·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/ t h e  y a r d  b b s  \/ located in +49-germany!
   rUNNiNG oN dAYdREAM 2.05F wITH 8 niCE nODES - 2*iSDN/2*aNALOGUE/4*tELNET
         nON-24h tELNET wITH sTATIC iP: theyard.ddns.org - pORT: 23
         t.Y. sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · NINjA > t.Y. sTAFF
     aHS wHQ · bGiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · dKB wHQ · wX wHQ · sRZ wHQ · lP! gHQ
        uP rOUGH gHQ ·pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · 1oo% diST
                       hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS!

                  _       __.    ______.                    _
           _ _ __ ¾ _ __ _) l___ \     l__ _ _ _______ __ _ ¾ __ _ _
           :\\\\  ¾ ¾   \\  .__/--\   ._   \ / ._    //   ¾ ¾  ////:
           |      ¯ ¾   _\  !/        !/    /  !/___( _   ¾ ¯      |
      drn! |        ¯   /___/     ____/     __ /    __\   ¯        | lp!
           !     ________   `----'    `----'  `----'          _.   !
          _______\_     /___.                     _.    ______\!_____
         _\       ._    _  _|_____ __________ ____\!____\           /_
     < - /______  l/  __\____.    \\  ._    //          ____      ___\ - >
           .    `----' /___ /!  ___   !/___( ___      __\   `----' .
           |               /---'  /__  \   __\  `----'             |
           !  _______.               `----'         __.            |
      ________\ __   l______    ________  ._________) l___   ____. !
      \   ._   \ /  ._   _ /____\_     /--l _      X  .__/___\  _|______
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      /__  \   _____/     _____  l/  ___    \-----\___/     ____ /!  ___\
         `----'     `----'     `----'   `----\        `----'    /---'
           ¡                                                       ¡
           |       - >  t h e   a s c i i   c h a r t s  < -       |
           !_ _                        _                        _ _!
           :////____________________ _ ¾ _ ____________________\\\\:
                                     ¾ ¾ ¾
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                     ____.                         _
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 __         \      \ \_  |    \/                     /     /                __
-\//---------\      \    | _        _          _ _        /----------------\\/-
              \\____|\___|-\_______/ \___/\___/ \\_______/nD!

      Hello ascii lovers worldwide !

      Sorry thats the issue comes out so late, but I was in holidays...

      Following things happened in the ascii scene in tha last month:

      ·  Apu/HLM^ex-DKB left the whole computer scene. His Amiga got a total
         HD crash, and because he is in the army for about 30 months and is
         home only on weekends, he has no time to fix it all... His Board,
         the Kwik·E·Mart, is offline, too.

      ·  Daeron left Alien Technology and joined Low Profile.

      ·  Darkus announced to leave Low Profile. He is going to build up
         another ascii group, together with Devistator, Blue and Karlos.
         The group has no name yet. There were also rumours that Dezibel/A!
         woul leave Arcade for the new group, but he stated later that he
         is going to stay with Arcade.

      ·  The last issue of TAC threw many dust up... Read about it in the
         letters section, where I will answer on the colly statings of
         Azzaro and Blaze of SEA.

      ·  A new artist called Cru joined 1oo% Ascii Design. He is also PCB
         door coder in the PC group Underground Empire.

      ·  The Ascii Charts have got a new email: asciicharts@hotmail.com .
         Write if you want to:
                               · say your opinion
                               · send us missing collies
                               · give us an interview
                               · do colly reviews
                               · send some group/personal news
                               · ...

         If you can offer something like colly reviews, interviews, articles
         about the ascii scene etc. you can become a steady member of the TAC
         staff. TAC will no longer be a one-man-project. Send your applys to
         the above-mentioned address. Do not wonder if the answer will take
         long time, it's because I can check this address only once a week.

      truly yours,
                    diPSWiTCH/aRCADE^aHS^1oo% // tHE yARD sTAFF

    ____.        ____   .________   ________.   ____      ______     _____
   _\   |      _\\ _/__ |       /_:_\       | _\\ _/__  _\\___  \_  /   _//__
 _/   __|_____/    ___/_|______/  :  \______:/   ____/_|   _    _/._\____    \_
 \    \            \    |    /    :    \    |    \     :   \     \|     /     /
--\    \/     _         |   /     :     \   |_         _    \     \          /-
   \_____    / \_______/'  /_____/:\_____\  ` \_______/nD--- \     \\_______/
         \__/                     :                           \____/

  · Now, first of all, a statement by Azzaro/SEA about my and Neurodancer's
    reviews, taken from sea-adia.txt.

> and now some hot words to our big
> fan - dipswitch  from  arcade and
> 100%,  operator  at  the yard bbs
> and  author of the official ascii
> charts. hey mate - why are you so
> angry  for  poles?   we  just put

I am not angry for poles, some of my best friends are poles.

> polish  language into the collies
> because they are addressed mainly
> to  polish  auditory and contains
> logos   for   polish  demo  scene
> groups   and  freaks.   the  only

But you must recognize that your collys are traded WORLDWIDE and english is
the language of scene communication. Well, I can understand Polish a little
bit because Russian is my native toungue, but there are many people out there
who can't understand Polish, and they just fuck about such collys. I can under-
stand their position; who wants to leech over 200kb in hope to get 200kb pure
ascii fun, getting instead of it over 100kb of texts that they can't under-
stand. Just think about it.

> thing to archive ascii colly with
> using lha is... capacity  -  it`s
> realy easier to send packed colly
> to  your friend by post or e-mail
> than   unpacked   one,  sometimes
> 400kb long file.  so, if you care

Ok, I'm sorry for accusing SEA for putting packed collys on BBS's. I didn't
know that that most of the Polish ascii artists have no BBS access and do
only snailmail... Well, this time my anger goes out to the people who spread
Polish collys on BBS's, like Ufok, Madbart etc.: PLEASE UNPACK THEM BEFORE

> about it, try to unpack the files
> and   then   spread  around   the
> world.   if  you only want to get

If I would, I would get -2 credits for duping. Because the collys are
unfortunately already spread in *.lha format.

> hottest  ascii  releases  from us
> (sative  mea) just try to contact
> madbart or cerber and download it
> from  our  official  distro sites
> where  they`re  are  uploaded  as
> fast as we can.

Are there some SEA distros outside Poland ?

> bbses  in  poland  sucks  and you

Why do they suck ? I've heard that The Sect, for example, should be pretty

> must  to  know that there are two
> trading   ways   -   mainly  with
> using   snail  mail  with    post
> offices and second one is bbs web
> with  traders.  ascii  makers are
> mainly swappers and snail traders
> so  we  can`t upload our works to
> the  bbs  station at the same day
> we release each colly............
> so,  dispwitch,  get  this  works
> from  official  distros (the sect
> bbs  is  recommended, radioactive
> bbs  also)  and  if you only want
> ask sometimes for new releases at
> our  e-mail  addresses.  it`s the
> cure  for your ill, hehe.  try to
> think  about  this  one:  chuj ci
> pojebie  w  dupכ  z kotwicג, pףki
> jeszcze  jebany szwabski pierdoמo
> nie rozumiesz po polsku dמugo siכ
> nie nauczysz... best regards!....

So, you think I can't understand this !??! GET THIS: (in Russian hehe)

Ey ti pedoras !  Wo perwich ya ne "szwabski pierdoמo" i wo wtorih, pochemu,
po washemu, kashdiy ascii artist dolshen razumet' po polski ?
Polutshai eto, jebanaya suka ! Chuj tebe w shopu !

Ok ? Dont get insulted ;)...  Not so serious, just as answer on your polish
  - diP/a!

  · Some days later, Azarro brought out another colly (sea-xfl9.txt) and
    wrote following things:

> not for neurodancer and dipswitch eyes for sure. get the fuck out of here
> you german fuckheads... poles are really preferred one more time for sure

Poles are preferred ? Why you trade this collections outside Poland then ?


Are you suffering from some phobia ? I didn't attack you - the review in
TAC 99/05 was even quite positive. I'm not jumping around for joy about your
collection, but it is - as i said in the review - quite ok.


Well, the most important thing in a collection is the art. Really objective
persons piss on the texts around.


A triple FUCK YOU about that ! Besides English and 'shitty' German I know
Russian, Latin, French and Spanish.
Good bye, auf Wiedersehen, do swidania, au revoir or just hasta la vista,
hijo de puta. ¯        ¯

  · Here's another statement from SEA crew, this time from Blaze.

> ogue... . . mmm, style is the sa
> me as in "morning lemon", someti
> mes a bit updated. there is poss
> iblity that you'll get me as rip
> per after watching this, but....

Why should you be a ripper if you use the same style as in a previous colly ?
Since when an ascii artist needs to have 1000*Pi styles ?!

> i don't care.  since i know it's
> maked only by me. btw, dippiy...
> try to give your suggestions 'bo
> ut every sative mea collection i
> n your chart! i really apperecia
> ted this idea, but i'm affraid t
> hat only some of our collies are
> flying somewhere on the i-net. s

I don't care much about i-net since i have none... And if you think I haven't
noticed some SEA collies, then I just haven't reviewed any single colly of
them. But each SEA colly stands in the monthly release list and is also counted
in the release charts.

> hit. but ask people 'bout us som
> where. or there. oka..... that w
> ould be all for today. take a lo
> ok at furthcoming days and reque
> st something if you need. peace.

  - diP/a!

  · Dwarf/KKZ felt insulted by the review of his previous colly. So he wrote
    this in his last one:

> hello, nice to see you all again. this is my second
> release under killkrazed label, and i think it'll
> be the last at the same time, because kkz isn't
> working and i think it's dyeing. so i'm
> looking for an ascii group to join. contact me if
> you want to make a preposition. now some feedback
> about tac-9904.txt (the ascii charts). my colly
> called kkz-rock (the rock) reviewed in tac-9904
> also and neurodancer smashed it right to the bottom
> . so i just wanted to say that it wasn't really
> motivating to read that my style is completely
> unreadable. i haven't been long around the ascii
> scene and my style might not be the perfect but you
> could have said what's wrong instead of crushing my
> ego a part. though i didn't mind a lot about your
> preview but somebody in the future might care what
> you say, so you could be more friendlier in the
> future. btw the logo you requested can be found
> below, no need to thank me.

  This is what Neurodancer wrote back:

     A word about my reviews in TAC 04/99. Seems like some of you out there
where offended by it (hehe). After reading the paragraph in Dwarf's "Time
Lapse" collection, I wrote the following text.

     Dwarf, you are damn right to say that it was a rude review about your
"The Rock" collection. Its easy to insult people when you don't think about
the consequences. I want to explain this - I don't want to justify why I
wrote those reviews the way I did. So here follows the somewhat lengthy
explanation (to make more enemies, haha).

     All of the reviews for the April issue of TAC were written nearly in
one go. I could've written "Uh, this is not so nice to, uh, look at" - I
wrote "Its fucking bullshit" (or something similar). Either way, you'd
probably have said that you don't care - just that being so rude made me
feel better: I was enthusiatic, trying to write reviews and do constructive
criticism, but I had to find out that there often was no substance to base
it on.

     It appears to me as if the Ascii artists of today don't understand the
artform itself they're practicing very much - I believe that guys like you
neither understand or know about its origins, nor its purpose (I won't
explain that here, look for some 1992/1993/1994 collections yourself to get
the idea). Maybe thats not the point for *you* as you're seeing yourself as
"the next generation" Ascii artists. But if you practice a quite long
established computer art form, you will be measured by the work that has
been there for a longer time than you maybe even have a computer, at all.

     The countless collections of these days, by, for example, Sative Mea
are, IMHO, not very good (with some exceptions) - I'm sorry. I can't do a
thing about it, except that I meanwhile stopped reviewing and trading such
collections. Their not worth my time. Hey, I mean... its OK to create
stylish logos, but damnit, they must be somewhat readable, too - and the
intentions of the artist must be other than "release for the sake of
releasing" and "increasing the size of the collection by all cost" (more on
that topic later) - but exactly THATS what happening, don't you see?

     In the past, you've probably downloaded some pictures from computer
party competitions, and most of the time, there's one or more pictures in
childish kindergarden style just drawn for fun, and most likely the party
people had a good laugh - and forgot about it. What do you want to be?
Someone to laugh about, or someone to be taken as a serious artist?
"Serious" doesn't mean there shouldn't be any fun - but any of the Ascii
collections that I regard as really funny *do* contain serious art!

     You yourself wrote that you aren't long in the Ascii scene, so I
wonder where YOUR inspiration to do Ascii, the way you do it NOW, comes
from, first place? What I'm trying to say is: I fear that guys like
you might "inspire" other people out there to do Ascii the way they
see it in these collections, thinking "hey, thats easy, I can do that,
too!". AND I fear that the wider audience that Ascii art has or had is
going "nahhh, Ascii art is just crap, just look at that unreadable shit"
(ask Ghandy/Gods, a long-lasting scener and respect person, about that
topic) - and forgets it. Ascii art doesn't deserve either - IMHO.

     Everybody can write a book, and everybody can do Ascii art. The
difference is whether how and *if* its going to be published. In this
manner, TAC is (IMHO again), the place to put these things right. The jury,
if you want to - but not the judge. We can't confine anyone to stop
releasing what they call Ascii art, we can only say what we think about it.
I am *not* one of those "some years ago, everything was better" winer guys.
But if I'm measuring much of this "modern" Ascii art with the old stuff,
I'm really tempted to start doing so, as so many others did - before they
resignated from the scene.

     The way I wrote those reviews, about your and others collections was
pretty harsh - but in the end, I must admit I do NOT regret it. Why spend
time on diplomacy? "A diplomat is a person who tells you to go to hell in a
way that you're looking forward to the trip" - I don't have the time for
that. Its easy to make enemies; I really don't expect easy making friends
when writing reviews for TAC: the one who opposes to an individuals belief
and opinion is always the bad guy, an idiot, whatever - well, so be it, its
the way of the world.

     Per your request in "Time Lapse" I tell you what you could do about
your style: drop it. Or change it so that you can (to quote Nebraska/SoS
once more): "read (it) without being mentally (and physically) disturbed."

     Above I mentioned something about the release and "design" behaviour
of many so called "artists", and I want to sum up what I've already pointed
out in one or the other of my reviews: too large descriptions (some people
never learn that a File_ID.diz is 44x12); headers bigger that the art
between each and every logo (meanwhile, I started to call this behaviour
"SEA style"); bragging and glorifying when its not due; empty spaces before
LF/CR to blow the size of the collection WAY up (even from your "Time
Lapse" collection, my text stripper removed over 16kB of totally useless
spaces - at the moment this is only topped by one of the last SEA
collections which contained over 60kB of waste-spaces). And personally, I
think that at least 80% of the Ascii art of today is pretty unreadable.

     Now, I'm sorry if these words aren't "really motivating" either, but I
*am* one of those guys who's thinking that telling my true opinion is
better that do any soothsaying about something that doesn't deserve it. In
the scene, we've always been able to do so. Call me a dreamer.
 - nD/1oo%

  · Now, last but not least, an IRC chat with Mortimer Twang/LP! about
    the Charts. (\nUwALk3R = Mortimer)

[ join ]diP^a (bbs@port008.koeln.ndh.net) has joined channel #bgirlarmy 
<diP^a>heyhoes !
<\nUwALk3R>you read my jedi mind there zaner
<zANEr>yah dips
<\nUwALk3R>dippy dread ! ;:)
<zANEr>your jedi mind
<zANEr>well right
<\nUwALk3R><---- notorious daddy dumb
<diP^a>ahhhh heyyy daddy teeee
<zANEr>]] whut whut [[
<\nUwALk3R>dip, got's to say BIG UP for the asciichart thing ... quote me on
that ;)
<zANEr>hhe another capture for the next mag...
<zANEr>ehm issue i mean 0)
<zANEr>i think i could neeed some more ganja asap...
<diP^a>hehe morti thanks for the flowers..;) you have read the newest ? (05/99)
<\nUwALk3R>dip? say what? (=
<\nUwALk3R>reading it now
<zANEr>diP^a»  what about the interview stuff.....? (du weist, ich bin freitag
<\nUwALk3R>dip I have a little suggestion...
<zANEr>ja ok ...
<diP^a>morty: say what ?
<zANEr>no, better whut, and again whut
<\nUwALk3R>don't kill me :) but I'd love to see an extract of the highlights of
the collections that are being rewieved too... not just the file.I'd... I think
that would be cool
<zANEr>yeah as neurodancer did on his review part last issue, like on those
 wack collies, he copied some parts out of it,, also cool ...
<diP^a>aaahh,... jeah...seee i'm too lazy for it cause it's so fucked on pc
it has no aehhmm 'zwischenablage' but have you read the last one ? neuro does
it always when he does the reviews..
<\nUwALk3R>clipboard you mean?
<diP^a>mo: yo !
<diP^a>zaner: haste capture gemacht ? bei mir gehts nit soo gut
<zANEr>should i capture?
<zANEr>no problem
<\nUwALk3R>zaner.. hehe I use it as a guide to see _what_ to leech (=
<diP^a>heheh zu spaet denk ich...
<zANEr>noe ich kann von wann ich will
<zANEr>ich hab scrowling
<diP^a>mo: leech ALL !!!!
<zANEr>\nUwALk3R»  hehehhe ok ;)) right
<diP^a>zaner: ja dann mach bitte capture seit ich reingekommen bin hier..
<zANEr>ok erledigt
<zANEr>ist jetzt seit dem ich hier bin
<\nUwALk3R>(= dip, I hate to tell ya'll this ... but I leech stuff by the file
'd :) and if it's a reknown artist in general hehe
<diP^a>well... wht schuold i say...
<zANEr>what about 'whut whut' ?
<zANEr>damn i think i have to do some logos this night
<zANEr>and i think i will do so
<diP^a>i tell ya: leech tha 1oo% things, they are very okee...!
<\nUwALk3R><---- daddy phool knows
<diP^a>zaner: yoyo do dat
<\nUwALk3R>dip, this chart actually makes you itch for CED and some cigarettes
<diP^a>mortimer: hehehe jeah... come on draw something... you owe me a dipswitc
 logo ! ;)
<\nUwALk3R>dip, concider it a love asc2treat
<\nUwALk3R>but to be realistic... beer's first
<zANEr>i think i have to capture this...hahahahha

      ______     ______      _______. \  _/   ______      _______.  _____
   __\\__   \_ _\\  __/_ .___\      |__\___._\\  __/_ .__\\      | /   _//__
 _/    _/   _/     ____/_|    \     |      |    ____/_|    \     |_\___     \_
 \     \     \     \     `     \   _|      |    \     `    /\         /      /
--\     \     \ _        /\       / | _    | _        /\         __         /--
   `---- \     \\_______/  \_____/  `-\____|-\_______/  \__/\___/  \_______/nD!

 /    |   _____    _____  __ ___
 |    |__\\_   \__\\_   \_\//  //                   fiLENAME: 1oo-flat.txt
 |    |    /        /    / /  /__ aScii lAbs            dATE: 03/06/99
-|   _:\_______/\_______/--\_/-\/-----------          aRTiST: Miracle
 |__/ :                           prEsenting             tAG: mrc
      :......                         "fLAt"           gROUP: 1oo%
   donAtions FoR the AScii-sceNe (nEw stylE)   hiS cOLLY nO.: 12
   by MIRACLE/1oo% . ... ...... ...03/Jun/99        fiRST oN: Aurora Borealis

   1oo% hits again. Well, I think that Miracle's new style is perhaps really
   too 'flat'. Nothing more to say, I don't wanna hail productions of my own
   - diP/a!

_____._              __ _______  __
\    |__________ ____\//      /__\ \                fiLENAME: bm-20.txt
 \   _         //    \/             \_._                dATE: 06/06/99
 /___/________//____\__/_____________\|               aRTiST: Ave
 .  ½ bLACK mAiDEN aSCii pRESENTs ²³  |                  tAG: ave'bm
-|------------------------- 04/05/99 -|                gROUP: Black Maiden
 |                "2o"                |        hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
 |    - a short-colly by avenger/bm  _|             fiRST oN: Hazard/2

   All in all a very very nice colly !  Look at this logo:
                ____           \          |
   _ ___________\_  )_      ___ \         | _________________    aALTO!
    \\          ____ /______\_ )_\        |_\          __   /___________ _
      \        _\   /           //__________\\         \   /           //
       \_______/_\ /       _   /              \_         _/           /
            ave'bm\________/__/                /_________\     _     /

   On the one hand, I like this example of 'chaining' of letters very much,
   like the A's. On the other hand, I dislike that the L is in no
   way connected to the rest of the logo. Work that out, and your style will
   be perfect...
   - diP/a!

   .                                    /
         .    kore. proudly presents   /___.        fiLENAME: k0-cyber.lha
   :   .      "cyberkartoon"               |            dATE: 05/06/99
  ___         the 29th ascii-collection    |          aRTiST: Acid
 /_ _\ . . .  by a(id/kore.                |             tAG: a(id
 \_V_/                                     |           gROUP: K0re
  |=|  .      release date of k0-cyber.txt:|   hiS cOLLY nO.: 29
  `-'    .    015.006.999                  |        fiRST oN: The Sect
   _                                  _____|
 wyzej kropki nam nie podskoczycie!    \

Another one in .lha form... well, at least we don't have bbs banners on the
top and bottom of the file - instead, we have dozens of adds in the
archive. Thats advanced. :)
In the intro texts, Acid is philosophing around about oldskool etc. etc.,
while in the next paragraph mentioning he's doing ascii for 3 years now. I
really wonder where all that inspiration to write about "oldskool" etc. can
come to someone who's doing ascii only since 1996.
The collection itself is pretty nice I'd say, lots of funny ascii machinery
and stuff... you scroll down and scroll down and literally TONS of items
scroll by, I really respect this "artform" in ascii as I myself are one
hell of a lousy ascii character/item painter... :) and while you scroll
down and down, you start asking yourself... "where's them logos?!" :)
...well, they're in the "second part" of the collection.
It seems to me as if the ascii scene is sliding into an entirely new
dimension of one little problem... I'm talking about the screen resolution.
I look at ascii collection in CEd on a 8oo/6oo WB screen, and looking at
the logos by Acid gives me the impression that he's using something like a
64o/256 resolution. All the logos look very horizontally compressed here.
Besides that, some of the characters could use some improvement concerning
the readability, the "F" and "P" look almost the same and the "R" is one
hell of a strange invention. :)
Some last words that don't have much to do with a review: the logos Acid
drew here immediately reminded me of a style that my groupmate "bUd" once
did - but he never ever released anything using that style, and it is
almost ages ago that he did that stuff. And now Acid comes up with
something very similar. *NO* I'm not accusing anyone of the two of ripping!
For me, its a very good example for all the dudes out there who are fast
with blaming others of ripping. Think about it.

.  _       kore. manufaktories                      fiLENAME: k0-spin1.lha
|_|/_____ .     in '99 present                          dATE: 08/06/99
|   /    \|___. __ -----------                        aRTiST: Cnr
   / k0re.|   |/  |_____ .                               tAG: c&r
_ /. prod |___|    |    \|                             gROUP: K0re
// . 1999 |   |    |_____|                     hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
/  . 6-08 |        |____  __                        fiRST oN: The Sect
      'spin1' by cnr..
[to watch this colly use text
 viewer  which  supports   at
 least 754 columns. or simply
 do  it  with  cygnus  editor]

Sheeesh, another one in .lha form. But besides that, this one's different
in another way, to. The logos aren't arranged one after the other,
scrollable from top to bottom, you have to scroll vertically and
horizontally to see them all. This idea was picked up by Grimlock/e^D first
as far as I can remember. However, CNR tops it by really letting them flow
around in a spiral... respect, it must've been quite some work to arrange
the logos this way.
Well, concerning the logos... I *think* this style could be quite nice.
Why? Because all the characters do way too much "float" into each other,
and I really needed the extra headers to tell me what the logo says. If CNR
divides his characters from each other instead of melting them into one big
block for each logo... well, the outcome could be a nice style or a plain
and boring one, I can't tell. :)

___________   _____________  ____________
½½½½½________ ½½½½½   ½½½½½_________½½½½½           fiLENAME: sea-dcry.lha
 ___    ½½½½½ ½½½½½___½½½½½½½½½½    ½½½½½               dATE: 06/06/99
½½½½½___½½½½½ ½½½½½______  ½½½½½____½½½½½             aRTiST: Azzaro
-----------------------------------------                tAG: az0!/sea
  sati\/e mea  ascii collection release                gROUP: Sative Mea
-----------------------------------------      hiS cOLLY nO.: 59
 "diskocitizen rocks you bitch" by azzaro           fiRST oN: The Sect
     very disko. very oldschool. veryvery
                             and manymore

   Hehe, you can call this one 'How to hide the text in a colly behind some
   senseless crap chars'. NO, I do not mean the logos !  I mean the whole
   random chars in the colly, simulating floats of text. Someone might think
   "Oh, many polish text again", but it's only some randomly set chars like
  ”sldkfopewr0349n2850924uerffds-flnp4or2094++-*^:l3me. Funny idea, Azzaro,
   word up !
   About the logos themself: I can't understand the idea behind some letters.
   Look at this logo:
              ______             ______ _____         __________
             _\    |______ ______|    /_\   /_________\    ___ /_
            |        ____/       |                  /       \/   |
            |   _____\           |                 /             |
            |_____      ________     _________    /______________|

   Wanna guess what it reads ?  Perhaps TYSO, or CYSO ? No, it reads KYLO !
   You may say: "What, THAT'S a K ??? It looks rather than a T, or, in worst
   case, a C...". Yeah, I would agree with you.
   But, even if the logos aren't THAT nice, the colly pleases through nice
   and innovative design.
   - diP/a!

  __.._____ ____. ____ ____    ____
  \_||_   //   /|/   //   /____)_  \_..__           fiLENAME: kkz-lap.txt
   vol/   /    _.    /    _.   ____/_||_/               dATE: 10/06/99
. __./    \    \|    \    \|   \    \ .__ .           aRTiST: Jaw
:  //____/ \____\___/ \____\_________\:\  :              tAG: jaw
:   ¡                                 ¡   :            gROUP: Killkrazed
:   |    lapponia.      by jaw        |   :    hiS cOLLY nO.: 3
:  _¡_      released 10.6            _¡_  :         fiRST oN: The Yard
: _\|/_______________________________\:/_ :

   Someone might perhaps say that Jaw developed his style since his last colly.
   But in which direction - better or worse ?  I regard Jaw's style as quite
   abnormal, in a negative way. Just take a look at this logo and judge your-
       _________  _______  ____    ____    _________  _______
      _\        |_\      |_\  _|_._\  _|_ _\        |_\      |
      )     O/  |  `.  __|  `.   |  `.   |  `.  \___|_ `. ___|__
       `.__.' __|   .  \_.     __|     __|       `.            _|
           )___\____|    |_______|_______|_________|___________\
                    |____|jaw                                   `.

   By the way, it reads 'greets' ;)... Sorry, but for me it is still extremely
   ugly ascii...
   - diP/a!

     A R C A D E         ____\ __     /             fiLENAME: a!-icons.txt
    - --------- -  ______\_   \ /    / drn!             dATE: 15/06/99
                  _\      ._  ,_____/_                aRTiST: Dezibel
-ק--- - ----------._____  l/  _______,----ק-             tAG: dz/a!
 :                      `----'            :            gROUP: Arcade
 ¦   dEzibel . aRcade . i9gg . pResents   :    hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
 :   tHe . wRetched . oF . tHe . eArth!   ¦         fiRST oN: Eternity
 :                                        :
-ק--------------------------------- - ----ק-

   Dezibel's greatest colly ever. For me it's the colly of the month. A
   huge respect colly, in wich neearly every logo does have an own style.
   I said in some TAC that an artist should stick to his style, but here
   each style is an exclusive creation of the artist, and each style has
   Dezibel's personal touch. GREAT ! You MUST leech this !
   - diP/a!

    _\          |                                   fiLENAME: a!-meltd.txt
 __ | _       .___ |__                                  dATE: ??/06/99
 ½½ | ½     __|_  \|  \.                              aRTiST: Dezibel
 ½  |   _     _    |   |  dezibel of arcade              tAG: dz/a!
    |   /_____|   ____ |                               gROUP: Arcade
-/--|-------- |___\|___|_------------------»   hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
 _  |           .      |                            fiRST oN: Eternity
 ½  |           |
 ½  |  Dz/a!   _|  n u cle ar me l t do w n

   Well, I think this colly isn't just that highlight as a!-icons.txt, the
   style is pretty hard to read IMHO, but of course it's still worth leeching,
   also because of the supreme design. Dezibel is for sure the new master
   in colly designing...
   - diP/a!

eL nINO/mIMIC |   _|   ).                           fiLENAME: m-en-12.txt
  .___________|___\|    |                               dATE: 15/06/99
  |           |_,  |    |                             aRTiST: El Nino
--|-- hAS sEEn tHE fUtURe                                tAG: en
                                                       gROUP: Mimic
                                               hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
                                                    fiRST oN: The Yard

   Yes, I am positively surprised about this colly... Another PC artist
   with a nice amiga ascii style popped up. Well, just the false usage of
   amiga chars in some places is hmmmm disgusting. Just take a look:

                 .:::::.       ....
      __        _:::::::.     :::::._       __     ____    ____     ______
    ./  )__   __/ ::::::::.  :::::½\__   __(  \.  /   /_ ./  _/__ ./      \
.__ |_     \ /    ׃:::::׃::.:::::½    \ /     _|./    \\ |  _)   \|    _  /.
|   _/     //      ׃::::: ::::::½      \\     \_|      \_|  | .___|    /___|
|   \_____//_______ :::::. ::::'________\\_____/|_______/\____|   |_____\ en
|       .           `׃::::
|_____._|___. .__               _
      |_____| |_[ sINiSTER 6ooo ]

   It reads 'SINISTER'. But isn't something wrong with the 'N' ?  Yes, El Nino
   forgot about the difference of Amiga and PC chars. The 'N' ment to be in
   that way IMHO:

                 .:::::.       ....
                _:::::::.     :::::._
                / ::::::::.  :::::'\_
                   ·::::: ::::::'
                ___ :::::. ::::'_____

   Well, not perfect, but there are no more displaced ׃'s and ½'s...
   The colly is very short, as we are used from Mimic collies, but all in all
   the style is quite nice, if you leave this PC<->Amiga char story out...
   - diP/a!

     __. ___ ____  __. ___ ____  _____
   _/  |/  (/___(_/  |/  (/___(_/ _  (_             fiLENAME: m-tmcib.txt
   _   \/       _/   \/       _/  /___/                 dATE: 15/06/99
._ \___/   _    \____/   _    \   \  \ _.             aRTiST: Volatile
|     /____/   /    /____/   / \______\ |                tAG: vol
|      vol/___/         /___/           |              gROUP: Mimic
|                                       |      hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
|            The Mack Is Back           |           fiRST oN: The Yard

   Nice !  Volatile gives us what you can not expect from any PC group colly:
   Nice design, well-proportioned and no-too-long file_id.diz, 100% compatib-
   lity to the Amiga charset. Good work, Volatile !
   Here's my favourite logo:
               .__..____     ___    ___..__.    .____  .___.
   _.__..______|_ || _ (_ ___)_ \  (___|| _|____| _ (_ |   |______..__._
   \|  ||   /  _/ _  /__/ _  ___/ _______ \_   _  /__/ _  _|  \   ||  |/
 vol\  ||  /   \  \  \|   \  \    \     /  /   \  \|   \  \    \  ||  /
    |\ || /\______/_______/\______/     \______/\______/\______/\ || /|
    | \||/                       /_______\                       \||/ |
    |  \/                Respects Goes To Dezibel                 \/  |
    |__||__         An artist my art looks pale around          __||__|
    _) || (_ ___..____________ ______ ______ ____________..___ _) || (_

    Have fun !
    - diP/a!

 /    |   _____    _____  __ ___                    fiLENAME: 1oo-afnd.txt
 |    |__\\_   \__\\_   \_\//  //                       dATE: 17/06/99
 |    |    /        /    / /  /__ aScii lAbs          aRTiST: Cru
-|   _|\_______/\_______/--\_/-\/-----------             tAG: cRu
 |__/                             prEsenting           gROUP: 1oo%
                      "a fUCK¡NG nORMAL dAY"   hiS cOLLY nO.: 1
   cONTA¡NS mUCH'o bBS, f¡LE_¡D, sYSOP sTUFF        fiRST oN: The European
                         by cRu 17-jUne-1999                  Underground

    The first colly of 1oo%'s new member. Well, the colly design is quite good
    for a newbie, but the style is too 'unready'. Here an example:
 _________                    _________     ______      _________ ________
 \      _/_____ ________ _____\_      /_____\     \ ____\_      /_\   ___/___
  \     _     /    _     \     _     /      /     /      _     /   \_____   /
  /_____/_____\ ________ /_____/_____\ _____\_____\ _____\_____\cRu_________\

    It sais 'BOARDS'. Well, I could have read 'HOANAS' instead ;)...
    Well  Cru, dont get dismotivated and work on your style !
    - diP/a!

   _______    _________.    ______.
 _/   ___/___/    /o   |____\__   |                 fiLENAME: sea-celi.lha
 | ____       __ -\----      o/__ |                     dATE: 14/06/99
 |_/--------|_/-----------------\_|                   aRTiST: Blaze
.==================================.                     tAG: b|z/sea
|                                  |                   gROUP: Sative Mea
| SEAHUGEMASTAKILLESCREW.          |           hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
| OR MAYBE SOMEONE ELSE... .. .. . |
|                                  |

    Another packed SEA collection... Well, now we know that the fact that
    Polish collections are always packed, is the fault of the swappers which
    are too stoopid to unpack them before putting them on boards... Well.
    The style of the colly is quite nice, it's the same style Blaze used
    in 'Morning Lemon'. Perhaps Blaze heard my words and now sticks to one-two
    styles instead of introducing a new style in each collie.
    - diP/a!

   _ /________________
   \/                //                             fiLENAME: 1oo-jff!.txt
    \ __    dz\a!    /                                  dATE: 22/06/99
   /_   \.  _______ /__.                              aRTiST: Dipswitch
    /    |/  ._    .   |_ 1 o o % ascii labs             tAG: diP/1oo
-- /_____|_  |/   /|    / ------------------           gROUP: 1oo%
        \ /_____________\                      hiS cOLLY nO.: 13
         \   ___/                   22.o6.99        fiRST oN: The Yard
          \ | _           "just for friends"
           \| /        dipswitch/1oo%^a!^ahs

    Just a little lifesign from me. Just check this out and judge yourself...
    BTW I'm NOT going to leave Arcade, I just do some collies for 1oo%, too.
    - diP/a!

                                                    fiLENAME: sw9x--9x.txt
   s p e r m  w h a l e                                 dATE: 21/06/99
                                                      aRTiST: Sperm Whale
         9X -- 9X                                        tAG: ass
                                                       gROUP: -
--------------------------                     hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
                                                    fiRST oN: The Yard

    Wow, a lifesign from Sperm Whale !  But there are only 4 logos
    inside, so I ask myself if it was really worse releasing. Never the
    less, the logos are nice, Sperm Whale improved his style a little bit...
    Here an example:
  ________. _________________ /__
./        |/   ._            / _/ _______________
|         |    |/           /  \                /
|         |    /          _/                  _/
|_________|    \__________\ _ ________________\                    irc for irc
|ass      |_________|      \/

    I love this style !!! There could be a little bit more of it...;)
    BTW Sperm Whale, why you changed your tag to 'ass' ?!?!
    - diP/a!
 zbr\s3a---\ /  _______   ________
    _______ / __\   __/_ _\   _  /_                 fiLENAME: sea-adia.txt
 ___\    _/__\        __|     _    |                    dATE: 20/06/99
|    \___     \---\_____!-----/____!                  aRTiST: Azzaro
·--\___________\\---------[.s.e.a.]-                     tAG: az0!/sea
------------------------------------                   gROUP: Sative Mea
  sative mea presents "aqua di azor"           hiS cOLLY nO.: 60
          azzaro and smutek podlasia                fiRST oN: The Sect
 everything but not ascii collection

    Well, the same thing as in sea-dcry.txt... Nice design, funny texts
    (I tried to read it with a dictionary), but the same unreadability problems
    with the logos like in the last colly.
    - diP/a!

  __.._____ ____. ____ ____    ____
  \_||_   //   /|/   //   /____)_  \_..__
   vol/   /    _.    /    _.   ____/_||_/           fiLENAME: kkz-lii.txt
. __./    \    \|    \    \|   \    \ .__ .             dATE: 23/06/99
:  //____/ \____\___/ \____\_________\:\  :           aRTiST: Jaw
:   ¡                                 ¡   :              tAG: jaw
:   | live in ilmapallo by jaw        |   :            gROUP: Killkrazed
:  _¡_      released 23.6            _¡_  :    hiS cOLLY nO.: 4
: _\|/_______________________________\:/_ :         fiRST oN: The Yard

    Nothing to say. Same dubious style as in last colly. Not worth talking
    - diP/a!

      . _______   . ________  .  ______
   ____\\_     )___\\_      )__\(___  /__           fiLENAME: kkz-tl.txt
__\\    _|  __/_    _|   __/_     ______//_             dATE: 27/06/99
\       \_     //   \_      //    \_      //          aRTiST: Dwarf
/________|    /______|     /_______|_______\             tAG: dwf
 .Ab/Punk|______|    |_______|            .            gROUP: Killkrazed
_:      \   (    killkrazed   )    /      :_   hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
\________\\---------------------//_________/        fiRST oN: The Yard
\----------\     [27/06/99]    /-----------/
/_                                        _\
 | dwarf of killkrazed presents his last  |
 | colly in killkrazed - time lapse -     |
 |__________                   ___________|

    Gawd, I'm tired... Dwarf seams to have learned nothing from the review
    of his last colly. Well, I don't care too. Hey Dwarf perhaps you have
    a chance in the PC art scene...
    - diP/a!

   __________  _______     __________
 ._\   _____/__\   __/__ __\       _/__.            fiLENAME: sea-xfl9.lha
 |  \____       \   ___/_      __      |                dATE: 27/06/99
 |       \/        /    \      _/      |              aRTiST: Azzaro
 |__         _____/      \_____|     __|                 tAG: az0!/sea
.-/__________\---/________\----|_____\--.              gROUP: Sative Mea
|=======================================|           fiRST oN: The Sect
|                                       |
|     "ex-faktor lite 99" by azzaro     |
|       multiplastikk micro forms       |
|                                       |

    Wow, Azzaro was not lazy this month. Well, the same as in the two
    previous Azzaro collies: nice design, dubious style...
    - diP/a!

    _____       ____.
    \  _/  ___ |   _|________     ____       _____
   __\___.\\_ \|   \:       //_._\\ _/___  _\\__  \_
 _/      |   \ \    \______/   |    ____/_/    _   /
 \       |    \ \_  |    /          \         /    \                        __
--\ _    |     \    |nD!/      _ _        _   \     \----------------------\\/-
   \\____| _   |\___|  /______/ \\_______/ \---\     \
          \\___|                                \____/               _
                             _______:  ____.  ____        _________ / \__
                          ___\      |__\___|_\\ _/___  ___\       //   _//__
                        _/    \     `      |    ____/_/    \      _\____    \_
 __                     \      \/  _       |    \          /\          /     /
-\//---------------------\ _      / \ _    | _        _          _ _        /--
                          \\_____/   \\____|-\_______/ \___/\___/ \\_______/

   The interviews with Daeron/LP! and Zaner/A! are postponed untill next issue.

                          _____.                         _
      ______     _____   |     |  _____       _____     / \__      _____
   ___\__   \_ __\ __/__ |     |__\  _/__   _\\__  \_  /  __/__  __\  _/__
 _/   __/   _//    ____/_|     |    ____/__/   __    \_\____   \/    ____/_
 \    \      \     \     \     |    \           /          /         \     \_
--\    \      \ _        /     | _        _    /     __         _ _         /--
   \----\      \\_______/|     |\\_______/ \--/_____/  \_______/ \\________/
         \      \        |     |      ____     _        _____.
          \_____/        |     |      \  /    / \__    |     |
                         |     |    .__\___. /   _/__ _|     |_
   rELEASE liST          |    _|____|      |_\____   \\__  ___/___
                         |    \     |      |     /     |   \      \_
-------------------------| _   \_   _ _    | _         nD!  \      /-----------
                         `-\_______/ \\____|-\___     /\\_____    /
                                                 \___/        \__/
  U  P  D  A  T  E  :
.-- jANUARY 1999 - -   -     -
| filename     | colly title                | artist    | crew    | date     |
| pnk-indi.txt | infinite dreams            |don rapello| phunk   | 01.01.99 |
.-- mAY 1999 - -   -     -
| filename     | colly title                | artist    | crew    | date     |
| sea-mysl.lha | studios on                 | revi      | sea     | 05.05.99 |

  R E L E A S E  L i S T  0 6 / 9 9 :
.-- jUNE 1999 - -   -     -
| filename     | colly title                | artist    | crew    | date     |
| 1oo-flat.txt | flat                       | miracle   | 1oo%    | 03.06.99 |
| k0-cyber.lha | cybercartoon               | acid      | k0re    | 05.06.99 |
| bm-20.txt    | 20                         | ave       | bm      | 06.06.99 |
| sea-dcry.lha | discotizen rocks you bitch | azzaro    | sea     | 06.06.99 |
| k0-spin1.lha | spin1                      | cnr       | k0re    | 08.06.99 |
| kkz-lap.txt  | lapponia                   | jaw       | kkz     | 10.06.99 |
| sea-celi.lha | celebration of the lizard  | blaze     | sea     | 14.06.99 |
| a!-meltd.txt | nuklear meltdown           | dezibel   | arcade  | ??.06.99 |
| a!-icons.txt | wretched of the earth      | dezibel   | arcade  | 15.06.99 |
| m-en-12.txt  | i've seen the future       | el nino   | mimic   | 15.06.99 |
| m-tmcib.txt  | the mack is back           | volatile  | mimic   | 15.06.99 |
| 1oo-afnd.txt | a fucking normal day       | cru       | 1oo%    | 17.06.99 |
| sea-adia.lha | aqua di azor               | azzaro    | sea     | 20.06.99 |
| sw9x--9x.txt | 9x--9x                     |sperm whale| -       | 21.06.99 |
| 1oo-jff!.txt | just for friends           | dipswitch | 1oo%    | 22.06.99 |
| kkz-lii.txt  | live in ilmapallo          | jaw       | kkz     | 23.06.99 |
| kkz-tl.txt   | time lapse                 | dwarf     | kkz     | 27.06.99 |
| sea-xfl9.lha | ex-factor lite 99          | azzaro    | sea     | 27.06.99 |

                  _____.   c H A R T S  1 9 9 9 !   _____.       _
        _______  |     |        _____     ______   |     |      / \___
      __\  ___//_|   __|___   _\\__  \_._\\__   \__|     |_    /   __//__
    _/     \     |  \\__   \_/    _    |   _//   /\__  ___/__._\____     \_
    \                  /          /        \     \ |   \     `     /      /
-----\_ _        :    /     :    /     :    \     \nD!  \               _/---
       \\_______/`---/     /`---/_____/`-----\     \\_____    /\_______/
                     \____/                   \____/      \__/
                                                               .--last place
                                                               |    ..*
             -  /  -     c   h   a   r   t   s   '   9   9    .|. .:.
                                                               `   `
* moving        1.  sative mea (sea)      -  18  collections  (2)  +
since last
issue:          2.  arcade (a!)           -  16  collections  (1)  -
+ = up
- = down        3.  kore (k0)             -   7  collections  (4)  +
0 = constant
                4.  1oo% (1oo)            -   6  collection   (5)  +
                    killkrazed (kkz)      -   6  collections  (5)  +
                    remorse (r)           -   6  collections  (3)  -

                5.  low profile (lp!)     -   5  collections  (3)  -

                6.  phunk (pnk)           -   4  collections  (5)  -

                7.  black maiden (bm)     -   3  collection   (6)  -
                    element (e)           -   3  collections  (5)  -
                    mimic (m)             -   3  collection   (7)  0
                    save our souls (sos)  -   3  collections  (5)  -
                    style (se)            -   3  collections  (5)  -
                    zetec (ztc)           -   3  collections  (5)  -

                8.  faction (ftn)         -   2  collections  (6)  -
                    linear (la!)          -   2  collections  (6)  -
                    mo'soul (m's)         -   2  collections  (6)  -
                    tasg/tesg             -   2  collections  (6)  -

                9.  die kranken bomber (dkb)  1  collection   (7)  -
                    extreme arts (ea)     -   1  collection   (7)  -
                    inhale (ih)           -   1  collection   (7)  -
                    jedi arts (ja!)       -   1  collection   (7)  -
                    off world (owo)       -   1  collection   (7)  -
                    shrimps design (shd)  -   1  collection   (7)  -
                    sublime (sub)         -   1  collection   (7)  -
                    up rough (up!)        -   1  collection   (7)  -

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ·  _                __                _  ·
 :       ק tHE aSCii cHARTS 06/99 ק       :
 :         ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯         :
 : rEViEWS, nEWS, cHARTS... sEE wHAT hAP- :
 :  pENED iN jUNE. tAKE iT oR lEAVE iT !  :
_:____                                 ___:_


        .                    _____: . O  o                               O
   _____|_____.      _____  .)    |____o [ t . H . E  - y . A . R . d ]_o .
 _|      /   .|_____/_   /_ : _   |                                       :
 \      /    |/      /   _//  \   ahs.bgirl.arcade.srz.tac.dkb.wx.lp!.up  |
  |____/|____/      /__________\  soia.pnk.omn.mce.1oo - headquaters      |
            /______/     _ _:   _____          ______  __________ ________:
                         \\\.  /    /__________\_   /_/  _      //  ._   /.
consoles.amiga.graffiti.req ! /    /|    /   _      \    /     /    |/    |
ascii.hiphop mp3s.chiptunes |/_____     /____\_______\___\________________|
pc classics.linux/dd.drugs! :_  t^/____/   _. zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/NINjA. |
                             (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______:
one of the finest in +49               _ _ ___)         (_)               :
non-24h static telnet ip      #1 33k6.  #2 28k8.  #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn
  - theyard.ddns.org -        #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet   #8 telnet