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3. Ry8miseis Ellhnikwn

Oloi oi Eyrwpaioi xrhstes opoioydhpote leitoyrgikou systhmatos, exoyn duo problhmata: To prwto einai h emfanish twn eidikwn xarakthrwn (grammatwn) ths glwssas, kai to deutero einai na enhmerwsoyn ton ypologisth gia thn allagh toy plhktrologioy. Malista ta pragmata einai xeirotera, giati oi efarmoges den perimenoyn eidikous xarakthres kai syxna apaitoun eidikes ry8miseis h metablhtes periballontos.

Gia thn emfanish twn xarakthrwn xreiazetai na jeroyn oi efarmoges oti xrhsimopoieitai to set 737 h to 928 (=ISO-8859-7 h Latin-7). Epipros8eta 8a xreiastoun grammatoseires wste na fainontai kai na typwnontai swsta ta ellhnika.

Gia mia grhgorh egkatastash ellhnikwn deite to antistoixo kefalaio: Egkatastasi-Ellinikwn

3.1 Ellhnikes grammatoseires

Gia grammatoseires gia Tex, blepe Links-gia-Tex


To egxeirhma GRAFIS exei skopo na syllejei oles tis ellhnikes grammatoseires gia X-Windows poy kykloforoun eleu8eres (PUBLIC DOMAIN) sto Diktyo, na tis omadopoihsei kata tupo h/kai xarakthristika, na dior8wsei tyxon la8h poy aytes exoyn, na dhmioyrghsei nees grammatoseires kai telos, na tis paradwsei sthn Ellhnikh koinothta ws public domain. Hdh to exei petuxei, deite

To GRAFIS perilambanei OLA ta prohgoumena paketa me kales ellhnikes grammatoseires poy exoyn kykloforhsei kata kairous:

 Shmeiwseis apo Aggelo Xaritsi [[email protected]]:
 * ta Type1 (k.a.) 928 fonts moy exoyn to A tonoymeno se 2 theseis wste na
   einai symbata me windows texts. Epishs exoyn kai ta symbola poy leipoyn.
 * to kbd support gia ellhnika sto rxvt (poy exw kanei contribute) exei
   yposthriksh gia anw teleia kai ellhnika omoiwmatika kathws epishs
   kai grammata me tono/dialytika. Ola ayta prepei na perasoyn
   se X11 xkb-style (ala grISOXKb).

* X11greek:
Den iksera oti den bgainei h payla! An typwseis to PS bgainei
kanonika. Ara mallon einai bug toy X Type1 rasteriser.
BTW, exw kanei ki ena aplo filtro (grpsfilter) poy epitrepei printing 
greek texts mesa apo Netscape. Des parakatw!
H lysh poy allazei ola ta ksena fonts se ellhnika den einai swsth.

To greekXfonts-full-1.1.tgz egine me skopo:
* na mazepsei ta pio kala greek fonts poy yphrxan sto diktyo
  Exei ta grtex/grtt kai polla alla: grfixed, couriergr, helveticagr.
  Akoma fonts kai se 737 encodings.
* na xrhsimopoihsei "swsta" (XLFD) kai omoiogenh font names
* na prosferei Type1 scalable fonts ypshlhs poiothtas (ta opoia
  prosferontai kai xwrista) - grinet
* na doyleyei trasnsparently me Netscape


Teleytaia yparxei h dynatothta na xrhsimopoihsei kaneis kai Truetype grammatoseires, me ena true-type font engine kai metatropeis, idanika gia osoys exoyn sylloges apo grammatoseires gia Windows/Mac. Deite kai gia na sthsete true type grammatoseires sto magaz

Kanena ergaleio gia na ftiajw fonts;

Ti fonts, bitmap (px. PCF/BDF) h Scalable (p.x. Type1, TTF) ;

Gia to prwto yparxoyn diafora (xmbdfed polu kalo, xfedor oxi kai toso) Gia to deutero tipota oysiastiko (dystyxws). Dystyxws oti yparxei se styl Fontographer kai Icarus einai se polu alpha stadio. To mono sobaro programma kai kata th gnwmh moy to kalutero einai to METAFONT alla 8elei diabasma.

Yparxei mia polu endiaferoysa selida sto diktyo: Sthn selida ayth 8a brei kaneis - ektos apo plhrofories gia to pws 8a balei kainouria fonts sto mhxanhma toy- ergaleia metatrophs: px to ttftobdf. Epishs yparxei to bdftopcf.

Endiaferoysa einai epishs kai h selida: me mia poikilia ttf fonts (px. gia na mporei kaneis na grafei got8ika se xterm)

3.2 Konsola (text mode)

Oi teleytaies dianomes prepei na exoyn ta ellhnika enswmatwmena. Trejte:

#setfont iso07.f16
#loadkeys gr
Ean den deite mynhmata la8oys, tote exete ellhnika sthn konsola hdh, allazoyn me aristero ALT-SHIFT.



Sthn konsola mporeite na xrhsimopoihsete to greek-console toy Giwrgoy Keramida. Yposthrizei kai 737 kai 928, enw exei kai eukolh egkatastash me rpm. Ta ellhnika fainontai me "chcp 737" kai "chcp 928" kai (ap)energopoiountai me (aristera) ALT-SHIFT. Epishs to deji ALT allazei stigmiaia to plhktrologio.

Pyrhnes 2.2 kai ellhnika

H nea genia pyrhnwn 2.2.x (kai ara kai oi 2.3.x), exoyn neo kwdika gia thn diaxeirish ths o8onhs se text mode (einai pleon me framebuffer) kai gia ayto yparxoyn problhmata sthn yposthrijh twn ellhnikwn sthn konsola (oxi sto grafiko periballon). O Swthrhs Tsimponhs brhke thn lush, na proste8ei sto /etc/profile to ejhs:

[ -t 1 ] && printf "\033(K"
, to opoio energopoiei ta ellhnika otan kapoios kanei interactive login.

Loipa programmata gia konsola

O Alejios Xoyxoulas exei gracei epishs to greek-2.0.tar.gz kai o Antwnhs Kabarnos ([email protected]) to grpty, poy doyleuei kai se solaris.

3.3 Grafiko periballon (Xwindows)

Oi epiloges poy exei kaneis gia na grafei ellhnika katw apo XWindows se Linux einai (peran toy na ta ftiajei monos toy, px me xmodmap opws leei sto HRI): to GRkbd (h genikoterh lush) , to grISOXKb (ean apotuxei to prohgoumeno) kai to kikbd (gia to KDE).


To paketo ayto apo to Giannh Tsakirh einai oysiastika mia shmaia poy allazei apo thn mia glwssa sthn allh, opws 8ymountai polloi apo ta windows-3.x. Einai h pio eukolh lush gia na exete ellhnika sto Linux sas kai 8a to breite sto metalab se source me to onoma greek12.tgz kai ston Argea se binary. To tgz arxeio poy 8a katebasete, periexei ena README, kai ena ektelesimo poy 8a balete ston katalogo /usr/local/bin. Mia shmaia poy allazei apo ellhnikh se agglikh kai anapoda se ka8e klik, h me pathma toy aristerou ALT-SHIFT, 8a emfanistei sthn o8onh otan to ektelesete. Diabaste to README.


To KiKbd einai apo toys Alexander Budnik kai Dhmhtrio Mpoura kai einai enas komcos tropos na exei kaneis ellhnika sto KDE (symperilambanetai). Doulece swsta me KDE=1.1.1 kai Qt=1.42 (alla oxi 1.44).


Epishs, einai en gnwsh mas h uparjh aytou toy paketoy gia ellhnika: toy Spuroy Iwannoy, poy einai katallhlo gia polla tupoy UNIX leitoyrgika systhmata.


H prwth ekdosh toy grISOXKb (1997) einai proion synergasias twn Dhmhtrh Mpoura kai Lefterh Tsintzelh. To paketo grISOXKb einai ypersunolo twn palaioterwn GRKbd (oxi ayto toy Tsakirh - aplh synwnymia... ) kai grXiso. H version ayth exei polla "kaloudia". Ta duo pio shmantika einai:

Perissotera sto README toy paketoy, kai sta arxeia docs/INSTALLATION.*:

Apo [[email protected]]
Ta tonoymena (; + letter) de moy bgainoyn se shells (ok se xedit).
Den exw akomh brei giati.
To package einai ontws poly kalh prospatheia. Einai akoma ateles.
Leipoyn: tonoymena+dialytika, anw teleia, ellhnika omoiwmatika
(BTW, ola yposthrizontai sto rxvt compiled me greek support).
Epishs: ypothetei oti to keyboard einai ellhniko. Yparxoyn polla kbds
(opws ta UK, IT klp) poy exoyn polla symbols se theseis diaforetikes
apo to ellhniko (eg. @, ", \ klp). Exw hdh kanei patch sto grISOXKb
gia to UK keyboard kai kalo einai na mporei kaneis me COUNTRY-X 
keyboard na mporei na kanei type ellhnika xwris na allazoyn oi theseis
allwn symbols.

Mazi me fix twn parapanw to XKB X11 greek support tha einai sxedon teleio.
Ksereis an kai poy exei documentation gia XKB kai compose files.
Kapoios prepei na to teleiwsei. Doyleyei kaneis twra se ayto ?

3.4 Zwnh wras (Timezone)

H Ellada brisketai sthn Wriaia Zwnh Anatolikhs Eyrwphs (Eastern European Timezone,EET), poy einai isodunamo me thn wra Greenwich syn 2 wres (GMT+2), kata thn xeimerinh periodo. To kalokairi otan ginetai allagh wras, h swsth diafora einai +0300 (EET DST), opoy DST shmainei Daylight Saving Time. Prokeimenoy na ginetai aytomata h metatroph, kalutera epilejte Europe/Athens. To 1996 allaje h hmeromhnia allaghs apo kalokairinh se xeimerinh wra (apo Septembrh, twra ginetai Oktwbrh). Oi nees dianomes toy Linux meta to 1996 to exoyn yp' ocin toys ayto, oi palaioteres 8eloyn dior8wsh. Deite ta epomena ypokefalaia sxetika me to 8ema.


Dhmhtrhs Bouras: Me to paron 0a h0ela na anakoinwsw ena mini-paketo pou parexei ena dior0wmeno arxeio gia to Ellhniko timezone, meta tis allages pou perisy kai fetos (1996) anakoinw0hkan gia tis hmeromhnies allaghs ths "kalokairinhs" wras. Mazi me auto yparxei kai ena mikro programmataki pou diabazei tetoia arxeia kai typwnei tis plhrofories pou periexoun se an0rwpina-anagnwsimh morfh (pws leme "human-readable form" - h metafrash twn agglikwn orwn dinei kai pairnei, etsi gia na anatrixiazoun merikoi-merikoi :) :)).

To paketaki (molis 4365 bytes) 0a to breite (entos oligou) sto

Katebaste to kai diabaste to README gia perissotera. Bottom line: to timezone file "Hellas" pou periexei, parexei swstes hmeromhnies allaghs wras (symfwna me thn prosfath epishmh anakoinwsh) gia thn Ellada, mexri kai ton Oktwbrio tou 2001, h mexri na mas alla3oune pali tis hmeromhnies... :)


An 8elei na orisei kaneis timezone environment variable, ayth einai h 
        setenv TZ 'EET-2EET DST-3,M3.5.0/3:00:00,M10.5.0/3:00:00'
vraio e? :-)

Pio kala bebaia einai na xrhsimopoioyme to svsto zoneinfo arxeio.
Oi teleytaies ekdoseis toy linux exoyn svsta orismeno 
to EET (allakse to 1996).
Oi palaioteres allazoyn thn vra to Septembrio, anti toy Oktvbrioy.
Etsi ftiaxnoyme to parakatv arxeio EET.zic:

----- CUT: EET.zic -----
Rule    E-Eur   1986    max     -       Mar     lastSun 3:00s   1:00    " DST"
Rule    E-Eur   1986    1995    -       Sep     lastSun 3:00s   0       -
Rule    E-Eur   1996    max     -       Oct     lastSun 3:00s   0       -
Zone    EET             2:00    E-Eur           EET%s
----- CUT: END OF EET.zic -----

        zic EET.zic
(ayto ftiaxnei to /usr/lib/zoneinfo/EET)
        /bin/rm -f /var/lib/zoneinfo/localtime
        ln -s /usr/lib/zoneinfo/localtime /var/lib/zoneinfo/EET

3.5 Ektypwseis

Se ayto to kefalaio 8a perigracoyme pws na ry8misete to susthma sas wste na mporeite na ektypwsete ellhnika. An den eiste ejoikiwmenoi me ta basika sxetika me ta lpd kai lpr kalo 8a htan na symboyleyteite to Printing-HOWTO poy dinei polutimes plhrofories.

Plain text se text ektypwth poy yposthrizei ellhnika.

Ean o ektypwths sas mporei na typwsei plain text kai yposthrizei ellhnika, den xreiazetai na kanete sxedon tipota. Apla steilte to keimeno gia ektupwsh me thn entolh lpr. Prosejte mono to 8ema toy set xarakthrwn: bl. kefalaio greekcharsets . Ean o ektypwths sas yposthrizei diaforetikh kwdikoselida apo ayth poy einai grammeno to keimeno, 8a prepei na to metatrecete, bl. convertgreek .

Plain text se ektypwth poy den yposthrizei ellhnika.

An o ektypwths sas den yposthrizei ellhnika, 8a prepei na metatrecete to plain text keimeno se PostScript mesw toy a2ps (bl. a2ps ) kai na to typwsete mesw toy Ghostscript. Ean exete problhmata, cajte gia to a2psgr.

Typwnontas ellhniko PostScript keimeno.

Akomh kai ean den dia8etete ektypwth poy na yposthrizei PostScript, to Linux sas epitrepei na typwnete tetoia keimena mesw toy Ghostscript. To ghostcript einai ena programma poy metatrepei PostScript arxeia se morfh poy mporoun na katalaboyn alles syskeyes (ektypwtes diaforwn eidwn, X Windows, fax k.l.). Apo ayto to shmeio kai pera, "ektupwsh mesa apo to ghostscript" 8a shmainei metatroph enos PostScript arxeioy sto format toy ektypwth sas kai meta ektupwsh me kapoia entolh ths morfhs lpr file.

Ti 8a xreiasteite gia na typwsete ellhnika apo to ghostview:

Dokimaste oti doyleuei swsta px me thn entolh: {???}

gs -sDEVICE=deskjet -dNOPAUSE -sOutpoutFile=/dev/lp1

Tropopoiwntas to Fontmap

To Fontmap einai to arxeio poy dinei sto ghostscript pou 8a brei to arxeio ka8e grammatoseiras. Sto susthma moy brisketai sto

. An den jerete pou exei egkatasta8ei to diko sas, dwste
find / -name "Fontmap"
gia na to breite.

To Fontmap apoteleitai apo eggrafes ths morfhs

/Charter-Roman                  (bchr.pfa)      ;
H grammh ayth gia paradeigma deixnei oti h grammatoseira Courier-Roman brisketai sto arxeio bchr.pfa.

To mono poy xreiazetai na kanoyme einai na pros8esoyme tis ellhnikes grammatoseires. Ta onomata poy 8a dwsete stis grammatoseires sas mporoun na einai opoiadhpote (p.x. PanosArialBold) alla kalo einai na exoyn mia logikh (p.x. to PanosArialBold na mhn antistoixei se mia courier italic grammatoseira !!!). An oi grammatoseires synodeuontai apo kapoio arxeio poy na tis perigrafei (p.x. fonts.scale) kalo 8a htan na xrhsimopoihsete onomata poy na einai antistoixa me ayta poy dinontai ekei. Mporeite akomh na dwsete

strings filename.pfb | more
kai na koitajete gia kapoia grammh ths morfhs
/FontName /GreekArialBold def
Prosoxh! Ta onomata twn arxeiwn otan den perilambanoyn to directory 8ewrountai pws briskontai sto directory poy to ghostscript fylaei paromoia arxeia. An oi grammatoseires sas briskontai kapoy allou na balete oloklhro to onoma. Gia paradeigma,

/GreekArialPlain (/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/Type1GR/grkarip.pfb) ;

An stelnete arxeia pros ektupwsh apo diafores efarmoges (p.x. Netscape) einai polu pi8ano aytes na xrhsimopoioun kapoies default grammatoseires. Gia paradeigma, to Netscape 8a steilei opoiodhpote arxeio, anejarthta apo thn glwssa poy einai grammeno, na typw8ei me tis grammatoseires Times kai Courier. Ayto 8a exei san apotelesma na typwnontai ta ellhnika keimena se akatanohth morfh (gia na to poyme eygenika). H lush einai na pros8esete sto telos toy Fontmap eggrafes poy 8a antika8istoyn tis grammatoseires aytes me tis ellhnikes. Gia paradeigma oi teleytaies grammes toy dikou moy Fontmap einai:

/Times-Roman                    /GreekTimesPlain ;
/Times-Italic                   /GreekTimesItalic ;
/Times-Bold                     /GreekTimesBold ;
/Times-BoldItalic               /GreekBoldItalic ;
/Courier                        /GreekCourierPlain      ;
/Courier-Italic                 /GreekCourierItalic ;
/Courier-Bold                   /GreekCourierBold ;
/Courier-BoldItalic             /GreekCourierBoldItalic ;
H lush ayth den einai to idaniko alla toylaxiston doyleuei.

Fontmap, pros8etes luseis

O 'Aggelos Xaritshs moy esteile tis dikes toy ry8miseis gia to problhma sxetika me to Fontmap, ka8ws kai ena programmataki, to grpsfilter (deite parakatw), me to opoio 8a mporesete na jeperasete to problhma me to netscape xwris na peirajete to fontmap.

Ta Fontmap aliases poy proteinw (kanei use ta Type1 fonts moy):
Pros to telos toy Fontmap:
% ------------------------------------------------------
% Elot greek fonts by Angelo Haritsis <[email protected]>
% ------------------------------------------------------
/GreekArialPlain                (grkarip.pfb)   ;
/GreekArialBold                 (grkarib.pfb)   ;
/GreekArialItalic               (grkarii.pfb)   ;
/GreekArialBoldItalic           (grkaribi.pfb)  ;
/Greek-Arial-Plain              /GreekArialPlain ;
/Greek-Arial-Bold               /GreekArialBold ;
/Greek-Arial-Italic             /GreekArialItalic ;
/Greek-Arial-Bold-Italic        /GreekArialBoldItalic ;
/Greek-Arial-BoldItalic         /GreekArialBoldItalic ;

/GreekTimesPlain                (grktimp.pfb)   ;
/GreekTimesBold                 (grktimb.pfb)   ;
/GreekTimesItalic               (grktimi.pfb)   ;
/GreekTimesBoldItalic           (grktimbi.pfb)  ;
/Greek-Times-Plain              /GreekTimesPlain ;
/Greek-Times-Roman              /GreekTimesPlain ;
/Greek-Times-Bold               /GreekTimesBold ;
/Greek-Times-Italic             /GreekTimesItalic ;
/Greek-Times-Bold-Italic        /GreekTimesBoldItalic ;
/Greek-Times-BoldItalic         /GreekTimesBoldItalic ;

/GreekCourierPlain              (grkcurp.pfb)   ;
/GreekCourierBold               (grkcurb.pfb)   ;
/GreekCourierItalic             (grkcuri.pfb)   ;
/GreekCourierBoldItalic         (grkcurbi.pfb)  ;
/GreekCourier                   /GreekCourierPlain ;
/Greek-Courier                  /GreekCourierPlain ;
/Greek-Courier-Plain            /GreekCourierPlain ;
/Greek-Courier-Bold             /GreekCourierBold ;
/Greek-Courier-Italic           /GreekCourierItalic ;
/Greek-Courier-Bold-Italic      /GreekCourierBoldItalic ;
/Greek-Courier-BoldItalic       /GreekCourierBoldItalic ;

% Polytoniko Greek fonts
/GreekPolyTimesPlain            (grkpolp.pfb)   ;
/GreekPolyTimesItalic           (grkpoli.pfb)   ;
/Greek-Poly-Times-Plain         /GreekPolyTimesPlain ;
/Greek-Poly-Times-Italic        /GreekPolyTimesItalic ;


Na kai to aplo filtro grpsfilter:
# Filter to print greek from Netscape (may be used in printcap)
# (c) 1997 Angelo Haritsis <[email protected]>
# NB: You need my postscript greek fonts and proper Fontmap!
exec sed -e 's/\/Times\(.* findfont\)/\/Greek-Times\1/g' \
    -e 's/\Courier\(.* findfont\)/\Greek-Courier\1/g' \
    -e 's/\/Times-Oblique\(.* findfont\)/Greek-Times-Italic\1/g' \
    -e 's/\/Times-BoldOblique\(.* findfont\)/Greek-Times-BoldItalic\1/g'

An ftiakseis enan printer `grps' sto printcap poy pernaei ola ta
Postscript mesa apo to grpsfilter, tote exeis ellhnikh ektypwsh
xwris na "xalaseis" to FontMap.

Profanws to filter doyleyei kai sto cmd line. Apo Netscape print to
a file: kai meta:
  grpsfilter < | ghostview -  

3.6 Pws kanw mount ena windows partition;

Proupo8esh gia ayto einai na exete kanei compile ton pyrhna me NLS, 737 kai iso-8859-7. An 8elete na energopoiountai ta ellhnika onomata twn arxeiwn Windows aytomata se ka8e ekkinhsh toy systhmatos, prepei na antikatasthsete sto arxeio fstab sth grammh opoy ginetai mount ths katatmhshs me to vfat th lejh default me thn ru8mish iocharset=iso8859-7. Bazei kaneis parametroys sto /etc/fstab gia windows partition me ellhnika filenames, px:

/dev/hda1       /Win95  vfat    rw,user,codepage=737,iocharset=iso8859-7        0       0
h pernate tis parametroys katey8eian sthn entolh mount, px:
mount -tvfat -onoexec,iocharset=iso8859-7 /dev/hda1 /Win95

3.7 Pws na gracw ena CD sto Linux;

Xrhsimopoihste to xcdroast, prosejte omws to format poy 8a dialejete. To paradosiako protypo ISO9660 den mporei na perilabei ola xarakthristika poy exei ena UNIX filesystem opws ayto toy Linux, to ext2. Ant' aytou ta UNIX exoyn to Rockridge, poy yposthrizei directories megaloy ba8oys, mikra-megala grammata, onomata me periergoys xarakthres (kai oi ellhnikoi einai tetoioi gia ta CD), symbolic links, file permissions klp. To Romeo/Joliet poy einai gia windows, den einai toso kalo oso to Rockridge (px den grafei swsta onomata poy arxizoyn me teleia), gia ayto xrhsimopoieiste sthn anagkh thn xakia "Rockridge+Joliet", doyleuei acoga sto diabasma toy CD se polla leitoyrgika systhmata.

Ean anarwtieste giati den doyleuei h egkatastash toy Linux poy brhkate se kapoio CD, einai polu pi8anos logos oti den einai Rockridge.

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