Yparxoyn duo dia8esima paketa poy epitrepoyn sto Linux na parexei tis leitoyrgies enos Diakomisth Arxeiwn Novell. Kai ta dyo sas epitrepoyn na moirasete metaju toy Linux sas kai xrhstes poy exoyn logismiko pelatwn Novell NetWare. Oi xrhstes mporoun na prosarthsoyn kai na blepoyn ta systhmata arxeiwn san topikous diskoys sta mhxanhmata toys, opws 8a emfanizontan me ena pragmatiko diakomisth arxeiwn ths Novell. Isws na 8elete na ta dokimasete kai ta dyo gia na deite poio ejyphretei kalutera tis anagkes sas.
O Martin Stover <[email protected]>
dhmiourghse to mars_nwe
gia na epitrepei sto linux na parexei arxeia kai yphresies ektupwshs gia toys pelates toy Netware.
Se periptwsh poy anarwtieste gia to onoma: mars_nwe ,einai Martin Stovers Netware Emulator.
mars_nwe Ylopoiei ena yposunolo toy plhroys Novell NCP gia yphresies toy arxeioy, bindery diskwn kai akomh yphresies ektypwsewn. Einai pi8anon na periexei problhmata (bugs), alla to xrhsimopoioun polloi an8rwpoi, kai o ari8mos twn problhmatwn meiwnetai stadiaka ka8ws bgainoyn kainouries ekdoseis.
Mporeite na parete to mars_nwe apo to ftp.gwdg.de h apo to ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/filesystems pfs/.
H trexoysa ekdosh th stigmh poy grafw einai: mars_nwe-0.98.pl8.tgz
se pyrhna ekdoshs 1.2.13
. To mono poy xreiazetai einai na bebaiw8eite oti exete apanthsei Y
sthn erwthsh: To IPX prwtokollo
kai N
sthn erwthsh: Full eswteriko IPX diktyo
opws deixnei parakatw:
... ... The IPX protocol (CONFIG_IPX) [n] y ... ... Full internal IPX network (CONFIG_IPX_INTERN) [N/y/?] n ... ...Stoys newteroys pyrhnes efarmozetai mia paromoia diadikasia alla to ka8ayto keimeno ths erwthshs mporei na exei allajei ligo.
Akomh 8a xreiastei na bebaiw8eite pws symperilabate ena katallhlo odhgo gia thn Ethernet karta sas . An den gnwrizete pws na to kanete ayto, tote prepei na diabasete to Ethernet-HOWTO.
Proxwrhste meta sto xtisimo toy pyrhna sas. Mhn jexasete na trejete to lilo gia na ton egkatasthsei otan 8a exete teleiwsei.
# cd /usr/src
# tar xvfz mars_nwe-0.98.pl3.tgz
To na kanete make to paketo einai polu aplo.
To prwto bhma einai na trejete apla to make
, kai ayto 8a dhmioyrghsei ena
arxeio config.h
. Meta 8a prepei na dior8wsete to arxeio config.h
, an einai aparaithto. Sas epitrepei na ry8misete pragmata opws toys katalogoys egkatastashs poy 8a xrhsimopoih8oun kai to megisto ari8mo syndesewn kai diskwn poy 8a yposthrijei o diaxeirisths. Oi pragmatika shmantikes kataxwrhseis poy prepei na koitajete einai:
FILENAME_NW_INI the location of the initialisation file PATHNAME_PROGS where the executable support programs will be found. PATHNAME_BINDERY where the 'bindery' files will go. PATHNAME_PIDFILES the directory for the 'pid' files to be written. MAX_CONNECTIONS the maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed. MAX_NW_VOLS the maximum number of volumes mars_nwe will support. MAX_FILE_HANDLES_CONN the maximum number of open files per connection. WITH_NAME_SPACE_CALLS if you want to support ncpfs clients. INTERNAL_RIP_SAP whether you want mars_nwe to provide rip/sap routing. SHADOW_PWD whether you use shadow passwords or not.
Oi proka8orismenes times 8a einai pi8anotata swstes alla 8a prepei na tis elegjete etsi kai alliws.
Otan teleiwsete me ayto gracte:
# make
# make install
8a xtisoyme toys diakomistes kai 8a toys egkatasthsoyme ston katallhlo katalogo. To
script egkatastashs egka8ista akomh kai to arxeio ru8mishs.
Oi ry8miseis einai arketa aples. Xreiazetai na dior8wsete to arxeio /etc/nwserv.conf
H morfh toy arxeioy aytou mporei na moiazei sth arxh periergh, alla einai arketa aploikh.
To arxeio periexei ena ari8mo apo antikeimena ru8mishs ths mias grammhs. H ka8e grammh einai xrhsimopoiei ton keno
xarakthra ws to diaxwristiko twn pediwn ths kai jekina me ena ari8mo poy deixnei ta periexomena ths grammhs.
Oloi oi xarakthres poy akoloy8oun to '#
' xarakthra 8ewrountai sxolia kai agnoountai.
O Martin parexei sto paketo toy ena paradeigma ru8mishs arxeioy, alla 8a sas paroysiasw poio nomizw oti einai to pio aplo paradeigma gia na sas dwsw mia enallaktikh lush.
# VOLUMES (max. 5)
# Only the SYS volume is compulsory. The directory containing the SYS
# volume must contain the directories: LOGIN, PUBLIC, SYSTEM, MAIL.
# The 'i' option ignores case.
# The 'k' option converts all filenames in NCP requests to lowercase.
# The 'm' option marks the volume as removable (useful for cdroms etc.)
# The 'r' option set the volume to read-only.
# The 'o' option indicates the volume is a single mounted filesystem.
# The 'P' option allows commands to be used as files.
# The 'O' option allows use of the OS/2 namespace
# The 'N' option allows use of the NFS namespace
# The default is upper case.
# Syntax:
# 1 <Volumename> <Volumepath> <Options>
1 SYS /home/netware/SYS/ # SYS
1 DATA /home/netware/DATA/ k # DATA
1 CDROM /cdrom kmr # CDROM
# If not set then the linux hostname will be converted to upper case
# and used. This is optional, the hostname will be used if this is not
# configured.
# Syntax:
# 2 <Servername>
# The Internal IPX Network Address is a feature that simplifies IPX routing
# for multihomed hosts (hosts that have ports on more than one IPX network).
# Syntax:
# 3 <Internal Network Address> [<Node Number>]
# or:
# 3 auto
# If you use 'auto' then your host IP address will be used. NOTE: this may
# be dangerous, please be sure you pick a number unique to your network.
# Addresses are 4byte hexadecimal (the leading 0x is required).
3 0x49a01010 1
# This entry configures your IPX network. If you already have your
# IPX network configured then you do not need this. This is the same as
# using ipx_configure/ipx_interface before you start the server.
# Syntax:
# 4 <IPX Network Number> <device_name> <frametype> [<ticks>]
# Frame types: ethernet_ii, 802.2, 802.3, SNAP
4 0x39a01010 eth0 802.3 1
# Syntax:
# 5 <flag>
# 0 = don't save routes, 1 = do save routes
5 0
# Syntax:
# 6 <version>
# 0 = 2.15, 1 = 3.11
6 1
# Real Novell DOS clients support a feature which encypts your
# password when changing it. You can select whether you want your
# mars server to support this feature or not.
# Syntax
# 7 <flag>
# <flag> is:
# 0 to force password encryption. (Clients can't change password)
# 1 force password encryption, allow unencrypted password change.
# 7 allow non-encrypted password but no empty passwords.
# 8 allow non-encrypted password including empty passwords.
# 9 completely unencrypted passwords (doesn't work with OS/2)
7 1
# permissions used for attachments with no login. These permissions
# will be used for the files in your primary server attachment.
# Syntax:
# 10 <gid>
# 11 <uid>
# <gid> <uid> are from /etc/passwd, /etc/groups
10 200
11 201
# SUPERVISOR password
# May be removed after the server is started once. The server will
# encrypt this information into the bindery file after it is run.
# You should avoid using the 'root' user and instead use another
# account to administer the mars diakomisth arxeiwn.
# This entry is read and encrypted into the server bindery files, so
# it only needs to exist the first time you start the server to ensure
# that the password isn't stolen.
# Syntax:
# 12 <Supervisor-Login> <Unix username> [<password>]
12 SUPERVISOR terry secret
# This associates NetWare logins with unix accounts. Password are
# optional.
# Syntax:
13 <User Login> <Unix Username> [<password>]
13 MARTIN martin
13 TERRY terry
# If you have a large numbers of users and could not be bothered using
# type 13 individual user mappings, you can automatically map mars_nwe
# logins to linux user names. BUT, there is currently no means of making
# use of the linux login password so all users configured this way are
# will use the single password supplied here. My recommendation is not
# to do this unless security is absolutely no concern to you.
# Syntax:
# 15 <flag> <common-password>
# <flag> is: 0 - don't automatically map users.
# 1 - do automatically map users not configured above.
# 99 - automatically map every user in this way.
15 0 duzzenmatta
# mars_nwe will automatically ensure that certain directories exist if
# you set this flag.
# Syntax:
# 16 <flag>
# <flag> is 0 for no, don't, or 1 for yes, do.
16 0
# This associates NetWare printers with unix printers. The queue
# directories must be created manually before printing is attempted.
# The queue directories are NOT lpd queues.
# Syntax:
# 21 <queue_name> <queue_directory> <unix_print_cmd>
# These are not normally needed, but may be useful if are you debugging
# a problem.
# Syntax:
# <debug_item> <debug_flag>
# 100 = IPX KERNEL
# 101 = NWSERV
# 102 = NCPSERV
# 103 = NWCONN
# 104 = start NWCLIENT
# 105 = NWBIND
# 106 = NWROUTED
# 0 = disable debug, 1 = enable debug
100 0
101 0
102 0
103 0
104 0
105 0
106 0
# Syntax:
# 200 <flag>
# 0 = run NWSERV in foreground and don't use logfile
# 1 = run NWSERV in background and use logfile
200 1
# Syntax:
# 201 <logfile>
201 /tmp/nw.log
# Syntax:
# 202 <flag>
# 0 = append to existing logfile
# 1 = overwrite existing logfile
202 1
# This item sets the time after a SERVER DOWN is issued that the
# server really goes down.
# Syntax:
# 210 <time>
# in seconds. (defaults 10)
210 10
# The time is seconds between server broadcasts
# Syntax:
# 211 <time>
# in seconds. (defaults 60)
211 60
# Set how many broadcasts take place before logging of routing
# information occurs.
# Syntax:
# 300 <number>
300 5
# Set the name of the routing logfile
# Syntax:
# 301 <filename>
301 /tmp/nw.routes
# Set whether you want to append to an existing log file or
# overwrite it.
# Syntax:
# 302 <flag>
# <flag> is 0 for append, 1 for create/overwrite
302 1
# Set the timing for watchdog messages that ensure the network is
# still alive.
# Syntax:
# 310 <value>
# <value> = 0 - always send watchdogs
# < 0 - (-ve) for disable watchdogs
# > 0 - send watchdogs when network traffic
# drops below 'n' ticks
310 7
# Set the filename for the stations file which determine which
# machines this diakomisth arxeiwn will act as the primary diakomisth arxeiwn for.
# The syntax of this file is described in the 'examples' directory
# of the source code.
# Syntax:
# 400 <filename>
400 /etc/nwserv.stations
# Set how SAP Get Nearest Fileserver Requests are handled.
# Syntax:
# 401 <flag>
# <flag> is: 0 - disable 'Get Nearest Fileserver' requests.
# 1 - The 'stations' file lists stations to be excluded.
# 2 - The 'stations' file lists stations to be included.
401 2
. An exete ry8misei to diakomisth sas na perimenei ejwterika programmata gia na ry8misei to diktyo sas kai/h gia na parexei tis leitoyrgies dromologhshs tote 8a prepei na ta jekinhsete prin jekinhsete ton diakomisth. Ypo8etontas pws exete ry8misei to diakomisth etsi wste na ry8misei ta interfaces gia sas kai na parexei tis leitoyrgies dromologhshs poy xreiazeste, apla dwste th entolh:
# nwserv
. Gia na elegjete ton diakomisth 8a prepei prwta na epixeirhsete na synde8eite kai na kanete login apo ena NetWare pelath toy diktuoy sas. Meta 8a prepei na kanete ena CAPTURE
apo ton pelath kai na epixeirhsete mia ektupwsh. An kai ta dyo einai epityxhmena tote o diakomisths leitoyrgei.
O Ales Dryak <[email protected]>
dhmiourghse to lwared gia na
epitrecei sto Linux na leitoyrgei ws enas NCP diakomisths arxeiwn.
O Ales exei onomasei to paketo lwared, mia syntomografia gia to LinWare Daemon.
O diakomisths lwared einai ikanos na parexei ena yposunolo yphresiwn toy plhroys Novell NCP. Enswmatwnei thn yphresia mhnymatwn alla den parexei kamia yphresia ektupwshs. Pros to paron de synergazetai swsta me pelates Windows95 h Windows NT. O diakomisths lwared basizetai se ejwterika programmata gia na dhmioyrghsei kai na enhmerwsei toys pinakes dromologhshs IPX kai SAP.
Pelates me kakh leitoyrgia mporei na prokalesoyn th diakoph ths leitoyrgias toy diakomisth. Oi yphresies metafrasews twn onomatwn twn arxeiwn den exoyn symperilhf8ei akoma.
O diakomisths den leitoyrgei gia ta kelufh NETX kai VLM .
To lwared paketo mporei na xtistei an exete pyrhna newtero apo ton
. Sas synistw na xrhsimopoihsete th ekdosh 1.2.13
afou etsi den apaiteitai kamia dior8wsh/ mpalwma toy pyrhna
(kernel patch). Kapoies apo tis leitoyrgies toy IPX exoyn allajei me toys pyrhnes ekdoshs 1.3.*
kai ayto shmainei oti apaitountai twra dior8wseis
gia na leitoyrghsei kanonika. Katallhla mpalwmata (patches) symperilambanontai gia toys
neoys pyrhnes, kai ara akoma kai an prepei na xrhsimopoihsete ena alpha pyrhna, prepei kai pali na mporeite na kanete
to lwared na leitoyrgei kanonika.
Mporeite na katebasete to paketo lwared xrhsimopoiwntas anwnymo ftp apo to: klokan.sh.cvut.cz
h apo to :
h mirror sites. H prosfath ekdosh thn wra toy gracimatos einai:
Kati san:
# cd /usr/src # tar xvpfz lwared-0.95.tar.gz
An xrhsimopoieite enan pyrhna alpha 1.3.*
, tote prepei na dokimasete na
xrhsimopoihsete ton pyrhna ekdoshs 1.3.17
h newterh giati ta parexomena mpalwmata xtisthkan gia ayton.
Oi pyrhnes 1.3.*
poy einai palioteroi apo to 1.3.17
8a apaithsoyn
xeirokinhtes dior8wseis gia na egkatasta8oun. ( kapoies plhrofories gia pws ginetai ayto symperilambanontai sto arxeio INSTALL
toy paketoy.). Gia na egkatasthsete ta mpalwmata se pyrhna 1.3.17
h newtero, dokimaste:
# make patch
Afou efarmosoyme ta mpalwmata, an xreiazetai, to epomeno pragma poy 8a prepei
na ginei einai na bebaiw8eite pws o pyrhnas sas exei xtistei me dynatothtes yposthrijhs IPX.
Se pyrhna ekdoshs 1.2.13
xreiazetai mono na sigoyrecete pws exete apanthsei
sth erwthsh: 'The IPX protocol
' opws
deixnei parakatw:
... ... Assume subnets are local (CONFIG_INET_SNARL) [y] Disable NAGLE algorithm (normally enabled) (CONFIG_TCP_NAGLE_OFF) [n] The IPX protocol (CONFIG_IPX) [n] y * * SCSI support ... ...Stoys newteroys pyrhnes efarmozetai mia paromoia diadikasia alla to ka8eayto keimeno ths erwthshs mporei na exei ligo allajei.
8a xreiastei epishs na sigoyrecete pws symperilabate enan katallhlo odhgo gia thn Ethernet karta sas. An den gnwrizete pws na kanete ayto tote prepei na diabasete to Ethernet-HOWTO.
Proxwrhste sto xtisimo toy pyrhna sas. Mhn jexasete na trejete to lilo gia na ton egkatasthsete otan teleiwsete.
Gia na metaglwttisete to lwared
prepei prwta na elegjete kai na dior8wsete, an xreiastei, to arxeioserver/config.h
Ayto to arxeio periexei diafores ry8miseis poy 8a ka8orisoyn thn symperifora toy diakomisth sas.
Oi proka8orismenes times einai logikes, parolo poy isws 8elhsete
na elegjete oti oi kataxwrhseis gia toys katalogoys twn log arxeiwn sas, tairiazoyn sto susthma sas.
# make depend # make # make installParathrhsa pws to '
make depend
' parapone8hke pws den briskei to
arxeio float.h
sto susthma moy, alla telika leitourghse.
Akomh anakalyca pws otan ekana metaglwttish me gcc 2.6.3
eprepe na allajw th grammh:
#include <net/route.h>se
#include <net/if_route.h>sto
ka8ws ayto to arxeio metonomasthke kapoia stigmh.
To 'make install
' 8a prospa8hsei na egkatasthsei to diakomisth kai toys daimones
dromologhshs ston katalogo /usr/sbin
, to programma lwpasswd
ston katalogo /usr/bin
, tis efarmoges gia IPX ston katalogo /sbin
kai telos,
tis selides boh8eias ston katalogo /usr/man
. An kapoies apo aytes
tis topo8esies den antapokrinontai sto susthma sas, 8a prepei na dior8wsete
to sxetiko Makefile
kai na allajete toys katalogoys proorismou opws sas boleuei.
Kai twra to diaskedastiko meros!
To prwto pragma poy prepei na kanete einai na ry8misete ta Ethernet interfaces gia na yposthrijoyn
ta IPX diktya poy o diakomisths sas 8a yposthrijei.
Gia na to kanete 8a prepei na gnwrizete tis IPX diey8unseis diktuoy gia ka8e ena apo
ta tmhmata (segments) toy LAN, poia syskeyh Ethernet (eth0
, eth1
klp.) einai se
poio tmhma, ti tupoy prwtokollo paketwn (802.3
, EtherII
etc.) xrhsimopoieitai se ka8e
tmhma toy LAN kai poia eswterikh dieu8ynsh diktuoy 8a prepei na exei o diakomisths sas
(ayto xreiazetai mono an o diakomisths sas ejyphretei perissotera apo ena tmhmata LAN).
Mia ru8mish gia ton diakomisth brisketai se duo paromoia tmhmata me IPX diey8unseis diktuoy
kai 23a91301
kai eswterikh dieu8ynsh diktuoy bdefaced
, isws na moiazei me:
# ipx_internal_net add BDEFACED 1 # ipx_interface add eth0 802.3 23a91300 # ipx_interface add eth1 etherii 23a91301
O idios o pyrhnas prow8ei to IPX paketo (IPX forwarding) opws kai gia to IP, alla apaitei pros8eta programmata gia na diaxeiristei tis enhmerwseis toy pinaka dromologhshs. Sthn periptwsh toy IPX xreiazontai duo daimones kai oi duo parexontai me lwared: To ipxripd diaxeirizetai tis plhrofories dromologhshs toy IPX kai to ipxsapd diaxeirizetai tis SAP plhrofories. Gia na jekinhsete toys daimones poy xreiazeste, ka8oriste mono to xwro poy 8a apo8hkeuoyn ta log mhnumata toys :
# ipxripd /var/adm/ipxrip # ipxsapd /var/adm/ipxsap
. Yparxoyn dyo arxeia poy prepei na ry8misete xeirokinhta gia na epitrecete to login xrhstwn ston lwared diakomisth. Ayta einai ta:
. Edw fylassontai oi plhrofories gia toys logariasmous twn xrhstwn toy LinWare. To programma lwpasswd xrhsimeuei gia na to krata enhmero.
Sthn aplousterh toy morfh, to arxeio /etc/lwpasswd
moiazei ws ejhs:
ales: terryd: guest:To format toy einai mia aplh lista apo login id poy akoloy8ountai apo ena ':' xarakthra kai meta th kwdikopoihmenh ekdosh toy kwdikou eisodoy sto susthma (login password). Merika shmantika 8emata einai ta ejhs:
No encrypted password shmainei kanena kwdiko (password), oi xrhstes toy LinWare prepei na exoyn logariasmo sto Linux (account), dhladh ka8e xrhsths poy prosti8etai sto /etc/lwpasswd
prepei na emfanizetai epishs kai sto /etc/passwd
kai root
einai o monos logariasmos poy mporei na allajei ton kwdiko enos alloy xrhsth LinWare. An exete mpei san root
mporeite na allajete ton kwdiko enos alloy toy xrhsth toy LinWare ws ejhs:
# lwpasswd rodg Changing password for RODG Enter new password: Re-type new password: Password changed.
Ayto einai to volume table toy Linware kai apo8hkeuoyn plhrofories gia to poioi katalogoi prepei na einai dia8esimoi stoys xrhstes toy LinWare (ayto to arxeio einai paromoio apo th fush toy me to NFS arxeio /etc/exports
Ena aplo paradeigma toy format toy einai ayto poy akoloy8ei:
SYS /lwfs/sys DATA /lwfs/data HOME /homeAyto to format einai aplo: Onoma Volume poy akoloy8eitai apo keno (whitespace) kai meta akoloy8ei o katalogos Linux poy 8a ginei export. Prepei na exete toylaxiston mia kataxwrish gia to volume
gia na jekinhsei o diakomisths. An 8elete oi xrhstes DOS
na mporoun na xrhsimopoioun to LinWare diakomisth san kurio diakomisth, tote prepei
na egkatasthsete mia stantar domh katalogoy SYS
volume katw apo ton katalogo poy kanete export san to SYS
volume. Mia kai ayta ta arxeia exoyn pneymatika
dikaiwmata kai anhkoyn sth etaireia Novell, 8a prepei na exete adeia gia ayta.
An oi xrhstes sas xrhsimopoioun Novell file diakomisth san kurio diakomisth, tote to parapanw den einai aparaithto.
# lwaredEinai sxedon apogohteytiko, etsi den einai; Entajei, exete kati na rwthsete, etsi den einai; Poio einai to onoma toy diakomisth arxeiwn to opoio diafhmizetai; An jekinhsate to diakomisth, opws sas eipa, tote to onoma toy diakomisth LinWare poy diafhmizetai 8a basizetai se o,ti epistrefetai apo to hostname toy Linux. An 8elete na einai kati allo, tote mporeite na onomasete to diakomisth otan ton jekinate p.x.:
# lwared -nlinux008a jekinhsei to diakomisth me onoma
To prwto pragma poy prepei na elegjete einai an o diakomisths LinWare emfanizetai se ena slist apo ena DOS client sto diktyo sas. To programma slist einai apo8hkeymeno sto SYS
volume enos Novell fileserver kai etsi prepei na to kanete apo mhxanhma poy einai hdh mesa sto diktyo. An den petuxei, tote bebaiw8eite oti
trexoyn ta ipxsapd kai lwared. An to slist petuxei, tote prepei na dokimasete na kanete attach sto diakomisth kai na kanete map ena volume:
C:> attach linux00/ales ... ... C:> map l:=linux00/data: C:> l:Prepei na eiste se 8esh na xeiris8eite to neo map opws kai opoiodhpote allo map. Ta permissions toy arxeioy poy 8a exete 8a einai basismena se ayta poy epitrepontai sto logariasmo linux poy trexei parallhla me to LinWare login.