This is an utility application to fast backup complex delphi projects . Complex means that in your project you have included units and forms in several folders different from the main one and you want to include too different kinds of file such as *.txt, *.sql , and so on in your backup. It's a very simple tool but it can be useful to save time while developing. The following assumes you have the main form ready in your IDE or you have downloaded some more infos from my site at . In the pane named 'Sources folders' different sub folders are shown, this projects has different folders to store data modules, classes, GUIs, sources and forms. Furthermore it needs different kind of files such as *.ini and *.res files. It should be very boring to select manually files and extensions any time, this way you can save one shot the whole project. In the second blue panel there's a popup menu (right click to access it) that allows editing of the file extensions to be included in the backup. By default they are : *.pas *.dfm *.dpr *.res *.ini *.sql *.txt In the object inspector I've set the TFileCopyNew.Memo property to the TMemo component in the form. So, in the lower pane, the Memo, you can see the result of any copy progress. There is an ini file automatically generated and updated from which the application reads default values. In this file are also saved last source/target project setting (if any). Next time, DprBckp will be ready and properly set to backup the last project saved. NOTE : To compile DprBckp.dpr you need to add two components : * TFileCopyNew, (fcopynew.pas) that's another component by me * TBrowseForFolder , (folderBrowse.pas) that's a good component by Ray Adams (c) 1998 Ray Adams both are included in the zip file. Come to my site to get more infos about DprBckp ,new releases of older comps and some new comps at Next entries : * BubScheduler , a very friendly and powerful scheduler for any win user * TDispatchTree , last updates and free sources