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5. Apanthseis se Syxna Diatypwmenes Erwthseis

Ayto to tmhma apanta se erwthseis poy ginontai syxna sta Usenet news groups kai tis mailing lists.

Apanthseis se perissoteres erwthseis 8a breite sth web selida toy OSS driver hxoy.

5.1 Ti einai ta sound device files;

Ayta einai pio "stantar" onomata twn device files, merikes dianomes Linux mporei na xrhsimopoihsoyn ligo diaforetika onomata.


kanonika ena link sto /dev/audio0


audio device symbato me Sun workstation (merikh mono ylopoihsh, den yposthrizei Sun ioctl interface, mono kwdikopoihsh u-law)


deutero audio device (an yposthrizetai apo thn karta hxoy h an exoyn egkatasth8ei perissoteres apo mia kartes hxoy)


kanonika ena link sto /dev/dsp0


prwth syskeyh chfiakhs deigmatolhcias (digital sampling)


deuterh syskeyh chfiakhs deigmatolhcias (digital sampling)


kanonika ena link sto /dev/mixer0


prwtos mikths (mixer) hxoy


deutero mikths (mixer) hxoy


high-level sequencer interface


low level MIDI, FM, kai GUS access


kanonika ena link sto /dev/music


prwth 8ura raw MIDI


deuterh 8ura MIDI


trith 8ura MIDI


tetarth 8ura MIDI


emfanizei thn katastash toy driver hxoy otan diabastei

O PC speaker driver parexei ta parakatw devices :


isodunamo me to /dev/audio


isodunamo me to /dev/dsp


isodunamo me to /dev/mixer

5.2 Pws mporw na paijw enan hxo ;

Ta Sun workstation (.au) arxeia hxoy mporoun na paixtoun stelnontas ta sto /dev/audio device. Ta raw samples mporoun na staloun sto /dev/dsp. Omws, ayto 8a dwsei genika ftwxo apotelesma, kai h xrhsh enos programmatos opws to play einai protimoterh, mia kai 8a anagnwrisei toys perissoteroys tupoys arxeiwn kai 8a 8esei thn karta hxoy sto swsto ry8mo deigmatolhcias, klp.

Programmata opws to wavplay h to vplay (mesa sto paketo snd-util) 8a dwsoyn kalutera apotelesmata me ta arxeia WAV files. Parolayta, den anagnwrizoyn ta WAV arxeia me sympiesh Microsoft ADPCM. Epishs, palioteres ekdoseis toy play (apo to paketo Lsox) de doyleuoyn kala me WAV arxeia 16 bit.

H entolh splay poy perilambanetai sto paketo snd-util mporei na xrhsimopoih8ei gia na paijete ta perissotera arxeia hxoy an do8oun oi katallhloi parametroi me to xeri se command line.

5.3 Pws mporw na hxografhsw enan hxo ;

An diabasete to /dev/audio h to /dev/dsp 8a sas epistrecei sampled data ta opoia mporoun na staloun se ena arxeio. Ena programma san to vrec kanei eykolotero ton elegxo toy ry8mou deigmatolhcias, ths diarkeias, klp. Mporei na xreiasteite epishs ena programma mikth (mixer) gia na epilegete thn katallhlh syskeyh eisodoy.

5.4 Mporw na exw perissoteres apo mia kartes ;

Me ton trexonta driver hxoy einai dynato na exete thn idia stigmh sto susthma diafores kartes opws SoundBlaster, SoundBlaster/Pro, SoundBlaster16, MPU-401 h MSS. H egkatastash duo kartwn SoundBlaster einai dynath alla apaitei na orisete xeirokinhta ta macros SB2_BASE, SB2_IRQ, SB2_DMA kai (se merikes periptwseis) SB2_DMA2 anoigontas se enan editor to local.h. Einai epishs dynato na exete mia SoundBlaster thn idia stigmh me ena PAS16.

Me toys neoys pyrhnes 2.0.x poy ry8mizoyn ton hxo me thn entolh make config, anti na gracete sto arxeio local.h, prepei na anoijete to arxeio /usr/include/linux/autoconf.h. Meta to tmhma poy exei tis parakatw grammes :

#define SBC_BASE 0x220
#define SBC_IRQ (5)
#define SBC_DMA (1)
#define SB_DMA2 (5)
#define SB_MPU_BASE 0x0
#define SB_MPU_IRQ (-1)

pros8este aytes tis grammes (me tis katallhles times gia to susthma sas):

#define SB2_BASE 0x330
#define SB2_IRQ (7)
#define SB2_DMA (2)
#define SB2_DMA2 (2)

Oi parakatw drivers den epitrepoyn pollapla instances:

5.5 Error: No such file or directory for sound devices

Xreiazetai na dhmioyrghsete ta device files toy driver hxoy. Deite to tmhma sxetika me th dhmioyrgia device files. An exete device files, sigoyreyteite oti exoyn to swsto megisto kai elaxisto ari8mo syskeyhs (device) (merikes palioteres dianomes CD-ROM Linux mporei na mh dhmioyrgoun ta swsta device files kata thn egkatastash).

5.6 Error: No such device for sound devices

Den exete jekinhsei me pyrhna poy periexei ton driver hxoy h h ru8mish ths I/O dieu8ynshs den tairiazei me to hardware. Elegjte oti trexete ton pyrhna poy molis kanate compile kai epibebaiwste oti oi ry8miseis poy dwsate kata th ru8mish toy driver hxoy symfwnoun me to hardware setup.

5.7 Error: No space left on device for sound devices

Ayto mporei na symbei an prospa8hsate na hxografhsete hxo sto /dev/audio h /dev/dsp xwris na exete prwta dhmioyrghsei ta aparaithta device files. H syskeyh hxoy einai twra ena kanoniko arxeio, kai exei gemisei to partition toy sklhrou sas diskoy. 8a prepei na trejete to script poy perigrafetai sto tmhma "Dhmioyrgia twn Device files" aytou toy keimenoy.

Ayto mporei na symbei epishs me to Linux 2.0 kai megalutero an den yparxei arketh eleu8erh mnhmh (RAM) sto susthma otan anoigei h device. O driver hxoy apaitei toylaxiston duo selides (8k) fysikhs synexomenhs RAM gia ka8e kanali DMA. Ayto symbainei merikes fores se mhxanes me ligoterh apo 16M mnhmh h poy trexoyn gia megalo xroniko diasthma. Einai dynato na eley8erwsete ligh mnhmh kanontas compile kai trexontas to parakatw C programma prin na prospa8hsete na anoijete jana to device :

main() {
  int i;
  char mem[500000];
  for (i = 0; i < 500000; i++)
    mem[i] = 0;

5.8 Error: Device busy for sound devices

Mono mia diadikasia mporei na anoijei mia dosmenh syskeyh hxoy thn idia stigmh. Polu pi8ana merikes alles diergasies xrhsimopoioun th syskeyh gia thn opoia ginetai logos. Enas tropos na bebaiw8eite einai na xrhsimopoihsete thn entolh fuser :

% fuser -v /dev/dsp
/dev/dsp:             USER       PID ACCESS COMMAND
                      tranter    265 f....  tracker

Sto parapanw paradeigma, h entolh fuser edeije oti h diadikasia (process) 265 eixe th syskeyh anoikth. An perimenete th diadikasia na oloklhrw8ei h th skotwsete 8a mporeite meta na exete jana prosbash sth syskeyh hxoy. 8a prepei na trejete thn entolh fuser sa root etsi wste na anaferetai h xrhsh kai apo alloys xrhstes ektos apo esas.

5.9 Ejakoloy8w na blepw device busy errors!

Sumfwna me ton Brian Gough, gia tis kartes SoundBlaster poy xrhsimopoioun to DMA kanali 1 yparxei mia pi8anh potential sugkroysh (conflict) me ton tape driver QIC-02, poy xrhsimopoiei epishs to DMA 1, prokalwntas la8h "device busy". An xrhsimopoieite FTAPE, mporei na exete energopoihsei ayto to driver. Sumfwna me to FTAPE-HOWTO o driver QIC-02 den einai aparaithtos gia th xrhsh toy FTAPE; mono o driver QIC-117 apaiteitai. An ry8misete jana ton pyrhna wste na xrhsimopoiei ton QIC-117 kai oxi ton QIC-02, to FTAPE kai o driver hxoy 8a mporoun na synyparxoyn.

5.10 Merikh ektelesh toy (Partial playback) chfiopoihmenoy hxoy

To sumptwma einai synh8ws oti ena deigma hxoy (sound sample) paizei peripoy gia ena deyterolepto kai meta stamata teleiws h anaferei kapoio mhnyma la8oys opws "missing IRQ" h "DMA timeout". Polu pi8ana den exete swstes ry8miseis IRQ h sto kanali DMA. Bebaiw8eite oti oi ry8miseis toy pyrhna symfwnoun me ta jumper settings ths kartas hxoy kai oti de dhmioyrgeitai kapoio conflict me allh karta.

�llo sumptwma einai deigmata hxoy (sound samples) poy epanalambanontai synexeia ("loop"). Ayto synh8ws ofeiletai se IRQ conflict.

5.11 Yparxoyn diakopes otan paizw MOD arxeia

Gia na paijete arxeia MOD files apaiteitai shmantikh CPU power. Mporei na trexete polles diadikasies h o ypologisths sas na einai polu argos gia na paijei se pragmatiko xrono (real time). Oi epiloges poy exte einai :

An exete karta Gravis UltraSound, 8a prepei na xrhsimopoieite enan apo toys mod file players poy exoyn graftei eidika gia kartes GUS (p.x. gmod).

5.12 La8h compile kata to compilation efarmogwn hxoy

H ekdosh 1.0c kai palioteres toy driver hxoy xrhsimopoiousan ena diaforetiko kai asumbato ioctl() sxhma. Apokthste ena pio prosfato phgaio kwdika h kante tis aparaithtes allages kai prosarmoste tis sto neo driver hxoy. Deite toReadme arxeio toy driver hxoy gia perissoteres leptomereies.

Epishs sigoyreyteite oti xrhsimopoihsate thn pio prosfath ekdosh toy soundcard.h kai ultrasound.h otan kanate compile thn efarmogh. Deite tis odhgies egkatastashs sthn arxh aytou toy keimenoy.

5.13 SEGV otan trexw ektelesima arxeia hxoy ta opoia douleyan paliotera

Ayto to problhma einai pi8anws to idio me ayto poy perigracame sthn prohgoumenh erwthsh.

5.14 Poia bugs h periorismoi einai mexri twra gnwsta stoys drivers hxoy;

Deite to arxeio Readme kai ta arxeia CHANGELOG poy perilambanontai ston phgaio kwdika toy driver hxoy.

5.15 Pou brisketai h tekmhriwsh twn sound driver ioctls() klp. ;

Ayta exoyn tekmhriw8ei merika sto Hacker's Guide to VoxWare, ta opoia einai dia8esima se draft morfh. H pio prosfath ekdosh einai to draft 2, kai mporeite na th breite sto Shmeiwste oti to directory einai "kryfo" kai de 8a emfanistei sta periexomena toy directory. An kanete "cd" se ayto to directory kai xrhsimopoihsete thn FTP entolh "dir", ta arxeia einai ekei.

To diasthma poy grafetai ayto to keimeno, ena neo keimeno tekmhriwshs einai dia8esimo sto Web site ths 4Front Technologies.

�llh phgh plhroforias einai to Linux Multimedia Guide, to opoio perigrafetai sto tmhma "Parapompwn".

5.16 Ti CPU resources apaitountai wste na paizw h na hxografw hxoys xwris diakopes;

Den yparxei apanthsh se ayth thn erwthsh, ka8ws ejartatai apo to:

Genika, opoiadhpote mhxanh 386 8a prepei na mporei na paizei me eykolia hxoys h moysikh FM synthesized me mia 8 bit karta hxoy. To na paijete, omws, MOD arxeia apaitei megalh ypologistikh isxu. Merikes peiramatikes metrhseis edeijan oti to na paizeis sta 44kHz apaitei perissotero apo 40% ths taxuthtas enos 486/50 kai enas 386/25 mporei na paizei me ta bias grhgorotera apo 22 kHz (me karta hxoy 8 bit opws mia SoundBlaster). Mia karta san thn Gravis UltraSound ektelei perissoteres leitoyrgies sto hardware, kai 8a apaitei ligoterh ypologistikh isxu.

Gia ta parapanw ypo8etoyme oti o ypologisths den ektelei alles ypologistika kopiastikes leitoyrgies.

H metatroph arxeiwn hxoy h h pros8hkh effe xrhsimopoiwntas mia boh8htikh efarmogh opws to sox einai epishs polu pio grhgorh an exete ma8hmatiko synepejergasth (h CPU me on board FPU). O driver toy pyrhna apo monos toy den kanei ypologismous kinhths ypodiastolhs.

5.17 Problhmata me ton PAS16 kai ton Adaptec 1542 SCSI host adaptor

(h parakatw ejhghsh do8hke apo to [email protected])

To Linux mono anagnwrizei ton 1542 sth dieu8ynsh 330 (default) h 334, kai o PAS epitrepei thn prosomoiwsh MPU-401 mono sto 330. Akomh ki an apenergopoihsete to MPU-401 apo to software, kati ejakoloy8ei na kanei conflict me ton 1542 an exei thn default dieu8ynsh. Allajte th dieu8ynsh toy 1542 se 334 kai 8a leitoyrgoun ola mia xara


Epipleon, kai o 1542 kai o PAS-16 kanoyn 16-bit DMA, gi' ayto an deimatolhpthsete (sample) sta 16-bit 44 KHz stereo kai apo8hkeusete to arxeio sto SCSI drive poy kremetai apo ton 1542, 8a exete problhmata. Ta DMAs epikaluptontai kai den yparxei arketos xronos gia RAM refresh, etsi 8a parete to dread mhnyma ``PARITY ERROR - SYSTEM HALTED'', xwris na exete idea ti to prokalese. To 8ema ginetai akoma xeirotero mia poy merikoi deyterogeneis promh8eytes QIC-117 tape drives synistoun na 8etete toys xronoys on/off toy diauloy (bus) wste o 1542 na menei se on akoma perissotero apo to kanoniko. Parte to programma SCSISEL.EXE apo th BBS ths Adaptec h apo kapoy sto internet, kai meiwste to xrono BUS ON h ayjhste to xrono BUS OFF mexri otoy na ejafanistei to problhma, meta ayjhste ton kata mia klimaka h kai perissoteres. To SCSISEL allazei tis ry8miseis ths EEPROM, gi' ayto einai perissotero monimo ap' oti ena patch sth grammh toy DOS driver sto CONFIG.SYS, kai 8a doylecei an jekinhsete swsta se Linux (anti8eta me to DOS patch).

Teleytaio problhma - ta paliotera Symphony chipsets meiwsan dramatika to xronismo twn kuklwn I/O , wste na epitaxunoyn toys xronoys prosbashs sto diaylo. Kanena apo ta diafora boards me ta opoia exw paijei den eixe problhma me to meiwmeno xronismo ektos apo to PAS-16. H Media Vision's BBS dinei to SYMPFIX.EXE to opoio ypoti8etai oti dior8wnei to problhma antistrefontas ena bit poy xrhsimopoieitai gia diagnwstikous logoys ston elegkth diauloy toy Symphony, alla den einai kai sigoyrh egguhsh. Mporei na xreiastei na :

H Young Microsystems 8a anaba8misei ta boards poy eisagei gia peripoy $30 (US). �lloi promh8eytes mporei na kanoyn paromoiws an mporoun na entopisoyn poios kataskeuase h eishgage tis mhtrikes (kalh tuxh). Ap' oti gnwrizw to problhma einai sto ProAudio's bus interface chip. Kaneis den agorazei mia karta hxoy $120 kai thn kollaei se ena 6MHz AT. Oi perissoteroi paizoyn me 25-40MHz 386/486, kai 8a prepei logika na mporoun na antimetwpisoyn taxuthtes diauloy twn 12MHz an ta tsipakia einai sxediasmena swsta.

To prwto problhma ejartatai apo to chipset poy xrhsimopoiei to motherboard sas, thn taxuthta diauloy kai alles ry8miseis toy BIOS, kai thn fash toy feggariou. To deutero problhma ejartatai apo thn timh ths epiloghs refresh (hidden h synchronous), to ry8mo toy 1542 DMA kai (pi8anws) to ry8mo toy diauloy I/O. To trito mporei na ka8oristei epikoinwnwntas me thn Media Vision kai rwtwntas poia ekdosh toy tsip Symphony den einai symbato me ton argh ylopoihsh toys. Sas proeidopoiw, parolayta- 3 h 4 texnikoi me toys opoioys milhsa eixan egkefalikes blabes. 8a hmoyn filupoptos sxetika me o,tidhpote poyn gia kapoioy alloy to hardware, mia poy den jeroyn kala oute kan to diko toys.

5.18 Einai dynato na diabazw kai na grafw deigmata (samples) taytoxrona;

Logw periorismwn hardware, ayto den einai dynato me tis perissoteres kartes hxoy. Merikes neoteres kartes to yposthrizoyn. Deite to tmhma "bidirectional mode" sto Hacker's Guide to Voxware gia perissoteres plhrofories.

5.19 H SB16 moy exei IRQ 2, alla to configure den epitrepei ayth thn timh

Stis mhxanes '286 kai argotera, to interrupt IRQ 2 dinetai ston deutero interrupt controller. Isodynamei me to IRQ 9.

5.20 Yposthrizetai h "SoundBlaster AWE32" h h "SoundBlaster16 ASP";

Paliotera, h Creative Labs den htan pro8ymh na dhmosiopoihsei plhrofories gi' aytes tis kartes. Shmera exoyn allajei politikh kai o AWE driver perilambanetai stoys Linux pyrhnes 2.1.x.

5.21 An trejw Linux kai meta jekinhsw me DOS, pairnw la8h kai/h oi efarmoges hxoy poy exw den doyleuoyn swsta

Ayto symbainei meta apo ena soft reboot sto DOS. Merikes fores to mhnyma la8oys paraplanhtika anaferetai se kako, lan8asmeno arxeio CONFIG.SYS.

Oi perissoteres sugxrones kartes hxoy exoyn programmatizomenes apo software ry8miseis IRQ kai DMA. An xrhsimopoieite diaforetikes ry8miseis metaju Linux kai MS-DOS/Windows, mporei na sas dhmioyrghsei problhmata. Merikes kartes hxoy de dexontai nees parametroys xwris plhrh epanekkinhsh (p.x. kleiste to reuma h xrhsimopoihste to koympi hardware reset).

Mia grhgorh lush se ayto to problhma einai na kanete mia plhrh epanekkinhsh xrhsimopoiwntas to koympi reset h to diakopth reumatos anti mia malakh epanekkinhsh (p.x. Ctrl-Alt-Del).

H swsth lush einai na bebaiw8eite oti xrhsimopoieite tis idies ry8miseis IRQ kai DMA kai sto MS-DOS kai sto Linux (h mh xrhsimopoihsete DOS :-).

5.22 Problhmata me to DOOM katw apo Linux

Oi xrhstes ths metaforas toy paixnidiou DOOM ths ID gia Linux mporei na endiaferontai gia tis parakatw shmeiwseis.

Gia swsth ejodo hxoy xreiazeste to driver hxoy me ekdosh 2.90 h neoterh. Yposthrizei real-time "DOOM mode".

Ta deigmata hxoy einai 16-bit. An exete 8-bit karta hxoy mporeite na thn kanete na paijei xrhsimopoiwntas ta diafora programmata poy einai dia8esima sto

An h apodosh sto DOOM einai mikrh sto susthma sas, h apenergopoihsh toy hxoy (allazontas to onoma toy arxeioy sndserver) mporei na ferei beltiwsh.

Apo default to DOOM den yposthrizei hxo (opws sthn ekdosh gia DOS). To programma musserver 8a pros8esei yposthrijh gia hxo sto DOOM katw apo Linux. 8a to breite sto url="">.

5.23 Pws mporw na meiwsw to 8orybo poy kanei h karta hxoy moy;

Xrhsimopoiwntas kalhs poiothtas monwmena kalwdia kai dokimazontas thn karta hxoy se diaforetika slots mporei na sas boh8hsei sth meiwsh toy 8oruboy. An h karta hxoy exei ry8misth entashs hxoy, mporeite na dokimasete diaforetikes ry8miseis (to megisto einai mallon to kalutero).

Xrhsimopoiwntas ena programma mijhs mporeite na sigoyreyteite oti oi anepi8umhtes eisodoi (p.x. mikrofwno) exoyn mhdenikh enisxysh.

Merikes kartes hxoy apla den exoyn kataskeyastei me kalh monwsh kai geiwsh kai einai epirrepeis se 8oruboys.

Telos, brhka oti sto susthma moy h kernel command line option no-hlt elattwnei to 8orybo. Ayth h entolh leei ston pyrhna na mh xrhsimopoihsei thn entolh halt otan trexei to idle process loop. Mporeite na to dokimasete xeirokinhta otan jekinate to susthma, h na to 8esete xrhsimopoiwntas thn entolh append="no-hlt" sto arxeio LILO configuration.

5.24 Mporw na paijw hxoys, alla oxi na hxografhsw

An mporeite na paijete hxo alla oxi na hxografhsete, dokimaste ta akoloy8a bhmata:

5.25 H "symbath" karta hxoy moy doyleuei mono an thn arxikopoihsw prwta sto MS-DOS.

Stis perissoteres periptwseis mia karta "symbath me SoundBlaster" 8a leitoyrgei kalutera katw apo Linux an ry8mistei me ena diaforetiko driver apo ths SoundBlaster. Oi perissoteres kartes hxoy isxyrizontai oti einai symbates (p.x. "16 bit SB Pro compatible" h "SB compatible 16 bit") alla synh8ws to SoundBlaster mode einai apla ena "hack" poy dinetai gia symbatothta me DOS paixnidia. Oi perissoteres kartes exoyn 16 bit native mode to opoio yposthrizetai pi8ana apo prosfaths ekdoshs pyrhnes Linux (2.0.1 kai meta).

Mono me merikes kartes (synh8ws palies) einai aparaithto na dokimasete na doylecoyn se SoundBlaster mode. Oi mones nees kartes poy apoteloun ejairesh se ayton ton kanona einai oi basizomenes se tsip Mwave.

5.26 H karta hxoy moy, h opoia einai symbath me thn 16-bit SoundBlaster, doyleuei mono se 8-bit mode katw apo Linux.

Oi 16-bit kartes hxoy poy perigrafontai sa symbates me SoundBlaster einai pragmatika symbates mono me thn 8-bit SoundBlaster Pro. Exoyn typika ena 16-bit mode poy den einai symbato me thn SoundBlaster 16 kai ton driver hxoy toy Linux.

Mporei na kanete thn karta na doylecei se 16-bit mode xrhsimopoiwntas to driver gia MAD16 h MSS/WSS.

5.27 Pou mporw na brw efarmoges hxoy gia Linux ;

Edw 8a breite merika kala sites gia na cajete efarmoges gia Linux eidika gia hxo:

5.28 Mporw na kanw compile to driver ths kartas hxoy wste na fortwnetai sa module;

Me toys prosfatoys pyrhnes o driver hxoy yposthrizetai san kernel loadable module.

Diabaste ta arxeia /usr/src/linux/drivers/sound/Readme.modules kai /usr/src/linux/Documentation/modules.txt (h /usr/src/linux/README) gia perissoteres leptomereies.

5.29 Mporw na xrhsimopoihsw thn karta hxoy gia na antikatasthsw to mpip ths konsolas toy systhmatos;

Dokimaste to programma oplbeep , 8a to breite sto

�llh epilogh einai to programma beep, 8a to breite sto url="">

To paketo modutils exei ena programma - paradeigma kai ena patch gia ton pyrhna poy yposthrizei thn klhsh enos tyxaioy ejwterikou programmatos gia thn paragwgh hxwn an zhth8ei apo ton pyrhna.

Enallaktika, me merikes kartes hxoy mporeite na syndesete thn ejodo twn hxeiwn toy ypologisth sthn karta hxoy etsi wste oloi oi hxoi na erxontai apo ta hxeia ths karta hxoy.

5.30 Ti einai to VoxWare


Oi drivers hxoy toy pyrhna yposthrizoyn arketa diaforetika leitoyrgika systhmata Unix basismena se Intel, kai mporeite na ta apokthsete san ena paketo diaforetiko apo ton pyrhna toy Linux. Mexri to Febroyario 1996 o syggrafeas eixe apokalesei to logismiko "VoxWare". Dystyxws ayto to onoma exei hdh xrhsimopoih8ei apo th VoxWare Incorporated, kai prepei na yparjei allh onomasia. To neo onoma toy driver einai OSS/Free.

O Open Sound System (OSS) einai enas emporika dia8esimos driver hxoy gia ton pyrhna diaforwn systhmatwn Unix, kai pwleitai apo thn 4Front Technologies. H dwrean ekdosh, gnwsth ws OSS/Free 8a synexisei na diati8etai dwrean gia systhmata Linux.

�lla onomata poy mporei na synanthsete kai exoyn xrhsimopoih8ei sto parel8on gia na anafer8oun ston idio driver hxoy einai to TASD (Temporarily Anonymous Sound Driver) kai USS (Unix Sound System).

Gia perissoteres plhrofories deite th Web selida ths 4Front Technologies sto Exw gracei ena review toy OSS/Linux sto teuxos Ioynioy 1997 toy Linux Journal.

5.31 Yposthrizontai Plug and Play kartes hxoy;

Plhrhs yposthrijh gia Plug and Play prepei na yparxei sthn Linux ekdosh 2.1. Sto metaju, yparxei plh8wra parakamcewn, texnasmatwn gia na kanete na doylecoyn oi kartes hxoy Plug and Play. An exete ena neo Pentium susthma me Plug and Play BIOS, 8a prepei na analabei mono toy na ry8misei thn karta. Bebaiw8eite oti exete ry8misei ton Linux driver hxoy etsi wste na xrhsimopoiei thn idia I/O dieu8ynsh, tis parametroys IRQ, kai toy kanaliou DMA opws kai to BIOS.

Yparxei ena paketo me ergaleia Plug and Play gia Linux ta opoia mporei na xrhsimeusoyn sthn egkatastash ths kartas. Mporeite na to breite sto Web site ths Red Hat sto (mporei epishs na symperilambanetai sth dianomh Linux poy exete).

An xrhsimopoieite thn karta se Windows95, mporeite na xrhsimopoihsete to device manager gia na egkatasthsete thn karta, meta epanekkinhste me soft boot se Linux xrhsimopoiwntas to programma LOADLIN. Sigoyreyteite oti ta Windows95 kai to Linux xrhsimopoioun tis idies parametroys egkatastashs.

An xrhsimopoieite thn karta se DOS, mporeite na xrhsimopoihsete to icu utility poy erxetai me tis kartes SoundBlaster16 PnP wste na th ry8misete se DOS, meta epanekkinhste me soft boot se Linux xrhsimopoiwntas to programma LOADLIN. Pali, sigoyreyteite oti to DOS kai to Linux xrhsimopoioun tis idies parametroys egkatastashs.

O emporikos OSS driver hxoy yposthrizei thn karta hxoy SoundBlaster16 PnP. Mporeite na agorasete ton driver apo thn 4Front Technologies.

5.32 To Sox/Play/Vplay bgazei mhnyma "invalid block size 1024"

Mia allagh ston driver hxoy sthn ekdosh 1.3.67 kremaei merika programmata ekteleshs hxwn poy (lan8asmena) elegjan pws to apotelesma ths SNDCTL_DSP_GETBLKSIZE ioctl htan megalutero apo 4096. Ta programmata ayta poy perilambanontai sto prosfato paketo snd-util-3.x.tar.gz (sto twra pia to antimetwpizoyn swsta. H pio prosfath ekdosh driver hxoy exei epishs dior8w8ei wste na apofeugei na ekxwrei kommatia mikrotera apo 4096 bytes pragma poy lunei to problhma me tis palies ekdoseis aytwn twn programmatwn.

5.33 Giati o driver hxoy exei to diko toy programma gia setarisma;>

Etsi. O driver hxoy yposthrizei polles diaforetikes parametroys ru8mishs. To programma configure poy perilambanetai me ton driver hxoy elegxei gia polles ejarthseis (dependencies) metaju parametrwn. Ta ergaleia poy xrhsimopoiountai gia th ru8mish toy pyrhna den yposthrizoyn ayto to epipedo leitoyrgias.

Telika: oi prosfatoi pyrhnes pragmati epitrepoyn kat' epilogh na xrhsimopoiountai ta klassika ergaleia ru8mishs toy pyrhna me ton driver hxoy (deite to prohgoumeno tmhma sto "Setarisma toy pyrhna".

5.34 Oi ry8miseis toy mixer arxikopoiountai ka8e fora poy fortwnw to module toy driver hxoy

Mporeite na fortwsete ton driver hxoy sa loadable module kai na xrhsimopoihsete ton kerneld gia na to fortwnete kai na to jefortwnete aytomata. Ayto mporei na paroysiasei ena problhma - ka8e fora poy fortwnetai to module, oi ry8miseis toy mixer epistrefoyn stis default times toys. Gia merikes kartes hxoy ayto mporei na einai polu dynata(p.x. SoundBlaster16) h polu siga. O Markus Gutschke (([email protected]) brhke ayth th lush. Xrhsimopoihste mia grammh sto arxeio /etc/conf.modules opws h parakatw:

options sound dma_buffsize=65536 && /usr/bin/setmixer igain 0 ogain 0 vol 75
Ayto prokalei thn ektelesh toy programmatos mijhs (se ayth thn periptwsh to setmixer) amesws meta to fortwma toy driver hxoy. H parametros dma_buffsize einai apla mia eikonikh (dummy) timh poy xreiazetai epeidh h entolh option apaitei mia timh sth grammh entolhs. Allajte th grammh opws apaitei to programma mixer kai oi times enisxyshs/eyais8hsias.

An exete kanei compile ton driver hxoy ston pyrhna kai 8elete na 8esete tis times toy mixer kata thn ekkinhsh mporeite na kalesete to mixer programma se ena arxeio poy ekteleitai kata thn ekkinhsh toy systhmatos opws to /etc/rc.d/rc.local.

5.35 Mono o xrhsths root mporei na hxografhsei hxo

To script poy dhmioyrgei ta sound device files kai brisketai sto arxeio Readme.linux, apo default epitrepei sta devices na diabazontai apo ton root. Ayto symbainei gia na apofeyx8ei mia pi8anh trupa asfaleias. Se ena diktyako periballon, ejwterikoi xrhstes 8a mporousan kakoboyla na kanoyn log in apo makria se ena Linux PC me mia karta hxoy kai mikrofwno kai na kryfakousoyn. An den anhsyxeite gia kati tetoio, mporeite na allajete ta permissions poy xrhsimopoiountai sto script.

Me th default egkatastash, oi xrhstes mporoun na paijoyn arxeia hxoy. Ayto den apotelei kindyno asfaleias alla einai pi8anh phgh anohsiwn.

5.36 Yposthrizetai hxos sto IBM ThinkPad;

8a breite plhrofories gia to pws na xrhsimopoihsete thn karta hxoy mwave se ena IBM ThinkPad laptop computer katw apo Linux sto

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