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1. Eisagwgh

Ayto to keimeno exei syllegmenes plhrofories gia thn ru8mish toy leitoyrgikou systhmatos Linux gia thn yposthrijh ths ellhnikhs glwssas. Skopos DEN einai h apanthsh genikwn problhmatwn, alla monon aytwn poy sxetizontai me thn ellhnikh glwssa kai tis idiaiterothtes enos Ellhna xrhsth, symperilambanomenwn:

Gia mia grhgorh Egkatastasi-Ellinikwn anatrejate sto antistoixo kefalaio.

Parakalw, na exete yp' ocin sas oti oi odhgies gia ta ellhnika mporei na mhn xreiazontai h na einai mhn isxuoyn me akribeia sthn periptwsh sas. Ayto px symbainei ej' aitias mikrodiaforwn metaju twn dianomwn (Debian, Suse, Redhat, OpenLinux klp), h epeidh me ton kairo oi luseis poy paroysiazontai edw enswmatwnontai stis dianomes.

1.1 Synthrhsh toy Hellenic-HOWTO

H synthrhsh aytou toy keimenoy ginetai apo ton Gewrgato Fwth < [email protected] > kai h pio teleytaia ekdosh 8a brisketai sto URL:

To keimeno ayto 8a mporeite na to breite epishs edw:

1.2 Morfopoihseis toy Hellenic-HOWTO

To HOWTO ayto yparxei stis ejhs morfopoihseis:

1.3 Tropopoihseis

Gia opoiodhpote metatroph/sxoliasmo toy HOWTO, parakalw epikoinwneiste mazi moy sto [email protected] me subject: HELLENIC-HOWTO. Ean breite la8h h anakribeies sto keimeno, dhlwste to. Epishs analambanw thn or8ografia, tonismo kai syntaktiko elegxo gia ta keimena, xwris ayto na shmainei oti 8a einai ola panta teleia :-)

Istoriko allagwn:

{ Ta tmhmata poy einai mesa se agkistra, einai proswrina, kai den 8a yparxoyn sthn ekdosh 1.0 } { akyro, 8a meinoyn } { Ta tmhmata poy exoyn (???) xreiazontai epalh8eysh h pros8hkes}

1.4 Spondes

Ta gnwsta credits :-)

Eyxaristw idiaitera ton 'Aggelo Xaritsh < [email protected]> ( gnwstos gia tis ergasies toy gurw apo ta ellhnika twn UNIX sto HRI ), gia tis ektetamenes pros8hkes kai ypodeijeis toy.

Polutimh, epishs, htan h boh8eia twn:

Gia th syggrafh toy keimenoy aytou xrhsimeysan san prwtes phges ta:

1.5 Pneymatika dikaiwmata kai adeia xrhshs.

Oi aparaithtes dieykrinhseis...

Ta pneymatika dikaiwmata aytou toy HOWTO anhkoyn ston Gewrgato Fwth, alla epitrepetai h dianomh ypo toys akoloy8oys oroys:

Ektos kai an orizetai diaforetika, ta keimena "Linux HOWTO" einai katoxyrwmena apo toys antistoixoys syggrafeis toys. Ta "Linux HOWTO" mporoun na anaparagontai kai dianemontai ej' oloklhroy h merikws, me ka8e meso fysiko h hlektroniko, arkei ayth paragrafos gia ta pneymatika dikaiwmata, na diathreitai se ka8e antigrafo. Emporikh epanadianomh epitrepetai kai malista endeiknytai. Par' ola ayta o syggrafeas 8a h8ele na einai enhmerwmenos se tetoies periptwseis.

Oles oi metafraseis, paragomenes ergasies, h syn8eseis poy perilambanoyn opoiodhpote "Linux HOWTO" prepei na kaluptontai apo aythn thn adeia. Dhladh, den epitrepetai h paragwgh ylikou prokupton apo ayto kai h epibolh se ayto epipros8etwn periorismwn oson afora thn diadosh toy. Ejaireseis mporoun na ginoyn kata periptwsh. Gia perissoteres plhrofories epikoinwnhste me ton syntonisth twn Linux HOWTO.

En syntomia, epi8ymeitai h diadosh aytwn twn plhroforiwn diamesoy oson perissoterwn tropwn einai efikto. Par' ola ayta diathrountai ta pneymatika dikaiwmata twn keimenwn "Linux HOWTO", kai einai epi8ymhth h enhmerwsh gia opoiodhpote sxedio dianomhs aytwn.

Gia perissoteres plhrofories, epikoinwnhste me ton Greg Hankins, syntonisth twn Linux HOWTO sto email: [email protected], h sto thlefwno +1 404 853 9989.

Eidika, gia thn ellhnikh ekdosh epikoinwnhste me ton Gewrgato Fwth, sto: [email protected]

1.6 Note to english users & Copyright

* This document explains how to setup hellenic (greek) support under Linux. This includes the environment for greek users, as well as details on the configuration of applications. The document is written in modern hellenic ISO-8859-7, but you may find a "greeklish" version as well. Hellenic HOWTO is maintained by Fotis Georgatos < [email protected]> *

Unless otherwise stated, Linux HOWTO documents are copyrighted by their respective authors. Linux HOWTO documents may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic, as long as this copyright notice is retained on all copies. Commercial redistribution is allowed and encouraged; however, the author would like to be notified of any such distributions.

All translations, derivative works, or aggregate works incorporating any Linux HOWTO documents must be covered under this copyright notice. That is, you may not produce a derivative work from a HOWTO and impose additional restrictions on its distribution. Exceptions to these rules may be granted under certain conditions; please contact the Linux HOWTO coordinator at the address given below.

In short, we wish to promote dissemination of this information through as many channels as possible. However, we do wish to retain copyright on the HOWTO documents, and would like to be notified of any plans to redistribute the HOWTOs.

If you have questions, please contact Greg Hankins, the Linux HOWTO coordinator, at [email protected] via email, or at +1 404 853 9989.

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