To Linux einai oysiastika mono o pyrhnas toy Leitoyrgikou systhmatos, kai jekinhse to 1990 apo enan finlando foithth ton Linus Torvalds, san omadikh peiramatikh idea ston tote kainourio 386. Ta ypoloipa ta gnwrizete...
Ean 8elete ena ajiopisto leitoyrgiko susthma, me kalh apodosh, xwris kollhmata kai plh8wra efarmogwn kai den fobaste ena kainourio periballon ergasias, tote to Linux einai gia esas. Mporeite px me ?.000drx na to agorasete se 6 CD, mazi me tis polles efarmoges toy, h na dwsete kati parapanw gia na parete mia eukolh sto sthsimo dianomh mazi me egxeiridio xrhshs.
To Linux einai ena ka8ara 32bit Leitoyrgiko Susthma, me polyepejergastikes (multitasking) dynatothtes. Sthn prajh ayto shmainei, oti mporeite na trexete polles efarmoges taytoxrona, xwris kindyno na "kremasei" o ypologisths. To Linux exei:
Polu ektenhs analysh, ka8ws kai kala epilegmeno didaktiko yliko, sta agglika, yparxei edw:
Kat' arxhn to Linux diabazei ola ta fileystems twn allwn leitoyrgikwn (FAT, VFAT, FAT32, NTFS, HPFS, HFS, ISO9660, Rock-Ridge, Joliet, UFS klp).
Praktika ta panta, arkei na milame gia anoikta kai diadedomena protypa kai prwtokolla: sxedon pote den eiste o prwtos poy exei ena sygkekrimeno problhma kai kapoios allos to exei lusei gia esas.
To metalab einai to kat' ejoxhn shmeio gia na brei kaneis programmata gurw apo to antikeimeno poy ton endiaferei, deite
To Linux Software Map (LSM) exei olo to yparxon logismiko. Mporeite na kanete kai anazhthsh me lejeis kleidia.
Epishs polu dhmofileis einai kai oi selides toy Bill Latura:
Sto Linux ton pyrhna mporei kaneis na ton ftiajei o idios, me mia diadikasia poy legetai compile. An kai einai dynaton na doylecei kapoios me enan etoimo, einai kalh idea na ftiajei enan pyrhna prosarmosmeno sto susthma toy, idiaitera ean 8elei ejeidikeymenes dynatothtes. H diadikasia synistatai idiaitera se aytous poy 8eloyn na mplejoyn me ta endotera toy leitoyrgikou systhmatos.
Oi entoles poy xreiazontai gia ena typiko compile einai (ta # einai sxolia):
cd /usr/src/linux make config # h make menuconfig h make xconfig, exei kai help. make dep make clean make zImage # meta apo ayto, yparxei o pyrhnas sto /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/zImage make modules # Ta modules ftiaxnontai prin arxisei h diadikasia egkatastashs make modules_install # Egkatastash twn modules sto /lib make install # prosoxh na yparxoyn oi swstes ry8miseis sto /etc/lilo.confH teleytaia entolh einai ayth poy 8a sthsei ton pyrhna (synh8ws sto /vmlinuz), syndeontas ton me ton boot loader LILO. Ena reboot, 8a balei ton neo pyrhna se xrhsh... (molis brhkate ton monadiko logo poy kanei kaneis reboot me linux).
To SIG11 einai oysiastika ena sfalma prostasias (Protection Fault). Einai arketa pi8ano na symbei thn wra poy ftiaxnoyme pyrhna kai h aitia einai oti to susthma ekeinh thn wra zorizetai - DIABASTE: Polla SIG11 shmainoyn kako yliko h problhmata symbatothtas me thn mnhmh,ton epejergasth, thn mhtrikh. Gia perissoteres plhrofories, deite:
Sto xwro toy Unix exoyme ta ejhs eleu8erhs xrhshs leitoyrgika:
I{-- 18 letters --}n = Internationalization
American National Standards Institute, the US member of ISO
American Standard Code of Information Interchange
Code Page
Code Page 850, the most widely used MS DOS code page
Carriage Return
Comprehensive TeX Archive Network, the world's largest repository for TeX related material. It consists of three sites mirrowing each other:,, The current configuration, including known mirrows, can be obtained by fingering [email protected]
Digital Equipment Corp.
Deutsche Industrie Norm (German Industry Norm)
Disk Operating System
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code ---a proprietary IBM character set used on mainframes
European Computer Manufacturer's Association
Editing Macros, a family of popular text editors
A synthetic, universal language developed by Dr. Zamenhof in 1887.
Free Software Foundation
File Transmission Protocol
GNU's not Unix, an FSF project
General Public License
International Business Machines Corp.
Internet Protocol
International Standards Organization
???---a popular encoding for Cyrillic on UNIX workstations
A macro package for TeX
DEC's Multilingual Character Set---the ISO 8859--1 draft standard
Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extension
Operating System
Portable Operating System Interface (an IEEE UNIX standard)
PostScript, Adobe's printer language
Request for Comment, an Internet standard
stream editor, a UNIX file manipulation utility
Transmission Control Protocol
Donald Knuth's typesetting program
a WWW Uniform Resource Locator
the US national variant of ISO 646, see ASCII
Virtual Memory System---DEC's proprietary OS
World Wide Web
X Window System