SNMP Version 3 WG (snmpv3) Tuesday, December 11 at 1300-1400 ==================================== CHAIRS: Russ Mundy <> David Harrington <> AGENDA: 1. Administrative matters Working group charter is at 1.1 introductions 1.2 selection of minute-taker PLEASE read volunteers PRIOR to the meeting greatly appreciated! 1.3 circulation of sign-up sheet 1.4 Review of Agenda 1.5 Allocation of time 2. Documents under discussion 2. Status of Current work 2.1 Updates for RFC1905-7 draft-ietf-snmpv3-update-proto-08 draft-ietf-snmpv3-update-transmap-08 draft-ietf-snmpv3-update-mib-07 Approved for advancement to Full Standard 2.2 Updates for RFCs 2571-2575 draft-ietf-snmpv3-arch-v2-02 draft-ietf-snmpv3-mpd-v2-02 draft-ietf-snmpv3-appl-v3-01 published. draft-ietf-snmpv3-usm-xx draft-ietf-snmpv3-vacm-xx submitted for publication 2.3 Update for RFC2576 draft-ietf-snmpv3-coex-v2-01 submitted for publication need implementation and deployment reports 2.4 Update for RFC2570 3. Charter updates. Please see 5.1 completed items 5.2 changes to target dates 5.3 Any interest in extending charter for new work? 4. Wrap-up 6.1 review of action items 6.2 reminders to minute-takers and presenters PLEASE read and, respectively. 6.3 retrieval of sign-up sheet