Oi David E. Storey <[email protected]>
kai Volker Lendecke <[email protected]>
boh8hsan polu parexontas moy plhrofories gia ayto to keimeno.
Oi Gilbert Callaghan <[email protected]>
David Higgins <[email protected]>
Chad Robinson <[email protected]>
proseferan plhrofories gia to pws na ry8misoyme to IPX/PPP.
O Bennie Venter <[email protected]>
syneisfere dinontas merikes xrhsimes
plhrofories sxetika me ta frame types.
O Christopher Wall <[email protected]
ekane merikes xrhsimes protaseis
gia na beltiwsoyme thn anagnwsimothta kai th domh aytou toy keimenoy.
O Axel Boldt <[email protected]>
prosefere orismenes xrhsimes protaseis
kai feedback.
O Erik D. Olson <[email protected]>
prosfere xrhsimo feedback kai
plhrofories gia pws na ry8misoyme to PPP gia IPX.
O Brian King <[email protected]>
edwse mia erwthsh gia to tmhma FAQ.
"NetWare" einai ena kataxwrhmeno trademark ths Novell Corporation. "Caldera" einai ena kataxwrhmeno trademark ths Caldera Corporation.
Terry Dawson, VK2KTJ.