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From kde-announce-request@lists.netcentral.net  Sun Nov  8 18:34:42 1998
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Subject: ANNOUNCE:  kspaceduel-0.2.1.tar.gz
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Dear KDE Enthusiast,

       the KDE Team is pleased to announce the availability of:


It can be found at

and at our U.S mirror site

it will probably appear firstly at

Here follows the LSM:

Title:		kspaceduel
Version:	0.2.1
Entered-date:	30NOV1998
Description:	KSpaceduel is a two player arcade space game for KDE.
Keywords:	KSpaceduel, kspaceduel, KDE, Qt
Author:         Andreas Zehender <azehende@ba-stuttgart.de>
Maintained-by:  Andreas Zehender <azehende@ba-stuttgart.de>
Primary-site:	ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/games
Home-Page:	http://www.ba-stuttgart.de/~azehende/kspaceduel
Alternate-site:	http://www.ba-stuttgart.de/~azehende/download
Original-site:	None
Platforms:	Linux with Qt 1.31 and Kde libs
Copying-policy: GPL 

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