Natural Language Semantics Markup Language for the Speech Interface Framework

W3C Working Draft 20 November 2000

This version
Latest version

Previous versions:
None - this is the first public version.

Deborah A. Dahl, Unisys


The W3C Voice Browser working group aims to develop specifications to enable access to the Web using spoken interaction. This document is part of a set of specifications for voice browsers, and provides details of an XML markup language for describing the meanings of individual natural language utterances. It is expected to be automatically generated by semantic interpreters for use by components that act on the user's utterances, such as dialog managers.

Status of this Document

This document is a W3C Working Draft for review by W3C members and other interested parties. It is a draft document and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress". A list of current public W3C Working Drafts can be found at

This specification describes markup for representing natural language semantics, and forms part of the proposals for the W3C Speech Interface Framework. This document has been produced as part of the W3C Voice Browser Activity, following the procedures set out for the W3C Process. The authors of this document are members of the Voice Browser Working Group (W3C Members only). This document is for public review, and comments and discussion are welcomed on the public mailing list <[email protected]>. To subscribe, send an email to <[email protected]> with the word subscribe in the subject line (include the word unsubscribe if you want to unsubscribe). The archive for the list is accessible online.

General Issues

The NL semantics representation uses the data models of the W3C XForms draft specification to represent application-specific semantics. While XForms syntax may change in future revisions of the specification, it is not expected to change in ways that affect the NL Semantics Markup Language significantly. 

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

This document presents an XML specification for a Natural Language Semantics Markup Language, responding to the requirements documented in  W3C Natural Language Processing Requirements for Voice Browsers. This markup language is intended for use by systems that provide semantic interpretations for a variety of inputs, including but not necessarily limited to, speech and natural language text input. These systems include Voice Browsers, web browsers and accessible applications.

It is expected that this markup will be used primarily as a standard data interchange format between Voice Browser components; in particular, it will normally be automatically generated by a semantic interpretation component to represent the semantics of users' utterances and will not be directly authored by developers. 

The language is focused on representing the semantic information of a single utterance, as opposed to (possibly identical) information that might have been collected over the course of a dialog. See the Future Study section for a detailed discussion of returning information from a dialog.

The language provides a set of elements that are focused on accurately representing the semantics of a natural language input. The following are the key design criteria.

This specification includes a set of draft  elements and attributes and includes a draft DTD.

1.1 Uses

The general purpose of the NL Semantics Markup is to represent information automatically extracted from a user's utterances by a semantic interpretation component, where utterance is to be taken in the general sense of a meaningful user input in any modality supported by the platform. Referring to the sample Voice Browser architecture in Introduction and Overview of the W3C Speech Interface Framework, a specific architecture can take advantage of this representation by using it to convey content among various system components that generate and make use of the markup.

Components that generate NL Semantics Markup:

  1. ASR
  2. Natural language understanding
  3. Other input media interpreters (e.g. DTMF, pointing, keyboard)
  4. Reusable dialog component
  5. Multimedia integration component

Components that use NL Semantics Markup:

  1. Dialog manager
  2. Multimedia integration component

A platform may also choose to use this general format as the basis of a general semantic result that is carried along and filled out during each stage of processing. In addition, future systems may also potentially make use of this markup to convey abstract semantic content to be rendered into natural language by a natural language generation component.

1.2 Markup Functions

A semantic interpretation system that supports the Natural Language Semantics Markup Language is responsible for interpreting natural language inputs and formatting the interpretation as defined in this document. Semantic interpretation is typically either included as part of the speech recognition process, or involves one or more additional components, such as natural language interpretation components and dialog interpretation components. See the Voice Browser Architecture described in for a sample architecture. 

The elements of the markup fall into the following general functional categories:

Input formats and ASR information:

The "input" element, representing the input to the semantic interpreter.


Elements and attributes representing the semantics of the user's utterance, including the "result", "interpretation", "model", and "instance" elements. The "result" element contains the full result of processing one utterance. It may contain multiple "interpretation" elements if the interpretation of the utterance results in multiple alternative meanings due to uncertainty in speech recognition or natural language understanding. There are at least two reasons for providing multiple interpretations:

  1. another component, such as a dialog manager, might have additional information, for example, information from a database, that would allow it to select a preferred interpretation from among the possible interpretations returned from the semantic interpreter.
  2. a dialog manager that was unable to select between several competing interpretations could use this information to go back to the user and find out what was intended. For example, Did you say "Boston" or "Austin"?

The "model" is an XForms data model for the semantic information being returned in the interpretation. The "model" is a structured representation of the interpretation and allows for type checking. The "instance" is an instantiation of the data model containing the semantic information for a specific interpretation of a specific utterance. For example, the information in a travel application might include three groups of information: flights, car rental and hotels. The flight information, in turn, could contain values for "to_city", "from_city", "departure_date" and so on, which would be typed as strings.

Side Information:

Elements and attributes representing additional information about the interpretation, over and above the interpretation itself. Side information includes

  1. Whether an interpretation was achieved (the "nomatch" element) and the system's confidence in an interpretation (the "confidence" attribute of "interpretation").

  2. Alternative interpretations ("interpretation")

Multi-modal integration:

When more than one modality is available for input, the interpretation of the inputs needs to be coordinated. The "mode" attribute of "input" supports this by indicating whether the utterance was input by speech, dtmf, pointing, etc. The timestamp attributes of "input" also provide for temporal coordination by indicating when inputs occurred.

1.3 Overview of Elements and their Relationships

This figure shows a graphical view of the relationships among the elements of the Natural Language Semantics markup.

The elements shown in the graphic fall into two categories:

  1. description of the input to be processed; shown in the left box, "incoming data" in blue.
  2. description of the meaning which was extracted from the input; shown in the right box, "meaning", in yellow.

Next to each element in the graphic are its attributes in italics. In addition, some elements can contain multiple instances of other elements. For example, a "result" can contain multiple "interpretations", each of which is taken to be an alternative. The element "xf:model" is an XForms data model as specified in the XForms data model draft, and therefore is not defined in this document.

To illustrate the basic usage of these elements, as a simple example, consider the utterance ok. (interpreted as "yes") The example illustrates how that utterance and its interpretation would be represented in the NL Semantics markup.

<result x-model="http://theYesNoModel"

This example includes only the minimum required information, i.e., it does not include any of the optional information defined in this document. There is an overall "result" element which includes one interpretation. The data model is defined externally by referring to the URI for "theYesNo Model". This external model defines a "response" element. The "myApp" namespace refers to the application-specific elements that are defined by the XForms data model.

2. Elements and Attributes

2.1 "result" Root Element

Attributes: grammar, x-model, xmlns

The root element of the markup is "result". The "result" element includes one or more "interpretation" elements. Multiple interpretations result from ambiguities in the input or in the semantic interpretation. If the "grammar", "x-model", and "xmlns" attributes don't apply to all of the interpretations in the result they can be overridden for individual interpretations at the "interpretation" level.


  1. grammar: The grammar or recognition rule matched by this result. (The format of the grammar attribute will match the rule reference semantics defined in the grammar specification.) The grammar can be overridden by a grammar attribute in the "interpretation" element if the input was ambiguous as to which grammar it matched.
  2. x-model: The URI which defines the XForms data model used for this result. The data model used by the interpretation can either be specified here or by an in-line data model using the " model" element. (optional) The x-model can be overridden by an x-model attribute in the "interpretation" element if the input was ambiguous as to which x-model it matched.
  3. xmlns: An XML namespace declaration is required to define the namespace used by XForms elements and attributes. The DTD defaults the "xmlns" namespace declaration to a standard location, since it will rarely change.
<result grammar="http://grammar" x-model="http://dataModel" 

2.2 "interpretation" Element

Attributes: confidence, grammar, x-model, xmlns

An "interpretation" element contains a single semantic interpretation.


  1. confidence: an integer from 0-100 indicating the semantic analyzer's confidence in this interpretation. At this point there is no formal, platform-independent, definition of confidence. (optional)
  2. grammar: The grammar or recognition rule matched by this interpretation (if needed to override the grammar specification at the "interpretation" level.) The dialog markup interpreter needs to know the grammar rule that is matched by the utterance because multiple rules may be simultaneously active. The value that is filled in is the grammar URI used by the dialog markup interpreter to specify the grammar. The format of the grammar attribute will match the rule reference semantics defined in the grammar specification. Specifically, the rule reference will be in the external XML form for grammar rule references. This attribute will only be needed under "interpretation" if it is necessary to override a grammar that was defined at the "result" level.) (optional)
  3. x-model: The location of the XForms data model used for this interpretation. The XForms data used by the interpretation may either be specified here or by an in-line data model using the "model" element. (As in the case of "grammar", this attribute only needs to be defined under "interpretation" if it is necessary to override the x-model specification at the "interpretation" level.) (optional)

Interpretations must be sorted best-first by some measure of "goodness". The goodness measure is "confidence" if present, otherwise, it is some platform-specific indication of quality.

The x-model and grammar are expected to be specified most frequently at the "result" level, because most often one data model will be sufficient for the entire result. However, it can be overridden at the "interpretation" level because it is possible that different interpretations may have different data models - perhaps because they match different grammar rules.

The "interpretation" element includes an "input" element which contains the input being analyzed, optionally a "model" element defining the XForms data model and an "instance" element containing the instantiation of the data model for this utterance. The data model would be empty if the interpreter was not able to produce any interpretation.

   <interpretation confidence="75" grammar="http://grammar" 

2.3 "model" Element

The "model" element contains an XForms data model for the data and is part of the X-Forms name space. The XForms data model provides for a structured data model consisting of groups, which may contain other groups or simple types. Simple types can be one of: string, boolean, number, monetary values, date, time of day, duration, URI, binary. For further information on XForms data models see the X-Forms data model specification. Note that XForms fields default to optional.

If no data model is supplied by either the "model" element or the "x-model" attribute then it is assumed that the data model will be provided by the dialog (or whatever other process receives the NL semantic mark-up).

It is an error to specify both an x-model attribute and a "model" element.

Example: An XForms data model for name and address.

  <xf:group name="nameAddress">
      <string name="name"/>
      <string name="street"/>
      <string name="city"/>
      <string name="state"/>
      <string name="zip">

2.4 "instance" Element

The "instance" element contains an instance of the XForms data model for the data and is part of the XForms name space.


  1. confidence: All elements of the data instance may have an optional confidence attribute, defined in the NL semantics namespace. The confidence attribute contains an integer value in the range from 0-100 reflecting the system's confidence in the analysis of that slot. The meaning of confidence scores has not been defined in a platform-independent way. (optional)

The use of a confidence attribute from the NL semantics namespace does not appear to present any document validation problems. However if future XForms specifications support an equivalent attribute then that would be preferable to the current proposal.

<xf:instance name="nameAddress">
      <street confidence=75>123 Maple Street</street>
      <city>Mill Valley</city>
  My address is 123 Maple Street,
  Mill Valley, California, 90952

2.5 "input" Element

The "input" element is the text representation of a user's input. It includes an optional "confidence" attribute which indicates the recognizer's confidence in the recognition result (not the confidence in the interpretation, which is indicated by the "confidence" attribute of "interpretation"). Optional "timestamp-start" and "timestamp-end" attributes indicate the start and end times of a spoken utterance, in ISO 8601 format ( ).


  1. timestamp-start: The time at which the input began. (optional)
  2. timestamp-end: the time at which the input ended. (optional)
  3. mode: The modality of the input, for example, speech, dtmf, etc. (optional)
  4. confidence: the confidence of the recognizer in the correctness of the input (optional)

Note that it doesn't make sense for temporally overlapping inputs to have the same mode; however, this constraint is not expected to be enforced by platforms.

When there is no time zone designator, ISO 8601 time representations default to local time.

There are three possible formats for the "input" element.

a) The "input" element can contain simple text:

  <input confidence = "100" mode="speech">onions</input>

b) The "input" element can also contain additional "input" elements. Having additional input elements allows the representation to support future multi-modal inputs as well as finer-grained speech information, such as timestamps for individual words and word-level confidences.

   <input mode="speech" confidence="50"
   <input mode="speech" confidence="100"

c) Finally, the "input" element can contain "nomatch" and "noinput" elements, which describe situations in which the speech recognizer (or other media interpreter) received input that it was unable to process, or did not receive any input at all, respectively.

2.6 "nomatch" Element

The "nomatch" element under "input" is used to indicate that the natural language interpreter was unable to successfully match any input. It can optionally contain the text of the best of the (rejected) matches.


2.7 "noinput" Element

The "noinput" element under "input" is used to indicate that there was no input-- a timeout occurred in the speech recognizer due to silence.


If there are multiple levels of inputs, it appears that the most natural place for the "nomatch" and "noinput" elements is under the highest level of "input" for "no input", and under the appropriate level of "input" for "nomatch". So "noinput" means "no input at all" and "nomatch" means "no match in speech modality" or "no match in dtmf modality". For example, to represent garbled speech combined with dtmf "1 2 3 4", we would have the following:

   <input mode="speech"><nomatch/></input>
   <input mode="dtmf">1 2 3 4</input>

2.8 Interpreting Meta-Dialog and Meta-Task Utterances

The natural language requirements state that the semantics specification must be capable of representing a number of types of meta-dialog and meta-task utterances. This specification is flexible enough so that meta utterances can be represented on an application-specific basis without defining specific formats in this specification.

Here are two examples of how meta-task and meta-dialog utterances might be represented.

System: What toppings do you want on your pizza?
User: What toppings do you have?
<interpretation grammar="http://toppings"
  <input mode="speech">
    what toppings do you have?
    <xf:group xf:name="question"/>
      <xf:string xf:name="questioned_item"/>
      <xf:string xf:name="questioned_property"/>
User: slow down.
<interpretation grammar="http://generalCommandsGrammar"
    <group name="command"/>
      <string name="action"/>
      <string name="doer"/>
    <action>reduce speech rate</action>
  <input mode="speech">slow down</input>

2.9 Anaphora and Deixis

This specification can be used on an application-specific basis to represent utterances that contain unresolved anaphoric and deictic references. Anaphoric references, which include pronouns and definite noun phrases that refer to something that was mentioned in the preceding linguistic context, and deictic references, which refer to something that is present in the non-linguistic context, present similar problems in that there may not be sufficient unambiguous linguistic context to determine what their exact place in the data instance should be. In order to represent unresolved anaphora and deixis using this specification, the developer must define a more surface-oriented representation that leaves the interpretation of the reference open. (This assumes that a later component is responsible for actually resolving the reference)

Example: (ignoring the issue of representing the input from the pointing gesture.)

System: What do you want to drink?
Use: I want this (clicks on picture of large root beer.)
      <group name="genericAction">
        <string name="doer">
        <string name="action">
        <string name="object">
       <input mode="speech">I want this</input>

3. Extensibility

One of the natural language requirements states that the specification must be extensible. The specification supports this requirement because of its flexibility, as discussed in the discussions of meta utterances and anaphora. The markup can easily be used in sophisticated systems to convey application-specific information that more basic systems would not make use of, for example defining speech acts, if this is meaningful to the dialog manager. Defining standard representations for items such as dates, times, etc. could also be done.

4. Compliance

Compliance issues are deferred until a later revision of the specification.

5. Document Type Definition


Leading and trailing spaces in utterances are not significant. This will be defined in the DTD by specifying "xml:space=default".

6. Examples

6.1 Simple Ambiguity:

System: To which city will you be traveling?
User: I want to go to Pittsburgh.
<result xmlns:xf=""
  <interpretation confidence="60">
    <input mode="speech">
      I want to go to Pittsburgh
      <group name="airline">
        <string name="to_city"/>
  <interpretation confidence="40"
      <input>I want to go to Stockholm</input>
      <group name="airline">
        <string name="to_city"/>

6.2 Mixed Initiative:

System: What would you like?
User: I would like 2 pizzas, one with pepperoni and cheese, one with sausage and a bottle of coke, to go.

This representation includes an order object which in turn contains objects named "food_item", "drink_item" and "delivery_method". This representation assumes there are no ambiguities in the speech or natural language processing. Note that this representation also assumes some level of intrasentential anaphora resolution, i.e., to resolve the two "one's" as "pizza".

<result xmlns:xf=""
  <interpretation confidence="100" >
      <group name="order">
        <group name="food_item" maxOccurs="*">
          <group name="pizza" >
            <string name="ingredients" maxOccurs="*"/>
          <group name="burger">
            <string name="ingredients" maxOccurs="*/">
        <group name="drink_item" maxOccurs="*">
          <string name="size">
          <string name="type">
        <string name="delivery_method"/>
        <food_item confidence="100">
            <xf:ingredients confidence="100">
            <xf:ingredients confidence="100">
        <drink_item confidence="100">
        <delivery_method>to go</delivery_method>
      <input mode="speech">I would like 2 pizzas,
         one with pepperoni and cheese, one with sausage
         and a bottle of coke, to go.

6.3 DTMF:

A combination of dtmf input and speech would be represented using nested input elements. For example:

User: My pin is (dtmf 1 2 3 4)
  <input mode="speech" confidence ="100"
     timestamp-end="2000-04-03T0:00:01.5">My pin is
  <input mode="dtmf" confidence ="100"
     timestamp-end="2000-04-03T0:00:02.0">1 2 3 4

7. Future Study

7.1 Representation of ambiguities

In this mark-up ambiguities are only represented at the top-level, using separate interpretation elements. Representation of "local" ambiguities, for example, at the level of an ambiguity between two ingredients (peppers vs. pepperoni) would be useful, but represents validation problems because of multiple namespaces unless the XForms specification includes it. The more compact representation using local ambiguities has not been defined for three reasons:

  1. It is not possible to combine ambiguities with the XForms notation and retain the ability to validate NL semantics documents using XML schema or DTDs.
  2. When multiple filler elements are allowed, as for example with pizza toppings, representation of ambiguity can become very complex and confusing.
  3. Although fully spelling out ambiguities at the top level results in a more verbose representation, current practical systems seldom make use of more than 2 alternative interpretations, so the increase in verbosity from spelling out redundant information should not be too significant in practice.

Local ambiguities may be supported in the future if representation of ambiguity becomes part of the XForms standard.

7.2 Representing the source of an ambiguity

If there is more than one interpretation, it may be useful to add an attribute specifying the source of the ambiguity, for example, "natural_language", "speech", "ocr", or "handwriting" Speech ambiguities originate in uncertainties about the speech recognition result, for example, Austin vs. Boston. "handwriting" and "ocr" are analogous to speech. Natural language ambiguities result from syntactic, semantic, or pragmatic ambiguities in a single recognizer result. For example in I want fried onions and peppers, there are two interpretations, one in which the peppers are to be fried and one in which they are not to be fried. This attribute would not be meaningful if there is only one interpretation. This information could be used, for example, by a dialog manager to construct a more helpful response (e.g. I didn't hear that vs. I didn't understand that) or by a scoring algorithm that treats different ambiguity sources differently.

7.3 Representing information collected over the course of a dialog

In many cases identical information can be conveyed in one utterance or over the course of several dialog turns. This situation can occur both in the case of a subdialog or in the case of a reusable component. For example, if the system's goal in the subdialog or the reusable component is to collect travel information from a user, the ultimate information is the same whether the user says I want to go from Pittsburgh to Seattle on January 1, 2001, in a single utterance or whether the same information is elicited from the user during several dialog turns, as in

System: Where will you be departing from?
User: Pittsburgh.
System: Where will you be traveling to?
User: Seattle.


It should be possible to use a substantially similar semantic representation in both of these situations. The main issue is that in the case of information collected over the course of a dialog it becomes very difficult to tie that information back to the original inputs. Elements such as "input" and attributes such as "timestamp-start", "timestamp-end", "grammar", and "mode" which relate the semantic interpretation directly to the input become less meaningful when the information is collected in a dialog. Moreover, they also become less useful to the main dialog component, since presumably it's the function of the subdialog or reusable component to make use of this low-level information internally to guide its own dialog and to shield the main dialog from these details. One strategy under consideration is simply to omit these aspects of the markup for dialog-based semantic information. This issue may also be dealt with in the reusable components group, since the issue of return information is key to its charter.

7.4 Composition of multiple data models within one utterance

Some utterances could potentially make use of more than one data model in their semantic representations. For example it is possible in a mixed initiative situation for the user to combine multiple functions in one utterance, as in:

System: I heard you say you want to go to Pittsburgh, is that correct?

User: Yes, and I'll be leaving around 8:00 a.m.

It would be natural for there to be a generic data model for the "yes" and also an application-specific model for the flight arrangements. One possibility would be for the interpreter to create one joint data model on the fly from these models. Or, the developer could define one data model that includes both elements for "yes_no" and for the application-specific information. If there are two data models, and consequently two instances, then it is necessary to consider the problem of associating the instances with the correct data models.

7.5 Representation of Multi-modal input

This is deferred until the specification for multi-modal inputs is better defined, except for dtmf (for dtmf, see the example above)

7.6 Extensibility of XForms data models

It would be highly desirable if components in the dialog system could extend the data model so that grammars or reusable components could return information that is additional to a base data model for, say, a time or date component or grammar. With the current XForms specification it would be necessary to provide a complete new data model in these cases. It is possible that the XForms working group may extend the XForms specification to include extensibility of the data model.

Similarly, the current XForms data model definition does not provide for the re-use of complex type definitions, i.e. groups, in multiple locations. Thus, to represent travel information consisting of both an outbound flight and an inbound flight, it is not possible to define a single complex type "flight_details" that is used for both outbound and inbound flight information. (See the section on "Shared Datatype Libraries" in the XForms Data Model document for additional discussion.)

7.7 Representation of recursive structures

Some systems may find it useful to represent generic syntactic parse trees in natural language output. Generic parse trees cannot be represented by current XForms data models because they do not support any recursion. However, it is not clear how frequently this capability would be required.

7.8 Representing unanalyzed information: "unanalyzed" Element

An "unanalyzed" element could be used to represent a part of the input that was left unanalyzed in the current interpretation. This element could be used by a dialog manager to decide if enough of the input had been analyzed for the dialog to proceed, or if the dialog manager should ask for a clarification from the user. The dialog manager could also use the unanalyzed material to help it decide which of several alternative interpretations is correct. Each "unanalyzed" element would contain "input" elements which would contain the portions of the full utterance that was unanalyzed.

"unanalyzed" has not been included in the current version of the spec for several reasons:

  1. It's not clear that it has a platform-independent interpretation.

  2. It's not clear that current applications would make use of it.

  3. Although there is a requirement for representing "unanalyzed", this can be accommodated in the current specification if the developer incorporates "unanalyzed" into the data model in an application-specific manner. In addition, natural language interpreters can take unanalyzed information into account internally when they are computing confidences, so that this information is available indirectly to dialog managers through the confidence attributes.

The most important consideration appears to be whether in fact the ability to represent unanalyzed material is of interest to current or near future applications.

Note that the use of "unanalyzed" would be mainly useful for systems with robust natural language interpreters which are capable of ignoring portions of the speech recognizer result that don't match the natural language grammar. In the case of tightly coupled ASR/NL systems which require that all of the input match a speech recognizer grammar the notion of "unanalyzed" isn't useful, since all of the input is required to be analyzed by the nature of the system. Similarly, keyword spotting systems with garbage models will not be able to make use of this element because the speech recognition process discards any unrecognizable speech before the natural language interpretation process begins.


System: Where do you want to go?
User: I'd like to fly from Boston and then continue on to Philadelphia.

(assuming that "and then continue on" is not included in the speech grammar.)

   <input>and then continue on</input>

If there is duplicated unanalyzed material, as in Please get my email please, every unanalyzed item should be represented individually, so please should be duplicated if both occurrences are unanalyzed.

8. Acknowledgements

This document was written with the participation of the members of the W3C Voice Browser Working Group (listed in alphabetical order):

Daniel Austin, Ask Jeeves, Inc.
Dan Burnett, Nuance
Andrew Hunt, SpeechWorks
Robert Keiller, VoxSurf International
Andreas Kellner, Philips
Bruce Lucas, IBM
Dave Raggett W3C/