    .                         .
    .                           · ...
    :  -« DiGiTaL »-               `::.                        .--.
    |  ________   __________________`::.   ___________________/   |
    | _\       \_/____/   _____/_.../.::.._\.__ _    \_      /    |
    |/       _  /    /    \   /    / ·:: /            /  _ _/_____|
    /_____   / /    /     /  /    /  ::'/______/     /_____/     /|
    |    \____/____/\_______/____/ .::'       \_____/HTW  \_____/ |
    |                             ::;...   ...·  .               .|
    |                              `:::::::'      .        ...·   |
    |  ________   _________   ________   ________ `:.    .::'     |
    | _\       \__\____ _  \__\   _   \__\       \_`::  .::'      |
    |/       ___/           /     /    /       _  / `::.::'       |  
    /_____  /  /______/    /_____/    /_____   / /    :::'        |
    |    \____/      \____/     \____/     \____/   .::'          |
    |                 \  /                .       .::'            |
    |  -« CaNDy »-     \/                  `·.. ..:·'             |
    `------------------'\                     `::'                |
   »»·  7 CD-ROMS On-Line    :   3 GiG HD   :   A4000/040 + WARP  ·««
         »»·  A 100% LEGAL SCENE BBS, Keeping The Scene Alive ·««
       »»· 2 Node RingDown   :   0191 232 5527   :   28.8ds ·««
  »»· Expanding Fast Get on board and be part of the NEW Generation ·««
   " This is an Incredible Board, it`s gonna be big, very BIG " - HTW

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ Assembly Organizing brings you

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								³  ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ  ³
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								³ ÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÛÛÛÛ ³
	    Helsinki, Finland, 10th - 13th August               ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ³
								³ ÛÛÛÛ   ÛÛÛÛ ³
		 pre-invitation info file                       ³ ßÛÛß   ßÛÛß ³
								³             ³
								³  ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ  ³
					      (released 5.4.95) ³ ÛÛÛÛß ßÛÛÛÛ ³
								³    ßßÛÛÛÛÛÜ ³
		=== OPENING WORDS ===                           ³ ÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛ ³
								³  ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß  ³
      You are now reading the pre-invitation info file for      ³             ³
  ASSEMBLY'95. The information presented in this text file      ³ ÜÛÛÜ   ÜÛÛÜ ³
  might not be final, so please try to look for a new           ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛÛÛ ³
  version(s) of this text file. You can propably find them      ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ³
  where you found this info file, but can always find the       ³ ÛÛÛÛ ß ÛÛÛÛ ³
  latest ASSEMBLY '95 related files at the BBSes and FTP        ³ ÛÛÛÛ   ÛÛÛÛ ³
  sites mentioned in the "contact information" paragraph        ³ ßÛÛß   ßÛÛß ³
  later on in this text file.                                   ³             ³
								³             ³
								³ ÜÛÛÜ        ³
		=== WHERE AND WHEN ===                          ³ ßÛÛß        ³
								³ ßß          ³
      ASSEMBLY '95 will be held in Finland's largest            ³             ³
  conference centrum, namely the Helsinki Fair Centre.          ³  ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ  ³
  The Fair Centre is located in central Helsinki, about         ³ ÛÛÛß   ßÛÛÛ ³
  two kilometers from the previous party place.                 ³ ÛÛÛÜ   ÜÛÛÛ ³
								³  ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ³
      The party will start at 10:00 am on the 10th of August    ³       ÜÛÛÛÛ ³
  (Thursday) and end 18:00 pm on the 13th of August (Sunday).   ³  ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß  ³
								³             ³
      The party place is very easy to find, if you take any     ³ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ³
  train from the Central Railway station and get off on the     ³ ÛÛÛÛßßßßßßß ³
  next stop you will be able to see the building complex.       ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ  ³
								³  ßßßßßßÛÛÛÛ ³
								³ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÛ ³
								³ ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß  ³
								³             ³

			=== INDEX ===

  1.    How to get to the partyplace
  2.    Competitions
  2.1.  Voting system
  2.2.  PC competition rules (demos, intros)
  2.3.  Amiga competition rules (demos, intros)
  2.4.  Graphics competition rules (graphics, raytrace, animation)
  2.5.  Music competition rules (4 and 32 channel tunes)
  2.6.  C-64 competition rules (demos, music, gfx)
  3.    Prizes
  4.    Party features
  5.    ASSEMBLY '95 CD-ROM
  6.    ASSEMBLY '95 tickets
  6.1.  Buying tickets
  6.2.  Where can I buy tickets
  6.3.  Why should I buy a ticket in advance
  7.    Preliminary schedule
  8.    Disclaimer
  9.    Contact information


	You will either arrive by plane, by boat, by bus, by train or by car.
	If you are lucky enough to come by car, you should be able to find the
	party place very easily (see the maps). This year there will be enough
	parking space for everybody because there are no European Track & Field
	championships taking place and the Helsinki Fair Centre hosts one of
	the biggest parking lots in the whole Helsinki! If you come by plane
	and have lots of stuff with you, we would recommend to take a taxi,
	otherwise you should come by bus (cheaper). And if you come by boat
	(to Helsinki seaport) and have lots of luggage, take the taxi, or take
	a tram or walk to the Central Railway station and take any local train
	from there.

	Local area bus tickets in Finland vary from around $2 to $6 US. The
	taxi is of course more expensive. For example to take a normal taxi
	from the airport to the party place will cost one person around
	$30 - $40 US. But if you take the Airport Taxi, it will be a lot
	cheaper (half the price).

			   === 2. COMPETITIONS ===

	The organizers reserve the right to make any changes to the
	competition rules, and to disqualify any entry if it is not suitable to
	attend the competitions for some reason.

	Atleast one of the competiting team has to be present at the party
	place and in the case of a solo competition the competitor has to be

	All competitors have to be present at the party place in order to
	attend the competitions and to receive the possible prizes (or at least
	one of the authors of a competing piece of art).

	A jury composed of known scene people (maybe even you!) will select
	an amount of 15 entries in each competition to the finals (to be shown
	on the big screen to the audience). There will be different people in
	the PC and Amiga jurys.

	In the graphics competition, the ray-tracing and also in the 4kb
	intro competition on PC, the competition version of the entry must not
	display the author's name or group in any way. This is to prevent the
	author's name from affecting the vote. After the announcement of the
	results, the versions which are spread can include the author's
	signature. In the music competitions, we will not show the author's
	name while we play the song in the competition.

	In the graphics, music, raytracing, animation and 4kb intro
	competitions we will show the name of the song/picture, but only if
	it will not give hints on who has made it.

	"Maximum running length" below is only the amount of time we will
	show a particular piece of art on the big screen.

	The demos/intros will have to run without ANY user interaction
	once started (although there can be a setup screen).

	All demos, intros (4kb, 40kb and 64kb), pictures, songs and animations
	(i.e. everything) will be spread at the party place by the organizers.

	The filenames of the productions have to comply to the ISO-9660
	standard. This means _roughly_ that the only characters allowed in
	filenames are "A-Z" and "0-9". The maximum length of file name is
	8+3 characters (msdos standard).

	The productions MUST NOT save any files (for example configuration
	files) on the hard disk or the disk.

	In the music, graphics, raytracing and 4kb intro competitions only one
	of the authors (if there are more than one) can be the official author
	of the competing piece of art. For example, if two coders work on the
	same 4kb intro, only one of them can receive the prize and his name in
	the party results. After all, these three competitions are meant to be
	solo competitions.

	The author/authors have to have all the copyrights to their production.

	If you have any questions about the rules, kindly contact ASSEMBLY


	We will use a disk voting system. Once you enter the party place, you
	will be given the voting disk, which will include the voting program.
	We are going to have separate Amiga and PC compatible voting disks.

	You will be able to give your opinion on The Five Best in all compe-
	titions, both on the Amiga and PC.

	But before you can give your opinion, a jury composed of known
	scene people (maybe even you!) will select an amount of 15 entries
	in each competition to the finals (to be shown on the big screen to
	the audience). There will be different people in the PC and Amiga


	The competition machine we will use:

			- i486DX2/66 with 4 MB of RAM
			- MS-DOS 6.20
			- VLB SVGA-board with TSENG ET4000/W32
			- 1 MB Gravis UltraSound sound card or
			  original Sound Blaster Pro 2.0

	Software configuration in the computer will include MS-DOS 6.20,
	with HIMEM and EMM386. The configuration will not be changed during
	the competition.

	All entries have to work with the base address set to 220 and IRQ
	set to 7 on the GUS and Sound Blaster (Pro). This will cut down the
	usual hassle with sound card settings. Naturally the sound should
	also work with all other sound card IRQ, DMA and baseport settings.

	If you want to use the MIDI patches that come with the UltraSound,
	you will have to bring them with you in order for us to measure
	their size in kilobytes.

	The main reason why SVGA modes with higher resolution than 640x480
	aren't allowed is because the maximum resolution supported by the
	video/data projectors we have is 640x480. And even if the projectors
	could show higher resolutions, the picture quality of different
	high resolution graphics modes would not look that much different
	from one another (a video projector is NOT the same as a monitor).

	You should note that the picture produces by a video projector is
	not as good as a monitor picture. The video projector does not show
	pale colors well and in some cases can even lose them completely.
	Also the contrast can be different. These are common problems with
	all video projectors and simply can't be corrected. Please try to
	understand these restrictions.

	Note that you can now enter more than one demo or 64kb intro to the
	competitions, if you so desire.

		 DEMO   - Maximum size in executable form is 4096 kb
			- Maximum showing time is 8 minutes, the demo
			  itself can be longer
			- 100% VGA register level compatible graphics
			  modes and SVGA mode 640*480 are accepted
			- Pure animation files are not accepted
			- Also executables only including an animation
			  and an animation player will not be accepted,
			  this is not an animation competition
			- Gravis Ultrasound (512kb) and SB PRO/SB 16 support
			- The name of the files have to comply to the
			  ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters
			  are allowed).
			- The demo MUST NOT save anything on the hard disk

		INTRO   - Maximum size in executable form is 64 kb
			  (65536 bytes)
			- Maximum showing time is 5 minutes
			- 100% VGA register level compatible graphics
			  modes and SVGA mode 640*480 are accepted
			- Pure animation files are not accepted
			- Gravis Ultrasound (512kb) and SB PRO/SB 16 support
			- The names of the files have to comply to the
			  ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters
			  are allowed).
			- The intro MUST NOT save anything on the hard disk

	    4KB-INTRO   - Maximum size in executable form is 4096 bytes
			- Maximum running length is 3 minutes
			- NO MUSIC or other sound is allowed
			  (this is because this a coders' competition,
			  not musicians')
			- Only 100% VGA register level compatible
			  graphics modes are accepted (no SVGA/VESA)
			- Only one intro by one coder
			- The name of the file has to comply to the
			  ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters
			  are allowed).
			- The intro MUST NOT save anything on the hard disk


	The competition machine is a A4000 with 2 megs chip + 4 megs
	fast. All competition entries must work in Amiga 1200 with 2 megs

		 DEMO   - Maximum size is 4 megabytes
			- Must by harddisk installable
			- Maximum running length is 8 minutes
			- The names of the files have to comply to the
			  ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters
			  are allowed).
			- The demo MUST NOT save anything on the disk

		INTRO   - Maximum size in executable form is 40 kb
			- Maximum running length is 5 minutes
			- The names of the files have to comply to the
			  ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters
			  are allowed).
			- The intro MUST NOT save anything on the disk


	     GRAPHICS   - The maximum resolution allowed is 640x480
			- The maximum amount of simultaneous onscreen
			  colors is 256
			- The palette is the standard 16,7 million
			  color true color palette
			- Pictures drawn with Amiga will be shown with
			  Amiga Brilliance (no executables!)
			- PC pictures will have to be in standard LBM,
			  PCX, TGA or GIF format
			- Pictures drawn with PC will be shown with
			  CSHOW (or some other good picture viewer)
			- Scanned, ripped and raytraced pictures
			  will be disqualified
			- In addition, you must submit a version of the
			  final picture which doesn't have your signature
			  on it (which will be shown on the big screen)
			- Only one picture by one graphics artist
			- The name of the file has to comply to the
			  ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters
			  are allowed).

	     RAYTRACING - The maximum resolution allowed is 640x480
			- The maximum amount of simultaneous onscreen
			  colors is 16.7 million
			- Pictures will be shown on PC with true color
			  card (no executables!)
			- Pictures have to be in JPG or TARGA format
			- In addition, you must submit a version of the
			  final picture which doesn't have your signature
			  on it (which will be shown on the big screen)
			- Only one picture by one graphics artist
			- The name of the file has to comply to the
			  ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters
			  are allowed).

	     ANIMATION  - The maximum size of the animation is 2000 of
			  320x200 frames us on a hard drive, DAT or in
			  any other easily transferrable media.
			- The maximum amount of simultaneous onscreen
			  colors is 16.7 million
			- The maximum resolution is 320x200
			- The animation will be shown on Pentium PC with
			  true color card, the player will be done by
			  Virtual Dreams
			- The frames have to be in JPG format and delivered
			  us in hard drive, DAT or in any other easily
			  transferrable media, (no DISKS!) possible other
			  mediarestrictions be notified later. If you don't
			  bring your production on a hard disk, bring along
			  a drive that can read your media!
			- The name of the file has to comply to the
			  ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters
			  are allowed).


	    4CHANNEL    - Maximum size is 880kb (= one Amiga disk)
			- Maximum amount of channels is 4
			- Maximum running length is 3 minutes
			- All songs will be played with the Amiga
			  ProTracker v2.x (MOD)
			- Entries must be in MOD-format (no executables)
			- Only one song by one musician
			- The name of the file has to comply to the
			  ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters
			  are allowed).

	 MULTICHANNEL   - Maximum amount of channels is 32
			- Maximum size of the song is 1024 kb in
			  a playable format (including all samples,
			  pattern data, etc.)
			- Maximum running length is 3 minutes
			- the format has to be some of the following:
			  S3M, MOD, XM, MTM and ULT
			- If the song is a MIDI song, bring the
			  samples and everything that is needed
			  to play the song with you (except the
			  sound card)
			- All songs will be played with PC compatible
			  players using a 1MB Gravis UltraSound
			- Only one song by one musician
			- The name of the file has to comply to the
			  ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters
			  are allowed).



	- Only one contribution from each group/artist is accepted
	- Contributions must be 100% finished before the deadline,
	  because we will copy and spread all of them
	- The deadlines are actually DEADLINES, and they're not too
	  flexible -> deliver your contributions in time


	- The demo will be run on a standard C64, a 1541 drive and
	  an Action Replay MK6 cartridge
	- If the demo requires ANY user interaction, we want a person
	  from the contributing group to run the demo. This includes
	  pressing space between parts...
	- Each demo will be shown for a maximum of 15 minutes
	- In the disk label/cover must read the following:
		* The name of the demo
		* The group that's contributing it
		* The handle of it's main coder
		* User interaction required?
		* Approximate running lenght in minutes
	- At least one person must be present from the contributing group


	- The picture must be an executable file
	- ALL graphic formats are accepted
	- Only the picture must be seen on the screen, no scrolls
	  or other moving things are allowed. Music is acceptable,
	  but during the competition no-one will hear it, because
	  we'll turn audio equipment off
	- The artist must be present at the party


	- The tune must be an executable file
	- Each tune will be played for max. 3 minutes. This doesn't
	  mean you'd have to cut the tune at 3:00 sharp, though!
	- The artist must be present at the party

	The official C-64 competition organizers are:

	Deadbeat / The Sharks and Hazor / Beyond Force.


	We will have all traditional ASSEMBLY special competitions and
	some new ones. The competitions include for example soccer,
	disk throwing, modem throwing and lazer tag war compo.

			   === 3. THE PRIZES ===

	As said before, the prizes will be the best yet, both in the
	Amiga and PC competitions. The total value of all the prizes in US
	dollars will be over US $50,000 (not including software).

	The actual prizes may be software, hardware or pure cash. This
	depends on our sponsors. The following list includes only the pre-
	liminary list of the prizes (the final lists will be published at the
	party place). Also keep in mind that the money exchange rates also
	affect this list (at the time of the writing of this text file one
	US dollar was 4.7 roughly finnish marks).

	We will try to give cash prizes in the PC and Amiga demo compe-
	titions. The prizes in the other competitions may be more or less
	various hardware and software.

	All the cash prizes will be paid in Finnish currency.

	COMPETITION PRIZE VALUES (not including software):

	     DEMO:              INTRO:            4KB-INTRO (only PC):
	 #: --------           --------          ----------------------

	 1.  $4400              $1900             $600
	 2.  $2900              $1400             $500
	 3.  $2100              $1000             $350
	 4.  $1350              $500              $250
	 5.  $750               $250              $150
     6.-15.  $100               $100              $50

	The hardware and software we will get from our sponsors as prizes.

	ART COMPETITION PRIZE VALUES (not including software):

	 #:---------------     ----------------  -----------

	 1. $600                $600              $1900
	 2. $500                $500              $1400
	 3. $350                $350              $1000
	 4. $250                $250              $500
	 5. $150                $150              $250
     6.-15. $50                 $50               $100


	In the C-64 competitions we will only give cash as follows:

	       DEMO:      GRAPHICS:    MUSIC:
	 #: -----------  ----------  ----------
	 1.    $200         $100        $100
	 2.    $100         $50         $50
	 3.    $50          $25         $25

			 === 4. PARTY FEATURES ===

	Next is a list of most important features at our party:

			* Audio and Video *

	The main hall is is equipped with a powerful sound system. The
	system supports Dolby Surround and will be a real kicker with
	10 000 watts of pure sound power.

	The big screen in the main hall is over 8 meters wide and
	supports the 640x480 resolution! There are also two additional
	video screens for displaying information and messages.

			     * Halls *

	The party area is composed of two interconnected halls. The main
	area is 4500 square meters. There are 1800 computer places in the
	main hall and about 50 ethernet sockets are available.

	The sleeping hall is on the second floor and both of the halls
	are sound proof so your sleeping convience is assured. The sleeping
	hall is a big as the main party arena so there is plenty of room
	for everybody.

	Neither of the halls have windows so the video screens will look
	absolutely fabulous at the time.

			   * Services *

	The party place is the biggest fair centre in Finland. It will
	feature 24h food service (yes, we have Coke!), 24h security
	personnel, 24h professional electrician, 24h luggage preservation
	service and cleaning personnel. Also 24h help desk with friendly
	personnel will be available to help you out with any problems you
	might encounter.

	Plenty of WCs and some showers will be available. Cool party
	T-shirts and posters (A1 size) will be sold for low price.

	Finlands largest roleplaying convention will also take place
	at the same time in the fair centre. ASSEMBLY visitors will
	get 50% discount from the entrance fee.

	Finlands largest home computer fair is also taking place at
	the same time in the fair centre. ASSEMBLY visitors will get
	in FREE to the fair, namely PLAY 1995! Note that the visitors at
	PLAY 1995 can't come to the ASSEMBLY party area.

	Two really great concerts will take place during the weekend.
	On Friday at spectacular ROCK CONCERT will take place at a
	separate hall and on Saturday a really big rave (expected
	amount of visitors 2000) will take place on a separate hall.

			* ASSEMBLY '95 NET Access *

	We will offer limited access to the internet at the party place.
	This will most likely include IRC, MUD and some other services,
	and may be even some direct links to the net thru the party LAN.

	More information will follow in the next information file.

	All productions released during the party will be uploaded to
	the FTP server NIC.FUNET.FI, and also to FTP.MPOLI.FI (directory

			=== 5. ASSEMBLY '95 CD-ROM ===

	All the participating pieces of art from the competitions will be
	assembled to a single ASSEMBLY '95 CD-ROM. This will be a unique
	possibility for everyone to get hundreds of megabytes data containing
	ALL demos, intros, pics, mods, etc. published at ASM '95.

	We will pay royalties of the net revenue of the CD-ROM disks to the
	winners in the competitions (except for the C-64) as follows
	(in percents):

	CODE COMPETITIONS (both Amiga and PC)

	   DEMO            INTRO                4KB INTRO (only PC)
	1. 2.5%            0.7%                 0.4%
	2. 2.0%            0.5%                 0.3%
	3. 1.5%            0.4%                 0.1%


	1. 0.4%            0.4%                 0.7%
	2. 0.3%            0.3%                 0.5%
	3. 0.1%            0.1%                 0.4%

	All productions which are shown on the big screen will receive
	a free ASSEMBLY '95 CD-ROM.

	If do a fix for production after the party and you wish to include
	it on the CD-ROM kindly send it to any places listed in the contact
	addresses. In case of problems, please contact ASSEMBLY Organizing.

	All winning entries have to include a textfile which states that
	the author will grant us the exclusive rights for the CD-ROM
	distribution of the competition entry. Otherwise no royalty.

	The royalties will be paid twice in the period of one year after the
	release of the CD-ROM disk in the form of a cheque by mail. This
	means the last royalties for the ASSEMBLY '95 CD-ROM disk will be paid
	around ASSEMBLY '96 time.

			=== 6. ASSEMBLY '95 TICKETS ===

	* 6.1 Buying tickets *

	There are two kind of tickets for ASSEMBLY '95. Normal 200,- ticket
	and 240,- ticket which includes computerplace reservation. You can
	buy the 200,- ticket either at the door at the happening or you can
	buy it in advance. Reservation tickets are only sold in advance.

	* 6.2 Where can I buy my tickets *

	In Finland you can buy a ticket and reserve your computer place from
	your local LIPPUPALVELU or by calling them at:
	9700-4700 (4,95 mk/min+ppm).

	Groups that want to get the group discount and foreigners must buy
	their tickets and computerplace reservations directly from
	ASSEMBLY Organizing. Foreigners can pay directly to the account of
	ASSEMBLY Organizing. Make sure, when you pay directly to the account
	that ASSEMBLY Organizing doesn't get any additional costs and the
	amount of money covers the costs of the ordered ticket. Also make
	sure that we get the information who has sent the money and where
	we can send the tickets. To groups in Finland we will send the tickets
	as COD (cash on delivery).

	* 6.3 Why I should buy a ticket in advance? *

	If you buy your ticket in advance you have the possibility to use
	group discount of 10%. You have the possibility for group discount
	if you buy more than 10 tickets at a time. Also the table reservation
	is possible only by buying reservation ticket. You don't have to
	reserve table for yourself, but the best places near the videoprojector
	screen go to the reservers. The earlier you reserve your place the
	better place you get. Also we will organize special door in the
	first day of ASSEMBLY '95 where you can get your computer in most


	This schedule is only preliminary and the times listed will most likely
	be changed and a lot more events will be added, but you can get a
	general feeling from it. The party place is open 24 hours a day.
	RopeCon is also open 24h/day.

	10th of August 1995 (THURSDAY)
	 - 1000 ASSEMBLY doors open
	 - 1000 PLAY 1995 opens
	 - 2000 PLAY 1995 closes for the day
	 - special competitions etc
	 - raytrace movies on the big screen etc

	11th of August 1995 (FRIDAY)
	 - 1000 PLAY 1995 opens
	 - 1000 RopeCon starts
	 - 1400 C64 competition deadline
	 - 2000 C64 competitions
	 - 2000 PLAY 1995 closes for the day
	 - 2200 Possible rock concert (at a separate hall)
	 - 2300 Deadline for all competitions

	12th of August 1995 (SATURDAY)
	 - 1000 PLAY 1995 opens
	 - 1200 4 channel competition
	 - 1400 Graphics competition
	 - 1600 32 channel competition
	 - 1800 Raytrace competition
	 - 2000 PLAY 1995 closes for the day
	 - 2000 4kb intro competition
	 - 2200 Animation competition
	 - 2200 PLA-NET RAVE opens (at a separate hall)

	13th of August 1995 (SUNDAY)
	 - 0200 Rerun of Saturdays competitions
	 - 0400 PLA-NET RAVE closes
	 - 0500 Rerun ends
	 - 1000 PLAY 1995 opens
	 - 1000 Amiga intro competition
	 - 1200 PC intro competition
	 - 1400 Amiga demo competition
	 - 1600 PC demo competition
	 - 1800 Prize giving ceremony
	 - 2000 Doors close - ASSEMBLY '95 is over

			=== 8. DISCLAIMER ===

	We don't take any responsibility on the equipment people bring to the
	party place. We suggest you take an insurance for your equipment from
	some insurance company. And remember, you can store your equipment by
	using the luggage preservation service which will be available at the
	party place.

	If you have ANY suggestions or ideas about anything written in this
	text file, don't hesitate to contact us!



	You can reach us by many means according to the following list:

		Voice:      ASSEMBLY Org.   +358-0-777 3721

		FAX:                        +358-0-757 3115

		BBS:        StarPort (FC)   +358-0-615 00028 (4 lines) (PC)
					    +358-0-615 00020 (5 lines) (PC)
					    conference #58

					    From Internet:
					    "telnet -8 mpoli.fi -l pcboard"
					    ftp.mpoli.fi /starport/asm95

                WWW:        http://www.icon.fi/assembly95/

			    (available before 10/Apr/1995)



		Normal mail:

			    Lakkisepantie 13
			    00620 Helsinki

		Bank account for international money transfers:

			    ASSEMBLY Organizing
			    Kansallis Osake Pankki, Kerava

			    Please include your address with
			    the payment, where you want the
			    tickets to be sent. Also make sure
			    that there are no additional expenses
			    for the receiver of the payment.

    .                         .
    .                           · ...
    :  -« DiGiTaL »-               `::.                        .--.
    |  ________   __________________`::.   ___________________/   |
    | _\       \_/____/   _____/_.../.::.._\.__ _    \_      /    |
    |/       _  /    /    \   /    / ·:: /            /  _ _/_____|
    /_____   / /    /     /  /    /  ::'/______/     /_____/     /|
    |    \____/____/\_______/____/ .::'       \_____/HTW  \_____/ |
    |                             ::;...   ...·  .               .|
    |                              `:::::::'      .        ...·   |
    |  ________   _________   ________   ________ `:.    .::'     |
    | _\       \__\____ _  \__\   _   \__\       \_`::  .::'      |
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    |                 \  /                .       .::'            |
    |  -« CaNDy »-     \/                  `·.. ..:·'             |
    `------------------'\                     `::'                |
   »»·  7 CD-ROMS On-Line    :   3 GiG HD   :   A4000/040 + WARP  ·««
         »»·  A 100% LEGAL SCENE BBS, Keeping The Scene Alive ·««
       »»· 2 Node RingDown   :   0191 232 5527   :   28.8ds ·««
  »»· Expanding Fast Get on board and be part of the NEW Generation ·««
   " This is an Incredible Board, it`s gonna be big, very BIG " - HTW
