NAI. To Linux xrhsimopoiei to typopoihmeno sxhma gia partitions twn PC, etsi mporei na moirastei ton disko me alla leitoyrgika systhmata. Shmeiwste par' ola ayta, oti ta alla leitoyrgika systhmata, merikes fores dhmioyrgoun problhmata, logw bugs. Eidika to FDISK kai to FORMAT toy DOS mporei merikes fores na gracoyn panw dedomena toy Linux, giati merikes fores xrhsimopoioun dedomena apo ton tomea ekkinhshs ths katatmhshs (partition boot sector), anti toy pinaka katatmhsewn (partition table), poy brisketai ston tomea ekkinhshs diskoy (Master Boot Record, MBR). Gia to logo ayto, einai asfales otan dhmioyrgeite partition apo to Linux, na mhdenizete thn arxh ths neas katatmhshs, prin to morfopoihsete apo to MSDOS h opoydhpote allou. Ayth entolh kanei akribws ayto: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdXY bs=512 count=1 opoy XY einai to sxetiko partition, px hda1=1os diskos, 1h katatmhsh.
To Linux, mporei na diabasei kai na gracei arxeia se susthma arxeiwn (filesystem) toso toy DOS (FAT), oso OS/2 (HPFS). Yposthrizei epishs filesystems poy xrhsimopoiountai apo ta Windows opws: VFAT (megala onomata), FAT32 (to neo protypo ths M$), alla kai NTFS (twn NT).
Alla leitoyrgika mporoun na diabasoyn arxeia apo to Linux (px OS/2). Gia perissoteres plhrofories deite: gef/fs
( See Q1.2 `What software does it support?' for details and status of the emulators for DOS, MS Windows and System V programs. See also Q3.5 `Can I access BSD FFS, SysV UFS, Mac, Amiga, etc filesystems?'. )
To DOS (FAT) yposthrizetai apo to Linux, mesw toy MSDOS filesystem driver. Gracte apla: (Ypoti8etai oti to DOS einai sto trito partition toy prwtoy diskoy)
mkdir /dos mount -t msdos -o conv=text,umask=022,uid=100,gid=100 /dev/hda3 /dosh antistoixa:
mkdir /floppyA mount -t msdos -o /dev/fd0 /floppyA ls -als /floppyA umount /dev/fd0MHN 3EXNATE NA KANETE UMOUNT, OTAN BGAZETE THN DISKETA
Oi proairetikes parametroi conv=text/binary/auto, umask=nnn, uid=nnn and gid=nnn boh8oun wste na ginetai aytomata h metatroph arxeiwn keimenoy apo DOS morfh ( CR/LF -> LF ) kai gia apodosh taytothtas xrhsth kai omadas kai permissions sta arxeia toy DOS, otan fainontai katw apo Linux. To mount mporei na ginei pio eukolo ean yparxoyn hdh oi swstes parametroi sto arxeio /etc/fstab. Gia perissotera ekteleste man 8 mount, man fstab.
To paketo mtools mporei na xrhsimeusei epishs gia grhgorh prosbash: kanei kaneis px "mdir a:" kai diabazei thn prwth disketa, klp.
Ena kernel patch (gnwsto ws fd-patches) poy yparxei epitrepei thn anagnwsh disketwn me asynh8isth organwsh tracks kai/h sectors
Me dyskolia. An kai mesa apo ton DOS emulator (Q1.2 `What software does it support?') ginetai gia Stacked kai DBLSPC, einai polu pio duskolo na ginei mesa apo filesystem driver. Yparxei ena paketo poy yposthrizei read-only prospelash gia doublespaced volumes: Bl., gia to "ths".
Nai, alla mono anagnwsh einai dynath akoma. Gia na to xrhsimopoihseis, prepei na kaneis compile ton kernel (pyrhna) soy, afou energopoihseis thn antistoixh epilogh. Gia perissoteres plhrofories, des (Q7.6). Meta arkei na to prosarthseis sto root filesystem:
mkdir /hpfs mount -t hpfs /dev/hda5 /hpfs
I'm told that there is a primitive, alpha test read-only Amiga filesystem on in /pub/Linux/patches/amigaffs.tar.Z. More information is in affs-readme in the tarfile.
Recent kernels contain support for the UFS filesystem used by System V, Coherent and Xenix.
There is alpha kernel support, readonly for the moment, for the 4.2BSD UFS, on in /pub/Linux/ALPHA/ufs.
There is a set of user-level programs that provides read-only access to the Macintosh hierarchical filing system (HFS). It is available on in /pub/Linux/utils/disk-management/hfs0_36.tgz. This is being turned into a kernel module, which is available on sunsite.
A suite of programs called Samba provide support for Windows for Workgroups networked filesystems (provided it's configured to use TCP/IP). Information is available at There is alpha kernel support for mounting such filesystems, on in /pub/Linux/ALPHA/smbfs.
There is no support for the rest of those yet; I have not heard of any recent work on providing some.
Yparxei mia prospa8eia, poy omws den exei apodwsei akoma karpous, to WINE Kapoies (aples) efarmoges trexoyn, omws oxi oi pio polles. Gia perissoteres plhrofories deite
Epishs, h Sun, poy edw kai kairo eixe bgalei to WABI gia alla Unices, prosfata to dia8etei kai gia to Linux mesw ths Caldera. To WABI einai enas polu kalos kai ajiologos ejomoiwths, poy trexei oles tis gnwstes soyites grafeioy, sxediastika klp.
Epeidh to WINE den doyleuei kala, kai to WABI den einai dwrean, h kaluterh lush einai na exete kai ta Windows kai to Linux kai na allazete analoga me thn periptwsh, kanontas reboot. Ayto mporei na ginei mesw toy LILO (LInux LOader), poy yposthrizei BOOT MENU.
To OS/2 apaitei eidikh diadikasia gia na synergastei.
boot = /dev/hda2
Des to Mini-HOWTO apo ton H. Peter Anvin, < [email protected]>: