O Greg Page <[email protected]
ths Caldera Incorporated exei gracei ena sunolo apo ergaleia ru8mishs toy IPX kai exei epekteinei thn yposthrijh toy pyrhna toy Linux gia IPX.
Oi epektaseis toy pyrhna epitrepoyn sto Linux na ry8mistei san enas plhrws ikanos dromologhths h gefyra IPX. H employtismenh IPX yposthrijh exei hdh kykloforhsei mesw twn gnwstwn kuriwn dianomwn pyrhna, opote pi8ana na thn exete hdh.
Ta ergaleia ru8mishs toy diktuoy sas parexoyn th dynatothta na ry8misete tis syskeyes toy diktuoy sas wste na yposthrijoyn IPX kai sas epitrepoyn na ry8misete thn IPX dromologhsh kai alles eykolies katw apo to Linux. Ta Linux ergaleia toy diktuoy IPX einai dia8esima apo to: sunsite.unc.edu.
Ayth h entolh xrhsimopoieitai gia na pros8esoyme, na diagracoyme h na elegjoyme xeirokinhta thn IPX ikanothta se mia yparxoysa syskeyh diktuoy.
Fysiologika, h syskeyh diktuoy 8a htan mia syskeyh Ethernet opws eth0
Toylaxiston ena IPX interface prepei na einai prosdiorismeno san primary interface
kai to -p flag se ayth thn entolh to kanei ayto.
P.x. gia na energopoihsete th syskeyh Ethernet eth0
gia dynatothta IPX san to kurio IPX interface xrhsimopoiwntas to IEEE 802.2 frame
type kai th dieu8ynsh diktuoy IPX 39ab02222
8a grafate to ejhs:
# ipx_interface add -p eth0 802.2 0x39ab0222
An emfanistei kapoio la8os ka8ws trexete ayto to programma kai etyxe na mhn exete ry8misei
akomh to tcp/ip, tote 8a deite oti xreiazetai na jekinhsete xeirokinhta to eth0
interface xrhsimopoiwntas thn entolh:
# ifconfig eth0 up
Ayth h entolh energopoiei h apenergopoiei thn aytomath epilogh ths ru8mishs toy interface kai twn epilogwn toy kyrioy interface.
Sas epitrepei na epilejete an oi nees syskeyes diktuoy 8a prepei na ry8mizontai aytomata san IPX syskeyes h oxi.
Sas epitrepei na epilejete an to IPX logismiko 8a prepei na epilegei aytomata ena kurio interface h oxi.
Ena typiko paradeigma 8a htan na energopoihsete kai thn aytomath ru8mish toy interface kai thn aytomath epilogh toy kurioy interface me thn akoloy8h entolh:
# ipx_configure --auto_interface=on --auto_primary=on
Ayth h entolh sas epitrepei na ry8misete h na apory8misete
mia eswterikh dieu8ynsh diktuoy. H eswterikh dieu8ynsh diktuoy einai proairetikh, alla otan
exei ry8mistei 8a einai panta to kurio interface. Gia na ry8misete mia dieu8ynsh diktuoy
IPX toy ab000000
se ena kombo IPX 1
8a xrhsimopoihsete :
# ipx_internal_net add 0xab000000 1
Ayth h entolh sas epitrepei na tropopoihsete xeirokinhta ton pinaka
IPX dromologhsewn. Gia paradeigma, gia na pros8esete mia diadromh sto IPX diktyo 39ab0222
mesw enos dromologhth me ari8mo komboy 00608CC33C0F
se ena IPX diktyo
# ipx_route add 0x39ab0222 0x39ab0108 0x00608CC33C0F