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13. 杂项

13.1 作者

Linux Kernel-HOWTO 的作者及维护人是 Brian Ward ( [email protected]). 请将任何评论,补充与更正寄给我(更正对我来说是特别重要的).

你可以从这些 URL 找到我的网页:

虽然我尽可能地去处理电子邮件,但请记住我每天都收到大量的信件,所以可能要花一点时间才会回覆你. 特别是寄信来问我问题的,请尽量非常清楚与详尽地描述你的讯息. 如果你说的是某个无法运作的硬体(或类似的),我需要知道你的硬体配置是什麽. 如果你要回报错误,不要只是说``我这样试但它给我会错误讯息''; 我需要知道这个错误讯息是什麽. 我可能也想知道你的核心,gcc,libc 的版本是什麽,如果你只是告诉我你用的是这个或那个套件,那没什麽用. 我不介意你问我简单的问题; 请记住,如果你不问,你将永远不会得到解答. 我要感谢每个给我回馈的人们.

如果你写信给我但在一段合理的时间内没有得到回应(三星期或更久),那麽可能我不小心砍掉了你的信件或诸如此类的(抱歉). 请再试一次.

我收到许多信件是关於硬体问题的.这没问题,但请了解我并不是熟悉世界上所有硬体的人而且我也不知道我能帮多少忙. 我个人使用的机器有 IDE 与 SCSI 硬碟,SCSI 光碟机,3Com 与 WD 的乙太网路卡,串列滑鼠, PCI 主机板,NCR 810 SCSI 控制器,AMD 386DX40 w/Cyrix 辅助处理器,AMD 5x86,AMD 486DX4 与 Intel 486DX4 处理器 (这只是我在使用而且熟悉的硬体摘要,并不是建议,但如果你想要用,欢迎来询问 :-) ).

0.1 版完成於 1994 年十月三日.本文件可以 SGML, PostScript, TeX, roff 与纯文字格式取得.

13.2 预定目标

``□诀和技巧'' 一节太少了.我希望能用从别人得到的建议来扩充.

``附加的套件'' 一节也是.


13.3 贡献者

包含了一小部份 Linus 的 README 档案 (kernel hacking 选项).感谢 Linus!

[email protected] (Ulrich Callmeier): patch -s and xargs.

[email protected] (Daniel Quinlan): corrections and additions in many sections.

nat@[email protected] (Nat Makarevitch): mrproper, tar -p, many other things

[email protected] (Axel Boldt): collected descriptions of kernel configuration options on the net; then provided me with the list

[email protected] (Steve Lembark): multiple boot suggestion

[email protected] (Keith Briggs): some corrections and suggestions

[email protected] (Ryan McGuire): makeables additions

[email protected] (Eric Dumas): French translation

[email protected] (Yasutada Shimazaki): Japanese translation

[email protected] (Juan Jose Amor Iglesias): Spanish translation

[email protected] (Martin Wahlen): Swedish translation

[email protected] (Zoltan Vamosi): Hungarian translation

[email protected] (Bartosz Maruszewski): Polish translation

[email protected] (Michael J Donahue): typos, winner of the ``sliced bread competition''

[email protected] (Richard Stallman): ``free'' documentation concept/distribution notice

[email protected] (David Kastrup): NFS thing

[email protected] (Eric Raymond): various tidbits


13.4 版权声明,许可,诸如此类的

Copyright © Brian Ward, 1994-1997.

Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Translations fall under the catagory of ``modified versions.''

Warranty: None.

Recommendations: Commercial redistribution is allowed and encouraged; however, it is strongly recommended that the redistributor contact the author before the redistribution, in the interest of keeping things up-to-date (you could send me a copy of the thing you're making while you're at it). Translators are also advised to contact the author before translating. The printed version looks nicer. Recycle.

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