Entity MIB (entmib)

 Last Modified: 2005-06-10

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Margaret Wasserman  <margaret@thingmagic.com>

 Operations and Management Area Director(s):
     Bert Wijnen  <bwijnen@lucent.com>
     David Kessens  <david.kessens@nokia.com>

 Operations and Management Area Advisor:
     Bert Wijnen  <bwijnen@lucent.com>

 Mailing Lists: 
     General Discussion:entmib@ietf.org
     To Subscribe:      http://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/entmib
     Archive:           http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/entmib/index.html

Description of Working Group:

This working group is chartered to standardize a set of managed
objects representing logical and physical entities and the
relationships between them. Logical entities can occur when a
single agent supports multiple instances of one MIB, such as
RFCs 1493, 1525, or 1850 where each instance represents a
single (logical) device/entity. Physical entities are the actual
physical components on which the logical entities operate;
typically, the physical components exist in a hierarchy.

The set of objects will be consistent with the SNMP framework and
existing SNMP standards.

The scope of the defined managed objects should allow an NMS to
interrogate a standard SNMP context and thereby discover what
logical and physical entities exist, how to access the MIB
information of each logical entity, and the relationships between
the various entities. The MIB should support both a single agent
or multiple agents in one physical entity.

The WG will also standardize a set of managed objects representing
sensor entities.  Sensor entities are physical entities that report
a value based on external conditions, such as temperature sensors, 
power monitors, etc.  The Sensor Entity MIB will augment the basic 
Entity MIB to allow an NMS to obtain the value reported by a sensor.
This MIB will not contain internal support for alarms or
thresholds, but should work with standard alarm and threshold MIBs,
such as RMON-2.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Post Internet-Draft for Entity MIB. 

   Done         Post updated Entity MIB Internet-Draft. 

   Done         Submit final version of Internet-Draft for consideration as a 
                Proposed Standard. 

   Done         Finalize scope of changes/augmentations to RFC 2037 

   Done         Post updated/new Internet Drafts 

   Done         Reach agreement on changes/extensions to RFC 2037 

   Done         Evaluate status of RFC 2037 and report to the IESG if it should 
                be recycled at Proposed or can be elevated to Draft Standard. 

   Done         Submit Internet Draft containing Entity MIB Extensions to IESG 
                for consideration as a Proposed Standard. 

   Done         Evaluate status of Entity MIB and collect implementation and 
                interoperability reports 

   Done         Recommend to the IESG if Entity MIB can be elevated to Draft 

   Done         Post Internet-Draft for Sensor Entity MIB 

   Done         Determine if the Entity MIB should be modified to resolve any 
                open issues 

   Done         Submit final version of Internet-Draft for Sensor Entity MIB 
                for consideration as a Proposed Standard 

   Done         Re-cycle the updated Entity MIB at proposed standard, if 

   Done         Submit final version of Internet-Draft for Sensor Entity MIB 
                for consideration as a Proposed Standard 

   Done         Post Internet-Draft for Sensor Entity MIB 

   Done         Determine if the Entity MIB should be modified to resolve any 
                open issues 

   Done         Publish state/status extensions as a WG I-D 

   Done         Evaluate status of the Entity MIB and collect implementation 
                and interoperability reports 

   Done         Evaluate status of the Entity MIB and collect implementation 
                and interoperability reports 

   Done         Recommend to the IESG if the Entity MIB can be elevated to 
                Draft Standard. 

   Done         Submit the Entity MIB to the IESG for Draft Standard 

   Done         Submit Entity State MIB to the IESG for Proposed Standard 

   Jun 2004       Re-charter or shut-down the WG 


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC2037 PS   Oct 1996    Entity MIB 

RFC2737 PS   Dec 1999    Entity MIB (Version 2) 

RFC3433 PS   Dec 2002    Entity Sensor Management Information Base 

RFC4133Standard  Aug 2005    Entity MIB (Version 3) 

RFC4268Standard  Dec 2005    Entity State MIB