Polloi apo sas 8a eiste se katastash opoy exete dyo Novell Local Area Netorks
mono me mia IP sundesh metaju toys. Pws paizoyme to multiplayer deathmatch
DOOM gia to DOS me ayth th diatajh pi8ana na rwthsete;
O Andreas Godzina
<[email protected]>
exei thn apanthsh gia sas sth morfh toy
To ipxtunnel parexei mia dieykolynsh tupoy gefyras (bridge-like facility) gia to IPX epitrepontas sta IPX paketa na einai kwdikopoihmena me diagrammata tcp/ip etsi wste na mporoun na metafer8oun mesw mias sundeshs tcp/ip. Perimenei gia IPX paketa kai otan emfanistei ena to "tyligei" me ena diagramma tcp/ip kai to dromologei se mia makrinh IP dieu8ynsh poy eseis ka8orizete. Gia na leitoyrghsei ayto fysika, 8a prepei to mhxanhma poy dromologeite to kwdikopoihmeno IPX na trexei epishs ena antigrafo ths idias ekdoshs toy ipxtunnel opws eseis.
Mporeite na apokthsete to ipxtunnel apo to sunsite.unc.edu h apo kapoio mirror site.
Extisa xwris problhma to ipxtunnel xrhsimopoiwntas tis akoloy8es entoles:
# cd /usr/src
# tar xvfz .../ipxtunnel.tgz
# cd ipxtunnel
# make
H ru8mish toy ipxtunnel einai aplh. As ypo8esoyme oti to mhxanhma twn
filwn sas einai to gau.somewhere.com
kai to diko sas mhxanhma to gim.sw.edu
. To ipxtunnel xrhsimopoiei ena arxeio ry8misewn poy legetai
. Ayto to arxeio sas epitrepei na ka8orisete to default UDP port poy 8a xrhsimopoieite gia th tcp/ip sundesh, pou 8a steilete tis
kwdikopoihmenes plhrofories kai poio apo ta topika interfaces toy ipxtunnel
8a prepei na akouei kai na perimenei na paradwsei ta paketa IPX.
Ena aplo arxeio ry8misewn 8a moiazei me to akoloy8o:
# /etc/ipxtunnel.conf for gim.sw.edu
# The UDP port to use: (default 7666)
port 7777
# The remote machine to send IPX packets to: (no default)
remote gau.somewhere.com
# The local interfaces to listen for IPX on: (default eth0)
interface eth0
interface eth1
Profanws to allo mhxanhma 8a exei ena paromoio arxeio ry8misewn to opoio
8a ka8orizei ayto to mhxanhma san ena remote
To ipxtunnel symperiferetai san mia gefyra IPX, etsi wste ta diktya IPX se opoiodhpote akro ths sundeshs 8a einai pi8ana ta idia. O Andreas den exei elegjei pote to ipxtunnel se periballon to opoio yposthrizei Novell file servers, etsi an to dokimasete se ena pragmatiko periballon enhmerwste ton Andrea an leitoyrgei h oxi.
An to ipxtunnel leitoyrgei, mporeite na jekinhsete ta DOOM mhxanhmata sas se ka8e akro ths sundeshs trexontas se IPX mode kai 8a prepei na blepete o enas ton allo.
O Andreas exei xrhsimopoihsei ayton ton kwdika mono mesw kalwn, grhgorwn grammwn kai den isxyrizetai tipota sxetika me thn apodosh toy otan h sundesh einai kakhs poiothtas. Pali, enhmerwste ton ti leitoyrgei gia sas kai ti oxi.