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6. Parapompes

An exete karta hxoy poy yposthrizei CD-ROM h SCSI interface, to Linux SCSI HOWTO kai to Linux CD-ROM HOWTO exoyn epipleon plhrofories oi opoies mporei na sas fanoun xrhsimes.

To Sound Playing HOWTO perigrafei pws na paizete diaforoys tupoys hxoy kai arxeia moysikhs sto Linux.

To Ultrasound Plug'n'play Mini-HOWTO perigrafei pws na kanete na doylecei sto Linux mia plug and play karta hxoy Gravis Ultra.

To Linux SoundBlaster 16 PnP Mini-HOWTO perigrafei pws na kanete na doylecei sto Linux mia plug and play SoundBlaster 16.

To Linux SoundBlaster AWE64 PnP Mini-HOWTO perigrafei pws na kanete na doylecei sto Linux mia plug and play SoundBlaster AWE64.

Yparxei ena palio keimeno poy legetai the Hacker's Guide to VoxWare, dia8esimo apo to Oi perissoteres plhrofories s' ayto exoyn antikatasta8ei apo ta neotera keimena sto, alla to tmhma sxetika me to /dev/sequencer mporei na fanei xrhsimo.

Ta akoloy8a FAQs stelnontai taktika sto Usenet newsgroup news.announce kai kratountai epishs sto

Ta FAQs exoyn epishs lista mailing lists kai archive sites gia diafora sygkekrimena proionta. Ta parakatw Usenet news groups syzhtoun gia 8emata sxetika me hxo kai/h moysikh :

Ena Web site eidika gia polymesa 8a breite sto H Creative Labs exei Web site sto To Web site ths MediaTrix einai to

H Linux mailing list exei megalo ari8mo "kanaliwn" afierwmena se diafora 8emata, kai gia hxo. Gia na breite pws 8a symmetasxete se ena kanali, steilte mhnyma me th lejh "help" san message body sto [email protected]. Aytes oi mailing lists de synistountai gia erwthseis sxetika me egkatastash se kartes hxoy klp., exoyn san skopo th syzhthsh sxetika me anaptyjh.

Opws exei hdh anafer8ei arketes fores, o driver hxoy toy pyrhna perilambanei polla Readme arxeia poy periexoyn xrhsimes plhrofories sxetika me ton driver hxoy ths kartas. Ayta 8a ta breite sto directory /usr/src/linux/drivers/sound.

Mporeite na epikoinwnhsete me to syggrafea toy driver hxoy toy pyrhna, Hannu Savolainen me email [email protected]. Exei, epishs, Web site sto To Web site einai h kaluterh phgh gia na breite thn pio prosfath katastash yposthrizomenwn kartwn hxoy, gnwsta problhmata, kai dior8wseis bugs.

Plhrofories gia to OSS, ton emporiko driver hxoy gia Linux kai alla leitoyrgika systhmata symbata me Unix, 8a breite sth Web selida ths 4Front Technologies, sto

To Linux Software Map (LSM) einai anektimhto boh8hma gia thn euresh logismikou gia Linux. Enas kalos tropos gia na breite efarmoges sxetika me hardware hxoy einai na cajete to LSM me keywords opws sound. To LSM 8a to breite se diafora anwnyma FTP sites, symperilambanomenoy toy

To Linux Documentation Project exei paragei diafora biblia gia Linux, symperilambanomenoy toy Linux Installation kai Getting Started. Ayta diati8entai dwrean me anonymous FTP apo megala Linux archive sites h mporeite na ta agorasete ektypwmena.

Telos, mia jediantroph embolimh dhlwsh: An 8elete na ma8ete polu perissotera sxetika me ta polymesa sto Linux (eidika gia CD-ROM kai efarmoges kai programmatismo gia kartes hxoy), diabaste to biblio moy Linux Multimedia Guide, ISBN 1-56592-219-0, poy exei ekdo8ei apo toys O'Reilly and Associates. Opws kai h gnhsia agglikh ekdosh, exei typw8ei h gallikh kai giapwnezikh metafrash. Gia perissoteres leptomereies, kaleste to 800-998-9938 sth Notia Amerikh h deite th Web selida h th dikh moy selida

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