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Ellhniko Database-SQL-RDBMS HOW-TO gia Linux (PostgreSQL -Antikeimenostrafes Sxesiako Susthma Bashs Dedomenwn)

Al Dev (Alavoor Vasudevan) [email protected]

v11.0, 8 Ianoyarioy 1999

Ayto to keimeno einai enas "praktikos odhgos" gia na egkatasthsete grhgora thn SQL Database engine kai ta front end ergaleia ths se ena susthma Unix. Mila epishs gia th Die8nh glwssa Protupwn (International Standard language) ANSI/ISO SQL kai ejetazei ta pleonekthmata ths SQL database engine poy exei anaptyx8ei apo to world-wide internet katw apo ena "anoikto periballon anaptyjhs". Prokeitai gia to PWS (HOW-TO) na egkatasthsete thn Antikeimenostrafh Sxesiakh SQL Bash epomenhs genias "PostgreSQL" se ena susthma Unix to opoio mporei na xrhsimopoih8ei san Application Database Server h san Web Database Server. H PostgreSQL ylopoiei ena yposunolo toy Die8nous Protupoy ISO kai ANSI SQL 1998,92,89. Ayto to keimeno dinei epishs plhrofories gia ta programmata diasundeshs me th bash opws ta Front End GUIs, gia ergaleia RAD (Rapid Application Development), gia interfaces glwsswn programmatismou "C", "C++", Java, Perl, ODBC, JDBC odhgous kai ergaleia sundeshs ths bashs me Web kai programmata grafikhs diasundeshs. Oi plhrofories poy dinontai edw isxuoyn gia oles tis platformes Unix kai gia alles baseis epishs kai 8a einai polu xrhsimes se atoma nea sto xwro twn Basewn, ths glwssas SQL kai ths PostgreSQL. Ayto to keimeno exei epishs odhgo ekma8hshs ths SQL, kai h suntajh SQL 8a fanei polu xrhsimh stoys arxarioys. Oi empeiroi 8a broyn xrhsimo ayto to keimeno san proxeiro odhgo anaforas. Gia toys foithtes, oi plhrofories poy dinontai edw 8a toys kanei ikanous na paroyn ton phgaio kwdika apo th sxesiakh bash dedomenwn PostgreSQL, ap' opoy mporoun na ma8oyn pws grafetai mia sxesiakh SQL bash dedomenwn.

1. Eisagwgh

2. Alles Morfes aytou toy keimenoy

3. Oi nomoi ths Fysikhs efarmozontai sto logismiko!

4. Ti einai h PostgreSQL ;

5. Pou mporw na th brw ;

6. H PostgreSQL yposthrizei ejairetika megales baseis, megaluteres apo 200 Gig

7. Pws mporw na empistey8w thn PostgreSQL ; To paketo Regression gia test

8. Grafiko programma epikoinwnias (GUI FrontEnd Tool) me thn PostgreSQL

9. Ergaleia enos Oloklhrwmenoy Systhmatos Anaptyjhs gia PostgreSQL (GUI IDE)

10. Odhgoi Diasundeshs me thn PostgreSQL

11. Perl Database Interface (DBI) Driver gia PostgreSQL

12. Ergaleia Diaxeirishs ths PostgreSQL

13. Ry8mizontas pollapla koytia PostgreSQL se mia o8onh

14. Efarmoges kai Ergaleia gia thn PostgreSQL

15. Ergaleio gia Sxediasmo/Ylopoihsh Web Basewn Dedomenwn gia thn PostgreSQL - EARP

16. PHP Hypertext Preprocessor, mia scripting glwssa gia thn PostgreSQL h opoia enswmatwnetai se html kai ekteleitai sto Server

17. Diasundesh me PostgreSQL mesw Python

18. Epikoinwnia metaju PostgreSQL kai WWW - WDB-P95

19. Programmatistikes diasyndeseis gia "C", "C++", ESQL/C kai Dyadikoi Telestes gia thn PostgreSQL

20. Japanese Kanji Kwdikas gia thn PostgreSQL

21. Metafora ths PostgreSQL se Windows 95/Windows NT

22. Listes allhlografias

23. Tekmhriwsh kai Bibliografia

24. Texnikh yposthrijh gia thn PostgreSQL

25. Oikonomika kai Epaggelmatika 8emata

26. Lista allwn basewn dedomenwn

27. Xrhsimes symboyles gia anazhthseis sto Internet World Wide Web

28. Symperasma

29. Syxna Diatypwmenes Erwthseis sxetika me thn PostgreSQL

30. Shmeiwsh Pneymatikwn Dikaiwmatwn


31. Pararthma A - Suntajh toy ANSI/ISO SQL 1992

32. Pararthma B - Odhgos Ekma8hshs SQL gia arxarioys

33. Appendix C - Odhgies gia grhgorh egkatastash Linux

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