Anoijte to arxeio /etc/syslog.conf, kai pros8este thn parakatw grammh:
# Dump everything on tty8
*.* /dev/tty8
[email protected]
Ap' ton ena arxario ston allo, proekyce ayto to mikro script poy dieykolunei to cajimo kai to diabasma keimenwn howto. Ta howto arxeia moy briskontai sto /usr/doc/faq/howto/ kai einai sympiesmena. Ta onomata twn arxeiwn einai XXX-HOWTO.gz, opoy XXX einai to 8ema toy howto. Dhmiourghsa to script me onoma "howto" ston katalogo the /usr/local/sbin :
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
ls /usr/doc/faq/howto | less
gunzip -c /usr/doc/faq/howto/$1-HOWTO.gz | less
Otan kaleitai xwris parametroys, emfanizei o katalogos twn dia8esimwn
arxeiwn howto. Otan kaleitai me parametro to prwto tmhma toy onomatos toy arxeioy (prin
thn paula), to aposympiezei (kratwntas to arxiko arxeio anepafo) kai
meta emfanizei to keimeno.
Gia paradeigma, gia na deite to keimeno Serial-HOWTO.gz , gracte:
$ howto Serial
[email protected]
Akoloy8ei ena mikro script to opoio elegxei periodika an yparxei arketos eleu8eros xwros dia8esimos se otidhpote emfanizetai sto mount (diskoi, cdrom, disketa...)
An o xwros ejantleitai, typwnetai ena mhnyma ka8e X deyterolepta sthn o8onh kai stelnetai 1 mhnyma me mail gia ka8e gemath syskeyh.
# $Id: check_hdspace,v 1.18 1996/12/11 22:33:29 root Exp root $
# Since I got mysterious error messages during compile when
# tmp files filled up my disks, I wrote this to get a warning
# before disks are full.
# If this stuff saved your servers from exploding,
# send praising email to [email protected].
# If your site burns down because of this, sorry but I
# warned you: no comps.
# If you really know how to handle sed, please forgive me :)
# Shoot and forget: Put 'check_hdspace &' in rc.local.
# Checks for free space on devices every $SLEEPTIME sec.
# You even might check your floppies or tape drives. :)
# If free space is below $MINFREE (kb), it will echo a warning
# and send one mail for each triggering device to $MAIL_TO_ME.
# If there is more free space than trigger limit again,
# mail action is also armed again.
# TODO: Different $MINFREE for each device.
# Free /*tmp dirs securely from old junk stuff if no more free space.
DEVICES='/dev/sda2 /dev/sda8 /dev/sda9' # device; your put disks here
MINFREE=20480 # kb; below this do warning
SLEEPTIME=10 # sec; sleep between checks
MAIL_TO_ME='root@localhost' # fool; to whom mail warning
# ------- no changes needed below this line (hopefully :) -------
let MINMB=$MINFREE/1024 # yep, we are strict :)
while [ 1 ]; do
for DEVICE in $DEVICES ; do
ISFREE=`echo $DF | sed s#.\*$DEVICE" "\*[0-9]\*""\*[0-9]\*" "\*## | sed s#" ".\*##`
if [ $ISFREE -le $MINFREE ] ; then
let ISMB=$ISFREE/1024
echo "WARNING: $DEVICE only $ISMB mb free." >&2
#echo "more stuff here" >&2
echo -e "\a\a\a\a"
if [ -z "`echo $MAILED | grep -w $DEVICE`" ] ; then
echo "WARNING: $DEVICE only $ISMB mb free. (Trigger is set to $MINMB mb)" \
| mail -s "WARNING: $DEVICE only $ISMB mb free!" $MAIL_TO_ME
# put further action here like cleaning
# up */tmp dirs...
elif [ -n "`echo $MAILED | grep -w $DEVICE`" ] ; then
# Remove mailed marker if enough disk space
# again. So we are ready for new mailing action.
MAILEDH="`echo $MAILED | sed s#$DEVICE##`"
An eiste san ki emena, exete mia lista me 250 eggegrammenoys, kai 100+ mhnumata na erxontai ka8hmerina mesw UUCP.
Loipon, ti mporei na kanei enas xaker me ayta ta terastia logs;
Na sthsei to chklogs.
To Chklogs grafthke apo ton Emilio Grimaldo, [email protected]
kai h trexoysa ekdosh 1.8 einai dia8esimh sto
H diadikasia egkatastashs einai aplh (8a diabasete, fysika, tis plhrofories ston ypokatalogo sub).
Otan to egkatasthsete, pros8este mia eggrafh crontab san thn parakatw:
# Run chklogs at 9:00PM daily.
00 21 * * * /usr/local/sbin/chklogs -m
Mia kai to xrhsimopoihsate, mhn jexasete na anaferete ston syggrafea poso wraio programmataki einai ayto :)
[email protected]
Dhmioyrghste ena arxeio me onoma rmcores (o syggrafeas to apokalei handle-cores) poy na periexei ton parakatw kwdika:
USAGE="$0 <directory> <message-file>"
if [ $# != 2 ] ; then
echo $USAGE
echo Deleting...
find $1 -name core -atime 7 -print -exec rm {} \;
echo e-mailing
for name in `find $1 -name core -exec ls -l {} \; | cut -c16-24`
echo $name
cat $2 | mail $name
Dhmioyrghste mia ergasia cron na to trexei periodika.
[email protected]
Grhgoros tropos na metaferete ena oloklhro dendro arxeiwn apo ena disko se enan allo
(cd /source/directory && tar cf - . ) | (cd /dest/directory && tar xvfp -)
[ AAllajte apo to /source/directory. Kante tar....klp. wste na apofugete thn pi8anothta
na axrhsteusete to directory se periptwsh katastrofhs.
Eyxaristw ton Jim Dennis, [email protected], poy moy to eipe. -Synt. ]
[email protected]
Exete anarwth8ei pote poioi einai oi megaluteroi katalogoi ston ypologisth sas; Oriste pws 8a to ma8ete.
du -S | sort -n
Doja kai times ston John Fisk, to dhmioyrgo toy Linux Gazette. Einai ena ejairetiko hlektroniko periodiko kai epipleon, einai DWREAN!!! Ti perissotero mporeite na zhthsete; Deite monoi sas:
Epi thn eykairia, fainetai oti (1) to LG bgainei se mhniaia ekdosh, kai
(2) den to synthrei pia o John Fisk , alla oi synergates ths SSC.
[email protected]
Den jerw an exoyn polloi an8rwpoi ayto to problhma, alla yparxei ena "xarakthristiko" toy GNU make ekdosh 3.70 to opoio de moy aresei. Einai oti to VPATH symperiferetai perierga an dwsete to apolyto onoma arxeioy. Yparxei ena ejairetika plhres patch poy dior8wnei to problhma, to opoio mporeite na breite apo ton Paul D. Smith <[email protected]>
Aytos stelnei thn tekmhriwsh kai to patch meta apo ka8e epanekdosh toy GNU make sto newsgroup
gnu.utils.bug. Genika, efarmozw ayto to patch kai kanw jana compile to
gmake se ka8e susthma poy exw prosbash.
[email protected]
Q: Pws stamatw to e2fsck na elegxei to disko moy ka8e fora poy kanw boot.
A: Otan janaxtisete ton pyrhna, to susthma arxeiwn markaretai san 'brwmiko' kai etsi o diskos sas 8a elegxetai se ka8e ekkinhsh. Gia na to ftiajete ayto trejte to:
rdev -R /zImage 1
Ayto dior8wnei ton pyrhna apo to na pisteuei oti to susthma arxeiwn einai brwmiko.
Shmeiwsh: An xrhsimopoieite lilo, tote pros8este to read-only
sthn egkatastash toy
sto arxeio ru8mishs toy lilo (synh8ws sto /etc/lilo.conf)
[email protected]
An blepete syxna la8h device busy kata to shutdown poy kanoyn to susthma arxeiwn na xreiazetai fsck kata thn epanekkinhsh, oriste mia mikrh dior8wsh :
Pros8este thn parakatw grammh sto /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt
h /etc/rc.d/rc.0
mount -o remount,ro /mount.dir
gia ola ta prosarthmena (mounted) systhmata arxeiwn ektos toy /, prin thn klhsh umount -a. Ayto
shmainei oti an, gia kapoio logo, to shutdown apotuxei na skotwsei oles tis diergasies kai apoprosarthsei toys
diskoys 8a einai akomh ka8aroi sthn epanekkinhsh. Etsi ejoikonomw polu xrono sthn epanekkinhsh.
Simon Amor, [email protected]
ls -l | sort +4n
H, gi' aytous poy einai pragmatika scrunched gia xwro, mporei na argei ligo alla doyleuei mia xara:
cd /
ls -lR | sort +4n
[email protected]
# /usr/local/bin/print
# a simple formatted printout, to enable someone to
# 3-hole punch the output and put it in a binder
cat $1 | pr -t -o 5 -w 85 | lpr
[email protected]
Onomazw ayto to script 'forall'. Xrhsimopoihste to ws ejhs :
forall /usr/include grep -i ioctl
forall /usr/man grep ioctl
Na to script forall:
if [ 1 = `expr 2 \> $#` ]
echo Usage: $0 dir cmd [optargs]
exit 1
find $dir -type f -print | xargs "$@"
[email protected]
Ena aplo programma duo-grammwn poy katebainei anadromika thn ierarxia enos katalogoy afairwntas ta arxeia emacs auto-save (#) kai backup (~), ta arxeia .o , kai ta TeX .log. Epishs sympiezei ta arxeia .tex kai ta README. To exw onomasei 'squeeze' sto susthma moy.
#SQUEEZE removes unnecessary files and compresses .tex and README files
#By Barry tolnas, [email protected]
echo squeezing $PWD
find $PWD \( -name \*~ -or -name \*.o -or -name \*.log -or -name \*\#\) -exec
rm -f {} \;
find $PWD \( -name \*.tex -or -name \*README\* -or -name \*readme\* \) -exec gzip -9 {} \;
[email protected]
ps -aux | sort +4n
ps -aux | sort +5n
Tips-HOWTO Synthrhths
Exw programmatisei polu se C ston eleu8ero moy xrono, kai edwsa xrono gia na ejoplisw to vi wste na einai filiko me th C. Oriste to arxeio moy .exrc:
set autoindent
set shiftwidth=4
set backspace=2
set ruler
Ti kanei ayto; To autoindent anagkazei to vi na kanei indent aytomata ka8e grammh poy akoloy8ei thn prwth poy egine indent, to shiftwidth 8etei thn apostash toy ^T (tab) se 4 kena, to backspace 8etei to backspace mode, kai to ruler deixnei ton ari8mo grammhs. Na 8ymaste, oti gia na pate se ena sygkekrimeno ari8mo grammhs, as poume thn 20, xrhsimopoihste to:
vi +20 myfile.c
[email protected]
Ayto einai ena sxedon koino problhma, se shmeio na ginei FAQ. Den jerw an to RedHat dior8wse ayto to bug sth dianomh toys, alla mporeite na to dior8wsete kai monoi sas. An koitajete sto arxeio /etc/hosts , 8a deite oti moiazei kapws san : localhost yourbox
Otan jekina to sendmail, caxnei sto hostname poy exete (se ayth thn periptwsh, to yourbox). Ekei briskei oti to IP toy yourbox einai, ayto den aresei sto sendmail, kai caxnei pali. Synexizei me ayto gia ligo mexris otoy na egkataleicei kai na stamathsei. To na dior8wsete ayto to problhma einai polu aplo, anoijte to arxeio /etc/hosts kai allajte to se kati san to: localhost yourbox
[email protected]
H dianomh RedHat erxetai me color-ls, parolayta den jerw giati den th ry8mizoyn gia xrhsh me xrwmata. Na pws 8a to dior8wsete.
Prwta, gracte eval `DIRCOLORS`
Meta, alias ls='ls --color=yes'
Kai pros8este to 'alias.....' sto arxeio /etc/bashrc
[email protected]
Ti kanete an kanete compile kai de kanate link mia biblio8hkh poy xreiazetai; Ola ta gcc reports einai onomata synarthsewn... Na mia entolh deigma poy 8a brei ayto poy caxnete:
for i in *; do echo $i:;nm $i|grep tgetnum 2>/dev/null;done
opoy tgetnum einai to onoma ths synarthshs poy caxnete.