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1. 導言

最初的這篇“防火牆 - HOWTO”是David Rudder[email protected]的作品。他讓我在他的原稿上增訂內容,對此我深表感謝。 最近這一陣子, 防火牆(Firewall)成了網際網路的安全問題的熱門話題。但像許多其他熱門話題一樣,這也同時造成了許多人對它的誤解。這篇HOWTO 將會探討什麼是防火牆?如何安裝?何謂代理伺服器(Proxy Server)?如何設定代理伺服器?以及這些技術在安全領域以外的應用。

1.1 讀者回應

如果發現這篇文章中有任何錯誤, 請務必通知我。人非聖賢, 孰能無過! 任何錯誤我都樂于更正。來信我都會設法回覆, 但我相當忙, 如果沒有收到我的回信,還請包涵。回信地址[email protected]

如果發現任何誤譯之處,請立即通知本文譯者:趙平望([email protected])。

1.2 嚴正聲明

我不對任何依照本文所做行為造成的損害負任何責任(I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES INCURRED DUE TO ACTIONS TAKEN BASED ON THIS DOCUMENT) 。這篇文章只介紹防火牆和代理伺服器的作用。要知道,我不是電腦安全問題專家,也從來沒有裝成這方面的專家。我只是個喜歡讀書,而且愛電腦勝過愛人類的傢伙。我希望這篇文章能幫助你熟悉這個主題, 但不保証內容絕對無誤。

1.3 版權宣告 (譯注︰版權宣告不譯)

Unless otherwise stated, Linux HOWTO documents are copyrighted by their respective authors. Linux HOWTO documents may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic, as long as this copyright notice is retained on all copies. Commercial redistribution is allowed and encouraged; however, the author would like to be notified of any such distributions.

All translations, derivative works, or aggregate works incorporating any Linux HOWTO documents must be covered under this copyright notice. That is, you may not produce a derivative work from a HOWTO and impose additional restrictions on its distribution. Exceptions to these rules may be granted under certain conditions; please contact the Linux HOWTO coordinator.

In short, we wish to promote dissemination of this information through as many channels as possible. However, we do wish to retain copyright on the HOWTO documents, and would like to be notified of any plans to redistribute the HOWTOs.

If you have any questions, please contact Mark Grennan at <[email protected]>.

1.4 寫這篇文章的動機

儘管去年在comp.os.linux上有許多關于防火牆問題的討論,但我發現很難找到設定防火牆所需的資料。這篇HOWTO的原先版本提供了一些幫助,但內容仍嫌不足。我根據David Rudder編寫的Firewall HOWTO作了增訂,希望這篇文章提供了足夠的資料,使你能在幾小時內就能設定一個可以運作的防火牆,而不再需要花幾星期之久。 我也認為我應該略盡綿力,回報愛好Linux的朋友。

1.5 有待完成的工作

1.6 延伸讀物

在Trusted Information System (TIS) 網址上收集了許多有關防火牆的文件和相關材料。

此外,我也正在從事一項稱為Linux安全(Secure Linux)的項目。在Secure Linux網址上,我收集了所有使Linux安全可靠的資料、文件和程式。如果你需要這方面的資料,請來信索取。

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