Internet-Draft                                         Kazuhiko Yamamoto
draft-kazu-pgp-mime-00.txt                                         NAIST
Expires in six months                                      October, 1995

                          PGP MIME Integration

Status of this Memo

    This  document is  an  Internet-Draft.  Internet-Drafts  are working
    documents of the Internet Engineering Task  Force (IETF), its areas,
    and its working groups.  Note  that other groups may also distribute
    working documents as Internet-Drafts.

    Internet-Drafts  are  draft documents  valid for  a maximum  of  six
    months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
    at  any  time.   It  is  inappropriate  to  use  Internet-Drafts  as
    reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

     To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the
    "1id-abstracts.txt" listing  contained in the Internet-Drafts Shadow
    Directories  on  (Africa),  (Europe), (Pacific Rim),  (US  East Coast),  or (US West Coast).


    This document defines   one MIME content type,  "Application/PGP" to
    enclose  a PGP  object in   a  MIME object.   It  also specifies one
    optional parameter, "format" to embed a text object or a MIME object
    in a PGP object.  Encoding  and canonicalizing methods are provided.
    The  mechanism maintains backward  compatibility  to the current PGP
    program as well as non-MIME interfaces.


    PGP[PGP] is now  widely spread, providing privacy  enhancements such
    as confidentiality,  message  integrity,  user  authentication   and
    non-repudiation.  Since there is no rule to label PGP objects within
    messages, people  used to  exchange  PGP objects which enclose  only
    text by electronic mail or  NetNews.  That is,  PGP has been used to
    enhance privacy for a text object.

    MIME[MIME]  provides a labeling  mechanism  to enclose objects other
    than   US-ASCII text, as  well  as  to  embed multiple objects  in a
    multipart structure.  It is of recent interest to enhance privacy of
    MIME messages.

    This document describes a scheme to provide privacy services to MIME
    with PGP.  Since there are many PGP users, the scheme is designed to
    maintain backward compatibility to  the current PGP program  as well
    as non-MIME interfaces.

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Internet-Draft                   PGP/MIME                   October 1995

    Throughout this document, we will  call  the scheme "PGP/MIME".   It
    should be  emphasized  that MIME "content transfer encoding" has two
    meanings,  encoding method and  its  resulting domain.  For example,
    "7bit" means no  encoding is applied  and its  domain is  7BIT.  For
    "base64", its  encoding method  is base64  and its domain  is  7BIT.
    This  document  uses double-quoted words  for  the value  of content
    transfer encoding, whereas capitalized  words for domain.  Note also
    that a message header is a special form of content header.

Design Goals

    To integrate  PGP  and  MIME, the  following  design  goals  must be

        (1) Backward compatibility to the current PGP for text messages.

        (2) True   integration   that    allows   to   encrypt,    sign,
        sign-then-encrypt  objects  other  than text,  singleparts  in a
        multipart, the entire multipart, etc.

        (3) Flexibility that never limits those who can decrypt one part
        to the receivers of the message.

    To achieve  these design  goals,  "Application/PGP" is defined  as a
    MIME content type  to enclose a PGP object into a MIME object.  This
    content type may take  one optional "format"  parameter  to embed  a
    MIME object and a text object to PGP.


    As far as  the author knows,  this kind  of approach  was originally
    found in the  withdrawn Internet-Draft entitled  "An Alternative PEM
    MIME Integration" by Schiller in  1993 though it never specified the
    "format"  parameter.  This   document  is  based  on the   withdrawn
    Internet-Draft  entitled "The  application/pgp MIME Content-type" by
    Borenstein et al in 1994, but encoding mechanisms are different.

Definition of the "Application/PGP" MIME content type

    The "Application/PGP" MIME content type is defined as follows;

        MIME type name: application

        MIME subtype name: pgp

        Required parameters: none

        Optional parameters: format

        Encoding notes: only "7bit" and "8bit" are permitted.

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Internet-Draft                   PGP/MIME                   October 1995

    The "application/pgp" content type  is  used to enclose  one armored
    PGP object.  This document defines  only two possible values for the
    "format" parameter, "text" and "mime".

    The "format=text" parameter indicates that the result of decrypting,
    verifying, or   decrypting-then-verifying the armored PGP  object is
    localized  text,  which is not always   US-ASCII.  Its character set
    should  be decided by a  local convention.  It  should be emphasized
    that  the    "format=text"  parameter  is   prepared    for backward
    compatibility.  Signed text   by PGP, whose  character  set is other
    than US-ASCII such as ISO-8859-1 and ISO-2022-JP, has been exchanged
    as  a  clear  text.   So, we must  not  assume  that the  decrypted,
    verified, or  decrypted-then-verified  PGP  object is US-ASCII.   To
    specify the "charset" parameter, the "format=mime" parameter must be

    If the  "format" parameter is not  present, the content body must be
    treated as if the "format=text" parameter was specified.

    The "format=mime" parameter indicates that the result of decrypting,
    verifying, or decrypting-then-verifying  the armored PGP object is a
    MIME object,  which  consists of an optional content  header, a null
    line,  and a  content body.   The content type field  in the content
    header specifies the  data type of the content  body. In the absence
    of the content type, the content body is assumed as US-ASCII text.

    When   an  object  other   than  text  is   encrypted,  signed,   or
    signed-then-encrypted by PGP, first it must be converted into a MIME
    object whose content header includes content  type information. MIME
    encoding for a binary object is optional at the preparation.  In the
    case to  treat  multiple objects  at  the same time,  they  must  be
    transformed into MIME multipart structure.  After the process of the
    MIME object  by  PGP, one armored  PGP object is produced.  The  PGP
    object must be transformed into a MIME object whose content type  is
    "Application/PGP" with the "format=mime" parameter.

    A  text object  may  be  directly processed  by PGP  to get  one PGP
    object. The PGP  object is then  transformed to a  MIME object whose
    content type  is  "Application/PGP" with  or without  the  parameter

    However, there are two possibilities to convert a text object into a
    MIME object.   One is to label its character set and the other is to
    convert text including  8bit characters or long lines  into "message
    safe" form.  In these  cases, the text  object should be transformed
    to a  MIME object with an appropriate content header.  Then the MIME
    object is treated in the same way as a non-textual object is.


        PGP  objects  itself  contain the  information  whether they are
        encrypted,   signed,  or  signed-then-encrypted.   Encrypted  or
        signed-then-encrypted objects also  include the information  who

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Internet-Draft                   PGP/MIME                   October 1995

        can decrypt them.   So, MIME  interfaces  do not need to specify
        any  options  to  decrypt,  verify,  or  decrypt-then-verify  an
        executed PGP program.  For this  reason,  this document does not
        define any parameters for PGP operations.

Encoding Considerations

    PGP provides  radix64 encoding which  is syntactically  identical to
    MIME  base64 encoding but they are flagged in different manners. The
    PGP mechanism is  self-identifying,  while  the MIME mechanism  uses
    content transfer encoding to indicate an encoding method.  There are
    two schemes  to convert a target  object  to  a "message safe" form.
    One is to encode  an output from PGP by MIME encoding. The  other is
    that PGP itself converts  an  object  to a "message  safe" form  and
    content transfer encoding just indicates an encoding domain.

    Since the content header, whose content body is a PGP object, cannot
    be  protected by  PGP/MIME, it  is quite  possible that someone  may
    forge or modify its content transfer  encoding.  So, it is safer for
    MIME interfaces  to pass the PGP object  in the content  body to PGP
    without MIME decoding.  For this  reason, this document makes use of
    PGP's "message safe" features rather than MIME encoding.  (Note that
    the content type   in the content header   is also  under  threat of
    modification.  Unfortunately, PGP/MIME is vulnerable to this kind of

    PGP objects are categorized into three types:

        The  content  transfer  encoding of signed  objects by  PGP  are
        "7bit"  or "8bit".  For example, 7BIT text  such as  ISO-2022-JP
        results in a clear signature in "7bit" whereas 8BIT text such as
        ISO-8859-1 are tranformed  into  a clear signature in "8bit". In
        the  same way, the domain of "line based"(i.e.  in 7BIT or 8BIT)
        objects remains after  the transformation  to a PGP  object.   A
        non-line  based object(i.e  in BINARY)  is converted into "7bit"
        with radix64 encoding after the calculation of its signature.

        The content  transfer encoding  of  encrypted objects by  PGP is
        always "7bit" with radix64 encoding.

        The content transfer encoding  of  signed-then-encrypted objects
        by PGP is always "7bit" with radix64 encoding.

    MIME  objects  whose  content  body is  a PGP object should  provide
    content transfer encoding according  to the  encoding  domain of the
    PGP object. "7bit" can be omitted but "8bit" must be provided.

Canonicalization Procedures

    Each  operating system has  their own  line  break.  So, if a target
    object is "line based", its line breaks must  be canonicalized to be
    exchanged   safely   in heterogeneous   environment.   This document

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Internet-Draft                   PGP/MIME                   October 1995

    defines <CR><LF> as the  canonical line break  of PGP/MIME, which is
    exactly the same as that of RFC822.


        The current PGP has  an option to treat  an input as line based.
        If  the option is specified,  PGP  first canonicalizes each line
        break into <CR><LF>.

    If a target object is text, it is possible to pass the object to PGP
    as line based, without transformation into a MIME object.

    If a target object is text, it may be transformed into a MIME object
    preparing an  appropriate content header.  If a target object is not
    text, it must be converted to a MIME object.

        If   the  MIME  object   is  "text",   "application/postscript",
        "multipart",  or "message",  it  must  be  passed to PGP as line

            *  The  domain of  "text"  must  be  7BIT  or  8BIT since it
            supposed not to include "binary".


                +++ +++ +++
                Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
                Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

                [ISO-8859-1 text comes here]
                +++ +++ +++

            * The domain of "application/postscript" must be 7BIT.   So,
            if the original object includes 8BIT or BINARY data, it must
            be encoded to 7BIT domain  when  it is tranformed  to a MIME


                +++ +++ +++
                Content-Type: application/postscript
                Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

                [PostScript encoded by quoted-printable comes here]
                +++ +++ +++

            * The  domain of  "multipart"  and "message" must be 7BIT or
            8BIT.   Since multipart  and  message  types allow recursive
            structures,  MIME prohibits encoding  of the entire  object.
            In order to pass multipart and message to PGP as line based,
            they must not include  objects in BINARY domain.  Objects in
            the binary domain must be encoded by MIME encoding before it
            is enclosed in the multipart or the message.

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Internet-Draft                   PGP/MIME                   October 1995


                +++ +++ +++
                Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed; boundary=simple
                Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
                Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp
                [ISO-2022-JP text comes here]
                Content-Type: image/gif
                Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
                [GIF encoded by base64 comes here]
                +++ +++ +++

        An object whose  domain  is BINARY should be passed  to  PGP  as
        non-line  based.  It is not necessary to apply MIME encoding  to
        the  original binary object before it  is passed  to PGP.  Since
        PGP never  canonicalizes  the MIME  object, line  breaks of  the
        content  header  must  be  canonicalized  to  <CR><LF>  by  MIME


            +++ +++ +++
            Content-Type: Audio/Basic<CR><LF>
            [Audio binary stream comes here]            
            +++ +++ +++            

        Other MIME objects in 7BIT or 8BIT domain must  be passed to PGP
        as line based.

            +++ +++ +++
            Content-Type: Audio/Basic
            Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
            [Audio data encoded by base64 comes here]
            +++ +++ +++            

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    An  "application/pgp" whose  parameter is  not  present. Its content
    body is US-ASCII text signed by PGP.

        +++ +++ +++
        Content-Type: application/pgp

        -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
        Was it a cat I saw?
        -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
        [PGP signature information comes here]

        -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
        +++ +++ +++

    An "application/pgp" whose  content body is ISO-8859-1 text directly
    signed by PGP.

        +++ +++ +++
        Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text
        Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

        -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
        [ISO-8859-1 text comes here]
        -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
        [PGP signature information comes here]

        -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
        +++ +++ +++

    An  "application/pgp" whose content body is any object encrypted  or
    signed-then-encrypted by PGP or a binary object signed by PGP.

        +++ +++ +++
        Content-Type: application/pgp; format=mime
        -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
        [PGP radix64 lines comes here]

        -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
        +++ +++ +++

    An "application/pgp" whose content body is multipart signed by PGP. 
    The multipart  includes ISO-2022-JP text and ISO-8859-1 text encoded
    by quoted-printable.

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        +++ +++ +++
        Content-Type: application/pgp; format=mime
        -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
        Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed; boundary=simple
        - --simple
        Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=iso-2022-jp
        [ISO-2022-JP comes here]
        - --simple
        Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=iso-8859-1
        Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
        [ISO-8859-1 encoded by quoted-printable comes here]
        - --simple--
        -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
        [PGP signature information comes here]
        -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
        +++ +++ +++

Design Verifications

    Backward compatibility

        An RFC822 message which includes a PGP object in its body can be
        upgraded to PGP/MIME  message  with  two fields,  "MIME-Version:
        1.0"  and "Content-Type:  Application/PGP" with  or without  the
        "format=text"  parameter.   This  kind  of PGP/MIME  message  is
        friendly  not  only  to  non-MIME  interfaces but  also to  MIME

        Since this  document never requires MIME encoding for  8BIT text
        to  create  a  clear signature, no modification  is required  to
        non-MIME interfaces nor to the current PGP program.

        Note that if a message contains only one PGP object, those who
        can decrypt it should be the same as the receivers specified in
        its message header.

    True integration

        Thanks  to  "application/pgp" content   type, a MIME  object can
        embed a PGP  object  whereas a  PGP  object can  enclose  a MIME
        object with  the "format=mime"  parameter.  This mechanism makes
        it possible to compose any kind of PGP/MIME message recursively.

Yamamoto                                                        [Page 8]
Internet-Draft                   PGP/MIME                   October 1995


        Since an encrypted  object by  PGP has  the  information who can
        decrypt  it,  each object in a  message  can  specify their  own
        target  people.   For example, PGP/MIME allows that one  part is
        encrypted for person  A, another part is encrypted for person B,
        and the entire message is destined to a mailing-list.

Security Considerations

    This document  defined  a method  to enclose PGP  objects within the
    context of MIME.  Security for PGP objects depends on PGP.

    PGP/MIME  provides  one  content type and  encoding procedure to PGP
    objects.  Since the content  header is  not protected by PGP,  it is
    under threat  of  modification.   It is  not  fatal  if  the content
    transfer encoding  is altered because it is assumed that no encoding
    is applied to its content body. But if the content type is modified,
    MIME interfaces  cannot  automatically  identify  the  type  of  its
    content body.  Even in such  a case, users can, at least, guess that
    the content body is a PGP object thanks to its PGP armor.


    The author hereby thanks  to Jeffrey Schiller, Nathaniel Borenstein,
    Colin Plumb, and  Philip Zimmermann as the pioneers  of this kind of

Author's Address

    Kazuhiko YAMAMOTO
    Graduate School of Information Science
    Nara Institute of Science and Technology(NAIST)
    8916-5 Takayama, Ikoma City 630-01 JAPAN

    Phone: +81-7437-2-5111
    FAX:   +81-7437-2-5239


    [PGP] P.  Zimmermann, "The Official PGP  User's  Guide", MIT  Press,

    [MIME]  N. Borenstein and N.   Freed,  "MIME (Multipurpose  Internet
    Mail  Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing
    the Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC 1521, September, 1993.

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