Enas diaxeirhsths faj/ektypwths einai oysiastika mia egkatastash merikwn programmatwn: hlektroniko faj, kai o diaxeirisths ektypwsewn, me tetoio tropo wste h apostolh faj apo ena hlektroniko ypologisth einai toso aplh oso kai h apostolh mias ektupwtikhs ergasias se enan ektypwth.
H egkatastash enos hlektronikou faj san diaxeiristh faj/ektypwth emperiexei merika problhmata
Ustera apo arketes prospa8eies, apofasisa na mazecw ayth thn sofeia
mesa se ena mikro-HOWTO. Ka8e eidoys sxolia ginontai dekta sthn dieu8ynsh <[email protected]>
Perigrafw edw, ta parapanw problhmata ka8ws kai oles tis odhgies stadiaka:
bebaiw8eite oti exete sthn katoxh sas to paketo toy hlektronikou faj.
Se susthma me yposthrijh RPM xrhsimopoihste thn entolh 'rpm -qv efax'.
Mporeite na parete ton phgaio kwdika toy hlektronikou faj se tar.gz format apo to sunsite: ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/serialcomm/fax/efax08a.tar.gz h to rpm me ta ektelesima : ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/redhat-4.2/i386/RedHat/RPMS/efax-0.8a-3.i386.rpm
H tekmhriwsh toy hlektronikou faj den exei to : sto telos ths kataxwrhshs sto printcap.
Lush: Pros8este thn akoloy8h kataxwrhsh /etc/printcap
Xrhshmopoihste hard link kai oxi symbolikh sundesh (soft link) sthn entolh faj.
Trejte thn entolh:
ln /usr/bin/fax /usr/bin/faxlpr
Kataxwrhste to /usr/bin/fax stis protimhseis:
Dialexte thn katalhllh Fax Class gia to montem:
8este to FROM="your international phone number" pedio
NAME="Your Name"
Pros8este thn grammh gia metatroph toy die8nous thlefwnikou ari8mou se topiko
gia paradeigma sto Israhl 8a xrhsimopoiousate:
TELCVT='sed -e s/+972/0/ -e s/+/00/' # Israel
Yparxei ena problhma sto arxeio sthn grammh 586, allajte to
me tis akoloy8es duo grammes:
cfile=`/usr/bin/tail -1 lock`
cfile=`cat $cfile`
stis grammes 586,587 den 8a eprepe na yparxoyn '-' sumbola,oi grammes einai:
0) echo "$l" | mail -s "fax to $num succeeded" $user@$host ;;
*) echo "$l" | mail -s "fax to $num failed " $user@$host ;;
Dhmioyrghste ton katalogo /var/spool/fax
mkdir /var/spool/fax
chmod 777 /var/spool/fax
To arxeio kleidwmatos (/var/spool/fax/lock
) exei dhmioyrgh8ei me
lan8asmenes adeies, xrhsimopoihste thn akoloy8h entolh gia na to 8esete swsta:
touch /var/spool/fax/lock ; chmod 644 /var/spool/fax/lock
To programma hlektronikou faj perimenei ena arxeio pragmatikhs (real device file) sto /dev/modem
kai den prokeitai na doylecei me symboliko link, kai etsi dhmioyrgoume ena arxeio syskeyhs
me ton idio megisto (major) kai elaxisto (minor) ari8mo, ka8ws to /dev/cua?
syndedemeno me to montem. To arxeio 8a prepei na exei mode to rw-rw-rw- wste na
epitrepei se ka8e xrhsth na xrhsimopoiei to logismiko faj.
ls -lL /dev/modem
rm /dev/modem
mknod /dev/modem c Mj Mi
chmod 666 /dev/modem
To Mj einai 5, kai to Mi einai 64 gia to cua0, 65 gia to cua1 k.l.p. Gia paradeigma (gia to cua1):
mknod /dev/modem c 5 65
.Allaje to mode ston katalogo /var/lock
chmod 1777 /var/lock
8a eprepe na xrhsimopoieite ton faj/ektypwth xrhsimopoiwntas thn epilogh -P kai thn epilogh -J me ton ari8mo toy faj.
xrhsimopoihste mia apo tis akoloy8es entoles lpr:
lpr -Pfax -J <Fax-Number> [file-names]
any command | lpr -Pfax -J <Fax-Number>
Meta apo thn epilogh -J.
Pros8es8e thn akoloy8h kataxwrhsh mesa sto arxeio /etc/printcap
kai ta client
Linux systhmata, dhmioyrghste to spool directory, kai synexiste analoga ...
pros8este to onoma twn client hosts sto /etc/hosts.lpd
ths mhxanhs me poy dra ws
diaxeirisths faj.
xrhsimopoihste to opws prohgoymenws.
H epikefalida thn opoia pros8etei to hlektroniko faj stis selides toy faj den allazei me bash to onoma toy xrhsth o opoios stelnei to faj. (mporei na enhmerw8ei).
To logismiko diaxeirishs ektypwsewn LPRng xrhsimopoiei mia diaforetikh me8odo gia na elegxei ton arxeio elegxoy.
Eyxaristies ston Luca Montecchiani <[email protected]>, o opoios brhke to problhma alla kai thn lush.
Edw einai mia enhmerwsh tou arxeioy /usr/bin/fax
. H akoloy8h grammh antika8ista tis duo aples grammes toy
tupoy cfile=...>, stis grammes 586,587
# Modified to work also with the LPRng package
# Luca Montecchiani (08/11/97 [email protected])
if [ !-z "$CONTROL_FILE" ]
cfile=`cat tail -1 lock`
cfile=`cat $cfile`