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Ellhnikes Metafraseis NLS (Greek NLS translations)

Simos 3enitellhs, [email protected]

v0.9, 21 Aygoustoy 1999

Ayto to keimeno perigrafei thn prospa8eia ejellhnismou twn GNU programmatwn. Ta GNU programmata (dhladh ta perissotera programmata efarmogwn poy apantwntai synh8ws se Unix systhmata opws ls, mutt, kde, gnome) exoyn th dynatothta na yposthrijoyn glwsses ektos twn agglikwn me ena aplo kai diafanes gia to xrhsth tropo. To paron asxoleitai me osa aforoun th metafrash sta ellhnika.

1. Eisagwgh

2. Ektash toy NLS

3. NLS sthn prajh

4. Diadikasia ths metafrashs

5. Epilogh ellhnikwn lejewn kai ekfrasewn

6. Organwsh metafrasewn

7. Trexoysa katastash twn metafrasewn

8. Ekkremothtes

9. Dia8esimoi ana8ewrhtes

10. Ellhnikes metafraseis stis ekdoseis Linux

11. PO arxeia

12. Epikoinwnia

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