Performance Implications of Link-layer Characteristics (PILC) BOF - IETF 44

Reported by Mike Kallas (

Mailing list contact information:


Mark Allman (
Spencer Dawkins (
Aaron Falk (

Internet Draft:
draft-montenegro-pilc-ltn-01.txt (currently individual submission)

The second PILC BOF was held March 18, 1999 at IETF 44 in
Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Aaron Falk, BOF Co-chair, started off with some history of the PILC
effort and experiences gained from the TCP over Satellite, and
presented a draft charter for the proposed PILC working group. His
slides are available at:

Mark Allman, BOF Co-chair, continued the discussion by summarizing
the interests that have been expressed on the PILC mailing list, and
leading the discussion of the draft charter.  Mark's slides are also
available from the PILC web page.

Three major types of documents will be produced in PILC: "Advice for
Internet Subnetwork Designers", recommendations about using (and not
using) TCP Performance-Enhancing Proxies, and recommendations about
mitigations for specific network characteristics. In addition, a
pointer document for certain communities of interest may be
produced, depending on the need for a specific network type to deal
with more than one "unfortunate" link-layer characteristic and the
potential for "unfortunate" interactions between mitigations.

Many questions and comments were made about these "Pointer"
documents. The conclusion was to do the work on the mitigations
documents and then see whether the pointer documents are still

The major threads on the PILC list to date have been on these
topics: Links with high BER, Inconsistent BER, Links with occasional
outages, and Low bandwidth links.  (Although, there have been brief
threads on other topics).

A fairly contentious discussion on PEPs ensued.  The consensus
seemed to be for including a document discussing the
advantages/disadvantages of using PEPs.

Both Aaron and Mark suggested specifications that don't target a
specific type of network (say, "TCP over wireless"), but target a
specific network characteristic (say, "TCP over links with high BERs
after link-layer correction has been applied"). The rationale was to
make sure the TCP community doesn't ignore PILC specifications as
being tied to a specific network type - Aaron expressed the opinion
that this had happened in TCPSAT, and slowed down the process of
getting consensus on TCPSAT Internet-Drafts.

Phil Karn, who has been working on a draft of the "Advice for
Internet Subnetwork Designers" document (draft-in-process at presented a proposed
outline of the document, collected additions, and identified
additional contributors.

Phil's document table of contents at the beginning of the meeting was:

MTU size, packet size
Framing in the sub-net
Connection oriented sub-net
Link characteristics
delay / BER 
Routing or use IP
Discovery protocols broadcasting
Congestion feedback signals

These subjects were suggested as additions during the discussion:

MAC algorithm, tuning
Media access affects link characteristics
Link layer should take advantage of burstiness, clumpiness of error helps
Total error statistics behavior (not just BER)
Fairness Vs performance
Implications of protocol design on power consumption for mobile/wireless

Significant interest and energy was expressed in support of the
charter items discussed.  The initial areas of concentration, based
on mailing list traffic to date, will be "thin", or low-bitrate,
networks, and lossy networks. Additional areas may be addressed as
communities with interest and energy are identified. Steve Deering
noted that interim meetings could easily be held to focus on a
specific link characteristic.

There was substantial discussion of a number of topics. Relevant
comments are summarized below.

Q: Is PILC only about TCP? What about RTP, multicast?
A: No. We are also working on link layer issues today. Some
characteristics originally proposed for PILC were IP layer issues,
and UDP, RTP, and multicast are all acknowledged as possible areas
of work for PILC.  The energy that has materialized so far in PILC
has been focused on link layer and TCP issues.

Q: Do all wireless networks have same issues? Why is a pointer
document needed?
A: We can't anticipate all "wireless" characteristics, and there are
different characteristics for different types of wireless networks.
Each "mitigation" document will look at different link
characteristics. The Pointer document for wireless needs to be
flexible so that we can add more sections as needed. Different
solutions work for different networks.  Also note that "wireless"
was used as shorthand for "wireless WAN" in the discussion.

Q: Shouldn't we remove "wireless" from charter?
A: We need to keep the word in the charter as a commitment that PILC
will work to meet the requirements of the wireless community, but
("you're right,") wireless environments are different and
changing. We will not group all wireless into one category, so
different Pointer documents may be produced. We will focus
discussions on link characteristics, and not on network types like
wireless. We will use wireless as an example

Q: We're concerned about usefulness of the Pointer documents. Should
Pointer documents be IETF RFCs? Would a conference paper be better?
A: Many groups are publishing similar pointer documents in many
places (conference proceedings, industry forums). There is still a
place for documentation of mitigations that involve TCP that have
been reviewed within IETF.

Q: Is designing a way for the applications to determine underlying
network characteristics in scope?
A: No, network knowledge of link topology is a different problem.
and is also too big. We can discuss this on the list if you

Q: How good does the link need to be? If you can not achieve
recommendations, then what?
A: Van Jacobson noted that error behavior is non-linear. There is a
tradeoff between MAC design and error response. Error response is
not linear and breakpoint is distinct and visible.

Chairs asked for people with energy to work on problems not in the
proposed charter.  Hari Balkrishnan volunteered to work on documents
related to asymmetric networks.

It was also suggested that this WG should consider architecture.