335 	6.9358335
4. 	"kukka:r0kasit7e!aarku" by -/Fuzzion 	 9 	5.6153846 	6.9545455 	6.5527973
5. 	"Dlithium" by -/the DarkRising 		 5 	5.6 		5.611111 	5.6077776
6. 	"Mekkon" by -/HANSA 			 2	5.375 		4.730769 	4.9240384
7. 	"Paranoid" by -/Acyd 			 4 	3.2916667 	2.8076923 	2.9528847
8. 	"Los Bits cachondos del Kernel" by -/Kernel Panik/Wild Bits
					 	 3 	2.6923077 	2.5 		2.5576923
9. 	"Cyberia" by -/MoTsuKora 		 1 	3.3846154 	2.0384614 	2.4423077

Amiga Demo
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury  		Final 
1. 	"Coding Inhumanity" by -/Mankind 	 2 	8.25 		8.25 		8.25
2. 	"Unbelievable truth" by Debugger/- 	 1 	5.5 		6.125 		5.9375

PC Intro 64Kb
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury  	 	Final 
1. 	"Physikaine" by -/Chanka Team 		 4 	8.333333 	8.375 		8.3625
2. 	"follow me" by -/2 many people 		 3 	7.2 		6.6666665 	6.8266664
3. 	"No Frost" by -/TLOTB 			 1 	6.681818 	6.5 		6.5545454
4. 	"mindblur" by -/elerium core 		 2 	4.818182 	4.75 		4.7704544

Amiga Intro 64Kb
Pos   	Title and author  			Num 	Public  	Jury  		Final 
1. 	"" by -/Mankind 			 4 	7.6666665 	9.0 		8.6
2. 	"" by Ham/- 				 3 	8.0 		7.785714 	7.85
3. 	"" by -/Network 			 1 	7.0 		7.0625 		7.04375
4. 	"Teleintroteria" by Lord Raptor & Ice Van/Teleteria & Purple's Studios
					 	 2 	5.0 		3.9375 		4.25625

PC Intro 4Kb
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"The Patrix" by Aj0, Neco/God's Maze 	 6 	8.315789 	7.0333333 	7.41807
2. 	"Despeich" by bp, Dr. Pitch, Dr. Pain/Fuzzion
					 	 2 	5.725 		8.066667 	7.3641667
3. 	"Xperience" by Dr pitch/Fuzzion 	 5 	4.6 		7.755556 	6.8088894
4. 	"Atomic" by Spock/Wild Bits 		 1 	4.368421 	6.4444447 	5.8216376
5. 	"KECK" by PhyMosys/PhyMosys 		 4 	3.85		6.2222223 	5.5105557
6. 	"FOGOSUS" by Z^UP/Acyd 			 3 	2.9736843 	3.3444445 	3.2332165

Amiga Intro 4Kb
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"" by Ham/- 				 1 	5.5 		-1.0 		5.5

2D gfx
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"Froilan" by Lentium & Phornee/- 	 9 	8.666667 	8.0 		8.2
2. 	"Another trogne" by Zaac/Mankind 	21 	7.785714 	8.083333 	7.994047
3. 	"Mother Nature" by Yakare/- 		20 	7.9444447 	7.5 		7.633333
4. 	"fuzzion's desire" by acidbeat/Fuzzion ^dSK! ^eKlipse
					 	 1 	7.7 		7.5833335 	7.6183333
5. 	"Shiny Happy People" by RiPP/- 		15 	7.7777777 	7.3333335 	7.4666667
6. 	"The Elfman" by Awesome/Wild Bits, Exelweis, Inside
					 	18 	7.888889 	6.6666665 	7.0333333
7. 	"Pre" by Newalpha/RgB & Glue 		13 	6.1875 		7.0 		6.75625
8. 	"b&b" by Interface/- 			 3 	6.1666665 	6.5 		6.4
9. 	"After the Battle" by Shock/Vector 3 	17	7.142857 	6.0 		6.342857
10. 	"inacabado" by dVD/Fuzzion^dSK! 	 6 	5.8333335 	5.75 		5.775
11. 	"Mi Amigo Rex" by Sara Serrano Castrillejo/Gorospe Tim
						16 	6.75 		5.0833335 	5.5833335
12. 	"Aquagirl" by iel/Dejoco Arts 		10 	6.2777777 	4.4166665 	4.975
13. 	"Francotirador de primera" by Bugnick/Concept
					 	 8 	4.3 		5.0833335 	4.8483334
14. 	"Tiburón" by eXr/MoTsuKora 		 7 	3.75 		3.5 		3.575
15. 	"BlueStorm" by XkyWalkeR/BiOxPhErE 	19 	3.5555556 	3.25 		3.3416667
16. 	"The Unknown" by Burner/Bioxphere 	 4 	3.6666667 	3.0833333 	3.2583332
17. 	"Eddie" by Lord Raptor/Purple's Studios 12 	3.4444444 	3.0833333 	3.1916666
18. 	"" by Andres/- 				 2 	3.2857144 	3.0 		3.0857143
19. 	"Irreal" by Jober/Differential 		11 	3.6666667 	2.8 		3.06
20. 	"La Revaca" by MA/Región Factible 	14 	3.3 		2.1666667 	2.5066667
21. 	"Baño despues de la siesta" by DJS/Gorospe Tim 
						 5 	Disqualified by the jury

3D gfx
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"Big yellow cadillac" by Zaac/Mankind 	14 	9.166667 	7.4166665 	7.9416666
2. 	"The War at Normandia" by Awesome/Wild Bits, Exelweis, Inside
					 	 2 	8.2 		6.0833335 	6.7183332
3. 	"Red Bull" by Lynx, TeKnO, XCAZZ/Hysteric RedBull
						10 	7.3333335 	5.6666665 	6.1666665
4. 	"Waterhouse" by DarkG/Soga 		 3 	7.0 		5.8 		6.1600003
5. 	"Garbage" by Asier Illarramendi/- 	11 	7.3333335 	5.4583335 	6.0208335
6. 	"" by Isidro Espinazo/- 		 6 	7.5 		5.1 		5.8199997
7. 	"Despojos del Atlantico Norte" by rAnSoM/Niako
						 9 	6.0 		5.7 		5.79
8. 	"blueLightFace" by tALSit de CoD/Catalyst of Design
					 	12 	6.6666665 	5.1 		5.5699997
9. 	"Wonder" by Mamomo/SOGA 		 8 	6.5 		4.9166665 	5.3916664
10. 	"Lady in Black" by DJS/Gorospe Tim 	 4 	6.0 		4.4166665 	4.8916664
11. 	"Space" by XkyWalkeR/BiOxPhErE 		13 	5.75 		4.4166665 	4.8166666
12. 	"Alien" by Mad Goblin/- 		 7 	6.0 		4.1666665 	4.7166667
13. 	"Irreal" by Jober/Differential 		 5 	4.75 		3.75 		4.05
14. 	"" by Andres/- 				 1 	4.75 		3.5 		3.875

4 canales
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"Strike One" by Wonder&Naif/Inside 	 5 	5.888889 	8.375 		7.6291666
2. 	"Hedgehog" by Evelred & Estrayk/- 	 2 	6.5555553 	8.0 		7.5666666
3. 	"Living In Remix" by Nork/- 		 4 	5.7 		6.3333335 	6.1433334
4. 	"Shyntex" by Z^UP/ACYD 			 6 	7.111111 	4.8333335 	5.516667
5. 	"iNNsaNNe 4chn" by XkyWalkeR/- 		 3 	3.875 		4.25 		4.1375
6. 	"Medievaldance" by Toady/Mankind 	 7 	3.625 		1.3333334 	2.0208333
7. 	"Deadline" by Estrayk/- 		 1 	Retired from competition

Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"Lands of Eternity" by Wonder/Inside, Savage
					 	 5 	6.5 		9.1 		8.320001
2. 	"The Chase" by Awesome/Wild Bits, Exelweiss, Inside
					 	10 	6.5 		9.1 		8.320001
3. 	"Desire" by Nork/Network 		16 	6.888889 	7.4166665 	7.258333
4. 	"Lady's dance" by Acidbeat/Fuzzion, dSK!, eKlipse
					 	 1 	7.4 		7.1666665 	7.2366667
5. 	"Somewhere, far away" by Multivac/Melancholy
					 	 7 	6.285714 	5.9166665 	6.027381
6. 	"Lostbit" by Z^UP/ACYD 			 8 	7.0 		5.3333335 	5.8333335
7. 	"When Angels Cry" by Dj Shivan/Gorospe Tim
					 	11 	5.9 		4.1666665 	4.6866665
8. 	"Quiet Notes" by Silenci/Fuzzion 	13 	4.888889 	4.4166665 	4.5583334
9. 	"Feelings" by Shock/Vector 3 		12 	5.75 		4.0 		4.525
10. 	"Legend of Vodoo" by Toady/Mankind 	15 	4.75 		4.4166665 	4.5166664
11. 	"Rythmin'" by Bauer/Resaka WebZine 	 3 	5.0 		3.5 		3.95
12. 	"Distorted Illusions" by Wizard/Vector3	 2 	4.111111 	3.3333333 	3.5666666
13. 	"Otto 4!" by Snaked/Elerium Core 	14 	4.125 		2.3333333 	2.8708334
14. 	"lie" by RidDleR/ACYD 			 6 	5.4 		1.5833334 	2.7283335
15. 	"Saturday" by Spark/Motsukora 		 4 	4.625 		1.5 		2.4375
16. 	"Satan has come!" by PhyMosys/PhyMosys 	 9 	3.125 		0.8333333 	1.5208334

High Quality
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"The Elfman" by Evelred/Inside, Capsule 13 	8.0 		7.8333335 	7.883333
2. 	"Ancient Stories 3: The Great Halls" by Awesome/Wild Bits, Exelweiss, Inside
					 	 2 	7.5625 		8.0 		7.86875
3. 	"Reflections: Extended Version" by FX!/Purple's Studios & Eklipse
						 5 	7.1 		7.214286 	7.1800003
4. 	"Monkie Donkie" by Wonder/Inside, Savage
						14 	6.8 		7.3333335 	7.1733336
5. 	"eKlectro still alive" by Acidbeat/Fuzzion^dSK!^eKlipse
					 	 1 	6.428571 	5.5833335 	5.836905
6. 	"Irreal" by Jober/Differential 		 6 	4.6666665 	5.214286 	5.05
7. 	"Tribal Love" by Dj Shivan/Gorospe Tim 	 4 	4.8333335 	4.857143 	4.85
8. 	"Funeral Theme" by Multivac/Melancholy 	 7 	4.6666665 	3.7857144 	4.05
9. 	"Mansure vrs 3min ST" by Akitan/Niako 	 8 	4.6666665 	3.5714285 	3.8999999
10. 	"Evolution" by Sara Serrano/Gorospe Tim  9 	4.3333335 	3.0 		3.4
11. 	"Asian Spirit2" by Toady/Mankind 	11 	4.428571 	2.642857 	3.1785712
12. 	"Confuntion" by Bass/- 			15 	3.0 		3.1666667 	3.1166668
13. 	"Cada vez ... Peor" by Bauer/Resaka WebZine
					 	 3 	4.3333335 	2.5714285 	3.1
14. 	"Unyka3!" by Snaked/Elerium Core 	10 	3.6 		2.7857144 	3.03
15. 	"Destroyer" by Zoom/- 			16 	2.6666667 	3.0 		2.9
16. 	"yPnoTraX pRojEct" by XkyWalkeR/BiOxPhErE
						12 	3.4 		1.4285715 	2.02

Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"Absolut 42" by Naif/Concept, Inside, Eklipse, tktp
						 5 	-1.0 		8.625 		8.625
2. 	"MO<2SCH" by Sml/Fuzzion^dSK!^eKlipse^TKTP
						 6 	-1.0 		8.5 		8.5
3. 	"Want four k?" by Wonder/Inside, Savage  2 	-1.0 		7.5 		7.5
4. 	"Chiptune Nork" by Nork/Network 	 7 	-1.0 		7.4 		7.4
5. 	"Loops 'n' cuts" by LDB/- 		 3 	-1.0 		7.2 		7.2
6. 	"The First Chip" by Silenci/Fuzzion 	 1 	 8.0 		5.7 		6.39
7. 	"Ringworld" by Multivac/Melancholy 	 4 	 6.0 		6.1 		6.0699997
8. 	"10K" by Overflow/Concept, Eklipse 	 9 	-1.0 		6.0 		6.0
9. 	"LITLESONG" by Z^UP/ACYD 		 8 	-1.0 		3.9 		3.9

Java Intro
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"3h" by Varios/Fuzzion 			 3 	1.65 		7.0 		5.395
2. 	"Chaemeleon" by -/Chamaeleon Team 	 2 	1.4 		6.5 		4.97
3. 	"Java really sucks" by Al0/- 		 1 	8.947369 	2.625 		4.5217104

Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final

Fast 2D
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"Panda forever" by Newalpha/RGB & Glue 	 8 	4.0 		7.6 		6.52
2. 	"Panda huevos" by Yakare/- 		13 	3.7692308 	7.4 		6.310769
3. 	"fast" by Interface/- 			 5 	5.0666666 	6.6666665 	6.1866665
4. 	"Panda by DJS" by DjShivan/Gorospe Tim 	 2 	3.1538463 	6.0 		5.146154
5. 	"fast" by Al0/- 			 4 	8.4 		3.3333333 	4.853333
6. 	"fast" by Estibalitz/- 			 3 	2.1666667 	6.0 		4.85
7. 	"fast" by Xuxo/- 			12 	7.5625 		2.8333333 	4.2520833
8. 	"fast" by Shock/Vector 3 		11 	2.0 		4.6666665 	3.8666666
9. 	"fast" by Carlos Pardo de Santayana/- 	 1 	5.7647057 	3.0 		3.8294117
10. 	"Panda" by Zaac/Mankind 		15 	1.6923077 	4.1666665 	3.4243588
11. 	"fast" by q256/Avalon 			 9 	1.9166666 	3.8333333 	3.2583332
12. 	"fast" by Lidia/- 			 7 	7.0 		1.5 		3.15
13. 	"fast" by Jober/Differential 		 6 	2.3333333 	3.5 		3.1499999
14. 	"fast" by Ransom/- 			10 	1.5833334 	2.8333333 	2.4583333
15. 	"Panda Virus" by Z80user/Z80user 	14 	1.5 		1.6666666 	1.6166667

Fast 3D
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"FastBus" by DjShivan/Gorospe Tim 	 1 	6.0 		7.25 		6.875
2. 	"fast" by yakare/- 			10 	6.2 		6.625 		6.4975
3. 	"fast" by Tracy/- 			 9 	6.5 		6.0 		6.15
4. 	"Fast Red Bullsss" by Lynx, TeKnO, XCAZZ/hiperr Hysteric RedBull
					 	 6 	5.0 		6.25 		5.875
5. 	"Ese peaso autobú" by Jober/Differential 2 	4.8 		6.25 		5.815
6. 	"fast" by tALSit de CoD/- 		 8 	5.0 		6.0 		5.7
7. 	"BBK BUS" by Asier Illarramendi/- 	 7 	3.8 		6.0 		5.34
8. 	"fast" by Mad Goblin/- 			 3 	4.4 		4.875 		4.7325
9. 	"fast" by Ransom/-			 5 	2.75 		5.25 		4.5
10. 	"fast" by Ogre The Slayer/- 		 4 	2.5 		-1.0 		2.5

Fast coding
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"Fast" by DrPain/fuzzion 		 2 	5.75 		6.3599997 	6.1769996
2. 	"Uooopps.." by ACYD/ACYD 		 1 	7.125 		5.75 		6.1625
3. 	"fast" by IQ/Glue 			 5 	4.6 		5.75 		5.4049997
4. 	"fast" by Elric/Anaconda 		 3 	4.0 		5.18 		4.8259997
5. 	"Atomic-scroller" by Spock/Wild Bits 	 6 	4.2 		4.35 		4.305
6. 	"Multi Scroll" by Epsilum/- 		 4 	3.2 		3.9 		3.69
7. 	"Surrealistic Multiscroll" by Wind & Xele/Network
					 	 7 	1.0 		2.5 		2.05

Fast music
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"-" by SiNkRO/Trilogic Team 		 5 	 6.0 		6.714286 	6.5
2. 	"Joseba Beristain" by Jober/Differential 3 	 5.6666665 	6.428571 	6.2
3. 	"Fast Big Brother Tune" by FX!/Purple's Studios
						 4 	 5.0 		5.357143 	5.25
4. 	"Álvaro Morillas Correa" by Overflow/Concept, Eklipse
						 2 	 4.5 		4.714286 	4.65
5. 	"Bug Brother" by Wonder&Naif/Inside 	 1 	 2.0 		4.5 		3.75
6. 	"-" by Newalpha/RGB 			 6 	-1.0 		1.8333334 	1.8333334

Animacion 3D
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"Juego Peligroso" by Tracy, FX, IceVan/Purple's Studios
						 6 	7.785714 	8.5 		8.285714
2. 	"Bored Ball" by tALSit de CoD/- 	 5 	5.3076925 	6.2 		5.9323077
3. 	"Achus" by Smeagol/- 			 3 	3.9166667 	6.5833335 	5.7833333
4. 	"Los blancos no la saben meter II" by Carlos Pegar/-
						 4 	6.3076925 	5.5 		5.7423077
5. 	"Renouinge" by Grenat/Mankind 		 2 	3.25 		5.5833335 	4.883333
6. 	"el banco" by Andres Elizondo/- 	 1 	Retired from competition

Wild Compo
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"partrix" by Arturo Monedero/- 		 3 	8.545455 	7.1875 		7.5948863
2. 	"Macrobot" by UR-235, THD/- 		 5 	6.125 		7.125 		6.825
3. 	"KePeich" by Elerium Core/Elerium Core 	 2 	6.4 		5.175 		5.5425
4. 	"Un dia cualquiera" by region factible/region factible
					 	 4 	5.1666665 	5.675 		5.5225
5. 	"ATP Analogic Demo" by DjKaos/RgB 	 6 	6.0 		5.175 		5.4225
6. 	"El banco" by Andres/- 			 7 	2.8333333 	4.175 		3.7725
7. 	"Cassinet 00 Hardware destruction Report" by Trace/fuzzion
					 	 1 	4.1666665 	3.5875 		3.76125
8. 	"Recuerdos" by Patricia Gomez/- 	 9 	3.0 		4.0875 		3.76125
9. 	"Con mucha cara" by Mikel Pagadizabal/-  8 	3.1666667 	3.925 		3.6975
10. 	"Locomotive" by Raul Grande/- 		11 	2.857143 	2.8142858 	2.827143
11. 	"Enter" by Iñaki Huegun/- 		10 	2.2 		2.675 		2.5325

Real Time Battle
Pos  	Title and author  	 		Num  	Public  	Jury		Final 
1. 	"DT Power V3" by Rapid/Critical Concept  1 	-1.0 		9.0 		9.0
2. 	"-" by Spock/Wild bits 			 2 	-1.0 		7.0 		7.0
3. 	"-" by Utopian/SoS 			 3 	-1.0 		7.0 		7.0
4. 	"-" by Sertrem/Senco 			 4 	-1.0 		6.0 		6.0
5. 	"DeathRobot" by DeathAngel/Region Factible
					 	 5 	-1.0 		5.0 		5.0
6. 	"-" by Mc_Tr/GULA 			 6 	-1.0 		5.0 		5.0


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