Click the link above to visit the DinoByte Web site for more information on
AutoHelp and other DinoByte products.
AutoHelp for Components
AutoHelp is a program that you use to create help files for
Delphi components. AutoHelp scans your source files, creates a database of all
objects found, and generates a series of topics for each object. You then
edit the topics using a simple visual interface which closely mimics the
look of the actual help file. AutoHelp then generates the necessary support
files and runs the Help Compiler for you.
- Automatically Creates Topics for all Objects
AutoHelp automatically generates complete topics for all Units,
Components, Properties, Methods, Events, Constants, Routines, and Types
found in one or more source files.
- Automatically Creates Topic Links
AutoHelp provides a function, similar to a spell checker, which checks
every word in every topic for references to objects found in the source
code. It then gives you the option of converting these words into
hyperlinks connecting to the object�s topic.
- Automatically Creates Topic Links
AutoHelp provides a function, similar to a spell checker, which checks
every word in every topic for references to objects found in the source
code. It then gives you the option of converting these words into
hyperlinks connecting to the object�s topic.
- Optionally Creates Registration Topics
AutoHelp can optionally generate a series of Registration topics and a
Registration button to make it easier for your customers to purchase your
product. It is also very easy to create a second help file for
registered users which does not contain the registration information.
- Simple Visual Interface
The entire help building process is controlled from a simple visual
interface. Topics are displayed one at a time and closely mimic the look
of the actual help file. The current topic may be edited using standard
word processor type functions. Clicking any hyperlink will immediately
display the topic associated with that hyperlink.
- Topics Generated from Templates
AutoHelp uses templates to determine how to build new topics.
Templates control just about all aspects of the topic building process.
The default templates generate topics which closely resemble those found
in Delphi�s own help files.
- Descriptions from Remarks
AutoHelp is able to retrieve remarks from the source code and
automatically use them as descriptions for objects in the project.
This is a very powerful feature which reduces the time needed to create
the help file and encourages heavily documented source code.