Program to set the Beos Time from a remote server.

Usage:	rdate -s <host>

Recommented that it be put in the /boot/home/config/boot/UserBootscript.

	# Sync the clock
	/Work/local/bin/rdate -s host >/dev/null                                      

Replacing 'host' with a machine that handles the rdate protocol.
	and '/Work/local/bin' with were you place the executable.

	Should compile with the limited compiler.

	This has only been tested against a solaris 2.6 machine, and on a 
Bebox. Also sometimes the time in the "Be" Menu does not get update, yet 
the time is set, and the clock program gets updated.  This may not be 
needed on most machines, but My Bebox clock does not keep very good time 
when powered off.

	I have the timeout for connecting to a remote server at 10 seconds. 
Which was the default in the original package.