Gia opoiesdhpote erwthseis kai sxolia mporeite na me breite mesw email sth dieu8ynsh [email protected]
Ta sxolia einai eyprosdekta, oi anafores la8wn anektimhtes. H epomenh ekdosh 8a exei akoma megalutero tmhma FAQ, an steilete erwthseis kai, fysika, tis apanthseis an tis exete.
Mhn stelnete erwthseis poy hdh yparxoyn sto FAQ.
Ean 8elete na zhthsete th boh8eia moy, dwste moy oses perissoteres plhrofories mporoun na me boh8hsoyn, toylaxiston: ekdosh pyrhna, entoles poy xrhsimopoih8hkan, mynhmata la8oys, to kalwdio poy xrhsimopoihsate kai o,ti alla mynhmata phrate sxetika me to PLIP.
8ymh8eite na mhn moy steilete erwthseis sxetika me to PLIR kai DOS/Windows 3.1, de mporw na sas boh8hsw. Tetoies erwthseis na stelnontai ston James Vahn [email protected], poy esteile to tmhma gia to DOS. 3ana, einai askopo na ton rwthsete (h emena) gia to PLIP me Windows 95.