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4. Xeirismos twn systhmatwn arxeio8ethshs, sklhrwn diskwn kai disketwn apo to Linux

4.1 Pws mporw na kanw to Linux na doylecei sto megaloy mege8oys sklhro disko moy;

An o sklhros diskos sas einai tupoy IDE h EIDE 8a prepei na diabasete to arxeio /usr/src/linux/drivers/block/README.ide (einai meros toy phgaioy kwdika toy pyrhna toy Linux). Ayto to arxeio periexei polles xrhsimes symboyles sxetika me toys sklhrous diskoys tupoy IDE. Polloi sugxronoi elegktes IDE kanoyn th metatroph metaju `fysikwn' kai `logikwn' kylindrwn/kefalwn/tomewn.

Stoys sklhrous diskoys tupoy SCSI h prosbash ginetai me grammikous ari8mous enothtwn (linear block numbers). To BIOS dhmioyrgei kapoioys skiwdeis `logikous' kylindroys/kefales/tomeis gia na yposthrijei to DOS.

Synh8ws to DOS den 8a mporei na exei prosbash se diaireseis toy diskoy (partitions) poy ekteinontai peran twn 1024 logikwn kylindrwn, kai sthn kaluterh periptwsh h enarjh toy pyrhna toy Linux apo tetoies diaireseis sklhrwn diskwn me xrhsh toy LILO 8a einai problhmatikh.

Par' ol' ayta mporeite na xrhsimopoieite tetoies diaireseis sklhrwn diskwn gia to Linux h alla leitoyrgika systhmata poy exoyn apey8eias prosbash ston elegkth.

8a synistousa na dhmioyrghsete toylaxiston mia diairesh sklhrou diskoy tupoy Linux ej oloklhroy katw apo to orio twn 1024 logikwn kylindrwn kai na kanete thn enarjh toy systhmatos apo ekei. Se ayth thn periptwsh oi ypoloipes diaireseis sklhrou diskoy den 8a exoyn problhma.

4.2 Pws mporw na epanaferw arxeia poy exw diagracei;

Genika, ayto einai polu duskolo na ginei se systhmata Unix ejaitias ths polydiergasiakhs (multitasking) fusews toys. H leitoyrgia epanaforas gia to ext2fs brisketai sta skaria, alla mhn perimenete na th deite suntoma ston ypologisth sas.

Yparxei enas ari8mos logismikwn paketwn poy einai dia8esima kai ekteloun thn ergasia ayth prosferontas nees entoles gia diagrafh kai, merikes fores, antigrafh oi opoies metaferoyn ta pros diagrafh arxeia se enan eidiko fakelo poy einai gnwstos ws `kados axrhstwn'. Katopin einai epanakthsima mexri na diagrafoun aytomata apo deytereuoyses epejergasies.

Ws enallaktikh lush, mporeite na ereynhsete amesa ton idio to sklhro disko panw ston opoio brisketai to sxetiko susthma arxeio8ethshs. Ayto proupo8etei polu doyleia kai xreiazetai na eiste o diaxeirisths toy systhmatos (root) gia na thn kanete.

4.3 Yparxei anasygkrothths (defragmenter) gia to ext2fs klp;

Nai. Enas anasygkrothths toy systhmatos arxeio8ethshs Linux gia to ext2, to minix kai ta palaiou tupoy systhmata arxeio8ethshs ext einai dia8esimos sto ston fakelo system/Filesystems ws defrag-0.6.tar.gz.

Oi xrhstes toy systhmatos arxeiwn ext2 pi8anotata den xreiazontai anasygkrothth ka8ws to ext2 periexei enan epipleon kwdika gia na diathrei thn katatmhsh toy sklhrou diskoy (fragmentation) se xamhla epipeda akomh kai se ogkwdh systhmata arxeiwn.

4.4 Pws diamorfwnw kai dhmioyrgw ena susthma arxeio8ethshs se disketa;

Gia mia disketa pyknhs eggrafhs 3,5 intswn:

   fdformat /dev/fd0H1440
   mkfs -t ext2 -m 0 /dev/fd0H1440 1440
Gia mia disketa 5,25 intswn xrhsimopoihste fd0h1200 kai 1200 analoga me thn periptwsh. Gia ton odhgo disketwn `B' xrhsimopoihste fd1 anti gia fd0. Plhreis odhgies sxetika me th xrhsh twn diaforwn syskeywn disketwn mporoun na bre8oun sth Lista Syskeywn toy Linux ( Q2.1 `Pou mporw na brw ta HOWTO kai peraiterw bibliografikh enhmerwsh') . Isws xreiastei na trejete apey8eias to mke2fs anti gia to mkfs -t ext2. H epilogh -m 0 leei sto mkfs.ext2 na mhn krathsei ka8oloy xwro sth disketa gia ton diaxeiristh toy systhmatos. Synh8ws to teleytaio 10% ths disketas fylattetai pros xrhsh toy diaxeiristh systhmatos (root).

H prwth entolh kanei th basikh diamorfwsh ths disketas enw h deuterh dhmioyrgei ena adeio susthma arxeio8ethshs panw s' ayth. Katopin mporeite na fortwsete (mount) th disketa san na htan diairesh sklhrou diskoy (partition) kai apla na antigracete (cp) kai na metakinhsete (mv) arxeia, klp.

4.5 Lambanw perierga mhnumata sxetika me inodes, blocks, kai diafora tetoia.

Mallon exete ena alloiwmeno susthma arxeio8ethshs poy pi8anon ofeiletai sto gegonos oti to Linux den termatise th leitoyrgia toy kanonika prin na diakocete thn trofodosia h prin na epanaferete (reset) ton ypologisth sas. Xreiazetai na xrhsimopoihsete ena sugxrono programma termatismou leitoyrgias gia na dior8wsete to la8os. Gia paradeigma, to programma poy perilambanetai to logismiko paketo util-linux, to opoio einai dia8esimo sto sunsite kai sto tsx-11.

An eiste tyxeros to programma fsck (h e2fsck h xfsck kata periptwsh an den exete to aytomato empros8omeres toy fsck [automatic fsck front-end]) 8a mporesei na episkeyasei to susthma arxeio8ethshs sas. An eiste atyxos to susthma arxeio8ethshs exei katastrafei kai 8a prepei na to ftiajete apo thn arxh me mkfs (h mke2fs, mkxfs klp) kai na to epanaferete apo kapoio antigrafo asfaleias.

Shm.: Mhn prospa8hsete na elegjete ena susthma arxeio8ethshs to opoio exei fortw8ei (mount) ws anagnwsimo/eggracimo. Ayto perilambanei th diairesh sklhrou diskoy toy diaxeiristh systhmatos (root) an kata th diarkeia ths enarjhs toy pyrhna toy Linux den deite to mhnyma:

   VFS: mounted root ... read-only

4.6 H perioxh proswrinhs apo8hkeyshs (swap area) den leitoyrgei.

Otan kanete enarjh (boot) toy pyrhna toy Linux (h otan me dikh sas entolh epitrepete thn proswrinh apo8hkeysh) 8a prepei na deite to mhnyma:

        Adding Swap: NNNNk swap-space
An den deite kanena mhnyma pi8anotata h entolh swapon -av (h opoia epitrepei thn proswrinh apo8hkeysh) den yparxei sto arxeio /etc/rc.local h /etc/rc.d/* (ta sxedia enarjews systhmatos) h exete jexasei na kanete th swsth kataxwrhsh sto arxeio /etc/fstab, px:
        /dev/hda2       none       swap       sw

An deite to mhnyma:

        Unable to find swap-space signature
exete jexasei na trejete to mkswap. Deite tis selides egxeiridiwn gia leptomereies. Leitoyrgei omoia me to mkfs.

Elegjte to Installation-HOWTO (Egkatastashs) gia leptomereis odhgies sxetika me to pws na sthsete mia perioxh proswrinhs apo8hkeyshs.

4.7 Pws diagrafw to LILO etsi, wste to susthma moy na jekina kai pali me DOS;

Xrhsimopoiwntas DOS (MS-DOS 5.0 h metagenestero, h OS/2), plhktrologhste FDISK /MBR (den yparxei stis odhgies xrhsews). Ayth h entolh 8a epanaferei mia typikh kuria kataxwrhsh enarjhs (Master Boot Record) toy MS-DOS. An exete DR-DOS 6.0, phgainete sto FDISK kai epilejte "Re-write Master Boot Record".

An den exete DOS 5 h DR-DOS xreiazeste ton tomea enarjews (boot sector) poy to LILO eswse otan to prwtoegkatasthsate. Elpizw na krathsate ekeino to arxeio, etsi den einai; Kata pasa pi8anothta onomazetai boot.0301 h kati tetoio. Plhktrologhste:

   dd if=boot.0301 of=/dev/hda bs=445 count=1
(h sda an xrhsimopoieite sklhro disko tupoy SCSI). Ayto mporei na sbhsei ton pinaka diairesewn (partition table) toy sklhrou sas diskoy, gi' ayto prosoxh! An exete ftasei se apognwsh, 8a prepei na xrhsimopoihsete thn entolh:
   dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1
h opoia 8a diagracei ton pinaka diairesewn opws kai ton tomea enarjews (boot sector) toy sklhrou sas diskoy. Katopin mporeite na epanadiomorfwsete (format) to sklhro sas disko me to logismiko ths protimhshs sas. Pantws, h entolh ayth 8a katasthsei ta periexomena toy sklhrou sas diskoy aprospelasta. 8a ta xasete gia panta ektos an eiste eidhmwn twn hlektronikwn ypologistwn.

Shmeiwste oti h kuria kataxwrhsh enarjhs (MBR) toy DOS jekina apo opoiadhpote diairesh diskoy exei proshman8ei ws `energos' (alla mono apo mia). Mporei na xreiastei na xrhsimopoihsete to fdisk gia na 8esete kai na ka8arisete tis energeis proshmanseis apo tis diaireseis toy sklhrou sas diskoy kata periptwsh.

4.8 Giati den mporw na xrhsimopoihsw thn entolh fdformat para mono ws diaxeirisths systhmatos (root);

H entolh diamorfwshs mias disketas mporei na klh8ei mono apo to diaxeiristh systhmatos (root), anejarthta apo tis ejoysiodothseis (permissions) toy /dev/fd0*. An 8elete opoiosdhpote xrhsths na mporei na diamorfwnei (format) disketes prospa8eiste na breite to programma fdformat2 to opoio jeperna ta problhmata ayta allazontas to se setuid (chmod u+s fdformat2).

4.9 Yparxei kati san to Stacker h to Doublespace gia to Linux;

Shmera kanena apo ta systhmata arxeio8ethshs toy Linux den mporei na kanei sympiesh mesa sto susthma arxeio8ethshs.

Yparxei ena programma poy onomazetai Zlibc kai to opoio epitrepei stis yparxoyses efarmoges na diabazoyn sympiesmena (GNU zipped) arxeia san na mhn htan sympiesmena. Afou to egkatasthsete mporeite na sympiezete arxeia xrhsimopoiwntas to gzip kai oi efarmoges sas 8a ejakoloy8oun na ta briskoyn xwris na xreiazetai na allajete ta programmata sas. Koitajte sto ston fakelo /pub/Linux/libs. O dhmioyrgos toy einai o < [email protected]>.

Yparxei enas odhgos syskeywn sympiesews enothtwn (compressing block device driver) poy mporei na parexei amesh sympiesh toy sklhrou diskoy mesa ston pyrhna anejarthtws systhmatos arxeio8ethshs. Onomazetai `DouBle'. O phgaios kwdikas diati8etai sto ston fakelo /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/diskdrives. O dhmioyrgos toy einai o Jean-Marc Verbavatz < [email protected]>. Shmeiwste oti, efoson o odhgos aytos sympiezei toys desmous plhroforiwn (inodes - plhrofories diaxeirishs) kai toys fakeloys opws epishs kai ta periexomena twn arxeiwn, h emfanish opoiasdhpote alloiwshs einai polu pi8anon na einai sobarh.

Yparxei epishs ena logismiko paketo gnwsto ws tcx (Transparently Compressed Executables - Diafanws Sympiesmena Ektelesima Arxeia) poy sas epitrepei na threite ektelesima arxeia ta opoia spania xreiazeste se sympiesmenh morfh kai na ta aposympiezete proswrina mono otan ta xrhsimopoieite. 8a to breite stis baseis dedomenwn tupoy FTP toy Linux (Q2.5 `Pou mporw na brw yliko gia to Linux me FTP;'). Sxetikes plhrofories eixan epishs anakoinw8ei sto comp.os.linux.announce. Shmeiwsh - den einai to idio pragma me to gzexe, to opoio einai katwterhs poiothtas efarmogh ths ayths ideas.

4.10 Oi diaireseis toy sklhrou moy diskoy tupoy ext2fs elegxontai ka8e fora poy epanekkinw ton ypologisth moy

Blepe Q9.12 `EXT2-fs: warning: mounting unchecked filesystem'.

4.11 To susthma arxeio8ethshs toy diaxeiristh diktuoy (root) einai mono anagnwsimo!

Fortwste to (mount) kai pali. An to arxeio /etc/fstab einai swsto mporeite apla na plhktrologhsete mount -n -o remount /. An to arxeio /etc/fstab exei la8h prepei na dwsete to onoma ths syskeyhs kai pi8anws kai ton tupo ths: p.x. mount -n -o remount -t ext2 /dev/hda2 /. Gia na katalabete pws ftasate se ayth thn katastash diabaste to Q9.12 `EXT2-fs: warning: mounting unchecked filesystem'.

4.12 Exw ena terastio arxeio /proc/kcore! Mporw na to diagracw;

Kanena apo ta arxeia ston fakelo /proc den einai sthn pragmatikothta ekei - einai ola `plasta' arxeia poy dhmioyrgountai apo ton pyrhna (kernel) gia na sas dinoyn plhrofories sxetika me to susthma enw den katalambanoyn xwro sto sklhro disko.

To arxeio /proc/kcore einai san ena `ceydwnymo' ths mnhmhs toy ypologisth sas. To mege8os toy einai to idio me to sunolo ths RAM poy exete kai, an zhthsete na to diabasete san arxeio, o pyrhnas diabazei th mnhmh.

4.13 H AHA1542C moy den leitoyrgei me to Linux.

H epilogh poy epitrepei th xrhsh sklhrwn diskwn me perissoteroys apo 1024 kylindroys apaiteitai mono ws tropos apofyghs mias parajenias toy DOS kai 8a eprepe na apenergopoieitai otan xrhsimopoieite to Linux. Gia palaioteroys pyrhnes toy Linux xreiazetai na apenergopoieite tis perissoteres apo tis epiloges `advanced BIOS' (prohgmenoy BIOS) - oles ektos apo ekeinh poy afora thn ereyna toy agwgou (bus) gia syskeyes apo tis opoies mporei na ginei enarjh toy systhmatos.

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