Ayto einai to Sound Blaster AWE HOWTO. Sas dinei mia leptomerh plhroforhsh gia to pws 8a ekmetalleyteite sto epakro thn Sound Blaster 32 sas h kai kaluteres ayths, symperilambanomenhs kai ths Sun8eshs me Pinaka Kymatomorfwn (Wave Table synthesis). To keimeno ayto kaluptei oles tis kartes SB, arxizontas apo thn SB 32 kai panw. H seira Sound Blaster einai polu gnwsth sthn koinothta twn xrhstwn DOS kai Windows, kai polloi xrhstes Linux 8eloyn na xrhsimopoihsoyn aythn thn karta hxoy kai katw apo Linux epishs. Dystyxws, h Creative Labs parexei odhgo hxoy mono gia ta Windows kai to DOS, kai etsi den einai tetrimmenh h egkatastash kai xrhsh ths kartas SB sto Linux. Ayto to keimeno prospa8ei na perigracei pws mporei kaneis na xrhsimopoihsei tis dynatothtes ths seiras SB AWE katw apo periballon Linux.
To keimeno ayto periexei plhrofories poy phra apo to AWE Driver FAQ kai to ISA PnP FAQ. Deite to tmhma ``Sources'' gia toys syggrafeis kai tis diey8unseis twn keimenwn aytwn. Xarh stoys syggrafeis aytous, einai dynath h yposthrijh ths SB AWE. Arketh anagkaia doyleia exei ginei apo ton Hannu Savolainen, poy aneptyje ton driver hxoy poy erxetai me ton pyrhna toy Linux kernel. Se eyxaristoume!
8elw na eyxaristhsw ton Nicola Bernardelli gia elegxoys poy ekane sta ths AWE64. Xwris ayton, polla la8h 8a emenan anentopista.
Xarh sto paketo SGML Tools SGML Tools, ayto to HOWTO einai dia8esimo se diafora format, poy ola dhmioyrgh8hkan apo to idio phgaio arxeio.
prwth ekdosh
dior8wmenh or8ografia (eyxaristw Curt!), pros8hkh apaithsewn ekdoshs gia isapnp
, dia8esimo pleon sto sunsite kai se polla mirrors
Dia8esimh h Gallikh ekdosh!, mikrodior8wseis, arketa or8ografika dior8wmena (xarh sto ispell)
Gia sxolia, parathrhseis, dior8wseis, enhmerwseis peri ths Ellhnikhs metafrashs aytou toy HOWTO, steilte email sthn Boula Sanida : [email protected] h ston Eyripidh Papakwsta : [email protected] kai enallaktika : [email protected]
H neoterh ekdosh mporei na bre8ei sthn Home Page moy , Sound Blaster AWE HOWTO.
Nees ekdoseis aytou toy keimenoy 8a ginontai upload se diafora anonymous ftp sites poy arxeio8etoun tetoies plhrofories that archive, symperilambanomenoy kai toy ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/mini.
Ekdoseis se Hypertext aytou kai allwn Linux HOWTOs einai dia8esimes
se polla World-Wide-Web sites, kai sto
http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/. Oi perissoteres dianomes
se CD-ROM toy Linux symperilambanoyn ta HOWTOs,
syxna katw apo to directory /usr/doc
Xarh ston Arnaud Launay [email protected], mia Gallikh ekdosh aytou toy keimenoy einai pleon dia8esimh! H teleytaia ekdosh mporei na bre8ei mesw http h anonymous ftp.
An kanete mia metafrash aytou toy keimenoy se mia allh glwssa, eidopoihste me kai 8a symperilabw mia anafora se aythn edw.
Basizomai se esas, ton anagnwsth, na kanete xrhsimo ayto to HOWTO. An exete opoiadhpote protash, dior8wsh, h sxolio, parakalw steilte ta se mena, [email protected], kai 8a prospa8hsw na ta enswmatwsw sthn epomenh ana8ewrhsh.
Kalwsorizw idiaitera plhrofories sxetika me thn diadikasia ekkinhshs (boot scripts klp.) allwn gnwstwn dianomwn Linux, p.x. Red Hat h SuSE Linux.
An ekdwsete ayto to keimeno se CD-ROM h se entyph morfh, 8a ektimousa thn apostolh enos antigrafoy. Gracte moy gia ton taxydromiko moy kwdika. Epishs analogis8eite thn periptwsh dwreas pros to Linux Documentation Project gia na sthrijete thn yposthrijh ths dwrean tekmhriwshs. Epikoinwnhste me ton syntonisth toy Linux HOWTO, [email protected], gia perissoteres plhrofories.
Copyright 1997 Marcus Brinkmann. Ayto to HOWTO einai mia dwrean dianomh; mporeite na to epanadianeimete kai/h tropopoihsete sumfwna me thn GNU General Public License opws ayth dhmosieuetai apo to Free Software Foundation, h sumfwna me thn Ekdosh 2 ths adeias, h (kata thn gnwmh sas) sumfwna me opoiadhpote metepeita ekdosh ths adeias. Ayto to keimeno dianemetai me thn elpida pws 8a fanei xrhsimo, alla xwris kamia egguhsh. Xwris oute kan na yponoeitai egguhsh xrhshs h katallhlothtas gia kapoion sygkekrimeno skopo. Deite thn adeia GNU General Public License gia perissoteres leptomereies.
Mporeite na apokthsete antigrafo ths �deias GNU General Public License grafontas sto Free Software Foundation Free Software Foundation,Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.