A CNE (Certified Netware Engineer) is an individual who has passed the Novell tests to qualify as a CNE. Opinions differ as to exactly how useful a CNE qualification is, but it has to be said that more and more employers are looking for CNEs. Many companies offer training courses to help qualify as a CNE.
M.2 How to get CNE qualification
Novell have appointed companies as training centres, where you can also take the exams. Your local Novell office should be able to provide you with a list of training centres.
M.3 Useful reading for CNE studies
There is a two vol. set comprising "CNE Netware Training Guide", New Rider Press, ISBN 1-56205-305-1, $138 and "Novell's guide to Netware 3.12 networks" (Sybex) $35. Distributed by Bay Connection Co, USA ([email protected], fax 617-965-8113) both in the USA and overseas. BCC bundles each set with free Netware Assessment Test and CNE-Quiz demo program to help test the current knowledge.
[Thanks to J. Abramson for this info]
Netware Training Guide: Networking Technologies 2ed., New Rider Press, ISBN 1-56205-309-4. Covers the certification tests for DOS, Microcomputer Technologies, Service and Support, as well as Networking Technologies.
There are also more books to the Network Training Guide series: Netware 4 Update, and Netware 4 administration.
[Thanks to Greg Coldwell for this info]
M.4 CNE-related documents from Novell FAXBACK Service
Novell has CNE-related documents obtainable via the Novell Education FAXBACK Service at 801-429-5363. The CNE testing process recently changed. The certification tracks are more specialized, and the ECNE is being replaced by the "Master" CNE.
Relevant FaxBack documents are:
1443 CNE & Master CNE Programs: Participant's Guide (7 pages) 1444 CNE & Master CNE Programs: Q & A (5 pages) 1448 CNE Matrix 1471 New CNE Program Progress Chart 1472 Master CNE Progress Chart 1473 Continuing Ed. Requirment for Current CNE's[Thanks to Dave Ax for this info]