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1. Eisagwgh

Ayto einai to Ellhniko Sound Playing HOWTO. Anaferei ta diafora format hxoy ka8ws kai tis efarmoges poy mporoun na xrhsimopoih8oun gia na ta paijoyn. Epishs anaferei merika texnasmata kai symboyles gia to pws na xrhsimopoih8oun aytes oi efarmoges. Yparxoyn epishs kapoies alles endiaferoyses efarmoges sxetikes me hxoys, oxi amesa sysxetismenes me thn ektelesh toys. Parola ayta, to keimeno ayto den perigrafei pws kapoios mporei na ry8misei ena susthma Linux system gia yposthrijh hxoy. Anafer8eite sto Linux Sound HOWTO apo ton Jeff Tranter gia odhgies gia yposthrijh hxoy se ena susthma Linux kai to yposthrizomeno hardware hxoy.

Ayto asxoleitai me tis fysiologikes efarmoges hxoy enos xrhsth. Dhladh, noiazetai mono me to oti enas mesos xrhsths xreiazetai na jerei apo thn pleyra twn efarmogwn hxoy, kai oxi ejwtika pragmata opws h sun8esh omilias, h pragmata sxetika me hardware poy antimetwpizontai sto Sound HOWTO.

1.1 Pneymatika Dikaiwmata toy keimenoy

To keimeno mporei na dianemh8ei kai na tropopoih8ei eleu8era (8a to ektimousa an me eidopoiousate gia allages), oso ayth h shmeiwsh peri toy copyright diathreitai. Parola ayta, den mporei na te8ei katw apo opoiodhpote allo periorismo, kai ena tropopoihmeno keimeno prepei na exei ta idia pneymatika dikaiwmata me ayto. Epishs anagnwrish prepei na apodo8ei opoy ofeiletai.

1.2 Copyright twn anaferomenwn efarmogwn

An den yparxei anafora pneymatikwn dikaiwmatwn, tote h efarmogh einai katw apo thn GNU General Public License.

1.3 Pou na breite ayto to keimeno

H pio prosfath epishmh ekdosh toy keimenoy aytou mporei na apokth8ei apo to Linux Documentation Project. H pio prosfath anepishmh ekdosh toy keimenoy aytou mporei na apokth8ei apo to

Mia Koreatikh ekdosh aytou toy keimenoy (polu jeperasmenh) einai dia8esimh sto

Mia Giapwnezikh ekdosh aytou toy keimenoy einai dia8esimh sto

1.4 Feedback

Gia sxolia, parathrhseis, dior8wseis, enhmerwseis peri ths Ellhnikhs metafrashs aytou toy HOWTO, steilte email sthn Boula Sanida : [email protected] h ston Eyripidh Papakwsta : [email protected] kai enallaktika : [email protected]

Den eimai pantognwsths, kai den xrhsimopoiw oles tis edw anaferomenes efarmoges (merikes den mporw na tis dokimasw kan), etsi mporei na yparxoyn la8h. Epishs, ta programmata synh8ws ejelissontai synexws, etsi h tekmhriwsh teinei na jepernietai. Gi' ayto, an breite tipota strabo, parakalw steilte moy o,ti dior8wseis. Protaseis h pros8hkes sto keimeno einai eyprosdektes, epishs.

1.5 Eyxaristies

Se oloys toys syggrafeis twn efarmogwn aytou toy HOWTO. Epishs, ston Hannu Savolainen gia ton spoydaio odhgo hxoy kai ton Linus Torvalds gia to spoydaio leitoyrgiko apo katw toy.

8elw epishs na eyxaristhsw ton Raymond Nijssen ([email protected]), Jeroen Rutten ([email protected]), Antonio Perez ([email protected]), Ian Jackson ([email protected]), kai ton Peter Amstutz ([email protected]) gia tis plhrofories kai thn boh8eia poy proseferan.

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