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G Acknowledgements (Non-Normative)

G Acknowledgements (Non-Normative)

This specification was developed and approved for publication by the W3C XSL Working Group (WG). WG approval of this specification does not necessarily imply that all WG members voted for its approval. During the development of XSL the members of the XSL WG were:

Sharon Adler, IBM (Co-Chair); Anders Berglund, IBM; Perin Blanchard, Novell; Scott Boag, Lotus; Larry Cable, Sun Microsystems; Jeff Caruso, Pageflex; Dipak Chopra, SAP Labs; James Clark; Peter Danielsen, Bell Labs; Don Day, IBM; Stephen Deach, Adobe; Dwayne Dicks, SoftQuad; Daniela Florescu, Propel; Max Froumentin, W3C; Tony Graham, Sun Microsystems; Andrew Greene, Pageflex; Paul Grosso, Arbortext; Eduardo Gutentag, Sun Microsystems; Juliane Harbarth, Software AG; K Karun, Oracle; Michael Kay, Software AG; Mickey Kimchi, Enigma; Evan Lenz, XYZFind; Chris Lilley, W3C; Bill Lindsey, B-Bop; Bob Lojek, Mozquito Technologies; Chris Maden; Jonathan Marsh, Microsoft; Alex Milowski, Markup Technology Ltd.; Boris Moore, RivCom; Drew Munro, XMLSolutions; Steve Muench, Oracle; Scott Parnell, Xerox; Ramesh Pendakur, Intel; Vincent Quint, W3C; Dan Rapp, Novell; Zarella Rendon, DataChannel; Gregg Reynolds, Datalogics; Jeremie Richman, Interleaf; Jonathan Robie, Software AG; Kristoffer Rose, IBM; Dan Rosen, Netscape/AOL; Mark Scardina, Oracle; Henry Thompson, University of Edinburgh; Paul Trevithick; Peter Van der Beken, Netscape/AOL; Shon Vella, Novell; Philip Wadler, Bell Labs; Ray Waldin, Lexica; Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems; Linda B Welsh, Intel; Sanjiva Weerawarana, IBM; Amr Yassin, Philips Electronics; Steve Zilles, Adobe (Co-Chair)

The XSL Working Group wishes to thank RenderX, Inc. for producing the PDF version of this specification.

The XSL Working Group would also like to acknowledge all the people outside the XSL 1.0 Working Group who have contributed to this specification: users and implementors from the public who have sent valuable comments to the [email protected] mailing list, members of other W3C Working Groups and members of the W3C Team.

The PDF version has been produced from the XML source through an intermediate XSL Formatting Object representation, converted to PDF using XEP - an XSL FO rendering engine by RenderX, Inc. (



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