JSPELL 2.11 (Release date: Oct.21, 1998) Copyright 1993-1998 by Joohee Jeong Email: jhjeong@bigfoot.com ------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents o Introduction o Features o Installation and configuration o Licensing and distribution o Recent changes o Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction JSPELL is an ASCII file spelling checker. JSPELL used be a shareware. But it is now a freeware. I may write and release JSPELL for Windows as shareware some time in the future. But I do not know when. For the paid registered users of DOS versions of JSPELL, the registration key for the Windows version will be freely sent by email. I have added a feature which may be quite useful in replying email messages. Please refer to the end of this file. On-line help file jspell.hlp has not been updated. I could not update this file because I have lost the source code for generating it. But the only place that needs updating in the on-line help is the contact information of the author, which is given above. I am not going to add any feature to DOS version of JSPELL, but I am willing to fix any (serious) existing bug. Please report any bug to jhjeong@bigfoot.com. (Well, I have not received any bug report for several years. So perhaps there is not a bug in JSPELL anymore.) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Features o Ease of use: Mouse support and on-line help. o Speed: Fast in loading dictionary, spotting misspelled words, and finding suggestions for nearly misspelled words. o Dictionary: Multiple user dictionaries, file specific dictionary, and an accompanying dictionary manager. o Undo: Up to 400 steps o Network support: Each user can have his/her own configuration and personal dictionary while sharing the executables and the base dictionary with other users. o TeX support: Versatile and user configurable. o Ignoring specific lines (e.g., starting with ">"): This feature is useful in spell-checking replies to email messages. o Foreign character support: extended ASCII character or TeX commands (e.g., G\"odel, Erd\H{o}s) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation and configuration: Prepare a "jspell directory", say C:\JSPELL, by the DOS command mkdir C:\JSPELL and copy all JSPELL files into this directory. Then C:\JSPELL should contain the following 9 files ------------------------------------------------------------------ filename description ------------------------------------------------------------------ 00readme.txt this file base.dic English word list dictman.exe the dictionary manager executable jspell.cfg configuration jspell.exe the spell checker executable jspell.hlp help message file jsptex.cfg TeX configuration manual.txt manual sample.txt sample text for a test drive ------------------------------------------------------------------ In order to be able to run JSPELL (and DICTMAN) in any directory, either add C:\JSPELL to your PATH or put two batch files JSPELL.BAT and DICTMAN.BAT into one of your directories in PATH. The content of the batch files jspell.bat and dictman.bat should look like @echo off C:\JSPELL\jspell.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 and @echo off C:\JSPELL\dictman.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 respectively. The default configuration of JSPELL is set to VGA and AT-keyboard. Also we assume that you work under the plain-vanilla English DOS environment. If your computer's configuration and/or environment is different from this, then you will need to read (Section I.4) of the documentation file manual.txt. If you use non-English DOS, for instance the DOS box in Korean Windows 95, then the screen will surely look ugly. In this case, use the command chcp 437 to get into English mode. To return to Korean mode, use chcp 949 If you are going to run JSPELL under a networked environment, then please read (Appendix A.) of manual.txt to complete the installation. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Licensing, distribution and registration This version of JSPELL is free software. You may freely distribute this version of JSPELL, unmodified in its entirety to others who are interested in this software. You may use any file compressor/archiver (e.g, zip, arc, zoo etc.) in distributing this software under the provision that the first 5 letters of the filename are JSPEL. However, you may not modify, alter, reverse engineer this software in any ways. ----------- Recent changes Version 2.01: (Nov.16, 1993) Bug fix: couldn't spell-check files in a different drive Version 2.02: (Nov.30, 1993) Bug fix: (i) [BaseDic][Count] in dictman didn't work for the input `*'. (ii) A minor bug in [UserDic][Read] in dictman (for very large files) Version 2.02c: (Jan.12, 1994) Bug fix: A long session of JSPELL (several hundred user actions) could hang the computer if the input file and the user dictionary are very large. Added features: (i) When the edit row is highlighted, the <space> key works as the [Ignore] command key only if the cursor is at the right end. (So, Shift-<space> is no longer necessary.) (ii) Shows the percentage of work done at the lower right corner. (iii) ESC is no longer the [Ignore] command key even when the edit row is blank. Version 2.03: (Feb.22, 1994) Member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (Feb.21, 1994) Branding: JSPELL.EXE for shareware version and the registered version are now identical. Registration is done by placing a file JSPELL.REG, an ASCII file consisting of three lines: registered name, registration number and the code. This makes the low updating fee possible. (See Appendix B.Q5 of MANUAL.DOC.) Bug fix: Shift-<space> inserts a space even when the cursor is at the right end of the word being edited. Version 2.04: (Jun.7, 1994) Bug fix: Alt-Shift-A, Alt-Shift-T didn't work at all. Undoing [Add to user.dic] and [add To file.dic] didn't work occasionally. Version 2.05: (Jun.15, 1994) Bug fix: Computer hangs when the input file contains the word "super". This is because "super" is itself one of the common prefixes and contains the common suffix "er". Version 2.10: (Oct.20, 1998) JSPELL is now freeware. Added feature: JSPELL can be configured to ignore lines that starts with a specified string. For example, JSPELL can skip lines starting with >. This feature can be handy when replying an email message. Version 2.11: (Oct.21, 1998) Bug fix: TeX-mode didn't work at all in version 2.10. ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: This software comes with absolutely no warranty. In no event the author shall be liable for direct, indirect or con- sequential damages, loses, costs, fees or expenses of any nature or kind.