Network Working Group                                     Brian Bidulock
INTERNET-DRAFT                                       OpenSS7 Corporation
Intended status: PROPOSED STANDARD                      February 3, 2007

Expires in August 2007

                        Load Grouping Extension
                   Signalling User Adaptation Layers


Status of this Memo

    By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
  applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware have
  been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes aware
  will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.

    Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
  Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that other
  groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.

    Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
  months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
  at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
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    The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

    The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

    This Internet-Draft will expire in August 2007.


    Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2007).


    This Internet-Draft describes an extension parameter and procedure
  to the Signalling User Adaptation Protocols [IUA], [M2UA], [M3UA],
  [SUA], [DUA], [V5UA], [GR303UA], [ISUA], [TUA], based on the Stream
  Transmission Control Protocol (SCTP) [SCTP] which permits an
  Application Server Processes (ASP) to indicate its placement within a
  Load Group and permits an Signalling Gateway (SG) to distribute
  traffic over Load Groups under Application Server Process (ASP)

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Internet Draft                 UA LOADGRP               February 3, 2007


    The described procedure provides for Override, Load-share and
  Broadcast traffic mode operation within a Load Group consisting of one
  or more Application Server Processes (ASPs) resulting in a mixture of
  traffic modes within an Application Server (AS).  The parameters and
  procedures described here supplement the UA Load Selection [LOADSEL]
  extension parameters and procedures for improved distribution of
  traffic over ASPs and Signalling Gateway Processes (SGPs).


    A complete table of contents, list of illustrations and tables, and
  a change history, are included at the end of this document.

1.  Introduction

1.1.  Scope

    This Internet-Draft provides the Load Distribution parameter and
  associated procedures in extension to the parameters and procedures of
  the Signalling User Adaptation Layers (UAs) [IUA], [M2UA], [M3UA],
  [SUA], [DUA], [V5UA], [GR303UA], [ISUA], [TUA], and the UA Load
  Selection [LOADSEL] extension, for the purpose of permitting
  Application Server Process control over grouping of ASPs into
  Application Servers as part of the procedures of these UA protocols.

    This Load Grouping extension is intended to be compatible with UA
  implementations not supporting this extension.

1.2.  Abbreviations

      AS      --Application Server.
      ASP     --Application Server Process.
      IANA    --Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
      I-D     --Internet-Draft
      IETF    --Internet Engineering Task Force
      IP      --Internet Protocol.
      IPSP    --IP Signalling Point.
      SCCP    --Signalling Connection Control Part.
      SCTP    --Stream Control Transmission Protocol.
      SG      --Signalling Gateway.
      SGP     --Signalling Gateway Process.
      SIGTRAN --IETF Signalling Transport WG
      SPP     --Signalling Peer Process.
      SS7     --Signalling System No. 7.
      SUA     --SS7 SCCP-User Adaptation Layer.
      TCAP    --Transaction Capabilities Application Part.
      TUA     --SS7 TCAP-User Adaptation Layer.
      UA      --User Adaptation Layer.

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      WG      --Working Group

1.3.  Terminology

    LOADGRP supplements the terminology used in the UA documents [IUA],
  [M2UA], [M3UA], [SUA], [DUA], [V5UA], [GR303UA], [ISUA], [TUA] and the
  UA Load Selection [LOADSEL] extension by adding the following terms:

  Load Distribution (LD) - a Traffic Mode Type which is applicable
      within a Load Group.

  Load Group (LG) - a group of ASPs that share the same traffic
      distribution within an Application Server.  An ASP is permitted to
      belong to more than one Load Group for a given AS.

  Load Selector (LS) - an identifier that uniquely identifies a Load
      Group within an Application Server.  This identifier is only
      guaranteed unique within the scope of an Application Server and
      must be combined with a Routing Context or (set of) Interface
      Identifier(s) to uniquely define a Load Group at a Signalling

  Signalling User Adaptation Layer (UA) - one or more of the Stream
      Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) [SCTP] Signalling User
      Adaptation Layers [IUA], [M2UA], [M3UA], [SUA], [DUA], [V5UA],
      [GR303UA], [ISUA], [TUA].

1.4.  Overview

    Existing UA procedures with regard to traffic distribution and ASP
  traffic management provide a mechanism to select the algorithm for
  coordinating state and distributing traffic over a number of
  Application Server Processes (ASPs) serving an Application Server.
  These existing procedures provide only simplified distribution
  approaches which are not amenable to large scale systems that need to
  adapt to dynamic traffic loading or need live reconfiguration for
  maintenance purposes.

    LOADGRP extensions to the Signalling User Adaptation Layers [IUA],
  [M2UA], [M3UA], [SUA], [DUA], [V5UA], [GR303UA], [ISUA], [TUA] permits
  close control over the grouping of Application Server Processes
  serving an Application Server that provides the capability to group
  ASPs into load groups not existing in the current scheme.

    Under the existing approach, each Application Server Process acts
  independently with respect to an Application Server.  This approach
  does not provide for the grouping of ASPs into work groups, not does
  it provide coordinated control of the role of groups of ASPs serving
  an ASP.  As a result, the existing scheme does not scale well in this

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    LOADGRP provides for the grouping of ASPs into load groups with a
  traffic distribution mode (Load Distribution) within the load group
  that is independent of the Application Sever traffic mode.

1.4.1.  Existing Traffic Distribution

    Figure 1 illustrates the existing traffic distribution algorithm
  that is used across the Signalling User Adaptation Layers.

    When an SGP distributes a Signalling User Adaptation Layer message
  toward the Application Server based on the Routing (Link) Key, it
  selects an ASP that is active for the AS according to a Traffic Mode
  Type that is associated with the AS.  The Traffic Mode Type describes
  three general distribution algorithms: Override, Load-share and

    The detailed actions taken for these distribution algorithms are
  described in Section 4 of the Signalling User Adaptation Layer
  specifications [IUA], [M2UA], [M3UA], [SUA], [DUA], [V5UA], [GR303UA],
  [ISUA], [TUA]; however, they can be summarized as follows:

  Traffic Mode Type Override:-  When distributing messages to an
      Override Application Server, the SGP selects the ASP which is
      active for the Application Server.  In an Override Application

                    Traffic                 /....\
                    Mode Type          ____|__....|
          _______                     |       |...|
         |       |------------------->|  ASP  |...|
         |  SGP  |-----\              |_______|...|
         |_______|----\ \              ____|__....|
                  \--\ \ \            |       |...|
                      \ \ \---------->|  ASP  |...|
          _______      \ \            |_______|...|
         |       |      \ \                |......| Application
         |  SGP  |       \ \               |......| Server
         |_______|        \ \              |......|
                           \ \             |......|
                            \ \        ____|__....|
                             \ \      |       |...|
                              \ \---->|  ASP  |...|
                               \      |_______|...|
                                \      ____|__....|
                                 \    |       |...|
                                  \-->|  ASP  |...|

                Figure 1.  Existing Traffic Distribution

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      Server, at most one ASP can be active for the AS at any given
      point in time.  The active ASP for the AS is selected.

  Traffic Mode Type Load-share:-  When distributing messages to a Load-
      share Application Server, the SGP selects one of the ASPs that are
      active for the Application Server using an implementation
      dependent load-sharing algorithm based on some unspecified aspect
      of the traffic or static configuration data.

  Traffic Mode Type Broadcast:-  When distributing messages to a
      Broadcast Application Server, the SGP sends a copy of the message
      to each of the ASPs that are active for the Application Server.
      (The ASPs themselves decide which, if any, of the ASPs will
      process the message.)

    In general, for the Signalling User Adaptation Layers, the Traffic
  Mode Type is a characteristic of the Application Server, and an
  Application Server can only have associated with it only one Traffic
  Mode Type, and thus, only one traffic distribution algorithm can be
  used across the ASPs that are serving a given Application Server.

    LOADGRP enhances the traffic distribution algorithms of the existing
  Signalling User Adaptation Layers by introducing an additional level
  of distribution.

1.4.2.  Extended Traffic Distribution

    Figure 2 illustrates the extended traffic distribution algorithms
  that are used across the Signalling User Adaptation Layers as a result
  of the messages and procedures in LOADGRP.

    LOADGRP introduces the concept of a Load Group.  A Load Group is a
  logical grouping of Application Server Processes (ASPs) into traffic
  groups serving an Application Server.  Signalling Gateway Processes
  (SGPs) distribute traffic first over Load Groups and then distribute
  traffic within the Load Group.  Each Load Group describes and is
  identified by a Load Selector [LOADSEL] within the Application Server.
  The Load Selector identifies the traffic flows that will be
  distributed to an associated Load Group within an Application Server.

    When an SGP distributes a Signalling User Adaptation Layer message
  toward an Application Server based on the Routing (Link) Key, it first
  selects an Load Group that is active for the Application Server
  according a traffic distribution algorithm determined by the Load
  Distribution that is associated with the Application Server and the
  Load Selector position of the Load Group within the AS.

    The Traffic Mode Type continues to describe three general
  distribution algorithms: Override, Load-share and Broadcast.  The
  change in the behaviour of the SGP when selecting an ASP for traffic
  distribution introduced by LOADGRP is that the SGP also takes into
  account the concept of a Load Group as identified within an AS by its
  Load Selector.

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                                     ____    ____
                   Traffic    Load  /....\  /....\
                   Mode Type  Group|...___||__....|
         _______                   |..|       |...|
        |       |---+---------------->|  ASP  |...|
        |  SGP  |    \             |..|_______|...|
        |_______|-\   \            |...___||__....|
                   \   \           |..|       |...|
                    \   \------------>|  ASP  |...|
         _______    |              |..|_______|...|
        |       |   |              |......||......| Application
        |  SGP  |   |               \____/ |......| Server
        |_______|   |                ____  |......|
                    |         Load  /....\ |......|
                    |         Group|...___||__....|
                    |              |..|       |...|
                    +---------------->|  ASP  |...|
                     \             |..|_______|...|
                      \            |...___||__....|
                       \           |..|       |...|
                        \------------>|  ASP  |...|
                                    \____/  \____/

               Figure 2.  Load Group Traffic Distribution

    The extended procedures can be summarized as follows:

  Traffic Mode Type Override:-  When distributing messages to an
      Override Application Server, the SGP first selects the Load Group
      that is active for the Application Server.  In an Override
      Application Server, at most one Load Group can be active for the
      AS at any given point in time.  The active Load Group for the AS
      is selected.

  Traffic Mode Type Load-share:-  When distributing messages to a Load-
      share Application Server, the SGP selects one of the Load Groups
      that are active for the Application Server using an implementation
      dependent load-sharing algorithm based on the Load Selector
      [LOADSEL] associated with the Load Group.

  Traffic Mode Type Broadcast:-  When distributing messages to a
      Broadcast Application Server, the SGP sends a copy of the message
      to each of the Load Groups that are active for the Application
      Server.  (The Load Groups themselves decide which, if any, of the
      Load Groups will process the message.)

    After selecting an Load Group according to the Traffic Mode Type for
  the Application Server, the SGP then selects an ASP within the Load
  Group based on the Load Distribution that is associated with the Load
  Group.  The Load Distribution describes the same three general

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  distribution algorithms that are provided in the Traffic Mode Type:
  Override, Load-share and Broadcast.  When selecting an active ASP
  within a Load Group, the procedures that the SGP will follow can be
  summarized as follows:

  Load Distribution Override:-  When distributing messages within an
      Override Load Group, the SGP selects the ASP which is active for
      the Load Group.  In an Override Load Group, at most one ASP can be
      active for the Load Group at any given point in time.  The active
      ASP for the Load Group is selected.

  Load Distribution Load-share:-  When distributing messages within a
      Load-share Load Group, the SGP selects one of the ASPs that are
      active for the Load Group using an implementation dependent load-
      sharing algorithm based on some unspecified aspect of the traffic
      or static configuration data.

  Load Distribution Broadcast:-  When distributing messages within a
      Broadcast Load Group, the SGP sends a copy of the message to each
      of the ASPs that are active for the Load Group.  (The ASPs
      themselves decide which, if any, of the ASPs will process the

    The result of LOADGRP is that two levels of traffic distribution are
  provided for, permitting more flexible membership of ASPs serving
  Application Servers, and provides the Application Server Process with
  more control over the traffic patterns for which it is active.

1.5.  Sample Configurations

    Although LOADGRP does not restrict either Traffic Mode Type or Load
  Distribution to a static assignment, there are, for example, six (6)
  combinations of static Traffic Mode Type and Load Distribution
  assignment under this scheme.  Not all of these combinations provide
  for interesting or useful configurations as follows:

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                      Table 1. Sample Configurations

   |    | Traffic  |   Load   |                                       |
   |Mode|   Mode   | Distri-  |Description                            |
   |    |   Type   |  bution  |                                       |
   | 1  |Override  |Load-share|This mode permits a load-share group   |
   |    |          |          |of ASPs to override another load-share |
   |    |          |          |group of ASPs.                         |
   +----+          +----------+---------------------------------------+
   | 2  |          |Broadcast |This mode allows "mirrored" ASPs to    |
   |    |          |          |override each other.                   |
   | 3  |Load-share|Override  |This mode allows ASPs to override each |
   |    |          |          |other within a traffic slot of a load- |
   |    |          |          |share group.                           |
   +----+          +----------+---------------------------------------+
   | 4  |          |Broadcast |This mode permits "striping" and       |
   |    |          |          |"mirroring" with load-sharing under    |
   |    |          |          |ASP control.                           |
   | 5  |Broadcast |Override  |This mode permits a joining ASP to     |
   |    |          |          |knock another ASP out of a Broadcast   |
   |    |          |          |slot for an Application Server.        |
   +----+          +----------+---------------------------------------+
   | 6  |          |Load-share|This mode permits "mirroring" and      |
   |    |          |          |"striping" including automatic load-   |
   |    |          |          |sharing within a mirror image.         |

2.  Conventions

    The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
  document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

3.  Protocol Elements

    The following subsections describe the parameters which are added by
  LOADGRP, their format and the message in which they are used.

3.1.  Parameters

    LOADGRP adds one new parameter: the Load Distribution parameter.

3.1.1.  Load Distribution

    The Load Distribution parameter is used in the REQ REQ, REQ RSP,
  ASPAC and ASPAC ACK messages.  It is used in conjunction with the
  Traffic Mode Type parameter [M2UA], [M3UA], [SUA], [ISUA], [TUA] and
  Load Selector parameter [LOADSEL] to further refine the traffic

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  distribution algorithm for an ASP in a Load Group serving an
  Application Server.  The Load Selector parameter identifies the Load
  Group for which the ASP is registering, activating or deactivating and
  the Load Distribution parameter identifies the traffic distribution
  that is to be used within the Load Group.

  The Load Distribution parameter is formatted as follows: <1>

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |          Tag = 0x001a         |           Length = 8          |
   + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
   |                       Load Distribution                       |

    The Load Distribution parameter contains the following fields:

  Load Distribution field: n x 32-bits (unsigned integer)

    The Load Distribution has the same purpose for the Load Group that
    the Traffic Mode Type has for the Application Server: it identifies
    the traffic distribution algorithm to be used within the Load Group.
    Valid values for Load Distribution are as follows:

        1   Override
        2   Load-share
        3   Broadcast

3.2.  Messages

    LOADGRP adds the Load Distribution parameter as an OPTIONAL
  parameter to be used in conjunction with the common Traffic Mode Type
  in the following messages: <2>

      REG REQ     Registration Request message
      ASPAC       ASP Active message
      ASPAC ACK   ASP Active Ack message

3.2.1.  Registration Request (REG REQ)

    LOADGRP supplements the Registration Request (REG REQ) message by
  permitting the following optional parameters to be included in the
  Routing (Link) Key [M2UA], [M3UA], [SUA], [ISUA], [TUA] parameter or
  Link Key [IUA], [M2UA], [DUA], [V5UA], [GR303UA] parameter within the

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      Extension Sub-parameters
      Load Distribution           Optional

    The Load Distribution parameter is used in the Routing (Link) Key to
  further refine the traffic distribution to be received by the
  registering ASP.

    The format of the resulting Routing Key or Link Key parameter is as

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                     Local-RK(LK)-Identifier                   |
   |                  Traffic Mode Type (optional)                 |
   |                    Load Selection (optional)                  |
   |                  Load Distribution (optional)                 |
   \                                                               \
   /                          Routing Context                      /
   \                                or                             \
   /                       Interface Identifier(s)                 /
   \                                                               \

    When an ASP wishes to register within a Load Group associated with
  an Application Server, it includes the Load Selection parameter and
  Load Distribution in the Routing (Link) Key for that Application
  Server in the REG REQ message.

    The Load Distribution parameter indicates the traffic distribution
  method to be used within the Load Group as identified by the Load

    No other changes to the REG REQ message, Routing Key or Link Key
  parameters format are provided by LOADGRP<2>.

3.2.2.  Registration Response (REG RSP)

    LOADGRP adds the following Registration Status values to the
  )Registration Status field in the REG RSP message: <3>

      16   Error - Unsupported/Invalid Load Distribution

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3.2.3.  ASP Active (ASPAC)

    LOADGRP supplements the ASPAC message by permitting the following
  optional parameters to be included in the message:

      Extension Parameters
      Load Distribution           Optional

    The format of the resulting ASPAC message is as follows: <4>

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |          Tag = 0x000b         |           Length = 8          |
   + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
   |                       Traffic Mode Type                       |
   \                                                               \
   /                        Routing Context                        /
   \                              or                               \
   /                    Interface Identifier(s)                    /
   \                                                               \
   |          Tag = 0x001a         |           Length = 8          |
   + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
   |                       Load Distribution                       |
   |          Tag = 0x001d         |           Length = 8          |
   + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
   \                                                               \
   /                        Load Selector(s)                       /
   \                                                               \
   |          Tag = 0x0004         |             Length            |
   + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
   \                                                               \
   /                           Info String                         /
   \                                                               \

    When an ASP wishes to activate only within a Load Group associated
  with an Application Server, it includes the Load Selector and Load
  Distribution parameters in the ASPAC message.

    The Load Distribution parameter indicates the traffic distribution
  method to be used within the Load Group as identified by the Load

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    No other changes to the ASPAC message format are provided by

3.2.4.  ASP Active Ack (ASPAC ACK)

    LOADGRP supplements the ASPAC ACK message by permitting the
  following optional parameters to be included in the message:

      Extension Parameters
      Load Distribution           Optional

    The format of the resulting ASPAC ACK message is as follows: <5>

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |          Tag = 0x000b         |           Length = 8          |
   + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
   |                       Traffic Mode Type                       |
   \                                                               \
   /                        Routing Context                        /
   \                              or                               \
   /                    Interface Identifier(s)                    /
   \                                                               \
   |          Tag = 0x001a         |           Length = 8          |
   + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
   |                       Load Distribution                       |
   |          Tag = 0x001d         |           Length = 8          |
   + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
   \                                                               \
   /                        Load Selector(s)                       /
   \                                                               \
   |          Tag = 0x0004         |             Length            |
   + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
   \                                                               \
   /                           Info String                         /
   \                                                               \

    When an ASP has requested activation within a Load Group or the SG
  otherwise activates the ASP within a Load Group the SG responds with
  an ASPAC ACK message including the Load Selector that identifies the
  Load Group and optionally includes the Load Distribution for the Load
  Group in which the ASP has been activated.  If the ASP included the
  Load Distribution parameter in the ASPAC message, the SG MUST include

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  the Load Distribution parameter in the response ASPAC ACK message.

    The Load Distribution parameter indicates the traffic distribution
  method to be used within the Load Group as identified by the Load

    No other changes to the ASPAC ACK message format are provided by

3.2.5.  Error (ERR)

    LOADGRP supplements the Error (ERR) message by adding the following
  values to the common mandatory Error Code parameter in the ERR
  message: <6>

      28   Unsupported Load Distribution

  This new error code is interpreted as follows:

  The "Invalid/Unsupported Load Distribution" error would be sent by an
      SGP if an ASP sends an ASP Active with an invalid or unsupported
      Load Distribution.  An example would be a case in which the SGP
      did not support override within a Load Group.

    No other changes to the ERR message or Error Code parameter values
  are provided by LOADGRP.  See Section 4 for extension procedures
  associated with the ERR message.

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Notes for Section 3

  <1>  EDITOR'S NOTE:-  The parameter tag values shown as 0x001a will
       be assigned by IANA within the common parameter range of the
       SIGTRAN UAs and may change its value in further versions of
       this document.

  <2>  For a detailed description of these messages, see Section 3 of
       the specific UA document [M2UA], [M3UA], [SUA], [ISUA], [TUA].

  <3>  EDITOR'S NOTE:-  The Registration Status value shown as 16 will
       be assigned by IANA as a value of the UA-specific Registration
       Status parameter for each SIGTRAN UA and may change its value
       in further versions of this document.

  <4>  EDITOR'S NOTE:-  The parameter tag values shown as 0x001a will
       be assigned by IANA within the common parameter range of the
       SIGTRAN UAs and may change its value in further versions of
       this document.

  <5>  EDITOR'S NOTE:-  The parameter tag values shown as 0x001a above
       will be assigned by IANA within the common parameter range of
       the SIGTRAN UAs and may change its value in further versions of
       this document.

  <6>  EDITOR'S NOTE:-  The Error Code value shown throughout this
       document as 28 will be assigned by IANA as a value of the
       common Error Code parameter for SIGTRAN UAs and may change its
       value in further versions of this document.

4.  Procedures

    LOADGRP provides for an additional level of control over the traffic
  distribution patterns within an Application Server.  LOADGRP provides
  the Load Distribution parameter which may be optionally included in
  the REG REQ, ASPAC and ASPAC ACK messages.  In addition, it
  supplements the ASP State Maintenance and ASP Traffic Maintenance

4.1.  ASP State Maintenance

    In addition to the SGP maintaining the state of each remote ASP in
  each Application Server that the ASP is configured to receive traffic,
  under LOADGRP, the SGP MAY also maintain the state of each remote ASP
  in each Load Group within an Application server that the ASP is
  configured to receive traffic.  The Load Group state is maintained
  separate from the ASP and AS states.

4.1.1.  Load Group State

    The state of the Load Group is maintained in the Signalling User
  Adaptation Layer on the SGPs.  The state of the Load Group changes due

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  ASP state transitions.  The possible states of a Load Group are:

  LG-DOWN:        The Load Group is unavailable.  This state implies
                  that all related ASPs are in the ASP-DOWN state for
                  this Load Group.  Initially, the Load Group will be in
                  this state.

  LG-INACTIVE:    The Load Group is available but no application traffic
                  is active (i.e, one or more related ASPs are in the
                  ASP-INACTIVE state, but none are in the ASP-ACTIVE
                  state within the Load Group).

  LG-ACTIVE:      The Load Group is available and application traffic is
                  active.  This state implies that at least one ASP is
                  in the ASP-ACTIVE state within the Load Group.

4.1.2.  Application Server State

    Where ASPs are configured for operation within Load Groups under
  LOADGRP, the Application Server state is interpreted as provided in
  the Signalling User Adaptation Layer specifications [M2UA], [M3UA],
  [SUA], [ISUA], [TUA].

4.2.  ASP Traffic Maintenance

4.2.1.  ASP Up Procedures

    LOADGRP extends the ASP Up procedures to include the concept of the
  Load Group.

    Whenever an SGP moves an ASP to the ASP-UP state, it also moves the
  ASP to the ASP-INACTIVE state in all Load Groups in all Application
  Servers for which the ASP is configured.  This may have the effect of
  changing the Load Group state, requiring the generation of NTFY
  messages as described under ""Notify Procedures"" below.

4.2.2.  ASP Down Procedures

    LOADGRP extends the ASP Down procedures to include the concept of
  the Load Group.

    Whenever an SGP moves an ASP to the ASP-DOWN state, it also moves
  the ASP to the ASP-DOWN state in all Load Groups in all Application
  Servers to which the ASP belongs.  This may have the effect of
  changing the Load Group state, requiring the generation of NTFY
  messages as described under ""Notify Procedures"" below.

4.2.3.  ASP Active Procedures

    When activating, LOADGRP extends the UA activation procedures by
  permitting an optional Load Distribution parameter to be included in
  the ASP Active (ASPAC) and ASP Active Ack (ASPAC ACK) messages.  The
  Load Selector parameter is used to indicate for which Load Group the

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  concerned Application Server is becoming active [LOADSEL] and the Load
  Distribution parameter is used to indicate the traffic mode of the
  Load Group.

    LOADGRP supplements the ASP Active Procedures as follows:

    When an ASP sends an ASPAC message to activate the ASP within an
  Application Server, the ASP MAY choose to activate within a Load Group
  for the specified AS by including the Load Selector parameter in the
  ASPAC message.

    When an SGP receives an ASPAC message with a Load Selector parameter
  in the message, or where the SGP is otherwise configured to activate
  the ASP in a configured Load Group, when the SGP moves the ASP to the
  ASP-ACTIVE state for the AS, it also moves the ASP to the ASP-ACTIVE
  state for the Load Group identified by the Load Selector parameter.
  In either case, if the activation is successful, the SGP includes the
  Load Selector parameter in the ASPAC ACK message.

    If the Load Selector in the ASPAC message is invalid, the SGP
  responds with ERR("Invalid Load Selector").  If the Load Selector
  parameter is not present in the ASPAC message and the SGP is
  configured to require one, or the Load Selector parameter is not valid
  or not configured for the Application Server, the SGP responds with
  ERR("Missing Parameter").  If the Load Selector parameter contains an
  invalid or unsupported Load Distribution value, or the Load
  Distribution parameter is missing but the SGP cannot determine the
  distribution applicable to the Load Group without one, the SGP
  responds with ERR("Unsupported Load Distribution").

    There are three modes of Application Server traffic handling in the
  SGP at the Application Server level and three modes of AS traffic
  handling at the Load Group level: Override, Load-share and Broadcast.
  When included, the Traffic Mode Type parameter in the ASPAC message
  indicates the traffic handling mode to be used in a particular
  Application Server between Load Groups.  When included, the Load
  Distribution parameter indicates the traffic handling mode to be used
  between ASPs within the Load Group indicated by the Load Selector

    In the case of an Override mode AS, reception of an ASP Active
  message at an SGP may move a Load Group to the LG-ACTIVE state.  When
  an LG moves to the LG-ACTIVE state in an Override mode AS, this causes
  the (re)direction of all traffic for the AS to the active Load Group.
  Distribution of traffic within the Load Group is determine on the
  basis of the Load Distribution mode of the Load Group.  Any previously
  active Load Group is now considered to be in state LG-INACTIVE and
  SHOULD no longer receive traffic from the SGP within the AS.  The SGP
  then MUST send a Notify message NTFY("Alternate ASP Active") and
  include the Load Selector parameter in the Notify message indicating
  the Load Group that has become active.

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    In the case of a Load-share mode AS, the reception of an ASP Active
  message at an SGP that moves a Load Group to the LG-ACTIVE state
  causes the direction of specific traffic flows associated with the
  Load Selector to the Load Group.  The assignment of traffic flows to
  Load Selector values is implementation dependent, but could be based
  on specific information in the protocol data message.

    In the case of a Broadcast mode AS, reception of an ASP Active
  message at an SGP that results in moving a Load Group to the LG-ACTIVE
  state within the AS causes the direction of traffic to the newly
  active Load Group in addition to all the other LGs that are currently
  active for the AS.  The algorithm at the SGP for broadcasting traffic
  within an AS to all the active ASPs is a simple broadcast algorithm,
  where every message is sent to each of the active Load Groups.

4.2.4.  ASP Inactive Procedures

    When deactivating, LOADGRP extends the UA activation procedures by
  permitting an optional Load Selector parameter to be included in the
  ASP Inactive (ASPIA) and ASP Inactive Ack (ASPIA ACK) message.  The
  Load Selector parameter is used to indicate for which Load Group the
  concerned Application Server is becoming inactive.

    LOADGRP supplements the ASP Active procedures of the UAs as follows:

    When an ASP wishes to withdraw from a specific Load Group within an
  Application Server, the ASP sends an ASP Inactive message to the SGP
  with a Load Selector parameter included in the message.  In the case
  where the ASP does not include the Load Selector parameter in the ASP
  Inactive message, the SGP must know via configuration data which Load
  Groups the ASP is a member.  Upon receiving an ASP Inactive message
  with included or implied Load Selector, the SGP moves the ASP to the
  ASP-INACTIVE state in each of the Load Groups indicated.

4.2.5.  Notify Procedures

    When the SGP or IPSP notifies its UA peer with a NTFY messages which
  concerns an ASP, it MUST include the Load Group (if available) along
  with the ASP Identifier in the message.  The NTFY messages to which
  this applies are:


    When the SGP or IPSP notifies the active and inactive ASPs in an AS
    that it has detected the transition of the Application Server to the
    AS-ACTIVE, AS-PENDING or AS-INACTIVE state, or that it has detected
    the transition of a Load Group to the LG-ACTIVE state for the AS, it
    MUST include the Load Selector, if available, indicating the Load
    Group which has changed state along with the ASP Identifier, if any,
    in the NTFY message.

    When the Routing Context (Interface Identifier) associated with the
    Application Server cannot be implied at the ASP from static

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    configuration data, the Routing Context (Interface Identifier) MUST
    also be placed in the NTFY message.

  NTFY("ASP Failure") -

    When the SGP or IPSP notifies the active and inactive ASPs in an AS
    that it has detected the failure of an ASP or the failure of an
    association to an ASP (i.e. SCTP Communication Lost Indication), it
    MUST include the Load Selector (if available) with the ASP
    Identifier in the message.

    When the Routing Context (Interface Identifier) associated with the
    Application Servers cannot be implied at the ASP from static
    configuration data, the Routing Context (Interface Identifier) MUST
    also be placed in the NTFY("ASP Failure") message.

    The notifying SGP or IPSP MAY also place the Load Selector parameter
    into the NTFY("ASP Failure") message to indicate the traffic which
    was applicable to the load selection at the time of the failure.

    The purpose of this procedure is to inform the active and inactive
    ASPs, not only of the ASP failure, but of the identity of the ASP
    and the load selection for which the failed ASP was responsible.

  NTFY("Alternate ASP Active in AS") -

    When the SGP or IPSP notifies the previously active ASP in a
    override AS that an alternate ASP has become active, it MUST include
    the Load Selector indicating the Load Group, if any, with the ASP
    Identifier, if available, in the NTFY message.

    The purpose of this procedure is to inform the previously active
    ASP, not only of the that another ASP has taken over the traffic for
    which the notified ASP was previously responsible, but to also
    indicate the identify of the overriding ASP and the load selection
    that was overridden.

    When an ASP becomes ASP-INACTIVE for a Load Group or Application
  Server for the first time, the SGP MAY send NTFY messages indicating
  the state of the Application Server and the Load Groups in the
  application server to the newly inactive ASP.  Application Server
  state is notified by sending the appropriate NTFY message without a
  Load Selector parameter present in the message.  Load Group state is
  notified by sending the appropriate NTFY message with a Load Selector
  parameter indicating the Load Group in the message.

4.3.  Registration

    UAs permit Application Server Processes to register for the Routing
  Context (Interface Identifier) associated with a Routing Key (Link
  Key).  LOADGRP extends the registration procedure to also permit the
  Application Server Process to register a )Load Distribution against a
  Load Selector identifying a Load Group in addition to the Routing

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  Context (Interface Id).

    This is performed by extending the registration procedure of Load
  Selection [LOADSEL] by adding the Load Distribution parameter to the
  REG REQ message during registration.  The Load Distribution parameter
  is analogous to the Traffic Mode Type parameter.

    In addition to the normal registration procedures of the UAs, the
  following additional error conditions can occur:

  "Error - Unsupported/Invalid Load Distribution"

     This error MUST be sent in an Registration Response (REG RSP)
     message whenever the SG determines that the Load Distribution
     associated with a Load Group is invalid, is not supported by the
     SG, or is required to determine the Load Distribution algorithm of
     the Load Group but is missing from the Load Selection in the REG
     REQ message.

4.4.  Interworking Procedures

5.  Examples

    Figure 3 illustrates the example configuration that is used for all
  the examples in this section.  The example configuration consist of:

   + Two SGs (SG1 and SG2) acting as STPs in the SS7 network and
     consisting (for example) of a single SGP.  Each SG is connected to
     each of the ASPs in the example configuration.

   + Four ASPs (ASP1, ASP2, ASP3 and ASP4).  Each ASP is connected to
     both of the SGs in the example configuration.
   + Two Load Selectors (LS1 and LS2) are associated with the
     Application Server.  The traffic that corresponds to each Load
     Selectors and the Load Distribution within each Load Selector is
     different in each example.

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                          Associations  ________      _________
               _________   ............|        |    /         \
              |         |..:    .......|  ASP1  |   |    AS1    |
              |         |.....  :      |________|   |           |
      ________|   SG1   |....:  :                   | ......... |
             /|         |...::  :       ________    | :       : |
      \     / |_________|  :::..:......|        |   | :  LS1  : |
       \   /       |       ::   :......|  ASP2  |   | :.......: |
        \ /        |       ::   ::     |________|   |           |
         X         |       ::   ::                  |           |
        / \        |       ::   ::      ________    |           |
       /   \   ____|____   ::...::.....|        |   |           |
      /     \ |         |..:....::.....|  ASP3  |   | ......... |
      _______\|         |..:.....::    |________|   | :       : |
              |   SG2   |..:......:                 | :  LS2  : |
              |         |..:.....       ________    | :.......: |
              |_________|  :....:......|        |   |           |
                                :......|  ASP4  |   |           |
                                       |________|    \_________/

                      Figure 3.  Example Configuration

5.1.1.  Initialization

    Figure 4 illustrates the common initialization procedure use for all
  of the examples.  Each ASP establishes an SCTP Association with SG1
  and sends and ASP Up message to which it receives and ASP Up response.
  The ASPs are not statically configured to serve specific AS or LS
  within the AS, so no Notify messages are received.  The same sequence
  of messages are also exchanged with SG2.

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       SG1   SG2                           ASP1 ASP2 ASP3 ASP4    AS1
        :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
    (1) :<----:-Establish Association------>:    :    :    :       :
        :<----:-ASPUP-----------------------:    :    :    :       :
        :-----:-ASPUP ACK------------------>:    :    :    :       :
        :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
    (2) :<----:-Establish Association-------:--->:    :    :       :
        :<----:-ASPUP-----------------------:----:    :    :       :
        :-----:-ASPUP ACK-------------------:--->:    :    :       :
        :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
    (3) :<----:-Establish Association-------:----:--->:    :       :
        :<----:-ASPUP-----------------------:----:----:    :       :
        :-----:-ASPUP ACK-------------------:----:--->:    :       :
        :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
    (4) :<----:-Establish Association-------:----:----:--->:       :
        :<----:-ASPUP-----------------------:----:----:----:       :
        :-----:-ASPUP ACK-------------------:----:----:--->:       :
        :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
    (5) :     : (Same message exchange for SG2)  :    :    :       :
        :     :                             :    :    :    :       :

                    Figure 4.  Example - Initialization

5.2.  M3UA with Override LG, Load-share AS, based on CIC

    This example is for an M3UA [M3UA] configuration with the
  Application Server (AS1) configured with a Traffic Mode Type of Load-
  share.  The Application Server (AS1) has associated with it a Routing
  Key (RK1) that consists of a Destination Point Code that corresponds
  to the AS1 (MGC1) point code (PC1), an Originating Point Code that
  corresponds to a remote MGC2 point code (PC2), and the SI value for
  ISUP (SI=5).  The Load Selectors (LS1 and LS2) correspond to two sets
  of CIC values which correspond to two different trunk groups between
  MGC1 and MGC2 (TG1 and TG2).

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5.2.1.  Activation

      SG1   SG2                           ASP1 ASP2 ASP3 ASP4    AS1
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (1) :<----:-ASPAC(LS1/RC1)--------------:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS1/RC1)--------->:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Act)(LS1/RC1)------>:    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (2) :<----:-ASPAC(LS2/RC1)--------------:----:    :    :       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS2/RC1)----------:--->:    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Act)(LS2/RC1)------>:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Act)(LS2/RC1)-------:--->:    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (3) :<----:-ASPAC(LS2/RC1)--------------:----:----:    :       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS2/RC1)----------:----:--->:    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(Alt ASP)(LS2/RC1/ASP3)-:--->:    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (4) :<----:-ASPIA(LS2/RC1)--------------:----:    :    :       :
       :-----:-ASPIA ACK(LS2/RC1)----------:--->:    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :

                  Figure 5.  M3UA Example - Activation

    Figure 5 illustrates activation of the ASPs for Load-share Load
  Distribution within the Override Application Server.  The sequence of
  events is as follows:

   (1)   ASP1 sends an ASP Active message to SG1 identifying Load
         Selector LS1 within Application Server AS1/RC1, optionally
         including a Load Distribution indicating ""Load-share,"" and
         receives an acknowledgement and a notification.  Data is
         transferred between the SG and ASP1 for Load Group LS1 within

   (2)   ASP2 sends an ASP Active message to SG1 identifying Load
         Selector LS2 within Application Server AS1/RC1 and receives an
         acknowledgement and notification.  ASP1 also receives
         notification that LS2 is active for AS1/RC1.  Data is
         transferred between the SG and ASP2 for AS1/RC1 load-shared on

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         CIC between LS1/ASP1 and LS2/ASP2.

   (3)   ASP3 sends an ASP Active message to SG1 identifying Load
         Selector LS2 within Application Server AS1/RC1 and receives an
         acknowledgement.  Because LS2 is an Override Load Group, ASP2
         gets a notification that ASP3 is now the active ASP for
         LS2/AS1/RC1.  Data is transfer to ASP3 for LS2 and remains
         transferred to ASP1 for LS1.

   (4)   ASP2 sends an ASP Inactive message to SG1 identifying Load
         Selector LS1 within Application Server AS1/RC1 and receives an
         acknowledgement.  Because ASP2 is not active in LS2, and LS2 is
         an Override Load Group, SG1 continues to load-share between LS1
         to ASP1 and LS2 to ASP3.

5.2.2.  Failure of ASP1

      SG1   SG2                           ASP1 ASP2 ASP3 ASP4    AS1
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (1) :<----:-DATA(LS1)------------------>:<---:----:----:------>:
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (2) :<- - :-COMM LOST - - - - -XXXX- - -:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(ASP Fail)(ASP1)--------:--->:    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(ASP Fail)(ASP1)--------:----:--->:    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(ASP Fail)(ASP1)--------:----:----:--->:       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Pending)(LS1/RC1)---:--->:    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Pending)(LS1/RC1)---:----:--->:    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Pending)(LS1/RC1)---:----:----:--->:       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (3) :<----:-ASPAC(LS1/RC1)--------------:----:----:----:       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS1/RC1)----------:----:----:--->:       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Active)(LS1/RC1)----:--->:    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Active)(LS1/RC1)----:----:--->:    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Active)(LS1/RC1)----:----:----:--->:       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (4) :<----:-DATA(LS1)-------------------:----:----:--->:<----->:
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :

               Figure 6.  M3UA Example - Failure of ASP1

    Figure 6 illustrates the failure of ASP1.  The sequence of events is
  as follows:

   (1)   Data for LS1 within AS1 is exchanged between SG1 and ASP1.
         Data for LS2 within AS1 is exchanged between SG1 and ASP2.

   (2)   Communication is lost between SG1 and ASP1.  ASP2, ASP3, and
         ASP4 are notified of the failure of ASP1 and the change of

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         state of AS1 to AS-PENDING for LS1.  Data for LS2 in AS1 is

   (3)   ASP4 (spare) responds to the AS-PENDING notification and
         activates for LS1 in AS1/RC1.  ASP2, ASP3 and ASP4 receive an
         AS-ACTIVE notification.  Data for LS1 in AS1 is now exchanged
         with ASP4.  Data for LS2 in AS1 continues to be exchanged with

5.2.3.  Sparing

      SG1   SG2                           ASP1 ASP2 ASP3 ASP4    AS1
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (1) :<----:-DATA(LS1)------------------>:<---:----:----:------>:
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (2) :<----:-ASPAC(LS1/RC1)--------------:----:----:----:       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS1/RC1)----------:----:----:--->:       :
       :-----:-NTFY(Alt ASP)(ASP4)-------->:    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (3) :<----:-DATA(LS1)-------------------:----:----:--->:<----->:
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (4) :<----:-ASPDN-----------------------:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-ASPDN ACK------------------>:    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :

                   Figure 7.  M3UA Example - Sparing

    Figure 7 illustrates a sparing situation where one ASP takes over
  traffic from another so that the original ASP can be taken out of
  service.  The sequence of events is as follows:

   (1)   Data for LS1 in AS1 is exchange between SG1 and ASP1.

   (2)   ASP4 (spare) activates for LS1 in AS1 and receives an
         acknowledgement.  ASP4 has overridden ASP1 and a notification
         is sent to ASP1 that indicates that ASP4 in now the "Alternate
         ASP Active for AS".

   (3)   Data for LS1 in AS1 is now being exchanged between SG1 and

   (4)   ASP1 can now be taken down and out of service.

5.3.  SUA with Load-share LG, Load-share AS based on GT

    This example is for an SUA [SUA] configuration with the Application
  Server (AS1) configured with a Traffic Mode Type of Load-share.  The
  Application Server (AS1) has associated with it (RK1) that consists of

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  Destination Point Code and Subsystem Number that corresponds to the
  AS1 (HLR1) point code (PC1).  The Load Selectors (LS1 and LS2)
  correspond to two sets of Global Titles which correspond to Mobile and
  GSTN numbering.

5.3.1.  Activation

      SG1   SG2                           ASP1 ASP2 ASP3 ASP4    AS1
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (1) :<----:-ASPAC(LS1/RC1)--------------:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS1/RC1)--------->:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Act)(LS1/RC1)------>:    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (2) :<----:-ASPAC(LS2/RC1)--------------:----:    :    :       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS2/RC1)----------:--->:    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Act)(LS2/RC1)------>:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Act)(LS2/RC1)-------:--->:    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (3) :<----:-ASPAC(LS1/RC1)--------------:----:----:    :       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS1/RC1)----------:----:--->:    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (4) :<----:-ASPIA(LS1,LS2/RC1)----------:----:----:----:       :
       :-----:-ASPIA ACK(LS1,LS2/RC1)------:----:----:--->:       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (5) :     : (Same message exchange for SG2)  :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :

                  Figure 8.  SUA Example - Activation

    Figure 8 illustrates activation of the ASPs for Load Selectors
  within the Load-share Application Server.  The sequence of events is
  as follows:

   (1)   ASP1 sends an ASP Active message to SG1 identifying Load
         Selector LS1 within Application Server AS1/RC1 and receives an
         acknowledgement and a notification.  Data is transferred
         between the SG and ASP1 for Load Selector LS1 within AS1.

   (2)   ASP2 sends an ASP Active message to SG1 identifying Load
         Selector LS2 within Application Server AS1/RC1 and receives an
         acknowledgement and a notification.  ASP1 also receives
         notification that AS1/RC1 is active for LS2.  Data is
         transferred between the SG and ASP2 for Load Selector LS2

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         within AS1.

   (3)   ASP3 sends an ASP Active message to SG1 identifying Load
         Selector LS1 within Application Server AS1/RC1 and receives an
         acknowledgement.  Data is load-shared between the SG and ASP1
         and ASP3 for Load Selector LS1 within AS1.

   (4)   ASP4 sends an ASP Inactive message to SG1 identifying Load
         Selector LS1 and LS2 within Application Server AS1/RC1 and
         receives an acknowledgement.

   (5)   The same exchange is repeated for SG2.

5.3.2.  Failure of ASP1 and ASP2

      SG1   SG2                           ASP1 ASP2 ASP3 ASP4    AS1
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (1) :<----:-DATA(LS1)------------------>:<---:----:----:------>:
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (2) :<- - :-COMM LOST - - - - -XXXX- - -:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(ASP Fail)(ASP1)--------:--->:    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(ASP Fail)(ASP1)--------:----:--->:    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(ASP Fail)(ASP1)--------:----:----:--->:       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (3) :<- - :-COMM LOST - - - - -XXXX- - -: - -:    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(ASP Fail)(ASP2)--------:----:--->:    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(ASP Fail)(ASP2)--------:----:----:--->:       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Pending)(LS2/RC1)---:----:--->:    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Pending)(LS2/RC1)---:----:----:--->:       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (4) :<----:-ASPAC(LS2/RC1)--------------:----:----:----:       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS2/RC1)----------:----:----:--->:       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Active)(LS2/RC1)----:----:--->:    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Active)(LS2/RC1)----:----:----:--->:       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :

           Figure 9.  SUA Example - Failure of ASP1 and ASP2

    Figure 9 illustrates the failure of ASP1 followed by the failure of
  ASP2.  The sequence of events is as follows:

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   (1)   Data for LS1 within AS1 is load-shared between ASP1 and ASP3.
         Data for LS2 within AS1 is transferred to ASP2.

   (2)   Communication is lost between SG1 and ASP1.  ASP2, ASP3, and
         ASP4 are notified of the failure of ASP1.  Data for LS1 in AS1
         is now transferred to ASP3 only.  Data for LS2 in AS1 is
         unaffected and is still transferred to ASP2.

   (3)   Communication is lost between SG1 and ASP2.  ASP3 and ASP4 are
         notified of the failure of ASP2 as well of the AS1 state change
         to AS-PENDING for LS2.  Data for LS2 is queued at the SG.

   (4)   ASP4 (spare) responds to the AS-PENDING notification and
         activates for LS2 in AS1/RC1.  ASP3 and ASP4 receive an AS-
         ACTIVE notification for LS2.  Data for LS2 in AS1 is now
         transferred to ASP4.

5.3.3.  Sparing

      SG1   SG2                           ASP1 ASP2 ASP3 ASP4    AS1
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (1) :<----:-DATA(LS1)------------------>:<---:----:----:------>:
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (2) :<----:-ASPAC(LS1/RC1)--------------:----:----:----:       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS1/RC1)----------:----:----:--->:       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (3) :<----:-ASPIA(LS1/RC1)--------------:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-ASPIA ACK(LS1/RC1)--------->:    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (5) :<----:-ASPDN-----------------------:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-ASPDN ACK------------------>:    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :

                   Figure 10.  SUA Example - Sparing

    Figure 10 illustrates a sparing situation where one ASP takes over
  traffic from another so that the original ASP can be taken out of
  service.  The sequence of events is as follows:

   (1)   Data for LS1 in AS1 is load-shared by SG1 between ASP1 and

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Internet Draft                 UA LOADGRP               February 3, 2007

   (2)   ASP4 (spare) activates for LS1 in AS1 and receives and
         acknowledgement.  Data for LS1 in AS1 is now load-shared by SG1
         between ASP1, ASP3 and ASP4.

   (3)   ASP1 deactivates for LS1 in AS1 and receives and

   (4)   Data for LS1 in AS1 is now load-shared by SG1 between ASP3 and

   (5)   ASP1 can now be taken down and out of service.

5.4.  TUA with Broadcast LG, Load-share AS based on DID

    This example is for an TUA [TUA] configuration with the Application
  Server (AS1) configured with a Traffic Mode Type of Broadcast.  The
  Application Server (AS1) has associated with it (RK1) that consists of
  Destination Point Code and Subsystem Number that corresponds to the
  AS1 (HLR1) point code (PC1).  The Load Selectors (LS1 and LS2)
  correspond to two sets of Dialogue Ids which correspond to even and
  odd Dialogue Ids.

5.4.1.  Activation

      SG1   SG2                           ASP1 ASP2 ASP3 ASP4    AS1
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (1) :<----:-ASPAC(LS1/RC1)--------------:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS1/RC1)--------->:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Act)(LS1/RC1)------>:    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (2) :<----:-ASPAC(LS2/RC1)--------------:----:    :    :       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS2/RC1)----------:--->:    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Act)(LS2/RC1)------>:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Act)(LS2/RC1)-------:--->:    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (3) :<----:-ASPAC(LS1/RC1)--------------:----:----:    :       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS1/RC1)----------:----:--->:    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Act)(LS1,LS2/RC1)---:----:--->:    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (4) :<----:-ASPIA(LS2/RC1)--------------:----:----:----:       :
       :-----:-ASPIA ACK(LS2/RC1)----------:----:----:--->:       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (5) :     : (Same message exchange for SG2)  :    :    :       :

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Internet Draft                 UA LOADGRP               February 3, 2007

       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :

                  Figure 11.  TUA Example - Activation

    Figure 11 illustrates activation of the ASPs for Load Selectors
  within the Broadcast Application Server.  The sequence of events is as

   (1)   ASP1 sends an ASP Active message to SG1 identifying Load
         Selector LS1 within Application Server AS1/RC1 and receives an
         acknowledgement and a notification.  Data is transferred
         between the SG and ASP1 for Load Selector LS1 within AS1.  The
         initial Data Messages for LS1 within AS1 are tagged with a
         Correlation Id.

   (2)   ASP2 sends an ASP Active message to SG1 identifying Load
         Selector LS2 within Application Server AS1/RC1 and receives an
         acknowledgement and a notification.  ASP1 also receives
         notification that AS1/RC1 is active for LS2.  Data is
         transferred between the SG and ASP2 for Load Selector LS2
         within AS1.  The initial Data Messages for LS2 within AS1 are
         tagged with a Correlation Id.

   (3)   ASP3 sends an ASP Active message to SG1 identifying Load
         Selector LS1 within Application Server AS1/RC1 and receives an
         acknowledgement.  Data is broadcast the SG and ASP1 and ASP3
         for Load Selector LS1 within AS1.  The initial Data Messages
         for LS2 within AS1 are tagged with a Correlation Id.

   (4)   ASP4 sends an ASP Inactive message to SG1 identifying Load
         Selector LS1 and LS2 within Application Server AS1/RC1 and
         receives an acknowledgement.

   (5)   The same exchange is repeated for SG2.

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Internet Draft                 UA LOADGRP               February 3, 2007

5.4.2.  Failure of ASP1 and ASP2

      SG1   SG2                           ASP1 ASP2 ASP3 ASP4    AS1
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (1) :<----:-DATA(LS1)------------------>:<---:--->:<---:------>:
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (2) :<- - :-COMM LOST - - - - -XXXX- - -:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(ASP Fail)(ASP1)--------:--->:    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(ASP Fail)(ASP1)--------:----:--->:    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(ASP Fail)(ASP1)--------:----:----:--->:       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (3) :<- - :-COMM LOST - - - - -XXXX- - -: - -:    :    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(ASP Fail)(ASP2)--------:----:--->:    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(ASP Fail)(ASP2)--------:----:----:--->:       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Pending)(LS2/RC1)---:----:--->:    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Pending)(LS2/RC1)---:----:----:--->:       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (4) :<----:-ASPAC(LS2/RC1)--------------:----:----:----:       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS2/RC1)----------:----:----:--->:       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Active)(LS2/RC1)----:----:--->:    :       :
       :-----:-NTFY(AS_Active)(LS2/RC1)----:----:----:--->:       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (5) :<----:-ASPDN-----------------------:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-ASPDN ACK------------------>:    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :

               Figure 12.  TUA Example - Failure of ASP1

    Figure 12 illustrates the failure of ASP1 followed by the failure of
  ASP2.  The sequence of events is as follows:

   (1)   Data for LS1 within AS1 is broadcast to ASP1 and ASP3.  Data
         for LS2 within AS1 is sent to ASP2.

   (2)   Communication is lost between SG1 and ASP1.  ASP2, ASP3, and
         ASP4 are notified of the failure of ASP1.  Data for LS1 in AS1
         is directed toward ASP3 only.  Data for LS2 in AS1 is

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Internet Draft                 UA LOADGRP               February 3, 2007

   (3)   Communication is lost between SG1 and ASP2.  ASP3 and ASP4 are
         notified of the failure of ASP1 as well of the AS1 state change
         to AS-PENDING for LS2.  Data for LS2 is queued at the SG.

   (4)   ASP4 (spare) responds to the AS-PENDING notification and
         activates for LS2 in AS1/RC1.  ASP3 and ASP4 receive an AS-
         ACTIVE notification.  Data for LS2 in AS1 is now exchanged with
         ASP4.  Initial DATA messages for LS2 in AS1 are tagged with a
         Correlation Id.

5.4.3.  Sparing

      SG1   SG2                           ASP1 ASP2 ASP3 ASP4    AS1
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (1) :<----:-DATA(LS1)------------------>:<---:--->:<---:------>:
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (2) :<----:-ASPAC(LS1/RC1)--------------:----:----:----:       :
       :-----:-ASPAC ACK(LS1/RC1)----------:----:----:--->:       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (3) :<----:-ASPIA(LS1/RC1)--------------:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-ASPIA ACK(LS1/RC1)--------->:    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (4) :<----:-DATA(LS1)-------------------:----:--->:<-->:<----->:
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :
   (5) :<----:-ASPDN-----------------------:    :    :    :       :
       :-----:-ASPDN ACK------------------>:    :    :    :       :
       :     :                             :    :    :    :       :

                   Figure 13.  TUA Example - Sparing

    Figure 13 illustrates a sparing situation where one ASP takes over
  traffic from another so that the original ASP can be taken out of
  service.  The sequence of events is as follows:

   (1)   Data for LS1 in AS1 is broadcast from SG1 to ASP1 and ASP3.

   (2)   ASP4 (spare) activates for LS1 in AS1 and receives and
         acknowledgement.  Data for LS1 in AS1 is now being broadcast
         from SG1 to ASP1, ASP3 and ASP4.  Initial data for LS1 in AS1
         is tagged with a Correlation Id.

   (3)   ASP1 deactivates for LS1 in AS1 and receives and

   (4)   Data for LS1 in AS1 is now broadcast from SG1 to ASP3 and ASP4.

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   (5)   ASP1 can now be taken down and out of service.

6.  Security

    LOADGRP does not introduce any new security risks or considerations
  that are not already inherent in the UA [IUA], [M2UA], [M3UA], [SUA],
  [DUA], [V5UA], [GR303UA], [ISUA], [TUA] Please see SIGTRAN Security
  document [SIGSEC] for security considerations and recommendations that
  are applicable to each UA.

7.  IANA Considerations

    LOADGRP adds the following parameter tag value (described in Section
  3) to the Common Parameter numbering space for the UAs [IUA], [M2UA],
  [M3UA], [SUA], [DUA], [V5UA], [GR303UA], [ISUA], [TUA].

      Tag Value   Parameter Name
       0x001a     Load Distribution <1>

    LOADGRP adds the following value to the Error Code parameter of the

      28   Unsupported Load Distribution <2>

    LOADGRP adds the following value to the Registration Status field of
  the Registration Result parameter for the UAs [M2UA], [M3UA], [SUA],
  [ISUA], [TUA].

      16   Error - Invalid/Unsupported Load Distribution <3>

Notes for Section 7

  <1>  EDITOR'S NOTE:-  The Load Distribution parameter tag value
       shown throughout this document as 0x001a will be assigned by
       IANA within the common parameter range of the SIGTRAN UAs and
       may change its value in further versions of this document.

  <2>  EDITOR'S NOTE:-  The Error Code value shown as 28 above will be
       assigned by IANA as a value of the common Error Code parameter
       for SIGTRAN UAs and may change its value in further versions of
       this document.

  <3>  EDITOR'S NOTE:-  The Registration Status value shown as 16
       above will be assigned by IANA as a value of each UA-specific
       Registration Status parameter for each SIGTRAN UA and may
       change its value in further versions of this document.

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Internet Draft                 UA LOADGRP               February 3, 2007

0.  Revision History

    This section provides historical information on the changes made to
  this draft.  This section will be removed from the document when the
  document is finalized.

0.5.  Changes from Version 0.4 to Version 0.5

   + updated to new boilerplate.
   + updated references, version numbers and dates.

0.4.  Changes from Version 0.3 to Version 0.4

   + updated to IETF boilerplate for first and last page.
   + updated references, version numbers and dates.
   + resubmitted to sync with IETF numbering

0.3.  Changes from Version 0.2 to Version 0.3

   + updated references, version numbers and dates.

0.2.  Changes from Version 0.1 to Version 0.2

   + added list of abbreviations.
   + moved history section.
   + updated release version and dates.
   + updated references.
   + split reference section.
   + updated security section.
   + moved notes to end of document.

0.1.  Changes from Version 0.0 to Version 0.1

   + added this section,
   + updated release version and dates,
   + updated references,
   + updated postscript diagrams,
   + minor formatting changes,
   + reworked the procedures section,
   + added interworking rules,
   + change Load Selection to Load Selector to match LOADSEL [LOADSEL],
   + added examples,
   + updated author's address.

0.0.  Version 0.0

    The initial version of this document.

0.0.0.  Change Log

    $Log:,v $
    Revision  2007/02/03 15:47:25  brian

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.5                       Page 33
Internet Draft                 UA LOADGRP               February 3, 2007

    - added new drafts

    Revision  2006/06/27 09:41:15  brian
    - rereleased drafts

    Revision  2006/06/18 20:53:35  brian
    - preparing for draft rerelease

    Revision  2005/10/17 11:53:46  brian
    - updated drafts for republication

    Revision  2005/05/14 08:33:19  brian
    - copyright header correction

    Revision  2004/03/16 05:10:41  brian
    - Added drafts and figures.

    Revision  2003/08/01 12:23:15  brian
    Added abbreviations, updated format.

Normative References

  [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
       Requirement Levels," BCP 14/RFC 2119, The Internet Society (March
       1997).  <>

  [IUA]  Morneault, K., Rengasami, S., Kalla, M. and Sidebottom, G.,
       "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Q.921-User Adaptation
       Layer," RFC 4233, The Internet Society (January 2006).
       (Obsoletes RFC 3057) <>

  [M2UA]  Morneault, K., Dantu, R., Sidebottom, G., Bidulock, B. and
       Heitz, J., "Signaling System 7 (SS7) Message Transfer Part 2
       (MTP2) -- User Adaptation Layer," RFC 3331, The Internet Society
       (September 2002).  <>

  [M3UA]  Morneault, K., Pastor-Balbas, J., (eds), "Signaling System 7
       (SS7) Message Transfer Part 3 (MTP3) -- User Adaptation Layer
       (M3UA)," RFC 4666, The Internet Society (September 2006).

  [SUA]  Loughney, J., Sidebottom, G., Coene, L., Verwimp, G., Keller,
       J. and Bidulock, B., "Signalling Connection Control Part User
       Adaptation Layer (SUA)," RFC 3868, The Internet Society (October
       2004).  <>

  [SCTP]  Stewart, R. R., Xie, Q., Morneault, K., Sharp, C.,
       Schwarzbauer, H. J., Taylor, T., Rytina, I., Kalla, H., Zhang, L.
       and Paxson, V., "Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP),"
       RFC 2960, The Internet Society (October 2000).  (Updated by RFC

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.5                       Page 34
Internet Draft                 UA LOADGRP               February 3, 2007

       3309) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

  [SIGSEC]  Loughney, J., Tuexen, M. and Pastor-Balbas, J., "Security
       Considerations for Signaling Transport (SIGTRAN) Protocols," RFC
       3788, Internet Engineering Task Force -- Signalling Transport
       Working Group (June 2004).  <>

Informative References

  [DUA]  Mukundan, R., Morneault, K., Mangalpally, N. and Vydyam, A.,
       "Digital Private Network Signaling System (DPNSS)/Digital Access
       Signaling System 2 (DASS 2) Extensions to the IUA Protocol," RFC
       4129, The Internet Society (August 2005).  (Status: PROPOSED
       STANDARD) <>

  [V5UA]  Weilandt, E., Khanchandani, N. and Rao, S., "V5.2-User
       Adaption Layer (V5UA)," RFC 3807, The Internet Society (June
       2004).  (Updates RFC 3057) <>

  [GR303UA]  Mukundan, R., Morneault, K., "GR-303 extensions to the IUA
       Protocol," draft-ietf-sigtran-gr303ua-00.txt, Internet
       Engineering Task Force -- Signalling Transport Working Group
       (December 2002).  Work In Progress. (Expired)

  [ISUA]  Bidulock, B., "SS7 ISUP-User Adaptation Layer (ISUA)," draft-
       bidulock-sigtran-isua-04.txt, Internet Engineering Task Force --
       Signalling Transport Working Group (February 3, 2007).  Work In
       Progress.  <

  [TUA]  Bidulock, B., "SS7 TCAP-User Adaptation Layer (TUA)," draft-
       bidulock-sigtran-tua-05.txt, Internet Engineering Task Force --
       Signalling Transport Working Group (February 3, 2007).  Work In
       Progress.  <

  [LOADSEL]  Bidulock, B., "Load Selection Extension for Signalling User
       Adaptation Layers (LOADSEL)," draft-bidulock-sigtran-
       loadsel-05.txt, Internet Engineering Task Force -- Signalling
       Transport Working Group (February 3, 2007).  Work In Progress.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.5                       Page 35
Internet Draft                 UA LOADGRP               February 3, 2007


    The authors would like to thank Tolga Asveren, Ken Morneault, Barry
  Nagelberg, Benjamin J. Wilson, Jacques Rajchgod, Greg Sidebottom and
  Gery Verwimp for their valuable comments and suggestions.

Author's Addresses

  Brian Bidulock
  OpenSS7 Corporation
  1469 Jeffreys Crescent
  Edmonton, AB  T6L 6T1

  Phone: +1-780-490-1141
  URL: http//

  This draft expires August 2007.

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Internet Draft                 UA LOADGRP               February 3, 2007

                            List of Tables

  Table 1. Sample Configurations ..................................    8

                        List of Illustrations

  Figure 1. Existing Traffic Distribution .........................    4
  Figure 2. Load Group Traffic Distribution .......................    6
  Figure 3. Example Configuration .................................   20
  Figure 4. Example - Initialization ..............................   21
  Figure 5. M3UA Example - Activation .............................   22
  Figure 6. M3UA Example - Failure of ASP1 ........................   23
  Figure 7. M3UA Example - Sparing ................................   24
  Figure 8. SUA Example - Activation ..............................   25
  Figure 9. SUA Example - Failure of ASP1 and ASP2 ................   26
  Figure 10. SUA Example - Sparing ................................   27
  Figure 11. TUA Example - Activation .............................   29
  Figure 12. TUA Example - Failure of ASP1 ........................   30
  Figure 13. TUA Example - Sparing ................................   31

                          Table of Contents

  Status of this Memo .............................................    1
  Copyright .......................................................    1
  Abstract ........................................................    1
  Contents ........................................................    2
  1 Introduction ..................................................    2
  1.1 Scope .......................................................    2
  1.2 Abbreviations ...............................................    2
  1.3 Terminology .................................................    3
  1.4 Overview ....................................................    3
  1.4.1 Existing Traffic Distribution .............................    4
  1.4.2 Extended Traffic Distribution .............................    5
  1.5 Sample Configurations .......................................    7
  2 Conventions ...................................................    8
  3 Protocol Elements .............................................    8
  3.1 Parameters ..................................................    8
  3.1.1 Load Distribution .........................................    8
  3.2 Messages ....................................................    9
  3.2.1 Registration Request (REG REQ) ............................    9
  3.2.2 Registration Response (REG RSP) ...........................   10
  3.2.3 ASP Active (ASPAC) ........................................   11
  3.2.4 ASP Active Ack (ASPAC ACK) ................................   12
  3.2.5 Error (ERR) ...............................................   13
  Notes for Section 3 .............................................   14
  4 Procedures ....................................................   14
  4.1 ASP State Maintenance .......................................   14
  4.1.1 Load Group State ..........................................   14
  4.1.2 Application Server State ..................................   15
  4.2 ASP Traffic Maintenance .....................................   15
  4.2.1 ASP Up Procedures .........................................   15
  4.2.2 ASP Down Procedures .......................................   15

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Internet Draft                 UA LOADGRP               February 3, 2007

  4.2.3 ASP Active Procedures .....................................   15
  4.2.4 ASP Inactive Procedures ...................................   17
  4.2.5 Notify Procedures .........................................   17
  4.3 Registration ................................................   18
  4.4 Interworking Procedures .....................................   19
  5 Examples ......................................................   19
  5.1.1 Initialization ............................................   20
  5.2 M3UA with Override LG, Load-share AS, based on CIC ..........   21
  5.2.1 Activation ................................................   22
  5.2.2 Failure of ASP1 ...........................................   23
  5.2.3 Sparing ...................................................   24
  5.3 SUA with Load-share LG, Load-share AS based on GT ...........   24
  5.3.1 Activation ................................................   25
  5.3.2 Failure of ASP1 and ASP2 ..................................   26
  5.3.3 Sparing ...................................................   27
  5.4 TUA with Broadcast LG, Load-share AS based on DID ...........   28
  5.4.1 Activation ................................................   28
  5.4.2 Failure of ASP1 and ASP2 ..................................   30
  5.4.3 Sparing ...................................................   31
  6 Security ......................................................   32
  7 IANA Considerations ...........................................   32
  Notes for Section 7 .............................................   32
  0 Revision History ..............................................   33
  0.5 Changes from Version 0.4 to Version 0.5 .....................   33
  0.4 Changes from Version 0.3 to Version 0.4 .....................   33
  0.3 Changes from Version 0.2 to Version 0.3 .....................   33
  0.2 Changes from Version 0.1 to Version 0.2 .....................   33
  0.1 Changes from Version 0.0 to Version 0.1 .....................   33
  0.0 Version 0.0 .................................................   33
  0.0.0 Change Log ................................................   33
  Normative References ............................................   34
  Informative References ..........................................   35
  Acknowledgements ................................................   36
  Author's Addresses ..............................................   36
  List of Tables ..................................................   37
  List of Illustrations ...........................................   37
  Table of Contents ...............................................   37

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Internet Draft                 UA LOADGRP               February 3, 2007

Intellectual Property

  The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
  Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
  pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
  this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
  might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
  made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
  on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be found
  in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

  Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
  assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
  attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
  such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this specification
  can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at

  The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
  copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
  rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
  this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-

Disclaimer of Validity

  This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

Full Copyright Statement

  Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2007).  This document is subject to the
  rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and except as
  set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.


  Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
  Internet Society.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.5                       Page 39