October 6, 2002 - New Release: "What's the saga?"
This release sees the return of the Custom Filters in the Filter menu. It also
fixes a few more important bugs and a handful of usability tweaks.
Suffixes of ".90" or higher in the version number are used
to denote beta releases without confusing RPM's feeble brain
with human-readable strings like "0.13.1.pre2".
New features
- Custom Filters created via the Filter tool can now be applied
to the header pane.
- Pan's cache can now exceed 1 GB.
(#94684, Duncan)
- Pan now tries to show headers 'as-is' when 'show all headers' is active.
(#91532, Christian Lohmaier)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed i18n problem in the Task Manager's toolbar: in some locales the button text made the task manager too wide for small screens.
(#79270, Kang Jeong-Hee)
- Fixed 0.12.0 selection problem problem in the Task Manager.
(#80276, Adam Bloch)
(Patch submitted by Jacob Ils� Christensen)
- Fixed 0.12.0 keyboard shortcut problem in the Task Manager.
(#85442, Gabi Davar)
(Patch submitted by Jacob Ils� Christensen)
- Fixed 0.13.0 crash when rapidly switching groups.
- Fixed bug that could cause filters on email address to fail.