Kenneth E. Harker maintains a quite valuable database at . Please have a look at his site to get current information about laptop related mailing lists, newsgroups, magazines and newsletters, WWW sites and a big database about many different laptop pages.
To join the Linux-Laptop-Mailing-List write a mail to <[email protected]> with subscribe linux-laptop
in the subject. You will get a confirmation message than, which you have to reply accordingly.
There is now a debian-laptop mailing list. Any questions or discussions concerning running the Debian/GNU Linux operating system(s) on laptops are welcome. Send mail to <[email protected]> with a subject of subscribe
. Or visit the site and use the online form.
Also recently founded was Running Linux on IBM ThinkPads, to join send an email to [email protected]
, to post send mail to [email protected]
. See
Lionel, "trollhunter" Bouchpan-Lerust-Juery, <[email protected]> has written a similar HOWTO, please look at his laptop pages (French version) (English version).
Newsgroups are comp.os.linux.portable, comp.sys.laptops .