Wed Jun 16 21:23:13 CDT 1999
Two changes were made to
  1.  \--LINUX-.--- was removed, as it was preventing the virtual /DOS
      directory from working.
  2.  The default kernel should now have working support for parallel-port
      Zip drives.
The bootdisk.img has also been replaced with one using the fixed kernel, and
the kernel itself can be found in ../kernels/zipslack.s/.
Sat May  8 23:38:08 CDT 1999
New ZipSlack 4.0 release:  ZipSlack rebuilt from Slackware 4.0 packages.  Now
uses the Linux 2.2.6 kernel. rebuilt for ZipSlack 4.0.
Wed Oct 28 04:01:07 CST 1998
New ZipSlack 3.6 release:  ZipSlack rebuilt from Slackware 3.6 packages. rebuilt for ZipSlack 3.6.
Mon Oct 26 01:45:51 CST 1998
Upgraded bootdisk.img to linux-2.0.35 for upcoming ZipSlack release.
Fri Aug 14 20:59:26 CDT 1998
Added package.  This adds an 8 megabyte swap file to ZipSlack,
allowing it to boot on machines with only 4 megabytes of RAM.  Hopefully this
will help make some of those old 386 laptops useful again. :^)
Fri Jun  5 21:00:59 PDT 1998 rebuilt from the latest Slackware.
Upgraded bootdisk.img to linux-2.0.34.
Wed May 27 02:25:45 CDT 1998
Rebuilt from current Slackware snapshot, added 'dip' package,
      and added PCMCIA support.
NOTE: This won't allow you to install to a drive connected through a PCMCIA
      card, only to use PCMCIA devices.  Booting Linux on a PCMCIA device
      would require using an initial ramdisk (initrd) with PCMCIA support, and
      my tests here have shown that an initrd doesn't work with a UMSDOS Linux
      system installed in \LINUX.
Tue May 12 23:57:28 CDT 1998
Updated archive to use new /vmlinuz, and set -R rdev flag to 0.
Fri May  8 22:24:37 CDT 1998
Recompiled kernel on zipslack.img using newer NCR 53c8xx SCSI driver.  This
is reported to work better with Diamond SCSI cards.