Begin3 Title: Senet Version: 1.0a Entered-date: 2020-07-07 Modified-date: 2021-03-18.0 Description: a very old game, dating back to ancient Egypt Summary: Senet is a very old game, dating back to ancient Egypt. Because it is so old, and no one in ancient Egypt preserved the rules for later generations, the exact rules are somewhat of a mystery. Historians have tried to figure out the rules of Senet, but they disagree in the details. Keywords: Games Author: James Hall Changes: Update to package LSM metadata Alternate-site: primary-site: Platforms: DOS Copying-policy: GNU General Public License, Version 2 Group: games MD5: 8816ce0640e244793055a7fbc656d82a SHA: 588aed8e23387ac2b40e63e2801125fea9525ac9dfdaba31802ed04de3d41df6 End