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1. Eisagwgh kai genikes plhrofories

1.1 Ti einai to Linux

To Linux einai o pyrhnas enos klwnoy toy Unix, grammenos apo to mhden apo ton Linus Torvalds, me boh8eia apo mia diasparth omada hackers apo to Internet. Shmera otan leme Linux, ennooume pleon olo to leitoyrgiko susthma. To Linux teinei na exei POSIX symbatothta, kai exei oles tis eykolies poy 8a perimene kaneis se ena monterno plhrws ejoplismeno Unix, symperilambanomenwn:

Epipros8eta, to Linux yposthrizei: Trexei kyriws se 386/486/586/686, Pentium PCs, xrhsimopoiwntas tis eykolies poy parexei h oikogeneia toy 386 gia thn yposthrijh katastashs prostasias (protected mode). Metafores (ports) toy Linux ginontai gia olo kai pio pollous epejergastes.

(Bl. ports )

( Idiaiterothta toy Linux einai oti den einai emporiko proion kai mporei na dianemh8ei (antigrafei) eukola. To Linux dianemetai me bash thn adeia antigrafhs kata GNU (GPL, General Public License). (bl. 1.6 kai trent/gnu/ ) )

Gia perissoteres plhrofories genika gia to Linux (bl. 2.X)

1.2 Ti logismiko (software) yposthrizei;

To Linux exei GCC (metaglwttisths gia C++), Emacs (Epejergasths keimenoy), X-Windows (GUI), ola ta synh8ismena ergaleia toy Unix, TCP/IP (SLIP,PPP), kai ekatontades efarmoges gia UNIX poy exoyn metaglwttistei h metafer8ei.

Oi efarmoges poy yparxoyn kaluptoyn kai tis pio eidikes anagkes, opws:

Omws oi dynatothtes den stamatoun edw. To Linux mporei na trexei efarmoges allwn leitoyrgikwn, kai malista me megalh ajiopistia:

Yparxei enas polu kalos ejomoiwths toy DOS, to DOSEMU (, poy mporei na trejei to DOS kai tis pio polles efarmoges toy. Mporei na trejei kai Windows 3.1 se enhanced mode.

Enas ejomoiwths iBCS2 (Intel Binary Compatibility Standard) gia SVR4 ELF kai SVR3.2 COFF ektelesima, brisketai sta teleytaia stadia anaptyjhs. (bl.

To WINE (WINdows Emulator) einai ejomoiwths gia Windows efarmoges. Einai freeware, alla den exei apodwsei akoma kapoio kalo apotelesma. To WABI ths SUN kanei akribws to idio, omws ta katafernei polu kalutera. Trexei sxedon oles tis efarmoges twn Windows, anamesa toys to MS-Office, CorelDraw, Video/Audio players, klp. Stoixizei omws 199$, giati einai emporiko proion.

Merika emporika proionta poy yparxoyn gia to Linux einai:

1.3 Trexei ston ypologisth moy; Ti yliko (hardware) yposthrizei;

Xreiazetai toylaxiston 386 me 2MB RAM kai enan odhgo eukampths disketas, gia mia aplh dokimh. Gia mia kanonikh egkatastash xreiazontai 4MB RAM, enw gia na doylecei kaneis me Xwindows 8MB. Enas sklhros diskos me xwro 10MB/300MB/600MB (minimum/typical/enough) einai aparaithtos. Proteinetai ena susthma Pentium me 32mb, gia aproskopth apodosh.

Oi topikoi diayloi VESA kai PCI exoyn plhrh yposthrijh.

MCA (Diaylos ths IBM) kai oi ESDI sklhroi diskoi tis pio polles fores yposthrizontai. Gia perissoteres plhrofories deite:

To Linux se syndyasmo me ta Xwindows, trexei sthn pleiochfia forhtwn ypologistwn. Deite sxetika:

Gia na deite analytika an to yliko sas (karta grafikwn, diktuoy, elegktes sklhrwn diskwn, karta hxoy) yposthrizetai, koitajte to INFO-SHEET kai to Hardware-HOWTO (Bl. howtoetc )

Yparxei mia metafora toy leitoyrgikou ston 8086 me to onoma: Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset (ELKS). Ayto einai ena 16mpito yposunolo toy Linux, gia na xrhsimopoih8ei se eidikes efarmoges. Fysika ayth h ekdosh, pote den 8a yposthrijei prostateymenh mnhmh h preemptitive multitasking. Bl.

Nees ekdoseis toy Linux yposthrizoyn kai polyepejergastika systhmata (SMP). Gia perissoteres plhrofories deite to arxeio Documentation/smp.tex, ston phgaio kwdika toy pyrhna /usr/src/linux.

1.4 Ti eidoys metafores (ports) gia alloys epejergastes yparxoyn;

Yparxei port (beta) gia ton 68000 (xrhsimopoieitai apo Amiga, Atari), me Xserver. Yparxei sxetikh lista. To FAQ, ftp kai selida gia pio polles plhrofories einai:

( hn/linux68k.html )

To Linux se PowerPC, apekthse prosfata diko toy kombo sto Internet: Otidhpote afora ton PowerPC 8a to breite sto ftp site:

H Apple kai to OSF synergazontai gia thn metafora toy Linux, basizomenoi sto OSF kai Mach microkernel. Bl.

O polla yposxomenos Alpha (64-bit DEC Alpha/AXP) exei hdh to Linux: Yparxei kai lista sto

O Ralf Baechle ergazetai gia metafora se MIPS (R4600 se Deskstation Tyne). To FAQ einai sto kai Oi endiaferomenoi mporoun na epikoinwnhsoyn sto < [email protected]>.

( There is also a MIPS channel on the Linux Activists mailserver and a linux-mips mailing list. (See `` What mailing lists are there? '') )

H oikogeneia twn ARM (Acorn A5000, Acorn Risc PC) exei duo projects aythn thn stigmh se ejelijh, ena gia ARM3 (Acorn A5000, me yposthrijh odhgwn gia 82710/11) kai ena gia ARM610 (gia Acorn Risc PC). Osoi mporoun na syneisferoyn as epikoinwnhsoyn me ton Martin Ebourne < [email protected]>.

Yparxei san omada syzhthsewn to comp.sys.acorn.misc


kai homepage:

O David Miller asxoleitai me metafora se Sparc. Osoi endiaferontai kai mporoun na boh8hsoyn, as epikoinwnhsoyn me to < [email protected]>.

1.5 Poso xwro 8elei ston sklhro moy disko;

10Mb einai to katw fragma gia mia egkatastash, h opoia den perilambanei efarmoges. Se 80Mb mporei na xwresei isa-isa mia egkatastash me Xwindows. Se 250Mb einai mia kalh epilogh prwth fora. Perilambanei typikes efarmoges. 500Mb einai aparaithta gia ena kanoniko susthma me 1 xrhsth. Ean yparxoyn apo thn prwth stigmh, mhn lyph8eite na ta dia8esete.

1.6 Exei to Linux pneymatika dikaiwmata (Copyright); Epitrepetai h antigrafh;

Ta pneymatika dikaiwmata (copyright) gia ton pyrhna toy Linux, anhkoyn ston Linus Torvalds, poy ka8orise oti einai ypo to GPL. Ayto me apla logia shmainei oti einai eleu8erh h antigrafh, metatroph h dianomh toy kwdika, alla den einai dynath h pros8hkh allwn periorismwn dianomhs, kai einai ypoxrewtikh h paroxh toy neoy phgaioy kwdika. To Linux DEN EINAI public domain, EINAI GPLed. Bl. sxetika to Copyright FAQ,, for details.

Epakribeis leptomereies yparxoyn sto arxeio COPYING sta Linux kernel sources (/usr/src/linux).

H adeia xrhshs gia ta programmata poy yparxoyn stis egkatastaseis me Linux, mporei na einai diaforetikh. O perissoteros kwdikas omws, einai ypo to GNU Project ths Free Software Foundation, kai einai epishs me adeia GPL.

( Note that discussion about the merits or otherwise of the GPL should be posted to gnu.misc.discuss and not to the comp.os.linux groups. )

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