With any of these files (or the FAQ for that matter) please add or edit it and then return it so others can benefit.

S.0 NOVTOP10.TXT (20KB) - Top "10" NetWare Related Internet Sites

S.1 311-312b.TXT (41KB) - Info on Updating a NetWare 3.11 server to 3.12, including 3.12 patches

S.2 311-312a.TXT (37KB) - Info on Upgrading a NetWare 3.11 server to 3.12

NetWare 3.11 to 3.12 Upgrade Notes + email contributions from NOVELL'ers.

S.3 31x-41x.TXT (48KB) - Email thread on Upgrading NetWare 3.1x to 4.10

S.4 AUDITCON.TXT (6KB) - Email thread on NetWare's Auditing Facilities

S.5 BRIDGING.TXT (19KB) - Info on NetWare 4.x Bridging

S.6 ETHvsTR1.TXT (92KB) - Email thread on Ethernet versus Token Ring

S.7 FTP&HTTP.TXT (13KB) - InFTP and Web Addresses for major NetWare Hardware/Software Vendors

S.8 INTERNET.TXT (40KB) - Email thread on Netware & The Road Ahead/The Internet

S.9 INTRO2IP.TXT (88KB) - Info on the Internet Protocol

"This is an introduction to the Internet networking protocols (TCP/IP). It includes a summary of the facilities available and brief descriptions of the major protocols in the family."

The latest version is at:


S.10 IPX-2-IP.TXT (11KB) - Email thread on IPX to IP Convertors

S.11 NETNOTFY.TXT (4KB) - Info on the NetNotify Bulletin & Notification mailing list

S.12 NOT-NEWS.TXT (71KB) - Clarification from Joe Doupnik on what this NOVELL-specific mailing LIST is, and is not.

S.13 NOV-100.TXT (71KB) - Email thread on NetWare 4.x 100% Utilization issues

S.14 NOV-ATM.TXT (1KB) - Email thread on NW & Asynchronous Transfer Mode

S.15 NOV-BAK1.TXT (95KB), NOV-BAK2.TXT (84KB), NOV-BAK3.TXT (94KB), NOV-BAK4.TXT (78KB) - Email thread on NetWare Backup Issues

S.16 NOV-BIO.TXT (6KB) - Biographies for contributors to the Novell Internet List

S.17 NOV-BM.TXT (21KB) - Email thread on Novell Border Manager

S.18 NOV-BR95.TXT (80KB), NOV-BR96.TXT (18KB) , NOV-BR97.TXT (15KB) - Notes on BrainShare'95, '96, ...

S.19 NOV-BSOD.TXT (10KB) - How to avoid the "Black Screen of Death" when running Windows 3.x with NetWare -- Novell TID013403

S.20 NOV-CD.TXT (77KB) - Email thread on NetWare Server CD-ROMs

S.21 NOV-CNE1.TXT (84KB), NOV-CNE2.TXT (31KB) - Email thread on NetWare and CNE certification 

S.22 NOV-COM1.TXT (95KB), NOV-COM2.TXT (27KB) -- Email thread on Netware and Serial Communication

S.23 NOV-DHC1.TXT (95KB), NOV-DHC2.TXT (14KB) -- Email thread on NetWare & DHCP

S.24 NOV-FDDI.TXT (32KB) -- Email thread on Fiber Data Distributed Interface

S.25 NOV-FTP.TXT (46KB) - Email thread on ftp'able files for NetWare

S.26 NOV-HDW1.TXT (101KB), NOV-HDW2.TXT (94KB), NOV-HDW3.TXT (94KB), NOV-HDW4.TXT (93KB) - Email thread on NetWare file server hardware

S.27 NOV-ISDN.TXT (3KB) - Email thread on NetWare across ISDN lines

S.28 NOV-MAP.TXT (69KB) - Email thread on NetWare Drive Mappings

S.29 NOV-MEM1.TXT (85KB), NOV-MEM2.TXT (96KB) , NOV-MEM3.TXT (29KB) - Email thread on NetWare memory management

S.30 NOV-MOAB.TXT (9KB) - Email thread on NW's "Next Gen" IP-Only NOS

S.31 NOV-MSC1.TXT (94KB), NOV-MSC2.TXT (90KB), NOV-MSC3.TXT (23KB) - Email threads on miscellaneous NetWare topics

A catch-all file for miscellaneous NetWare topics.

S.32 NOV-NAL.TXT (11KB) - Email thread on the Novell Application Launcher

S.33 NOV-NCFG.TXT (44KB) -- Email thread on Net.cfg settings

S.34 NOV-NDS1.TXT (96KB), NOV-NDS2.TXT (92KB), NOV-NDS3.TXT (96KB), NOV-NDS4.TXT (93KB), NOV-NDS5.TXT (95KB), NOV-NDS6.TXT (19KB) - Email thread on NetWare Directory Services

S.35 NOV-NFS.TXT (26KB) - Email thread on the NetWare File System

S.36 NOV-NIC1.TXT (94KB), NOV-NIC2.TXT (54KB) - Email thread on Network Interface Cards

S.37 NOV-NLI.TXT (6KB) - Email thread on NetWare Not-Logged-In Clearers

S.38 NOV-NLSP.TXT (36KB) - Email thread on Novell Link State Routing Protocol

S.39 NOV-NWIP.TXT (37KB) - Email thread on NetWare IP (Internet Protocol)

S.40 NOV-OS2.TXT (25KB) - Email thread on NetWare and OS/2

S.41 NOV-PER1.TXT (94KB), NOV-PER2.TXT (95KB), NOV-PER3.TXT (70KB) - Email thread on NetWare Performance Aspects

S.42 NOV-RS.TXT (3KB) - Email thread on Novell Replication Services

S.43 NOV-SAP.TXT (31KB) - Email thread on NetWare SAPs

S.44 NOV-SCS1.TXT (94KB), NOV-SCS2.TXT (9KB) -- Email thread on Netware and SCSI devices

S.45 NOV-SET.TXT (9KB) - Email thread on NetWare SET Commands

S.46 NOV-SVY.TXT (30KB) - Responses to Novell's "Your NW 4 wish list" survey

I asked the NOVELL Internet list for feedback on the Netware 4.x survey questions as published in Information Week in the summer of 1994. I received 14 responses and compiled them in this document.

S.47 NOV-TIM1.TXT (98KB), NOV-TIM2.TXT (40KB) - Email thread on NetWare & Time Synchronization

S.48 NOV-UPS.TXT (23KB) - Email thread on Uninterruptable Power Supplies

S.49 NOV-VER.TXT (67KB) - Email thread on NetWare Software Versions

S.50 NOV-VLM.TXT (59KB) - Email thread on NetWare and Virtual Loadable Modules

S.51 NOV-W951.TXT (96KB), NOV-W952.TXT (95KB), NOV-W953.TXT (97KB), NOV-W954.TXT (56KB) - Email thread on NetWare and Windows 95

S.52 NOV-WEB.TXT (75KB) - Email thread on NetWare as a WWW Server

S.53 NOV-WIN.TXT (80KB) - Email thread on Windows 3.x and NetWare

Mr. Swick had his team members prepare this document. I have lightly edited the original, converting it to a 75-char/line ASCII file.

S.54 NOVABEND.TXT (48KB) - Email thread on NetWare ABnormal ENDs

S.55 NOVBOOKS.TXT (23KB) - Email thread on NetWare Books

S.56 NOVCONSF.TXT (16KB) - The Comp.Os.Netware.Security Faq

S.57 NOVEMAIL.TXT (15KB) - Email thread on NetWare and Electronic Mail

S.58 NOVERMSG.TXT (5KB) - Email thread on NetWare Error Messages

S.59 NOVFRAME.TXT (92KB) - Email thread on Ethernet Frame Types

S.60 NOVNCOPY.TXT (88KB) - Analysis of what NCopy *Really* Does

S.61 NOVPRIN1.TXT (96KB), NOVPRIN2.TXT (56KB) - Email thread on NetWare Printing

S.62 NOVSETUP.TXT (2KB) - Email thread on NetWare Setup Methodologies

S.63 NOVTCPIP.TXT (33KB) - Email thread on NetWare and TCP/IP

S.64 NOVVIRUS.TXT (46KB) - Email thread on NetWare Anti-Virus Products

S.65 NVCL-NT.TXT (47KB) - Email thread on the NT Requestor for NetWare

S.66 NVCL32D1.TXT (95KB), NVCL32D2.TXT (78KB) - Email thread on NetWare's Client 32 for DOS&Win

S.67 NW-NEWS1.TXT (95KB), NW-NEWS2.TXT (1KB) - Selected items from the NetWare News Mailing List

S.68 NW-vs-NT.TXT (95KB), NW-vs2NT.TXT (93KB) , NW-vs3NT.TXT (86KB) - Email thread on NetWare versus Windows NT

S.69 NW411.TXT (98KB) - Email thread on (Intra)NetWare 4.11

S.70 NW4SAA.TXT (8KB) - Email thread on NetWare for SAA

S.71 NWSCRIPT.TXT (43KB) - Email thread on NetWare Log-In Script Files

S.72 NW4xFAQ.TXT (70KB) - NetWare 4.x FAQ based on CIS forum Q&A's

It is a NetWare 4 oriented FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) compiled from questions seen by Sysops and AsstOps of the CompuServe NetWire NETW4X forum.

This file is available at:




Or on Compuserve's NOVUSER or NETW4X forums

S.73 NWUFAQ.TXT (6KB) - A well-aged (1993) FAQ on NetWare for Unix by [email protected] of Rational Systems.

S.74 ODI-IPX.TXT (24KB) - A discussion on why Novell is promoting the transition to the ODI specification.

S.75 ROUTERS1.TXT (96KB), ROUTERS2.TXT (5KB) - Email thread on Bridges, BRouters & Routers and NetWare routing

S.76 SECURTY1.TXT (94KB), SECURTY2.TXT (96KB), SECURTY3.TXT (8KB) - Email thread on NetWare Security Issues

S.77 SUBNETS.TXT (52KB) - Email thread on Subnetting

S.78 SWITCHES.TXT (2KB) - Email thread on Network Switches

S.79 TCPIPWIN.TXT (49KB) - Info on Windows + TCP/IP for Internet access


The latest version is at:



S.80 UNIXWARE.TXT (19KB) - Info on Novell's UnixWare

S.81 USERMGM1.TXT (94KB), USERMGM2.TXT (96KB), USERMGM3.TXT (47KB) - Email thread on NetWare User Managmenet

S.82 UTAHSTD.TXT (32KB) - Utah naming & numbering standard for Novell objects

"The two documents included in this file constitute the State of Utah naming and numbering standard for Novell objects."

The latest version is at: ftp://netlab2.usu.edu/misc/utahstd.txt For Netscapers: ftp://netlab2.usu.edu/sys/anonftp/misc/utahstd.txt

S.83 VLM-NETX.TXT (12KB) - Email thread on VLMs versus NETx redirector

S.84 W95&SAPs.TXT (16KB) - Info on Windows '95's SAP "feature"

Windows 95 has the ability to advertize itself with IPX SAP (service advertizing protocol) packets on the wire when file/printer services are shared peer to peer. Such SAPs say the machine is offering NetWare file services, and it shows up in SLIST etc. To clarify what Windows 95 does I asked a member of the development team at Microsoft to comment upon the subject, and he has kindly done so in W95&SAPs.TXT. I suggest you read it and think about the matter as it pertains to your site.

This file is informational, not to argue a position. Aaron has given permission to reproduce the document intact.

S.85 WIN95BOO.TXT (26KB) - Info on booting Windows '95 diskless from NW server

"...a summary of the steps taken at Utah State University to create a boot floppy to run Win95 from a read-only NetWare file server. The clients have no hard disks, only a nice RAM drive C in this case. The version of Windows 95 is build 950 R6."

WIN95BOO.TXT was my copy of it...now superceded by W95INSps.ZIP (562KB) at:

For Netscapers:

S.86 NW5.TXT (7KB) - Email thread on NetWare 5

S.87 NOV-DNS.TXT (6KB) - Email thread on NetWare & Domain Name Service

S.88 NOV-LONG.TXT (14KB) - Email thread on NetWare & Long filenames

S.89 NOV-Y2K.TXT (13KB) - Email thread on NetWare and the Year 2000

S.90 NOV-ZEN.TXT (8KB) - Email thread on NetWare & Zero Effort Networks

S.91 Y2K.HTM - Email Comments on General Year 2000 Issues

S.99 2BADDED.TXT (32KB) - Files containing information and planned additions to the FAQ. None of it has been edited yet.

Last Updated: 27, May 1998 - JEL