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7. Egka8istwntas ton diakomisth ejoysiodothshs TIS

7.1 Apoktwntas to logismiko

H TIS fwtk einai dia8esimh sto

Mhn kanete to la8os poy ekana egw. Otan katebazete arxeia apo to TIS DIABASTE TA README. H TIS fwtk einai kleidwmenh mesa se ena kryfo katalogo sto diakomisth toys.To TIS zhta na steilete ena email sto [email protected] me mono th lejh SEND sto swma toy mynhmatos gia na ma8ete to onoma aytou toy krymmenoy katalogoy. Den xreiazetai 8ema (subject) sto mhnyma. To susthma toys 8a sas steilei to onoma aytou toy kryfou katalogoy (kalo gia 12 wres) gia na katebasete to phgaio arxeio.

Th stigmh poy grafw ayto (to HOWTO) to TIS ekdidei thn ekdosh 2.0 (beta) ths FWTK. Ayth h ekdosh fainetai oti metaglwttizetai kala (me merikes ejaireseis) kai ta panta doyleuoyn. Ayth einai h ekdosh poy 8a kalucw edw. Otan dia8esoyn to teliko kwdika 8a ananewsw to HOWTO.

Gia thn egkatastash th FWTK, dhmioyrghste to katalogo fwtk-2.0 sto /usr/src. Metakinhste to antigrafo ths FWTK fwtk-2.0.tar.gz) apo to katalogo sas se ayton to katalogo (/usr/src/fwtk-2.0) kai aposympieste to. (tar zxf fwtk-2.0.tar.gz)

H FWTK den ejoysiodotei (yposthrizei) SSL web keimena alla yparxei ena pros8eto (add on) gi' ayth grammeno apo ton Jean-Christophe Touvet. Einai dia8esimo sto O Touvet den yposthrizei ayto to kwdika

Xrhsimopoiw mia tropopoihmenh ekdosh poy perilambanei prosbash gia Netscape asfaleis diakomistes newn grammeno apo ton Eric Wedel. Einai dia8esimh sto

Sto paradeigma mas 8a xrhsimopoihsw thn ekdosh toy Eric Wedel.

Gia na to egkatasthsete, apla dhmioyrghste to ssl-gw katalogo sto /usr/src/fwtk-2.0 kai balte ta arxeia ekei mesa.

Otan egkatesthsa ayth th pulh apaithse merikes allages prin metaglwttistei mazi me thn ypoloiph ergaleio8hkh.

H prwth allagh htan sto ssl-gw.c arxeio. Brhka oti den perielambane ena xrhsimo perielambanomeno (included) arxeio.

  #if defined(__linux)
  #include        <sys/ioctl.h>

Deuteron den erxetai me Makefile. Antegraca ena ejw apo toys alloys katalogoys pylwn kai antikatesthsa to onoma ths pulhs me to ssl-gw.

7.2 Metaglwttizontas thn TIS FWTK

H ekdosh 2.0 ths FWTK metaglwttizetai polu pio eukola apo opoiadhpote palaioterh ekdosh. Briskw akoma merika pragmata poy xreiazetai na allax8oun prin h BETA ekdosh mporei na metaglwttistei ka8ara. Elpizw aytes oi allages na ginoyn sth telikh ekdosh.

Gia th dior8wsh toys, jekinhste allazontas to /usr/src/fwtk/fwtk katalogo kai antigracte to Makefile.config.linux panw apo to Makefile.config

MHN EKTELESETE TO FIXMAKE. Oi odhgies lene na to ektelesete. Ean to kanete 8a spasei ta Makefiles sto ka8e katalogo

Den exw kamia dior8wsh gia to fixmake. To problhma einai to sed script pros8este ena '.' kai '' sth ka8e grammh poy perilambanei ta Makefiles.

  sed 's/^include[        ]*\([^  ].*\)/include \1/' $name .proto > $name 

Meta xreiazetai na epejergastoume to arxeio Makefile.config. Yparxoyn duo allages poy xreiazetai na kanete.

O syggrafeas e8ese ws phgaio katalogo to diko toy spitiko katalogo. 8a metaglwttisoyme to kwdika mas sto /usr/src etsi prepei na allajoyme th metablhth FWTKSRCDIR gia na antikatroptizei ayto.


Deuteron, se orismena liga systhmata Linux xrhsimopoihtai h bash dedomenwn gdbm. To Makefile.conf xrhsimopoiei dbm. 8a xreiastei na allajete ayto. Eixa gia to RH 3.0.3


H teleytaia dior8wsh einai sto x-gw. To bug sth BETA ekdosh einai mesa sto socket.c kwdika. Gia na to ftiajete sbhste tis parakatw grammes kwdika

  #ifdef SCM_RIGHTS  /* 4.3BSD Reno and later */
                       + sizeof(un_name->sun_len) + 1

Ean pros8esete to ssl-gw sto FWTK phgaio katalogo sas. 8a xreiasthte na pros8esete ayto sth lista katalogwn sto Makefile.

  DIRS=   smap smapd netacl plug-gw ftp-gw tn-gw rlogin-gw http-gw x-gw ssl-gw

Twra ekteleste to make.

7.3 Egka8istwntas thn TIS FWTK

Ekteleste make install.

O ej orismou katalogos egkatastashs einai o /usr/local/etc. Mporeite na ton allajete (egw oxi) se ena pio asfales katalogo. Dialeja na allajw th prosbash sto katalogo ayto me chmod 700.

Ola ayta poy emeinan twra einai h telikh ru8mish toy firewall

7.4 Ry8mizontas thn TIS FWTK

Twra arxizei h pragmatikh diaskedash. Prepei na ma8oyme :-) to susthma na kalei aytes tis nees yphresies kai na dhmioyrgei toys pinakes gia ton elegxo toys.

Den prokeitai na dokimasw na janagracw to egxeiridio ths TIS FWTK, edw. 8a sas deijw tis ry8miseis poy anakalyca doyleuontas kai 8a ejhghsw ta problhmata poy brhka kai pws ta jeperasa.

Yparxoyn tria arxeia poy ry8mizoyn ayta ta xeiristhria

Gia na parete th FWTK leitoyrgikh, 8a prepei na epejergasthte ayta ta arxeia apo to teleytaio pros ta panw. Epejergazontas ta arxeia twn yphresiwn xwris to inedt.conf h to netperm-table ry8mismena swsta mporei na kanete to susthma sas aprospelasto.

To arxeio netperm-table

Ayto to arxeio elegxei poios mporei na exei prosbash stis yphresies apo th TIS FWTK. Ofeilete na skefthte sxetika me to kykloforiako xrhsimopoiwntas to firewall kai apo tis duo pleyres. O kosmos ejw apo to diktyo sas, ofeilei na anagnwrisei toys eaytous twn prin kerdisoyn prosbash, alla o kosmos mesa sto diktyo sas mporei na afe8ei na perna apla apo mesa.

Etsi o kosmos mporei na anagnwrisei toys eaytous toys, o firewall xrhsimopoiei ena programma poy kaleitai authsrv gia na krata mia bash dedomenwn ta user ID kai toys kwdikous. To tmhma epikurwshs apo to netperm-table elegxei poy h bash dedomenwn brisketai kai poios mporei na exei prosbash se ayth.

Eixa kapoia problhmata kleinontas th prosbash se ayth thn yphresia. Shmeiwste oti h grammh permit-hosts poy paroysiazw xrhsimopoiei '*' gia na dinei se oloys prosbash. Oi swstes ry8miseis gia th grammh ayth einai '' authsrv: premit-hosts localhost ean mporesete na to parete ayto doyleuontas

  # Proxy configuration table
  # Authentication server and client rules
  authsrv:      database /usr/local/etc/fw-authdb
  authsrv:      permit-hosts *
  authsrv:      badsleep 1200
  authsrv:      nobogus true
  # Client Applications using the Authentication server
  *:            authserver 114

Gia na orisete th bash dedomenwn, ginete root, kai ekteleste ./authsrv mesa sto /var/local/etc katalogo gia na dhmioyrgh8ei h eggrafh toy xrhsth poy ektelei xreh diaxeiristh. Edw einai ena aplo paradeigma.

Diabaste th tekmhriwsh ths FWTK gia na ma8ete pws na pros8etete xrhstes kai omades.

    # authsrv
    authsrv# list
    authsrv# adduser admin "Auth DB admin"
    ok - user added initially disabled
    authsrv# ena admin
    authsrv# proto admin pass
    authsrv# pass admin "plugh"
    Password changed.
    authsrv# superwiz admin
    set wizard
    authsrv# list
    Report for users in database
    user   group  longname           ok?    proto   last 
    ------ ------ ------------------ -----  ------  -----
    admin         Auth DB admin      ena    passw   never
    authsrv# display admin
    Report for user admin (Auth DB admin)
    Authentication protocol: password
    Flags: WIZARD
    authsrv# ^D

To xeiristhrio ths telnet pulhs (tn-gw) einai katey8eian mprosta kai to prwto poy ofeilete na sthsete.

Sto paradeigma moy, epitrepw se host apo to eswteriko toy proswpikou diktuoy na pernaei apo mesa xwris na epikyrwnoyn toys eaytous toys. (permit-hosts 19961.2.* -passok) Alla, ka8e allos xrhsths prepei na eisagei ta user ID kai to kwdiko toy gia na xrhsimopoiei ton ejoysiodothth. (permit-hosts * -auth)

Epishs epitrepw se ena allo susthma ( na exei prosbash sto firewall xwris na perna mesa apo to firewall sth pragmatikothta. Oi duo grammes inetacl-in.telnetd to kanoyn ayto. 8a ejhghsw pws aytes oi grammes kalountai argotera.

To Telnet time out ofeiletai na krath8ei mikro.

  # telnet gateway rules:
  tn-gw:                denial-msg      /usr/local/etc/tn-deny.txt
  tn-gw:                welcome-msg     /usr/local/etc/tn-welcome.txt
  tn-gw:                help-msg        /usr/local/etc/tn-help.txt
  tn-gw:                timeout 90
  tn-gw:                permit-hosts 196.1.2.* -passok -xok
  tn-gw:                permit-hosts * -auth
  # Only the Administrator can telnet directly to the Firewall via Port 24
  netacl-in.telnetd: permit-hosts -exec /usr/sbin/in.telnetd

Oi r-commands doyleuoyn me ton idio tropo opws to telnet.

  # rlogin gateway rules:
  rlogin-gw:    denial-msg      /usr/local/etc/rlogin-deny.txt
  rlogin-gw:    welcome-msg     /usr/local/etc/rlogin-welcome.txt
  rlogin-gw:    help-msg        /usr/local/etc/rlogin-help.txt
  rlogin-gw:    timeout 90
  rlogin-gw:    permit-hosts 196.1.2.* -passok -xok
  rlogin-gw:    permit-hosts * -auth -xok
  # Only the Administrator can telnet directly to the Firewall via Port
  netacl-rlogind: permit-hosts -exec /usr/libexec/rlogind -a

Den ofeilete na exete se kanenan amesh prosbash sto firewall kai ayto perilambanei to FTP etsi den bazoyme to FTP, diakomisth panw sto firewall.

3ana, oi grammes permit-hosts epitrepoyn mesa sto prostateyomeno diktyo eleu8erh prosbash sto Intenet kai oloi oi alloi prepei na epikyrwsoyn toys eaytous toys. Symperielaba th katagrafh symbantwn gia ka8e arxeio poy aposteletai kai paralambanetai gia ton elegxo moy. (-log { retr stor })

To ftp timeout elegxei poso 8a parei gia na rijei mia kakh sundesh toso oso poso 8a krathsei mia sundesh poy exei meinei anoikth xwris drasthriothta.

  # ftp gateway rules:
  ftp-gw:               denial-msg      /usr/local/etc/ftp-deny.txt
  ftp-gw:               welcome-msg     /usr/local/etc/ftp-welcome.txt
  ftp-gw:               help-msg        /usr/local/etc/ftp-help.txt
  ftp-gw:               timeout 300
  ftp-gw:               permit-hosts 196.1.2.* -log { retr stor }
  ftp-gw:               permit-hosts * -authall -log { retr stor }

Web, gopher kai se browser basismeno ftp einai paramorfwmena apo th http-gw. Oi duo prwtes grammes dhmioyrgoun ena katalogo gia apo8hkeysh twn ftp kai web keimenwn ka8ws ayta pernoun mesa apo to firewall. Ekana ayta ta arxeia na anoikoyn ston root kai ta topo8ethsa se ena katalogo prosbasimo mono apo ton root.

H sundesh Web ofeiletai na krath8ei mikrh. Elegxei poso o xrhsths 8a perimenei se mia kakh sundesh.

  # www and gopher gateway rules:
  http-gw:      userid          root
  http-gw:      directory       /jail
  http-gw:      timeout 90
  http-gw:      default-httpd
  http-gw:      hosts           196.1.2.* -log { read write ftp }
  http-gw:      deny-hosts      * 

To ssl-gw einai pragmati apla mia diabash opoiasdhpote pulhs. Prosejte me ayto. Se ayto to paradeigma epitrepw ston ka8ena apo mesa toy prostateyomenoy diktuoy na syndeetai se ka8e diakomisth ejw apo to diktyo ektos twn diey8unsewn kai kai mono stis portes 443 ews 563. Oi portes 443 ews 563 einai gnwstes SSL portes.

  # ssl gateway rules:
  ssl-gw:         timeout 300
  ssl-gw:         hosts           196.1.2.* -dest { !127.0.0.* !192.1.1.* *:443:563 }
  ssl-gw:         deny-hosts      *

Edw einai ena paradeigma sto pws na xrhsimopoihsete to plug-gw gia na epitrecete syndeseis se diakomistes newn. Se ayto to paradeigma epitrepw sto ka8ena mesa sto prostateuomeno diktyo na synde8ei se ena mono susthma kai mono sth porta newn toy.

H deuterh grammh epitrepei to diakomisth newn na perna ta dedomena toy pisw sto prostateyomeno diktyo.

Epeidh polloi pelates perimenoyn na stekontai syndedemenoi oso o xrhsths diabazei ta nea, to timeout gia diakomistes newn ofeiletai na einai megalo.

  # NetNews Pluged gateway
  plug-gw:        timeout 3600
  plug-gw: port nntp 196.1.2.* -plug-to -port nntp
  plug-gw: port nntp -plug-to 196.1.2.* -port nntp

H pulh finger einai aplh. O ka8enas mesa sto prostateyomeno diktyo prepei na kanei login prwta kai meta epitrepoyme na xrhsimopoihsoyn to programma finger panw sto firewall. Oloi oi alloi apla pernoyn ena mhnyma.

  # Enable finger service 
  netacl-fingerd: permit-hosts 196.1.2.* -exec /usr/libexec/fingerd
  netacl-fingerd: permit-hosts * -exec /bin/cat /usr/local/etc/finger.txt

Den exw sthsei tis Mail kai X-windows yphresies etsi den perilambanw paradeigmata. Ean kapoios exei doylecei ena paradeigma, parakalw steilte moy email.

To arxeio inetd.conf

Edw einai plhres ena arxeio /etc/inetd.conf. Oles oi axrhstes yphresies exoyn afaire8ei ws sxolia. Exw symperilabei to plhres arxeio gia na deijw ti na apenergopoihsete, toso oso to pws na sthnete tis nees yphresies toy firewall.

  #echo stream  tcp  nowait  root       internal 
  #echo dgram   udp  wait    root       internal
  #discard      stream  tcp  nowait  root       internal
  #discard      dgram   udp  wait    root       internal
  #daytime      stream  tcp  nowait  root       internal
  #daytime      dgram   udp  wait    root       internal
  #chargen      stream  tcp  nowait  root       internal
  #chargen      dgram   udp  wait    root       internal
  # FTP firewall gateway
  ftp-gw      stream  tcp  nowait.400  root  /usr/local/etc/ftp-gw  ftp-gw
  # Telnet firewall gateway
  telnet        stream  tcp  nowait      root  /usr/local/etc/tn-gw /usr/local/etc/tn-gw
  # local telnet services
  telnet-a    stream  tcp  nowait      root  /usr/local/etc/netacl in.telnetd
  # Gopher firewall gateway
  gopher        stream  tcp  nowait.400  root  /usr/local/etc/http-gw /usr/local/etc/http-gw 
  # WWW firewall gateway
  http  stream  tcp  nowait.400  root  /usr/local/etc/http-gw /usr/local/etc/http-gw 
  # SSL firewall gateway
  ssl-gw  stream  tcp     nowait  root /usr/local/etc/ssl-gw   ssl-gw
  # NetNews firewall proxy (using plug-gw)
  nntp    stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/local/etc/plug-gw plug-gw nntp
  #nntp stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.nntpd
  # SMTP (email) firewall gateway
  #smtp stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/local/etc/smap smap
  # Shell, login, exec and talk are BSD protocols.
  #shell        stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.rshd
  #login        stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.rlogind
  #exec stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.rexecd
  #talk dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.talkd
  #ntalk        dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.ntalkd
  #dtalk        stream  tcp     waut    nobody  /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.dtalkd
  # Pop and imap mail services et al
  #pop-2   stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd    ipop2d
  #pop-3   stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd    ipop3d
  #imap    stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd    imapd
  # The Internet UUCP service.
  #uucp    stream  tcp  nowait  uucp  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -l
  # Tftp service is provided primarily for booting.  Most sites
  # run this only on machines acting as "boot servers." Do not uncomment
  # this unless you *need* it.  
  #tftp dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.tftpd
  #bootps       dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  bootpd
  # Finger, systat and netstat give out user information which may be
  # valuable to potential "system crackers."  Many sites choose to disable 
  # some or all of these services to improve security.
  # cfinger is for GNU finger, which is currently not in use in RHS Linux
  finger        stream  tcp  nowait  root   /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.fingerd
  #cfinger      stream  tcp  nowait  root   /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.cfingerd
  #systat       stream  tcp  nowait  guest  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /bin/ps -auwwx
  #netstat      stream  tcp  nowait  guest  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /bin/netstat -f inet
  # Time service is used for clock syncronization.
  #time stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.timed
  #time dgram   udp  wait    root  /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.timed
  # Authentication
  auth          stream  tcp  wait    root  /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.identd -w -t120
  authsrv       stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/local/etc/authsrv authsrv
  # End of inetd.conf

To arxeio /etc/services

Edw einai poy jekinoun ola. Otan enas pelaths synde8ei sto firewall ayto syndeetai se mia gnwsth porta. (mikroterh apo 1024). p.x. To telnet syndeetai sth porta 23. O inetd daimonas akouei ayth th sundesh kai koita to onoma ayths ths yphresias sto arxeio /etc/services. Ayto tote kalei to programma orismeno gia to onoma sto mesa sto arxeio /etc/inetd.conf.

Kapoies yphresies poy dhmioyrgoume den einai kanonika sto arxeio /etc/sevices. Mporeite na orisete merikes apo aytes se opoia porta 8elete. p.x. Exw orisei th telnet porta toy diaxeiristh (telnet-a) sth porta 24. Mporeite na to orisete sth porta 2323 ean epi8ymhte. Gia to diaxeiristh (ESEIS), gia na syndeeste amesa sto firewall 8a xreiazeste na kanete telnet sth porta 24 kai oxi 23 ean sthsete to arxeio netperm-table, opws egw ekana, 8a eiste ikanoi na to kanete ayto mono apo to eswteriko toy prostateyomenoy diktuoy.

  telnet-a        24/tcp
  ftp-gw          21/tcp           # this named changed
  auth            113/tcp   ident    # User Verification
  ssl-gw          443/tcp

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