Linux IP Masquerade Resource
是一专门用来提供 Linux IP Masquerade 资讯的站台,也是由 David Ranch 及我来维护。
这边有关於 IP Masquerade 最新的资讯,可能也有未包含在本文件的其它资讯。
你可在下列地点找到 Linux IP Masquerade Resource:
- David Ranch, [email protected]
协助维护本文件及 Linux IP Masquerade 资源网页, ..., 族繁不及备载 :-)
- Michael Owings, [email protected]
提供关於 CU-SeeMe 的简短说明文件。
- Gabriel Beitler, [email protected]
on providing section 3.3.8 (setting up Novel)
- Ed Doolittle, [email protected]
建议在 ipfwadm
加上 -V
- Matthew Driver, [email protected]
on helping extensively on this HOWTO, and providing section 3.3.1 (setting up Windows 95)
- Ken Eves, [email protected]
on the FAQ that provides invaluable information for this HOWTO
- Ed. Lott, [email protected]
for a long list of tested system and software
- Nigel Metheringham, [email protected]
on contributing his version of IP Packet Filtering and IP Masquerading HOWTO, which make this HOWTO a better and technical in-depth document
section 4.1, 4.2, and others
- Keith Owens, [email protected]
on providing an excellent guide on ipfwadm section 4.2
on correction to ipfwadm -deny
option which avoids a security hole, and clarified the status of ping
over IP Masquerade
- Rob Pelkey, [email protected]
on providing section 3.3.6 and 3.3.7 (setting up MacTCP and Open Transport)
- Harish Pillay, [email protected]
on providing section 4.5 (dial-on-demand using diald)
- Mark Purcell, [email protected]
on providing section 4.6 (IPautofw)
- Ueli Rutishauser, [email protected]
on providing section 3.3.9 (setting up OS/2 Warp)
- John B. (Brent) Williams, [email protected]
on providing section 3.3.7 (setting up Open Transport)
- Enrique Pessoa Xavier, [email protected]
on the bootp setup suggestion
- developers of IP Masquerade for this great feature
- 所有送回馈及建议到通信论坛上的使用者,特别是那些报告文件上的错误以及已支援与未支援的客户端的。
- 如果我没有包括某些使用者送给我的资讯我感到抱歉。有如此多的建议与想法送到我这里,但我只是没有足够的时间去确定或者我不小心丢了。
- Ken Eves 的 IP masquerade 常见问答集
- Indyramp Consulting 之 IP masquerade 通信论坛
- X/OS 的 Ipfwadm 网页
- 各个关於网路的 Linux HOWTOs